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Your Minutes of Zen

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:16 am

Yes, Paige did, I think she was a bit better than Judith. Oh that's wonderful :roll: April was always a cute & hot character...they always gotta mess things up :x I haven't kept up with the Turtles since the 2016 movie so I don't know much after that. Not that I know of about the Turcos. Oh I'm sure he did make a lot there. Oh yes, that was a great video from two different decades and to see how much has changed in between :shock:

Those were all good clips there. That kinda reminded Me of the story I told you about My situation I had with My girlfriends when I in was in school ;) Gosh Lauren was very nice and great looking, I've always liked Linda Cardellini :)

Okay, over in the other two Topics I posted about the 2007 TMNT's a special look at the CGI :)

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Sep 21, 2024 10:31 am

Yes, the thing I liked most about the Lauren storyline was they didn't make her out to be some homewrecking, sex crazed maneater. They made her extremely likeable and charming so you can understand the issues to some degree. I figured I'd spread the storyline out over the next couple days. You talk about scores all the time, and the background music when she finds the letter in the snow, or at the end of the last clip today, and especially the end of tomorrow's, it just increases the emotion tenfold in the scenes. There's the Dark Phoenix Saga and there's The Lauren Saga, lol. Funny enough, the "Halloween" episode that wasn't a Halloween episode, the one with the Scream killer, falls in the middle of these episodes. It's the episode that comes right after the one I'll share tomorrow, so STAY TUNED!

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Sep 22, 2024 5:19 am

I'm the following that story and it's pretty good so far. Thank goodness I never got in a situation with girls like that :shock: I see what you mean about the timeline and it's still something seeing Kristanna there. I paid close attention to the background music (I always pay attention the music regardless what I'm watching). The late great Ray Colcord was a fine composer. Imagine if none of that music was present in any of these episodes, what is seen would have so much less impact especially when she found the letter. I never understood why so many people talk about this & that about movies & tv shows and 99% of the time never about the music. I've always said which really I got it from My Grandpa...the music makes the movie! Even with a little TV show like Boy Meets World. I'm glad that you mentioned about that music there because it is really fitting. I don't care what the budget is, just make it decent & effective :)

Okay, here's this feature of the 2014 TMNT reboot film :)

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Sep 22, 2024 1:23 pm

How they do CGI is interesting, but it still looks too video game to me. I just didn't have any interest of this version of the Turtles. I'm glad you're into the Boy Meets World storyline. I think it was really written well and the acting was very good for a :kids show", especially Linda Cardellini who played Lauren so well, especially in these upcoming scenes. And like I said yesterday, the music in the last clip just adds so much emotion, it's really terrific.

As a bonus here's the opening scene to the next episode "And Then There Was Shawn", it's the slasher episode. I won't share the entire thing again although I will be watching for Halloween, but now you can see why there's drama at the beginning.

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Sep 23, 2024 9:34 am

All of these were good. Lauren is still very nice. That was a great scene there them in the rain and her getting him in her jacket :batwink: I must say, she's one of the nicest girls I've seen on TV. It's cool following a story like that and I liked the flashback of you posting the first of the Halloween episode. It explains WHY they aren't together anymore...when you posted that last year it felt like a plot-hole to Me or like what did I miss here...this is a good sample & reason why I like to watch things in order and not out of sequence because you feel so imbalanced of what your watching and this is why I say this all the time. The music makes this even better, imagine if that music WASN'T there especially in that Halloween Episode :o :blbat:

Okay, I just posted the sequel, TMNT: Out of the Shadows. Sheamus plays Rocksteady, here's these clips :)

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:29 am

It's wild Sheamus has the mohawk in the first clip but looks more natural in the second. I'm not sure I've ever seen him without the wild hair.

I think one of the reasons I love sitcoms so much is they're usually very rewatchable. They don't often have overarching stories over a season. You can put on an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond and not really need to know what's been going on for the last month and still get laughs out of it. But even sitcoms can sometimes surprise you with a story that goes beyond 22 minutes. So, since you're enjoying the progression, I was debating whether to skip ahead but there's only a few episodes left and there's still some poignant moments in them, I guess we'll stay in sequential order. If the opening of the slasher episode made a little more sense now, here's the end. If you remember, the dream ended with the killer being revealed and probably makes more sense now..,

And then the next episode is actually one of three episodes that was banned from re-airing in reruns on the Disney Channel because of the "mature subject". Strangely enough, all three episodes are at the end of season 5.

I actually shared part of the next episode previously, where Eric does so well acting in a play that he gets cast in a Hollywood sitcom called "Kid Gets Acquainted with the Universe". But there was a B plot in that episode.

Tomorrow will be the final episode of the storyline, though there is something that occurs much, much after that I will share to finish off the storyline in a fashion you may find a bit surprising. Some people wished this storyline had lasted longer but it only spanned six episodes in the second half of season 5. With not knowing whether they were getting renewed, as I have heard the cast talk about, they couldn't leave the story hanging beyond the season and then the show didn't come back for a sixth season. That would've been a fate worse than death. So tomorrow will wrap up the story, and here's a little teaser...

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Sep 24, 2024 7:11 am

Yes, it was something about Sheamus there. Still it's like he's in a Turtles movie and he's Rocksteady :shock: Thanks for the trivia. Sitcoms are good and fun, it all depends on the subject and stuff. Boy meets World is one that I could get into. The characters are very likable. All of this was good and yes, it makes more sense ;) Angela is pretty nice, I didn't like it when he shoved her :batsmh: :smsmh: I find a pretty good character too. That's something that was banned and wasn't on the Disney Channel when you see the end credits, you see Touchstone & Buena Vista...those are Disney companies and I've known about that long before I knew the Web :o Okay then, show Me what's next :)

Well, I'm out of TMNT for the Zen Topic for now so I'm movin' back to cool local stuff :) Here's this WYZZ Commercial from Peoria, Illinois in the 80s. This one is really cool because it features The St. Louis Cardinals and their rivals The Chicago Cubs plus The Boston Red Sox :)

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:54 pm

I was never a fan of those White Sox jerseys. Well, we're almost done with the Lauren Saga just in time for October to begin. There doesn't seem to be any good clips that follow sequential order for this episode, strangely enough, considering it's one of the more important episodes in the series, but there is this that is the complete episode, you just may need to adjust your screen for it. So here is Starry Night...

Random trivia time, the actor who plays Ricky Ferris in this episode (Jonathan Jackson) is the older brother of the actor who played Kenny in And Then There was Shawn (Ricky Lee Johnson).


Lauren would make one more surprising appearance on the show, towards the end of season 6 in The Psychotic Episode (the actual title). I played clips from this before, it's where Cory keeps having nightmares in which he kills Shawn in various ways. This was second last episode of season 6 that was building up toward their wedding, and the explanation for the reason for the nightmares are explained here. But the season would not end with a wedding or even on a happy note, but that is a story for another time.

I bet you would like this series. It's very rewatchable and probably the best kids/teen show I've seen. Funny enough, I probably would never have gotten into it if not for my wife. It debuted in 1993 when I was 15, and the show was way too kiddie in season 1 as part of TGIF. But as the cast got older, the stories got more teen centric, and seasons 3-5 are probably the best, while 6 and 7 are good but a bit more on the zany side from time to time. But my wife was really into the show having been a couple years younger than me when it debuted, and when we started dating, she was looking forward to the start of season 6 and got me into the reruns that were on TV and I became a big fan myself. I still watch episodes since they started re-airing on Freeform this past spring. I think I've gone through enough clips on here of the show to give a good idea of how the series was. Tomorrow I will have one more post regarding this storyline that isn't even from this show, and then we'll return to our regularly scheduled random clips. Until October 1st, at least <creepy laugh>.
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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:31 am

Those were pretty good. I'm glad they got back together. That elevator scene was kinda funny, "everybody's doing it" :lol: I bet that was a surprise for fans of the when Lauren came back there. Yep, see, 1993 wasn't just remarkable for wrestling, movies & video games. Well, I say that this was a sweet thing to remember your wife about Packer ;)

Here's this Commercial compilation for Fox Sports Net from September of 1999, 25 years ago this month & this year :shock:

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Sep 26, 2024 9:27 am

I don't really recall any of those commercials but most of them were regional anyway, so why would I.

Ok, so yes, after all the drama Cory and Topanga got back together, and before the series would end they'd get married. I'm sure I'll post some of that eventually, but not right now. But, about 10 years after Boy Meets World went off the air there were rumors that they might be planning a spinoff of the show, which was exciting news. This was before shows like Fuller House, so we never really got to see the continuation of a kids show where we see what became of them as adults unless you count things like the Brady Bunch Reunion shows or The New Leave it to Beaver. Anyways, we were pretty excited for this new show. I was hoping for something more like Grounded for Life or Everybody Loves Raymond where the show was focused on the adults with maybe some stories involving the kids, but that's not what ended up happening.

Girl Meets World debuted in 2014, and told the story of Riley Matthews, daughter of Cory and Topanga Matthews, and her best friend Maya Hart. In the series they still live in NY (BMW was Philly but in the finale Topanga took a job at a law firm in NYC so they moved there). Cory is now a high school teacher and Topanga eventually runs a coffee shop. I honestly don't recall if she ran the shop from the start or if she was still a lawyer and then opened up a coffee shop. Eventually everyone would make guest appearances on the show, but the show was mostly centered around the kids and their trials and tribulations. But it aired on Disney. I think had it been a primetime ABC show or even on the Family Channel, it may've been more appealing, but because it was on Disney (where three Boy Meets World episodes were banned from reruns for adult subjects) it just didn't hold my interest at the time to go beyond some of the first season.

I may go back and give it another try in parts, because there are cameos and stories that occasionally have callbacks to BMW, such as this which I actually didn't see when it originally aired and never knew about until I started this look back recently...

So I couldn't find a clip of the rest of this scene, but they go into the idea of who people were and who they have become, and someone mentions a 100 year old time capsule that was recently unearthed and that leads to this...

This was in season 2, and had there been more like that in season 1 I may've stayed on longer, but I get it, they wanted to establish the kids more. But similar to how season 1 of Boy Meets World might be my least favorite, season 1 of GMW wasn't as good as I had hoped. It was too Disney which meant aimed at kids like how I imagine Hannah Montana or the Suite Life with Zack and Cody were, shows I know by name but would never have ever watched as an adult. And had GMW not been connected to BMW, I probably would've never been interested in it either. But what does any of this have to do with the Lauren saga? Well...

Ok, so further explanation. Maya lives with her divorced mom. In previous episodes Shawn and Maya's mom, who works at the coffee shop, seem to have some sparks between them, so she's been hoping they might end up together eventually. Unless the past comes back to haunt them all....

No, I won't leave you wondering how the episode ends. The next clips overlaps a little with the end of the previous clip....

Now see, if this would've been in season 1 I think I would've been much more invested. Now I might have to go back and watch more of the series. What happens with Shawn and Katy? Who else returns? Well, those are stories again for another day. But there is one more small Lauren related occurrence in GMW, and I'll get to that tomorrow since there's a lot of clips already today. And then we will move on. Or maybe I should just do more BMW for the next few days since the Halloween threads will be taking over soon anyway. Let me know what you prefer.
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