by Caleb » Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:36 am
First, a few clarifications.
Packer, yep, Firefly was aired out of order on Fox. The Train Job first, Serenity 1 & 2 second. The DVD / Netflix set everything right, but anyone who watched it on network back in the day was rightly confused.
Jetty, wasn't digging at Once at all here. I mean I don't like the show much, but then I didn't get in on the Ground Floor, so it confuses the crap out of me with all the characters / timelines / subplots. It's like Lost - you've gotta watch from E1 or be stuck missing some things. My wife watches and loves it. I was digging at the Once Upon A Time In Wonderland spin-off show, which looks pretty bad.
Okay, on to Agents of Shield.
I liked it, honestly. It didn't blow me away the way The Blacklist's premiere did - but that's probably because it didn't have James Spader being a creep. There were things I would have changed, but overall it's a solid-enough start to keep me interested for a season or so. Really, if Joss Whedon directed a Y.A. adaptation, I'd probably insist that it was "okay", so I guess there's some bias. The dialogue did seem typically "Whedoned", but I think Gregg's a good choice for the lead - I'm genuinely curious how they explain Coulson, and the hacker chick (Chloe Bennett) stole a lot of the scenes - plus she's pretty cute. I'm kind of interested to see how it ties into the MCU and if anything - Hydra, Zemo, Dell Rusk - from the comics gets added.
And the acting was far from CW atrocious. Seriously, watch Arrow, then watch Shield.
I had problems with Dalton and the European techies who kept shouting at each other. Dalton just seems kind of boring, and the Europeans were annoying. Plus did anyone think that instead of combining GammaSuperSoldierAlienExtremis whatsit from every Marvel movie they should have just expanded that "Bigger World" Fury mentioned in Iron Man? Like, actually introduce some new heroes? Ah, well. I'm sure there's time to bring comic characters into the fold, and it's probably best if they establish the principles first.
Oh, and where the f*** is Silver Sable? Melinda May? Who?!