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Your Minutes of Zen

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Apr 30, 2023 10:03 am

I know of Iden Versio, but never played the game. I explained more over in your post.

I probably should've posted this a few days ago but for some reason never thought of...

RIP Jerry Springer, the 90's would not have been the same without you!




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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon May 01, 2023 3:42 am

I see and I already replied to that ;)

Yes, I knew about Springer, I just didn't say anything about it. He really had a good show. That one with Razor Ramon was great. The little girl couldn't left up the belt, yeah, their heavy. I bet that poor Tyler kid was sad when Razor lost to Goldust at the 96 Royal Rumble just a little while after this. It's true especially then that wrestlers are on the road 300 days or more on the road. I've always said to everybody nobody ever gives credit to them, it's always football, basketball or even baseball players, forget that...wrestlers are THE toughest athletes in the world cause they never have an off season and they train way, way harder, I've said that for decades and I still stand by it :!:

I bet Jerry Springer will be a WWE Hall of Famer next year :shock:

To coincide with the Armed and Dangerous trailer here is these scenes...

This scene is pretty good with the peep show. Like I said before in the trailer topic the gay & drag stuff was funny but this day & age they really shoving it down our throats, drag queens coming to schools, teaching kids to be like them learning all of that stuff and so on :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Anyway I like how how he looks at the woman in the window like he's been there before :batwink:

Now this has always been a big one with Me. Tom "Tiny" Lister jr. aka "The Human Wrecking Machine" Zeus has a decent part here. This is 1986 so he wasn't Zeus yet till 1989. I thought he was really awesome though I really never thought Candy making fun of him was funny but I can't help but to think it is anyway.

This scene was recorded straight from TV but it's still watchable. There's some cool women here and really I believe this was the first time I saw a muscular woman like that back in the day. Now in this scene Candy gets gutsy and gets a little revenge on Lister and we see what a great physique he had and why became the Zeus that I would love :)

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon May 01, 2023 2:03 pm

For some reason I thought Jerry Springer was already in the WWE HOF, I guess not.

I couldn't tell you when I last saw Armed and Dangerous, I'm not even sure I knew who Zeus was or that he was in it. Everyone looks so young.

A very underappreciated Saturday morning cartoon, I looked forward to it every week...

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue May 02, 2023 5:08 am

First off before I get started, I just found out that Mike Shannon died. He was a good baseball player for My home team the St. Louis Cardinals. I used to listen to him on the radio countless times and see him on Fox & Fox Sports Midwest all the time during the Cardinals games along with Tim McCarver whom also died very recently. he had his own restaurant in Down Town St. Louis as well. May he RIP :roll:

Mike Shannon 1.jpg

OK, now let's back to business. Nope, Springer isn't yet. Dang, believe it or not I totally forgot about Camp Candy :o That was great :) Really :?: Zeus/Lister jr. was in a lot of stuff too, I always loved him as you have seen earlier on within your Movie Trailer Topic. They do look young.

OK, PB said he remembered Who's Harry Crumb in his Trailers because I talked about the Women. Well here's a quite bit of Who's Harry Crumb, get ready, I just loved this one, really it's arguably My favorite John Candy movie of all :batshock:

It's Crumb!


He can speak more than one language :!:

He's a martial artist but darn it, be careful with the ancient dinosaur/pterodactyl egg :shock:

Oh no the sprinkler and Shawnee Smith is thinking otherwise :lol: :?

Shawnee was really good looking, quite young and really a fine actress. I really liked the expressions she got on her face and how her cool attitude was. She was also in the remake of the Blob in 1988 35 years ago this year...a year prior to Who's Harry Crumb in 1989.

Annie Potts, I said about her before and how many guys don't say much about her at all. I find her classy & hot here, look how different she is here from her Ghostbusters comparison whatsoever :!:

It's Tim "Jack Deth" Thomerson plus a lot of funnies goin' on here :lol:

He's from Bombay :?:

I loved his Deszu Djizlas character, one of the best & funniest ever IMO :lol: :batshock: :wwshock: :smlol:

I hope you liked that :)
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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue May 02, 2023 6:30 am

RIP Mike Shannon and Tim McCarver, their baseball careers were a bit before my time. I remember Tim McCarver doing the Mets games with Ralph Kiner on WOR NY when I was a kid. They're part of the reason I liked the Mets (not that any other teams aired in the are beside the Yankees). Not sure if I knew he had passed. I don't remember hearing it, though you probably mentioned and I forgot, lol.

You know, I was ready to say the Who's Harry Crumb? may've been one of those movies that was funny when you were a kid but probably didn't age well, but that was all still pretty funny. I remember the tic tac toe scene being particularly funny when we were young.

This is one of the best movie moments in history IMO. I post this on twitter every Election Day, not that it does much good. I think the seminal American philosopher Harvey Danger said it best in their musical essay "Flagpole Sitta":

Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding
The cretins cloning and feeding
And I don't even own a TV

Anyway, here's a couple amazing minutes from Peter Finch playing Howard Beale...

The saddest part about that is after you watch it you realize not really much has changed in 50 years. Elections really do have consequences.
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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed May 03, 2023 4:53 am

Well yeah, they were before My time too but like I said I saw them before cardinals games among other games for years and years, basically since 98 till I stopped watching. Well that's good you did when you were younger ;)

I don't know if you know KMOX Radio but Shannon would call the games a lot. he'd take over for the late great Jack Buck.


Actually no, I didn't, that's the first time I said about McCarver. It was great when he'd be on the Post Season games & World Series no matter who was playing, it was always fun and he made those times feel special.

Yeah, WHC still holds up, still good old fashion comedy :)

I know, I just talked about the Network in your Movie Trailers and it's like why bother when people don't listen and/or pay attention. People is gonna continue to vote and IMO it doesn't matter who you vote for, the winner is still gonna be the winner in politics :roll:


I posted Orwells' 1984 in your Movie Trailer Topic PB, here's a thought crime scene.

I posted this on the board before yet it got no attention whatsoever. Speaking on 1984, nobody ever talks about this like anywhere and WWE only mentioned this once a long while back that I know of. It was a huge deal when WWF bought WCW & ECW in 2001, I've expressed how much it meant to Me numerous times here cause I loved WCW & ECW. The thing is that the WWF actually invaded WCW and it was on TBS of all years 1984 :o It wasn't a huge shocking end of an time period like was in the last days o the Attitude Era but I'm sure people did some thinking there think and I think of it as a precursing harbinger of the future :batshock: :wwsmh: :smsmh: After Vinnie Mac took the WWWF after his dad left the world and made into WWF, Vinnie was making sure the days of independent contractors and the territories was coming to an end cause he did a similar thing to them like he did in 2001 and NWA/WCW was the only one left, it just took him a long time to conquer. Still it's really amazing seeing a young 38 year old Vinnie Mac in front of the World Championship Wrestling logo talking about his wrestlers and talking about Hulk Hogan when your expecting to see Ric Flair, I'm sure this made some people depressed that loved these days of WCW and were big wrestling fans. This was truly the beginning of the war and in fact this was called "Black Saturday" :!: If you don't want to take the time to watch this historical 42 minute specia l then browse throughout but it's really a good can't miss plus Mr. Wonderful shows up at the climax but really this is when wrestling was at a good time frame at less than an hour without commercials before you had the 2 & 3 hour regular shows I mean this was when it was over you wanted more, just so many good times then :batsmile:

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed May 03, 2023 12:41 pm

I'm glad you've seen Network, I don't know too many people that actually have. I actually wish I would have seen the trailer beforehand because I knew of that scene, but the actual movie wasn't anything like I expected. I went in thinking it was really going to pretty standard fair but it was quite unique and strange. It was weird seeing Ned Beatty in the role. It's a terrifically bleak film, just not what I was expecting, lol.

What I find fascinating about that speech is you could give that speech today and it would still be accurate Inflation, depression, unemployment, the price of gas, the Russians, "punks running wild in the street". That's the last few years in a nutshell. Like the saying goes those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. It's like what the hell have we been doing for 50 years that we're in the same mess we were back then? It's almost like there's some kind of shadowy cabal that wants us eternally divided and distracted. But that couldn't be possible, right?

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu May 04, 2023 7:19 am

Well that's great. Too bad there isn't many other people you know that did :roll: Oh yeah it was a great speech...and what you said there...nah, there is so such thing I mean that's too far fetch :?

I am not familiar with The Electric Company. That one with Spider-Man and the Yeti was something else however especially since "The Web-Slinger" was basically a real life comic since he didn't speak. Cool PB :)
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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu May 04, 2023 1:04 pm

The Electric Company was ok, it had a young Morgan Freeman. But I always looked forward to the Spiderman segments when they came up.

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Re: Your Minutes of Zen

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri May 05, 2023 5:26 am

I see and that is good :)

Those were some really cool SW Simpsons there PB :)
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