Ah Slice, boy do I miss that soda. I love Soda and I have since I was a youngster. At a very early age I knew who made what cause I loved to read the cans & bottles kinda like I do with Copyrights on action figures & blister cards + Video Games and more cause I have always been one for knowledge & history. If you have read My showcases then you know in just about everyone of them I'm always talking those Copyrights because it's very important as they tell you when what was made, who made it & when. I even surprised My Parents back in the day cause they didn't read that stuff but I always found it fascinating and helpful for many reasons. I still do for just about everything, Food, Wrestling & Sports Companies, Movie Production Companies & Credits & movies & TV Shows, Car companies and more usually without looking on the web cause I'm old school cause I never did back then but of I occasionally do cause things have to change like taking over, merging and all that jazz. Hasbro is such a huge one for that. Now why do I miss Slice
This was Pepsi's own version of Lemon-Lime soda which it was kinda bold showing Coke's Sprite & Dr. Pepper's 7 Up there. Slice was My favorite of the three, I always found it having a sparkling crisper tasting edge, more soothing and I loved it when they had multiple flavors too, in fact I believe they had different flavors like orange & blackberry before the other guys did but don't quote Me on that one. Sadly in about 1999 Pepsi thought of re-branding it into Sierra Mist and which was good but it really didn't have that crisper edge I just mentioned, it seemed like they really changed it and then years later they changed the name to Mist Twist which the name was a twist itself of Mountain Dew then they changed it back to Mist Twist and Slice become a thing of the past like so many thing that so very few people anywhere ever mention but I'm glad you posted this PB
Now Schnucks has their own brand of sodas and I must say their Fizz Up is quite close to how Slice was
I'm quoting Myself from your Jokes Topic cause I treat My Soda like gold especially during these times of sever inflation & stock shortages..
Now you know which is My Favorite of the original three