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The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

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The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:25 pm

Anyone else watching this? Book 2 started up last week, and already onto episode three.

Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of my alltime favorite shows, and Legend of Korra Book 1, while good, wasn't as goot as the previous series.
It suffered so much from having all the filler removed because oh Nickolodeon being so cowardly about letting them have a full season, because the lead was a girl. (Can we just get past the frelling mysogony stage in our cultural developement already?!? It's okay for girls to have male rolemodels, it should be okay for boys to have female rolemodels, too!)
But this season seems to have hit the ground running!
Waiting for next week's episode is going to kill me.

Also, we need more Kaia, STAT!
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby secondwhiteline » Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:30 am

Wait, is episode three out? I finally caught the first two on my OnDemand the other day. It feels like it's moving almost too fast - all the relationships with the new characters are being done really broadly. I need more of a reason why Korra trusts her obviously evil, religious fanatic uncle, you know? Especially after an entire season devoted to her fighting a different fanatic.

And from what I've seen of Kya, I'm really digging her. It kind of makes me wish that one day we'd get a series about an older Avatar. It'll obviously never happen as long as it's a kids' show, but I'd be interested.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:02 pm

Don't rule anything out. I mean, during Last Airbender, we wouldn't have expected to see a series focusing on a 17 year old girl as the Avatar, while we were on 12 year old boy. That's the whole reason last season was only 13 episodes, because Nick had no confidence in a girl being the main character in what they perceived to be a boy's action show. Though I've heard this season will be standard length (But I've seen no official source that says so)
I don't think being a "kid's show" is what makes an older avatar protagonist unlikely. I think good storytelling is what will make it unlikely. The avatar is so powerful, and is pretty the most important person in the world, that an older avatar just wouldn't be very easy to write. He or she wouldn't face as much adversity, as he/she has already overcome most of their personal struggles in mastering what they are. it just wouldn't be as interesting a show.
Though, I myself would kill for a series based on Avatar Kyoshi.

And episode three was last friday. Episodes 1 and 2 were shown back to back as an hour long special, week before last.

And Kya is the most awesome thing since Lin Bei Fong.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby secondwhiteline » Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:51 pm

Oh, agreed about the difficulty of writing an older Avatar, but there's a couple of great templates for a mature, super-powerful character: Superman and Doctor Strange. Both get overlooked by a lot of fans because of a lack of Batman/Spider-Man angst, but they're both surprisingly complex and each has a classic story structure with a lot of inherent drama: Superman has the "Can't Save Everyone" story, and Doc has the "Damn Someone to Save Everyone" plot. Both could be applicable to Avatar. And just because an Avatar's all-powerful doesn't mean there wouldn't be opportunities for internal conflict, not to mention that the world-building and supporting casts are always major parts of the show.

So agreed, but I think you could really do a great series like that. The writing staff on Korra seems to have a killer inclination towards writing great middle-aged women in particular, between Kya and Lin. A Kyoshi series would be amazing with these writers.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:41 am

You make a fair few good points there, all around.

I think Kyoshi would be a good choice, because as we've seen she's had a lot of struggles to handle over difficult choices. And as you said they're excellent with writing older females.
Also, a hundred plus years before the hundred years war, would give us a chance to explore the avatar world without the fire nation as aggressors, and with the air nomads in full force.

Plus, Kyoshi's hot. Not Kya hot, but still hot.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby secondwhiteline » Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:58 am

Wait, we're saying it aloud? That's a relief. KYA IS HOT HOLY GOD.

And yeah, Kyoshi would be a great choice - there's a lot of great backstory there, with her founding the Dai Li and seeing it get out of control, with the rebellion against the Earth King...You could get an entire season out of the Earth Kingdom alone.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby AcidDragon » Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:04 pm

Finally, I can dive into this topic. (Haven't seen enough of the episodes yet to contribute) but I know a lot about hot cartoons!!! :batlol:
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:24 pm

secondwhiteline wrote:Wait, we're saying it aloud? That's a relief. KYA IS HOT HOLY GOD.

Oh gods yes. I had a crush on her the instant she showed up.

Dying to see her and Lin together. Particularly if they're both giving Tenzin a hard time, lol.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:00 pm

Episode 4: Civil Wars Part 2 aired tonight.

Oooooooooh goddess this keeps getting better and better. I'm starting to wish I never started watching, so I could wait for the DVD and watch it all in one go.

Also, I'm really vibing that Ikki has a destiny, that is strongly related to the Avatar.
I'm also really starting to feel sorry for Bumi. The only non-bender of the three. Kya would have a connection with her mother, being a waterbender,a nd would be trained by her. And as we all hanve seen, Aang wasn't the greatest father, and devoted most of his attention to Tenzin.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (spoilers)

Postby secondwhiteline » Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:04 pm

So did anyone see the season finale? Crazy stuff, especially the kaiju and Evangelion call outs in the final battle. I'm wondering what the future of the Avatar lineage is going to be.
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