So I have accumulated a lot pictures from the past two months really. I thought since I was delaying Myself with these working hard on My showcases and stuff I thought heck, I'll just save it for the
First Day of Fall/Autumn which is today which can you believe that
The following I caught in
August on different days/nights. It's very depressing when you don't see nor hear any kind of life outside whether it be
Birds, Squirrels, Bugs or whatever you know is in your area. I got lucky taking some pictures recently. Now while none of these are
Cryptids, I just love seeing wildlife of all kinds. So here's these
Insects that I took pictures of back in
August. I really cannot identify these guys. The two in the middle are
Moths and the one on the far right is a
Leafhopper. Now the one on the left is really an unknown to Me. I know a lot but really I'm amateur, this cute little
Beetle was hanging his head & antennas down because he was afraid of Me and he kept on doing that and he was on the garage for hours.
Now this is a
Pill Bug-Roly Poly Bug and it's a real one, not a
False Pill-Bug/Woodlouse. I get both kinds here outside and in the house but they don't do anything. They are not
Insects or Bugs that are actually
Land Crustaceanswhich this has always fascinated Me. He was pretty big, about the size of My trigger fingernail. Next is two different species of
Katydids. The second one was quite big, nearly as long as My trigger finger. I was surprised when I saw these two cause it's not often that I do
The only one I know here is the
Treehopper in the middle. I've always loved these little guys and the way they move.
Here's a little
Ladybug/Ladybird Beetle, I've always loved these. Here's another
Leafhopper. He was bigger and a different specie. Oh boy, here's a
Treehopper, I have always enjoyed looking at them. Look at his red eyes
Here's two different
Cicadas, on the back porch and one on the screen door. I have always liked them as well and hearing their songs. I like to pick them up but their easily startled and go nuts so you gotta be careful with'em. Unfortunately their hanging it up since it's becoming
Fall but they have been known to be out later even as far as
October if it is warm enough, I might hear them at least one more time before they hit the hay
OK, now these I took very recently just this month in
September. Here's a medium sized
Grasshopper. I saw him on the garage and I was like whoa, look at you and your orange eyes
Also on the other wall was a big
Cricket. Now they are known to stay out as far as
December if the weather is still warm enough for them
Now here's one I really wanted a picture of. These are arguably My favorite insects...this here is a
Green Lacewing. I have always loved their neon green colors and their cute faces. I have them fly on My hands and they examine My fingers. Their nice to handle. Now this little guy is on the back storm-door and he is seeing his reflection so you can see both sides of him there...look at his cute face
Now here's this entry, I saw this
Opossum in the
Mulberry Tree and he kept on looking at Me. I have entered the
Virginia Opossum before here within My topic. These animals are the only
Marsupials in
North America and they are not dangerous but I do not recommend to pick one up unless you know what your doing and that goes for any wild specie
Now just literally only hours ago about
2:00 AM I got super lucky as I saw something large on the back porch at the storm-door and I pretty much knew it was a
Preying Mantis I really love these guys too but I don't pick them up. They do bite and I'm afraid I'll hurt'em. Look at the beauty of this guy, I love his face, very much like the
Mantids in
Turok as well as in
Ufology So it's a shame that most of the
Arthropod life is going to be hanging it up for the
Autumn & Winter soon which is one of the reasons why I like
Spring & Summer because their out and about however
Opossums are out all year round. I was so glad that I saw that
Preying Mantis tonight before I finished this spotlight of Mine, he was kinda like the missing piece here. I hope you liked and enjoyed this
Soon I'm going to have two movie entries for
Halloween since the time is coming soon which is
Arachnophobia & Tremors. Both came out in the great year of
1990 and are two major
Cryptozoological films however I believe I'm going to do
1958's Monster on the Campus which is a
Universal Monster movie and is arguably the Granddaddy of all
Cryptozological movies that nobody talks about, not even the experts
Until then I'll see you around however hopefully I'll get lucky with some more animal sightings but this time an actual I said, you gotta check your area often, you never know what's around you