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BATMAN and SON to animated feature this year

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BATMAN and SON to animated feature this year

Postby Idiot Savant » Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:06 pm

Just saw the trailer for this movie and it looks quite good; outside of anime style these movies seem to be moving in, it still looks good to me

I'm not a huge fan of anime, especially when they frak up my favorite characters
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Re: BATMAN and SON to animated feature this year

Postby AcidDragon » Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:17 pm

Still under the weather from the flu but decided to post trailer.

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Re: BATMAN and SON to animated feature this year

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Tue May 06, 2014 6:07 pm

Just watched Batman and Son. I thought it was ok, I tend to judge the DC animated from one to the next, since I pretty much know that they are going to be at least decent. This one, along with Flashpoint Paradox and WAR, have more of an anime style to the art then the previous ones. I do miss the quality artwork that Bruce Timm brought to the projects, but Im not super against the style, just not too excited about it being the style for Every movie.
For fans of the Comic, there is not a whole lot of similarities between the two, except with Damien being the main focus. So people who were looking for a straight adaptation, its not really one. My main problem with the movie is that Deathstroke is the primary villain. I like Deathstroke alot, but this part just does not fit him, imo. Without spoiling anything, this "caper" just feels.....beneath him. I always read Deathstroke as a villain with pride, decency, and a sense of morality. At least, he knows whats right or wrong, regardless of what his actions are. Also, I always felt that money was a huge factor in the things he does, or at least fulfilling a contract. In the movie, he feels more like a common megalomaniac would be conqueror. I just dont think that suits him.
Damien is done well, and is pretty much the voice I had in my head all these years. definitely an A for that part of the story.
Everyone else is pretty much supporting, and not to much to speak of, even Batman. I do find that it fits though, since around this time, Batman seemed to be on the backburner to other things going on, starting with 655. So maybe that lept from page to screen, idk. Regardless, its definitely more Damien's story that Batman's.

IDK why I just gave such an in depth opinion of this movie, I guess it just felt right. Final opinion, If you are like me< and buy all the animated movies, then buy away. Its definitely better than WAR, and could definitely compete with some of the lesser releases. If you are just a casual viewer, I would say its a rent. Nothing special here, but a solid story, with some decent action, and a great representation of Damien. 7.5 outta 10.
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Re: BATMAN and SON to animated feature this year

Postby Idiot Savant » Tue May 06, 2014 7:42 pm

I was dreading this film based on the teaser, but was glad I bought it; it's a good movie and a crapload better than WAR could ever have been.

I was really fearing the whole "swear-whenever-we-can-cuz-it's-cool" schtick in WAR and thankfully this movie had almost none of that; big plus in my book. That never sat well with me in WAR either...

I was pleasantly pleased by this movie and, as my esteemed collegue Grodd said, even though it has little to do with the actual books, it's still a good watch.
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Re: BATMAN and SON to animated feature this year

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Tue May 06, 2014 9:14 pm

lol. "esteemed colleagues". I agree with the swearing as well. Not that I care with adult language, but in WAR it was blatant. They talked like teenagers. I cant remember if they talked like that in the original story, but whatever.
Not only was there none of that in the new batman, but I felt that Damien's lines were the exact opposite. His lines felt so organic. (im a chump for saying "organic). There WAS one little scene with Dick in the batcave where he almost dropped a bomb, but it was actually pretty funny.
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Re: BATMAN and SON to animated feature this year

Postby Webslinger » Thu May 08, 2014 2:03 am

I loved the movie, Dc always hits it out of the park with their animated stuff.... looking forward to Batman: Assault on Arkham this summer!!! Kevin Conroy back as the voice of Batman!!! Love it!!!
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Re: BATMAN and SON to animated feature this year

Postby Tango X » Thu May 15, 2014 11:26 pm

This was an awesome movie. Way better than Justice League WAR. Story was overall decent.
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Re: BATMAN and SON to animated feature this year

Postby 1987olds442 » Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:07 pm

I actually liked this movie with the exception of the inclusion of Deathstroke or as I would call him "Not Deathstroke". To me the this didn't feel like the Deathstroke that we all know. I would have actually preferred them to another character or just made up a new one for the role that Deathstroke played in the movie. But other than that it was a really cool movie.
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