by Idiot Savant » Sat May 31, 2014 6:38 am
Thanks man...we're hosting it at our house/yard and we're unsure just how many houses will stop by; I know of 9 so far but our neighbor (who did all the inviting) ended up inviting the entire 5 block radius, that's around 44 houses...even if half show up and there's say 3 people per house....
My one big concern is: we know almost no one in this subdivision (not our fault really, we've tried to get to know some, which we have for a few, but folks in this town seem nice, but fairly kept-to-themselves) and even though it's supposed to be a nice day/night today, people will still be in and out of our house and I'm concerned that something of my collection may go missing...I'd like to have a good time and not have to police everyone; which is what I will do I'm sure.
I just hope that everyone is respectful and doesn't give themselves their own guided tour.
But we will see how it goes.
I am one of the 63%....