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Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

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Re: Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

Postby Webslinger » Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:27 pm

Awesome stuff!!! I still need a Winston with proton pack to complete my GB team!!!
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Re: Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:43 am

Webslinger wrote:Awesome stuff!!! I still need a Winston with proton pack to complete my GB team!!!

Thanks a lot dude :D
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Re: Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

Postby Avalon » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:15 am

This is a wicked thread!!! Wish I saw this before Halloween. lol.
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Re: Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:53 am

Avalon wrote:This is a wicked thread!!! Wish I saw this before Halloween. lol.

Thanks very much Avalon :)
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Re: Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 15, 2024 8:50 am

So, if you thought wasn't a new Topic, you be right. I'm rejuvenating from when I first created it from back in October of 2013 :? That's right I SAID OCTOBER, 2013 :o This is one of the many Topics I created from way back that never got attention thus being lost in the shuffle and being in Limbo for years & years :batsmh: :wwsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: I always go back on things, just not here but just about everything I do. I've always been like that since I was youngster and I will always be like that. Well, if you go back within this Topic you'll see how it all started which was kinda good for a tiny while then it sunk to the bottom which I really dislike and I have been thinking of this for a very long while now. As Avalon said 10 years ago who hasn't posted in years said...

Avalon wrote:This is a wicked thread!!! Wish I saw this before Halloween. lol.

I thought so too. GB is one of My fave franchises. I grew up with it as I'll explain that very important stuff in a moment. GB is one of the most Iconic things of the 80s and quite frankly IMO...ever :!:

So with all of this being said. Ghostbusters 1 came out in 1984 and Ghosbusters II came out in 1989. THIS YEAR MARKS THE 40TH & 35TH ANNIVERSARIES of both films respectively so it's very apropos that I'm doing this now :o Please allow Me to show a few crucial things of Ghostbusters.

#1. Originally the film was going to be very different. It was being written by Dan Aykroyd & the late great Harold Ramis. It would star them and the late great John Belushi. Unfortunately, Belushi died, and the story had to be rewritten and Bill Murray replaced him. How would the film have been if this didn't happen :?:

BrandonDaCollector wrote:If John Belushi was a Ghostbuster :(


#2. I was only 3 years old when the film came out. My Father Buddy, was a projectionist at the Kenrick Wehrenberg Theater on Watson near Crestwood Plaza...


He'd bring home stuff like this that I still proudly have on My Wall :)


I recall I was walking with My Mom and/or Grandparents one day. I opened this one showroom door and what did I see :?: I saw this and I still vividly remember it too :o


After that I had a thing about it...what was that :?: Well, it became like an obsession, and I eventually knew it was Ghostbusters. My Grandma rented it for Me so many times over at Rainbow Video (I showed her in My Odds & Ends in My very crucial Glory Days of Movie Rentals Showcase which is the ultimate special of Mine). After a while she bought the VHS from her BMG Club ad it's still one of My most prized items as I type this :)


Also My Mom got Me the Commodore 64 Video Game around this time too because she knew how crazy I was about the film :)


I would get a lot more than that :)


So, that's just the beginning of My love for Ghostbusters. I have showcased a ton of GB stuff and more I hope to come. So, what I want you guys to do is talk about your GB experiences about how you were about it when you were a youngster. What was your first experience and so forth :?: Talk about it guys because I'm ready to Believe You :)

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Re: Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 15, 2024 8:33 pm

Oh man, that is a cool Star Wars poster. I was 6 when the first one came out and I've told my story before about the shoe department my mom worked in. I wasn't a huge fan of the franchise, but I did love the movies. I was never much into the cartoon or the figures, though.
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Re: Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 16, 2024 4:04 am

I posted that poster before in My Vintage Action Figure Topic in My special Kenner Star Wars Showase. Like I said, it's still on My wall. It's one of the only things that truely reminds Me of My Father Buddy. He knew I was really loving SW even at that tender young age that I was. Since he worked there at the show it was easy for him to get it and I still want to believe he had a good heart :)

Okay, yes, I remember your story Packer, your's is something :blbat: I'd like to know other's here as well. I've give it some time before I post some other stuff of course if there's something to post PB in the mean time of GB go right ahead :blaq:
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Re: Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Oct 27, 2024 9:57 am

Okay, I gave this a bit of time for others to post here for them to express their first Ghostbusters experiences. I have and so has Packer. So for along time I've been thinking of this. I've posted Schweig Engel: The King of Credit before and you saw how cool they were in the other Topics. I've known them since I was a youngster. They made a ton of good & hilarious commercials over the years. Well, they made a special Ghostbusters Commercial :shock: Their Schweig Engel: The Rental Busters :blmm: This was in 1988. This was on My local channels and I believe when the animated series was originally on going too so it was quite apropos timing. Here it is :blbat:

This version has lower sound but he finishes his sentence at the end :)

I got more Schweig Engel for later and more GB stuff to come in time :blaq:
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Re: Ghostbusters: The Official Thread!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Dec 31, 2024 10:12 am

Okay, so this year is the 40th Anniversary of 1984's Ghostbusters & the 35th Anniversary of 1989's Ghostbusters II. Here's some quotes from Me & Packer from long ago to celebrate that :blbat: :blsm:

BrandonDaCollector wrote:OK, speaking about SFX from the 80s, one of My all-time favorite movies is Ghostbusters. I'm sure you already know I'm a huge fan. I posted a huge amount in My Vintage Action Figure topic and I recently posted a very special one in My Odds & End that you may want to check out because it was truly a special event. I prefer these effects over most of today's standards.

Here is the Ray Parker jr. song we all know. look at the the cameos of some of yesterday's comedians that IMO today's can't even compare!

This just doesn't have one of the funnest soundtracks but it also has a tremendous classic musical score as well. Here is a score suite by Elmer Bernstein. This is one of the magical parts of the whole film, loved it since I first saw the film! Shame MOST people never acknowledges this music :roll:


I'll do Ghostbusters II next ;)

packerbacker180 wrote:Hey, Ray Parker Jr. is from Buffalo! Ah, the library scene. Funny story about that. I remember seeing Ghostbusters at the drive-in so I would've been 6 when it came out. At the time my mother worked in the shoe department at an AM & A's which was a Buffalo department store until it was bought out by The BonTon in the 90s. Anyways, we would often visit her for lunch and back then nobody seemed to mind if kids wandered around the stockrooms unsupervised and the shoe stockroom was this loooooong narrow stockroom with shelves of shoes that went to the ceiling. They even had a file cabinet that looked a bit like the Dewey Decimal Systems drawers. Anyway, after seeing Ghostbusters I was afraid to go into that stockroom alone, especially if I went down an aisle and couldn't see the entrance, lol.


BrandonDaCollector wrote:OK, as I said yesterday, here is Ghostbusters II. This was huge for Me back in 1989. Me & My family all went to the AMC Crestwood theater (like I have said many times before, that whole area is gone, out of business, the whole plaza and everything went out and its all torn down and its all spaced land and trees now :roll: I had such good times over there.

So I was such a huge fan of GB already, My Grandma MiMi rented the film dozens of times for Me at Rainbow video (look for a special from Me about them later), then bought it for Me along with Willow, I loved the cartoon and the rest is history. I have a bittersweet feeling of the movie however is that when you hear the score by Randy Edelman (yes, that SAME RANDY EDELMAN) you can hear that it's telling you that the 90s are coming and it's gonna be it for the 80s :roll: The musical score has NEVER, EVER BEEN RELEASED and I have been so POed about that for DECADES :x ...ONLY ripped version are available online but at least there's that :x The songs sound track has been released and I have'em on record & CD. So here is the classic trailer.

Here is the great climax with the awesome Vigo, this is one My most favorite movie scenes. Vigo was played Wilhelm Von Homburg who was also a wrestler & boxer :o

Here is 2 Coke commercials.

The Contest!

This one was on the VHS of GB II, I have always liked it. Loved it that I got from Verna from Mr. T's (again a special coming soon) :)


OK, I replied a wee bit in the Movie score topic, I said Danny Elfman is next. He had a little bit to do with GBII, look for Me to post his song and others from GB II in the classic song topic too and we'll see what is next for the movie trailers...until then :batsmile:

packerbacker180 wrote:In a lot of ways I prefer GB2. Vigo certainly was a better villain. Plus, every now and then I'll break out the, "Vy am I dripping vit goo?" line, lol.


Those Coke commercials are neat. I remember those from back then.

Again, I've always considered GB II a Holiday film and especially a New year's one.

BrandonDaCollector wrote:
packerbacker180 wrote:
I'm going easy here, here is this GBII, Vigo's New Year starts @ 1:24 :blhal:

I'll have 2 more plus a bonus after Midnite TONIGHT :batwink:

BrandonDaCollector wrote:

Here is a great GBII New Years COMPILATION :!:

More to come very soon :)
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