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Animals: I just saw 3 Opossums!!!

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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:32 am

There's so much to check out on YT. So this was last night, The Raccoon Whispers were at it again. I thought I'd show this video since you like "Trash Panda's" PB ;)

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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:25 am


So I have accumulated a lot pictures from the past two months really. I thought since I was delaying Myself with these working hard on My showcases and stuff I thought heck, I'll just save it for the First Day of Fall/Autumn which is today which can you believe that :o

The following I caught in August on different days/nights. It's very depressing when you don't see nor hear any kind of life outside whether it be Birds, Squirrels, Bugs or whatever you know is in your area. I got lucky taking some pictures recently. Now while none of these are Cryptids, I just love seeing wildlife of all kinds. So here's these Insects that I took pictures of back in August. I really cannot identify these guys. The two in the middle are Moths and the one on the far right is a Leafhopper. Now the one on the left is really an unknown to Me. I know a lot but really I'm amateur, this cute little Beetle was hanging his head & antennas down because he was afraid of Me and he kept on doing that and he was on the garage for hours.


Now this is a Pill Bug-Roly Poly Bug and it's a real one, not a False Pill-Bug/Woodlouse. I get both kinds here outside and in the house but they don't do anything. They are not Insects or Bugs that are actually Land Crustaceanswhich this has always fascinated Me. He was pretty big, about the size of My trigger fingernail. Next is two different species of Katydids. The second one was quite big, nearly as long as My trigger finger. I was surprised when I saw these two cause it's not often that I do :)


The only one I know here is the Treehopper in the middle. I've always loved these little guys and the way they move.


Here's a little Ladybug/Ladybird Beetle, I've always loved these. Here's another Leafhopper. He was bigger and a different specie. Oh boy, here's a Treehopper, I have always enjoyed looking at them. Look at his red eyes :batshock:


Here's two different Cicadas, on the back porch and one on the screen door. I have always liked them as well and hearing their songs. I like to pick them up but their easily startled and go nuts so you gotta be careful with'em. Unfortunately their hanging it up since it's becoming Fall but they have been known to be out later even as far as October if it is warm enough, I might hear them at least one more time before they hit the hay :)


OK, now these I took very recently just this month in September. Here's a medium sized Grasshopper. I saw him on the garage and I was like whoa, look at you and your orange eyes :batwink: Also on the other wall was a big Cricket. Now they are known to stay out as far as December if the weather is still warm enough for them :)


Now here's one I really wanted a picture of. These are arguably My favorite insects...this here is a Green Lacewing. I have always loved their neon green colors and their cute faces. I have them fly on My hands and they examine My fingers. Their nice to handle. Now this little guy is on the back storm-door and he is seeing his reflection so you can see both sides of him there...look at his cute face :)


Now here's this entry, I saw this Opossum in the Mulberry Tree and he kept on looking at Me. I have entered the Virginia Opossum before here within My topic. These animals are the only Marsupials in North America and they are not dangerous but I do not recommend to pick one up unless you know what your doing and that goes for any wild specie ;)


Now just literally only hours ago about 2:00 AM I got super lucky as I saw something large on the back porch at the storm-door and I pretty much knew it was a Preying Mantis :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: :smgasp:


I really love these guys too but I don't pick them up. They do bite and I'm afraid I'll hurt'em. Look at the beauty of this guy, I love his face, very much like the Mantids in Turok as well as in Ufology :batwink:


So it's a shame that most of the Arthropod life is going to be hanging it up for the Autumn & Winter soon which is one of the reasons why I like Spring & Summer because their out and about however Opossums are out all year round. I was so glad that I saw that Preying Mantis tonight before I finished this spotlight of Mine, he was kinda like the missing piece here. I hope you liked and enjoyed this :) Soon I'm going to have two movie entries for Halloween since the time is coming soon which is Arachnophobia & Tremors. Both came out in the great year of 1990 and are two major Cryptozoological films however I believe I'm going to do 1958's Monster on the Campus which is a Universal Monster movie and is arguably the Granddaddy of all Cryptozological movies that nobody talks about, not even the experts :o Until then I'll see you around however hopefully I'll get lucky with some more animal sightings but this time an actual I said, you gotta check your area often, you never know what's around you :blbat:
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Oct 20, 2023 7:05 am

Last Night's Bing poll :o

Cryptozoology Poll 1.jpg

I voted for the Mothman. While The Jersey Devil is a living creature, I believe it's immortal because of it being cursed however The Mothman is inter-dimensional and knows a lot beyond this world!

Cryptozoology Poll 2.jpg
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:15 pm

I voted Mothman, too. I was surprised he was down 40/60 at the time.
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:21 am

How about that, glad I wasn't alone PB ;)
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:51 am


I saved this for Halloween. I took pics of these back in early October. First is the Moon & Saturn. It didn't turn out well but oh well. This Orb Weaver Spider may look big but he was actually only the size of a dime, he's still a youngling :blbat:


Here's this beautiful Orb Weaver Spider, now she's a different kind and she was much smaller but I'm really not sure how big she will get and take a good gander at her web :blww:


More to come later ;)

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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Nov 04, 2023 5:31 am

Just a couple hours ago I went outside to see if the critter feeder was empty as I just put some gooey pork fat in a container for the Opossums and sure enough it was. I looked up at the Mulberry Tree and there was the little fella up there washing himself. He's a smaller one and younger. He's so cute, in fact he's one of the most adorable ones I've seen. Now the thing is I didn't see it till I edited My pics. I believe I captured a Ghost Orb as well :o Look to the right of the picture, I was quite surprised about this. However this isn't the first time this has happen, I just don't say anything about it.

Opossum 1.jpg

is this a Spiritual Ghost Orb/Being :shock: :?:

Opossum 3.jpg

Here's another look at the little Marsupial, he is so cute :)

Opossum 2.jpg

More to come soon ;)
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Re: Ufology: UFOs in Missouri!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 06, 2023 7:27 am

First off, I changed the topic name so it would be more specific of what My new posts are so nobody wonders. Before this new post ahead, don't forget to check out and see that I may have captured a Ghost Orb the other day :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:

OK, so I saw this video last night and whom I have seen many of these legit videos from other Youtubers which check out Mavi777 or MaviUFOAlarm, he has a ton of great real content that the Gov will never talk about which they waste so much time talking about the TicTac when everyday people are capturing all of these mysterious objects on camera for years a now! What is really important about this one is that this happen in Missouri where I live. Watch at how these UFOs form a triangle and split up, more coming to each other and then they fade and cloak away :o Now I have personally seen some similar like this. I have a log that I have been saving all year with My own sightings from this year and just recently on Halloween which I plan on revealing before this year closes :o I'm serious, always watch the skies :blmm:

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Re: Dinosauria: Sea Monsters & White Gator!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:28 am

So I just saw this about a T-Rex found with it's dinner intact plus an extremely rare white Gator found in the Florida Reptile Park :scbat:

T-Rex & Gator 1.jpg

A huge Pliosaur was found in the U.K. This was a true sea monster but not actually a dinosaur as it was a marine reptile :!: I have always thought these were awesome. The huge specie in the Jurassic World Trilogy is fairly accurate to the real thing IMO :scsm:

Sea Monster 1.jpg

Sea Monster 2.jpg
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Re: Animals: Bunny Rabbit in My Backyard:)

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:30 am

So often I look for Bunny Rabbits in Our Backyard and there's been so few over the last several years which is sad. We used to have a ton of them many years ago. My Grandparent always called them Funny Bunnies. It's just not because of Bugs Bunny why I like Rabbits, We used to have pet rabbits when I was a youngster which I'll get into later so ever since I've liked them. About a couple weeks ago already, one made him/herself a good hiding spot on the side of the walkway path. Their there all the time during the morning all relaxed and kinda tame. Check out the pics I took of this cute critter :)

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