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Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jun 06, 2022 7:19 am

Just a short update today.

Nirvana - Come As You Are: This is arguably My fave one ever by them! I've listned to it so much back then and still do! This is another one that Raven was inspired by in WCW...amazing he had such an influence of Nirvana & Pearl Jam, so cool :!:

Pearl Jam - Oceans: Here is one of their most underrated songs but I feel its one of their best. I love how the sound is and how Eddie Vedder sings here, so good :!:

More later ;)
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Jun 06, 2022 8:08 am

Ten has to be one of the all time albums. I played the hell out of that but found each album after that a little less appealing until I think I stopped buying their stuff after No Code. I was never really into Nirvana. I've always enjoyed lyrics as much as music, and with Nirvana, well, good luck figuring out the words, lol.

Another mid-90s Canadian band not the most appealing band name but here's...Moist!


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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jun 07, 2022 2:24 am

Oh yes. TEN is one of the albums ever. I was very excited when I got it. No pun intended here but infact if I would put together a top 10 list of greatest albums that I have experience with, PJ's TEN would have to be in it :o

I never knew Moist either. They were good and quite different according to the videos. As many groups that I know, you'd be surprised how many I don't cause after 2000 things was changing with songs and it just was engaging as much which really was a precursor for the standard for today :roll:
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:09 am

One more for the grudge guys :)

Nirvana - “Endless, Nameless”: This was a "hidden" track from Nevermind if you would let it play. A very different one I might add :?

Pearl Jam - Release Me: This is a great song and it was actually a "hidden" track on their CD as well :o I love how it ends with Once :)

I'll move on to different guys tomorrow, until then ;)
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Jun 07, 2022 12:20 pm

BrandonDaCollector wrote:As many groups that I know, you'd be surprised how many I don't cause after 2000 things was changing with songs and it just was engaging as much which really was a precursor for the standard for today :roll:

Oh, I'm pretty similar. At some point I stopped listening to music altogether and started listening more to AM talk radio. Then when we got SiriusXM in our cars years ago, I didn't even listen to much Canadian music either, since like DirecTV, I lost access to those stations Really I listen to Busted Open Radio now, or I'll check out the 80's and 90's radio stations on there. At least in the 90s everyone sounded unique. You could immediately tell when a Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains or Nirvana song came on. Once you got to the 2000s and the Stainds and the Disturbs, it all sounded like the same to me. Now get off me lawn!

Speaking of unique sounds, here's Canada's The Tea Party

"The Bazaar"

"Sister Awake"
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 08, 2022 5:48 am

Indeed. Amazing how this generation thinks today's generic bands & rappers are so good and all of it is so great :roll: If only the elders would show them how great the music in our generation was/is!

Another one I didn't know, they were really cool!

Ah, yes Alice in Chains. I loved them too, I'll get to them in a bit which they were part of My plan/list but first...

Here is En Vogue - Free Your Mind! What a great song. I really liked this black babe group. I thought they were so good lookin' back then :) This was a cool video too!

So, most of what have posted from the 90s so far and just now with the video of En Vogue leads up to something big & special I was talking about before, that will be My next entry post here :? :shock: Just you wait :batsmile:
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:31 am

That was a good En Vogue song. Still hear it every now and then.

One more Canadian band you may've actually heard of as I think they broke through more in the States. I remember the first time I heard "Starseed" by Our Lady Peace, right from the opening guitar riff it sounded like it was going to be good, and then you hear lead singer Raine Maida and it's off. They had a unique sound to them as well, and their first album Naveed was great. We played it all the time while playing basketball in my buddies driveway.


Their second album, Clumsy, was almost as good as their first.

"Superman's Dead"

Over the course of the decade their sound matured. For some reason I'd always thought this song, "Somewhere Out There" was on the Armageddon Soundtrack because of the lyrics, but it was actually "Starseed" which was several years old by the time the movie came out, that actually appeared on the soundtrack. Weird how I always assumed otherwise. But check out the lyrics to "Somewhere Out There" and if you've seen Armageddon you'd think the song was written for that film.

Even though Armageddon wasn't the greatest movie, it will have a place in my heart as it was my first unofficial date with my wife. My best friend was dating her cousin at the time and the four of us went to see the movie together. That came out July 1st, 1998. Our first official date was to see There's Something About Mary that came oy July 15th, 1998. And the rest, as they say, is history.

The lead singer of OLP would marry another Canadian singer, Chantal Kreviazuk. They met, interestingly enough, at a Pearl Jam concert in Toronto, in 1996. I always liked this song, "Surrounded". She also had a song on the Armegeddon Soundtrack, a cover of the song "Leaving On a Jet Plane"

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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jun 09, 2022 8:20 am

Well cool about En Voge. Nope, never heard of Our Lady Peace nor Chantel. They seemed good however. Amazing how these bands were then, so good. I remember Armageddon and saw it when it came out on video. 1998 was a huge movie year. I can tell ya all about it, movie years is a specialty of Mine. The movie was ok and yes that song seemed like it could fit it. Congrats on your unofficial date with your girlfriend/wife. I cannot say I ever had that luxury :roll: I've seen so many couples that seem like their so good together then it all falls apart, your a lucky dude PB, I hope you know that ;)

So, now here is the big one I'm talking about that much of what I posted which is the 1992 MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS which was 30 years ago this year :o This was really big for Me. I had set it to record on My VCR and the power went out for a while due to a big storm. I never saw the entire show but missed about a half hour or so and they never aired it again and I never could find it on VHS either :roll: It''s always been on My mind. Come a decade or so later YT is available and there it is. Ever since I started this topic I have been THINKING OF THIS :shock:

A really decent version was there for a while but full shows get deleted due to the policy crap. Here is a VHS version that was just uploaded rather recently. If your interested I really suggest your watch it if you haven't before. You got Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman in the I DID NOT KNOW THAT SEGMENT, David Spade with Hellraiser & Andrew Dice Clay. EN VOGUE performs LIVE and there is the classic DENIS LEARY commercials I was talking about before and so much more, I don't want to spoil it! Take the time to watch this from the beginning to the end on a large screen, you ain't gonna want to miss it!

However, the version I provided isn't complete so here is some KEY MOMENTS and My favorites of the show of the songs I have already posted about :o


Pearl Jam

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Bobby Brown

Like I had said before this was big to Me and during a cool time when things were still really good. When MTV was ACTUALLY MUSIC TV instead of the reality crap that is shoved down our throats ever second of everyday for years and years now like Teen Mom & Pregnant and Catfish...I mean can you still call MTV...MTV when there's this unnecessary stuff that just takes over it :x We must be in a different reality I mean seriously :batrage:

So I hope you take the time to watch all of that classic stuff, watch the Award show FIRST, Carvey, Hartman & Spade are classic and there is so much more! I'm not gonna post in the topic for a while to give ya a little time to watch it all, there's a ton to talk about. After that I will post some of the classic songs from the show that I didn't before plus a lot more. LATER ;)
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:30 pm

Hmm, interesting. I know Our Lady Peace broke into the US more because I hear them from time to time on SiriusXM, and I can't say that for the other bands. It's weird living on the border because many of these bands are huge in Canada, and yet down here, many have never heard of them, and that's a bit of a shame.

Isn't '92 the Fartman year? I think that was when I stopped watching a lot of MTV. I felt kind of embarrassed watching that. I mean, I knew who Howard Stern was back then, not sure if he had that show on E!, but that was an awful segment. Like when you're a teenager hanging out with friends and your dad tries to seem cool to them (I'm not too far from being on the other end of that now, lol)

I honestly don't know why anyone watches awards shows anymore. I can't imagine anything less interesting than a bunch of self-absorbed celebs glad handing each and making speeches about things they know nothing about in their little bubble. Ok, Leo, I'll stop using gasoline in my car, have fun flying your private jet to Cannes.
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jun 09, 2022 11:07 pm

I'm sure it is strange living there near Canada. I mean its a whole another country up there. Shame its like that even though we're all on the same continent :roll: Nah, I don't listen to SiriusXM. I never knew Sam Roberts till he suddenly made it to WWE sometime ago.

Yep, 92 was the year of Fartman. He's in the MTV MVA show I provided. I guess you didn't give it a chance to see him and to see the Carvey & Phil.

I'll post some more videos soon and continue on.
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