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Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Oct 07, 2024 8:38 pm

Could be a dingo. One at my baby.


Today's Monster of the Day takes us to Illinois to find out, not all the freaks reside in Chicago (just most of 'em).


At about 10:00pm on the night of April 25, 1973, Henry McDaniel heard a scratching sound at his front door. He looked out and saw something that he thought might be a bear. Taking a gun and flashlight, he headed outside into a strong wind and saw a creature between two rosebushes. He later said "It had three legs on it, a short body, two little short arms, and two pink eyes as big as flashlights. It stood four and a half feet tall and was grayish-colored."


McDaniel fired four shots at the creature, one shot hitting it and causing it to make a hiss "much like a wildcat's", before fleeing towards a nearby railway embankment, covering 50 feet in three jumps.[4] McDaniel called the local authorities who discovered footprints in the soft earth near the house, which McDaniel described as dog-like in shape, with six toe pads. The police considered McDaniel to be "rational and sober" in his reporting of the incident.[4] In a later press interview, McDaniel said "If they do find it, they will find more than one and they won't be from this planet, I can tell you that.

I know one thing, you wouldn't want to challenge him in an ass kicking contest.


Two weeks later on May 6, McDaniel called the radio station WWKI claiming to have seen the creature again, at 3 a.m. that morning. It was negotiating the trestles of the railroad tracks near his home, and McDaniel said "I saw something moving out on the railroad track and there it stood. I didn't shoot at it or anything. It started on down the railroad track. It wasn't in a hurry or anything."[citation needed] A search party including WWKI's news director Rick Rainbow explored the area later that day, and reported observing an "apelike" creature standing in an abandoned building near McDaniel's house They claimed to have made a recording of the creature's cries, and fired a shot at it before it fled. Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman investigated the case and the sound recording.


So what was the creature? Like the dingo, perhaps it was something that simply came from a land down under. Perhaps not. So if you ever happen to find yourself in Enfield, Il, maybe just to be safe, you better run, you better take cover.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby OneNineSix » Tue Oct 08, 2024 2:31 am

Oooh I like these. Reminds me of those bestiary books from the library.
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:37 am

Now keep up with us ONS, there's so much you haven't talked about that we've done thus far not to mention last year. It could be a Dingo. I don't know Packer :? I'm not familiar with the Infield Monster. That was is quite strange and another good write-up :shock:

Today's monster will be from River Monsters that was on Animal Planet with "Fresh Water Detective" Jeremy Wade. I never missed this show and I couldn't wait for the next episode. I loved so much about it and I love how extreme & bold his is and that he caught & released his catches. This feature IMO is one of his memorable catches that really looks like a dreaded's The Goliath Tigerfish :o


Here's the iconic clip :blaq:

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 08, 2024 3:04 pm

My wife watched that show a lot. I caught a few episodes with her but it wasn't something I watched regularly. I remember some of the ones in South America, which is where you'll find today's Monster of the Day....


It was just about 4 a.m. when an otherworldly scream cut through the forests lining the Xingu River in northern Brazil. A couple walking along a nearby road hurried to hide behind a rubber tree. From that vantage point, they could see a shadowy figure approaching them. As it grew closer, they recognized the outline of a man, but the creature was covered in animal hair and emitted a vile smell. It screamed again, its blood-curdling call echoing under the forest canopy, before disappearing into the trees. The only evidence it left behind was a row of perfectly round footprints in the dirt. The husband and wife would feel sick for days after the encounter as if poisoned by the noxious odor, but they had been spared a worse fate.


This capelobo had once been a man, but it was now a monster, prowling through the night feeding on human blood and brains (and also on puppies and kittens). Along the Xingu in the Brazilian state of Pará, a capelobo is said to resemble a humanoid tapir with a hooked snout. Along the Pindaré River in the state of Maranhão to the northeast, it looks more akin to an anteater, killing by sucking out its victim’s gray matter as if it were devouring termites in a mound.


The Capelobo has two forms, an animal form and a humanoid form. In its animal form, it is like a tapir with attributes of a dog. In its humanoid form, it has the head of a giant anteater, the body of a human, and rounded, bottle-shaped legs. It has lots of hair on its body and runs through forests near human settlements in floodplain regions. It is sometimes described as having a single leg. It is known to hunt newborn puppies and kittens but will kill humans by squeezing them and drinking their blood and eating their brains if given the opportunity. The only way to defeat it is by shooting it in the navel.


So be careful if you ever go down to Brazil for Carnival, for if you come across the dreaded Capelobo, you might just become the sippy cup of the celebration.


And that would suck.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:33 am

The South American Cryptids are something else. There's a ton of'em down there. Good entry Packer :)

That's good your wife watched it. I found it to be an incredible show and I'm glad it was on for years. It was one of the last good shows on Animal Planet before the channel changed :roll: Let's visit Jeremy Wade one more time. This was his first episode where he's after the Khali River Monster...the Giant Goonch Catfish :shock: I was immediately hooked when I first saw this :!:


Catfish are known to be predators. The people of India at the Great Khali River (the river is named after the Goddess and the wrestler is named after them as well) don't bury their deceased loved ones...instead they throw them in the river :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: Because of this, this is making the Catfish crave human flesh and attacking humans. This is not something to do with fish in the water that's bigger than you are :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh:


When he jumps in the the Great Khali River to get the monster, I thought that was so this :o

I may post a little more of him later on. He's caught so many fish I never heard of and many that very few people ever witnessed :)
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Oct 09, 2024 7:42 pm

I'd be freaked out if I ever came across something that big in a river. No thanks. This Monster of the Day takes us back tot the weird wonders of the Buckeye state...


The first prominent sighting of the Grassman occurred in the small village of Minerva, Ohio, in August of 1978 when the grandchildren of Minerva residents Evelyn and Howe Clayton, along with their friends, ran inside screaming about a hairy monster they saw in the gravel pit outside. When the couple went out to investigate, they saw what the crying children had described. It was covered in dark matted hair, sitting in the pit and fiddling with discarded trash. It was estimated to be around 300 pounds. The Claytons fled, but this would not be their last encounter with Ohio's ape-man.


The Claytons would see the Grassman many times after their initial encounter. One night it was seen peering at them through their kitchen window. Howe ran for his gun, but the primate was gone before he returned. The area was later investigated by police, and although there was no sign of the hairy humanoid, several faint footprints were observed in the mud and a terrible smell still lingered in the air. The Ohio Grassman was later seen by the Claytons atop a hill near the strip mine at night. The next month, in broad daylight, the couple observed two hairy bipeds on the same hill. It was only after these reports by the Claytons were made that a startling connection was made. Days before the gravel pit incident, the Claytons' German Shepherd was found dead, its neck broken, presumably killed by the hairy beast.

The Ohio Grassman, a unique variant of Bigfoot, has carved its own niche in the realm of cryptid lore. Characterized by its imposing size, striking orange eyes, and rumored grassy shelters, this elusive creature has become an integral part of Ohio’s folklore. Uncharacteristic of other Bigfoot, this creature is happy to venture out into the rolling fields of Ohio, which is how it gained the name of Ohio Grassman.

So be careful when in southern Ohio for you might just find yourself modifying the locals calling to "O-hio---oooooolycrap! Run!"


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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:38 am

That's one of the reasons why I love Jermey Wade, he does what so many people don't I mean he's so exciting :!: Yep, more Ohio, there we go again :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: I'm very familiar with The Ohio Grasssman. I've known that one since long ago. Good post PB :)

Here's, My next one which is Dobhar-chú of Ireland :? The name means Water Hound. Also known as The King Otter and The Irish Crocodile :o


Is this a new specie of giant Mustelid, a Reptilian or something completely different :?:

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:02 pm

An otter like no...otter, lol. Never knew of that one before. Just like I never knew of this one.



♪ NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA, Batsquatch! ♪

Sightings of batsquatch began in 1980, shortly after the eruption of Mount Saint Helens. Reports from this period describe it as a monkey-like creature with red eyes and wings that flies through the plume, ol' chum.


In April 1994, Brian Canfield was driving in Washington's Pierce County when his truck suddenly died. Canfield said a large creature landed in front of him. He said it was human-like, 9 ft tall with batlike wings and also sported a coat of blue fur. As Canfield's report became well-known, a series of new reports followed. A person named Butch Whittaker reported that he was in a private plane in the vicinity of Canfield's encounter with the batsquatch, and encountered a flying creature fitting the description.

This creature was said to have yellow eyes, a dog-like muzzle, blue fur, sharp teeth, bird-like feet and leathery bat-like wings that span up to fifty feet. In addition, Batsquatch is said to be 9 feet tall and has the ability to affect car engines. There have been reports of a similar creature throughout the northwest since 1980.


So leave the shark repellent at home and dig deep into your utility belt for something stronger. Because somedays you just can't get rid of a batsquatch!

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Oct 11, 2024 9:25 am

Actually, I have but never dug deep. If something like that exists it's gotta be some kind of experiment or something but then again who knows :?: Good entry PB :)

Next up is The Yowie, The Fanged Humanoid Marsupial :o


I just talked about The Yowie in the Movie Trailers Topic. See that and you'll see why :shock: The Yowie is Australia's Bigfoot and is theorized to have a pouch so that means it's a Marsupial and not a Primate :o If you look at most of The Land Down Under's Marsupials, it looks like they try to be other mammals from other continents, but these creatures all have pouches for their young. So it's like why isn't it possible for a Sasquatch-like being to as well :?:

Sightings :!:

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Oct 11, 2024 7:58 pm

G'day and crikey! Big Foot with a pouch would be something.

Today's Monster of the Day takes us to back to West Virginia where strange things alway seem afoot. I've been in the state several times now and there's so many mountains, caves, and wooded areas that I'm sure there could be lots of unknown creatures in that state. Like...


At 7:15 p.m., on September 12, 1952, two brothers, Edward and Fred May, and their friend Tommy Hyer, said that they saw a bright object cross the sky and land on the property of local farmer G. Bailey Fisher. The boys went to the home of Kathleen May, where they told their story. May, accompanied by the three boys, local children Neil Nunley and Ronnie Shaver, and West Virginia National Guardsman Eugene Lemon, went to the Fisher farm in an effort to locate whatever it was that the boys had said they had seen. The group reached the top of a hill, where Nunley said they saw a pulsing red light. Lemon said he aimed a flashlight in that direction and momentarily saw a tall "man-like figure with a round, red face surrounded by a pointed, hood-like shape".


Descriptions varied. UFO writer Gray Barker described the figure as approximately 10 feet (3 m) tall, with a round blood-red face, a large pointed "hood-like shape" around the face, eye-like shapes which emitted greenish-orange light, and a dark black or green body. May described the figure as having "small, claw-like hands", clothing-like folds,[4] and "a head that resembled the ace of spades". According to the story, when the figure made a hissing sound and "glided toward the group", Lemon screamed and dropped his flashlight, causing the group to run away. The group said they had smelled a "pungent mist" and some later said they were nauseated. The local sheriff and a deputy had been investigating reports of a crashed aircraft in the area. They searched the site of the reported monster but "saw, heard and smelled nothing". According to Barker's account, the next day, A. Lee Stewart Jr. of the Braxton Democrat claimed to have discovered "skid marks" in the field and an "odd, gummy deposit" which were subsequently attributed by UFO enthusiast groups as evidence of a "saucer" landing.

Officials in Flatwoods erected a welcome sign which designated the town as "Home of the Green Monster".[4] The town also commemorates the legend in its annual "Flatwoods Days" festival. Located in the town of Sutton, the Braxton County seat, is the Flatwoods Monster Museum, which is dedicated to the legend. The Braxton County Convention and Visitor's Bureau also built a series of five tall chairs in the shape of the monster to serve as landmarks and visitor attractions.


“Those people were the most scared people I’ve ever seen,” said local newspaper publisher A. Lee Stewart, in that 1952 news story. Stewart himself had marched up that hill with a shotgun after witnesses told what they saw. “People don’t make up that kind of story that quickly,” Stewart said then.

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