Andor is pretty good. It's closer to Rogue One for obvious reasons than anything else If most Star Wars stuff is Saturday Matinee, Andor is a 10 PM prime time drama. It's slow and intricate. Luthen Rael's backstory is a mystery, What happened to him 15 years ago? Rumors are he was a Jedi or was married to one. I hoping it's the latter, as the former is too simple, and obvious, But who knows.
One more Star Wars before we move on. This is actually the episode that got me back into SW after souring on the PT. I knew of Rebels but never watched it or the Clone Wars. But then I saw an add that Vader was going to be on it, and I stumbled upon it one day while flipping channels. After that I had to go back and see all the episodes that led up to this. When that was done I had to go back and watch The Clone Wars cartoon. And despite the sequels, I've been immersed ever since. I've included this version because the animation is better. Originally it was left as a cliffhanger of whether Ahsoka survived, it wasn't until a later season that it was revealed how Ezra saved Ahsoka. From the Ahsoka trailer I think it's safe to say it isn't a spoiler to reveal she survived, lol.