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Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

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Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue May 03, 2022 9:21 am

So I've been thinkin' of some new topics and especially this one for quite sometime and now I think it's time. I just don't like movie scores and soundtracks music but I like other kind of music as well. Songs by singers which most it is from the 80s & 90s with a very small exception from the 2000s, when it was classic and before all of this mediocre stuff today that today's generation goes crazy about which I have no clue why they do :? Don't get Me wrong, there's some good songs that has been made over recent years, IMO it just doesn't compare to the past :|

A lot of these I got on My mind was all mostly on MTV, remember when MTV was actually music television :?: Watch today's MTV, it's been ruined by TV shows & reality crap for years now, this is one of the many probs that's wrong with today's society and more and I'm just not a fan of it :batrage:

First before we get to Mine, I gotta post these because these were My Grandparents' favorites.

Barry White - You're the First, the Last, My Everything: My Grandma MiMi loved Barry White especially this song :(

Starship - "We Built This City": My Grandpa PoPo really liked this one and I remember seeing it on MTV when it premiered!

Mike + The Mechanics - Silent Running: He also loved this one. I Myself think it's awesome! It was played in that fantastic Werewolf series on USA back then too, such great times :)

The Thompson Twins - Doctor Doctor: We all loved this classic!

Michael Jackson - Thriller: My Mom just loved this when it first aired! I remember seeing it when I was a youngster and I loved that spooky feeling! IMO its great and still is terrific especially around Halloween time!

That's all about that. I'll get to Mine next. In fact this year marks the 30th Anniversary in 1992 when I REALLY got into rock, heavy metal and more and you've heard Me talk about them before which I'm gonna be postin' about them a lot in time which is Metallica, they are My favorite band of all!

So like the wrestling themes topic, post away some songs of yesteryear that you really liked, it can be from any genre as long as it is classic and you can make exceptions if it's from the 2000s of course but if there is songs of this current age then well, if it's good then post it ;)
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue May 03, 2022 1:32 pm

Lol, it's funny because in recent weeks I'd been thinking of doing a song of the day type thread but there's so few responses on here and my tastes are so varied and eclectic that I wasn't sure it was worth the effort. Great minds...

I remember when Thriller first debuted and all the hoopla on MTV leading up to it's premiere and including the making of type shows. I was only five, but it was prevalent enough that to this day I still remember. I love that song. How can you not? Especially at Halloween.

That Starship song, woof. It was voted as the worst song of all time a while back, lol. The lyrics are so awful that they're actually rather endearing. Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars? Indeed. That's a long way off from Go Ask Alice. Feed your head.

I grew up on 80s music but also Elvis, and Bobby Darin, and Frank Sinatra, Canadian rock like the Tragically Hip and Matthew Good Band, classic musicals from the 40s and 50s, etc. In recent years I've come to appreciate country music more, some modern and some of the old stuff. Leonard Cohen, Peter Allen, Billy Joel, hair metal, like I said, I'm all over the board. I'll do some thinking and share some stuff as well.
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed May 04, 2022 6:01 am

I see :) Thriller was terrific, a great Halloween song, one of the best really. The older stuff is great too like Elvis & Sintra, no question about it :)


Now it's My turn. Here is a few of mine and their all women. Later on there really wasn't that many that interested in Me when it came to singers but boy when I was a youngster I just loved these!

Laura Branigan - Hot Night": I always loved hearing it on My Grandpa's Ghostbusters record and she was the FIRST FEMALE SINGER I KNEW AND LOVED! In My Grandma MiMi's tribute I had showed how much we loved Laura's "Gloria" song but this was first for Me and I have seen Ghostbusters literally a 100 times and It always pains Me that this song NEVER had a huge part in it nor got much attention that it should have! Look at the gorgeous Laura in this awesome fan made custom music video, she had the one of the most incredible voices EVER HEARD she was truly an OOAK :( :batsmile:

Madonna - Live To Tell: I really liked her when I was younger. I loved her in Dick Tracy and her songs in it. She is arguably the greatest female singer IMO that is tied with Laura but she has become so weird and that is just a turn off.

Jody Watley - Don't You Want Me?: Oh now I just loved her. People was nuts about Janet & Whitney and others but My favorite black female singer was Jody Watley! She was so great looking and had such a cool voice. This is My favorite song by her and the one that truly got My attention about her :batsmile: The video itself is really cool and I sure miss those days when it was like that in the 80s :roll: Unfortunately she's another superb one that has been forgotten about, it really irks Me about that sort of stuff :batsmh: :smsmh: :wwsmh:

That's all for now, a big list ahead so until the next one :)
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu May 05, 2022 7:49 pm

I liked Madonna in the 80s, in the late 90s she got a little weird and then went a bit **** crazy after the 2016 election, so I soured a bit on her in recent years. It's fun seeing old videos. For some reason I was thinking of "Hot Child in the City" by Nicky Gilder when I saw that Laura Branigan vid. Totally different song, lol. I don't really remember that Branigan song and I pride myself on being a child of the 80s (my wife being 3 years younger is more into 90s music).

Here's a few things I've heard lately. I've always been into lyrics. I mean, a song that sounds good is fine, but I've always been about words so if there's a lyric that really hooks me, that's when I'm in. I just heard this today and every time I do I have to belt out the words along with it. I never realized it was from 1982, but it is, lol. Anyway, there's a lot in the lyrics and videos about growing up and wanting more, and as a kid, that always spoke to me. This was actually the first time I'd seen the video though.

Well, there's a pretty girl serving
At the counter of the corner shop
She's been waiting back there, waiting for a dream
Her dreams walk in and out; they never stop

And now I'm standing on the corner
All the world's gone home
Nobody's changed, nobody's been saved
And I'm feeling cold and alone

I didn't "discover" girls until the 4th grade. I still remember a friend asking me if I thought a particular girl was pretty and it suddenly occurred to me that she was. She was kind of the brunette equivalent of Charlie Brown's paramour. I was a bit of an introvert back then though, and it's not like we dated or anything, but we both walked home from school in those days, albeit in different directions, but sometimes we'd linger around the schoolyard a little. I even had a bit of a romantic rival back in the day, Chaz (a douchey name if ever there were one). It was never anything serious, even for children, I think the farthest I ever really got was playing footsy, during lunch period, lol. But then that summer my parents bought a house in the suburbs and we moved and I heard this song and for that summer it was my torch song (My aunt, who was a teenager at the time, had given me Hearts "Bad Animals" among a couple other cassettes that prior Christmas, so it was readily handy). At that time though, having moved to a strange new world where I knew nobody, this song spoke to me.

One more, and a lot more recent. I'd heard of Blue Rodeo prior to 2002, but they being defined as a Canadian "country rock" group, to me, country was a bad word back then. But then I heard this song and I've been a huge fan ever since. All the lyrics are pretty amazing, in fact, a lot of Blue Rodeo's stuff is really mature (not foul language, but mature as in intelligent, especially about relationships and love). I know most people in the USA have never heard of them and that's a shame even though they did have a song on the Navy SEALS soundtrack in 1990 ("Try"), they're still a bit of a hidden gem in the States, I think. Anyway, some of these lyrics blew me away as an aspiring writer...

Well, it would be great to be so strong
Never needed anybody else's help to carry on
But, I'm not waking up each morning with forgiveness I can use
No, I'm careless and I'm cruel, but I'm still easily bruised
Well, I'm so tired lying 'bout it, I'm not bulletproof
Oh, and I'm not gonna lie about it, I'm not bulletproof

I think I'll leave it there for now. I was thinking of doing Peter Allen, but there's a few things of his I wanted to touch upon some maybe that will have to be one post all on it's own. I'd be surprised if anyone even knows who he is without a google search, lol.

Outwardly, I grew up on hair metal and Guns n Roses, but even at an early age the expressiveness of a piano spoke to me in ways a guitar never could, and because of that, I've always been a sucker for anything with a piano in it.
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu May 05, 2022 9:17 pm

Oh I know, Madonna became quite dispapponting later on. Nothing surpasses the 2020 election crap, there has been so much bull and so much more that most doesn't even know about and Madonna is horrible now :roll:

Really good choices PB, that Heart one is great, My Grandpa loved Heart, they were some of his favorites :)

If you don't know where Laura's Hot Night in Ghostbusters was, it was in Louis' apartment when Dana Barrett was sneaking around down the hall ;)

Well I wasn't one of the people you see in recent times IN JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING that is SHOVED in our FACE everyday who doesn't know who or what they are...I KNOW who I was, I hit on girls (I mean the good way, harming a female is just WRONG!!) in the first grade and was lucky and had a girlfriend all the time in school but of course we were kids. I found My "true" girlfriend in the 3rd grade. I liked her so much and had a similar situation like you PB but it was the opposite. During a late Summer day I asked My sometimes conversational friend Joe who was in front of Me in our desks..."who is the new girl with the glasses" over there. He told Me and I asked him does he like her and he said nope...well I hit on her and she was Mine :batsmile: I unfortunately screwed things up later big time between Us and I have been regretting it ever since. I know it was a long, long time ago but still I miss her :( I had other girlfriends but they weren't like her :roll: I was always attracted to the attractive but "different" girl, the one that most guys wouldn't even consider but I WAS NEVER like MOST boys & guys and I'M STILL NOT :!: Every now and then I see actresses and other women that remind Me of her in certain ways and I think that's all I'm gonna say about that :roll: :)

OK, My next entries will be VERY soon!
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Fri May 06, 2022 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri May 06, 2022 6:36 am

So here we go with My entries. I saw all of these on MTV in 1992, 30th anniversary THIS YEAR :o I was only 11 years young :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: This is during the time when songs & music was superb and when it was really cool & fun to get into unlike most of today's music. Bear with Me here as I go down to the ones that I fell in love with FIRST!

Metallica: Wherever I May Roam - Instantly I loved them. Even to this day they are My favorite band ever and James Hetfield is My favorite singer of ever, of all-time! He is just so good and have always had a huge soft spot for him. They just have such great sound and the way the songs are. When I first saw this I was so astounded about it, I just loved the whole thing. I had to get their Black Album. I got all of their others too. I got their awesome Mcfarlane figures as well way back when. If I would have never seen this video I believe things would have been very different for Me. This is the one that started it all for Me :!:

Now like Hulk Hogan & wrestling and Mark McGwire & Baseball, they weren't' the only ones in their sports, so I got into a lot more that I enjoyed during this time :batsmile:

Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit - Oh I really got into Nirvana and I really liked this one. I thought it was so funny and I just liked the whole video. I found Kurt Cobain very talented. I have an 18" NECA figure of him!

Pearl Jam: Jeremy - I really loved Pearl Jam. Eddie Vedder's voiece is so good and their sound was terrific. This was the first one I saw of them, I just loved the musical tone of this.

Temple of the Dog: Hunger Strike - When I first saw this video I was like Eddie Vedder was part'em here and it was really cool with Chris Cornell :batwink: The group was great. The song is terrific, it's one of the most underrated songs ever IMO. Like any song, there is a point to it but there is big a hidden meaning to this song that very, very few know about, if you delve deep in the vv@bb!t h0l3, you'll know what it is :roll:

That's all for now, I got a ton more and I will revisit these guys again especially Metallica :batgrin:
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri May 06, 2022 6:53 pm

Ah, grunge. I never cared much for Nirvana. My friend was heavily into them and I always made fun of them so the Weird Al video was hilarious. Pearl Jam I really liked, But after 3 or 4 albums I didn't care for their stuff after that. But Hunger Strike is an amazing song. I never cared for Soundgarden either, but we lost Chris Cornell (suspiciously) too soon, and some of his solo stuff looked like he was going to have an interesting career ahead o him. His cover of Prince's Nothing Compares 2 U is really good. Easily one of the most unique and recognizable voices of the past 30 years of music.
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri May 06, 2022 10:13 pm

Cornell was great and Hunger Strike was an amazing song indeed, I mean it got My attention all them years ago :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: Suspicious is right, it may have to do with the song as I hinted before :roll:

Oh yes, the Weird Al one was hilarious too. My friend Donnie whom I spoke about recently in My Visionaries showcase, he was a bit ahead of Me when it came to grudge, hard rock and stuff. I didn't get into the stuff till a while later after he told Me about Nirvana & Weird Al. As a bonus, here is the video :batsmile:

More to come soon :batsmile:
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat May 07, 2022 7:45 am

So there's gonna be bonus ones along new ones now. The bonus will deal with bands already entered many will particularly Metallica but others too :!:

Metallica: Enter the Sandman - I just loved this one too. When I first saw ECW and the Sandman enter with this song in 94, I just flipped out :batshock: :smgasp: :wwsmh:

Red Hot Chili Peppers: Give It Away - I thought this song was funny and the video was purely surreal. Looking at it now though I got mixed emotions about it but it's still a very fun song!

House of Pain: Jump Around - I'm not fan of rap but darn I just loved this when it came out. I loved it so much I had to go to the record store (defunct now for over 2 decades) and buy the album :batshock:

Snow: Informer - Holy cow, I was really excited about this song when I first saw & heard it. I thought it was so cool. Like I did with House of Pain, I went to the record store and bought the CD, such cool times :)

Color Me Badd/C.M.B.: All For Love: NOTE: Remember in the word game I was talking about'em...gosh here we are again but this time in the proper place :shock: I liked Hip Hop & R&B too. While I liked The New Kids on the Block, a while before, I just loved these guys. I got their albums and I have listened to them as much as I do Metallica and that's a lot :o

Gosh, all of this was 92 :wwshock: I got a ton more, just hold on, it's gonna be great, next one comin' soon ;)
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Re: Classic Songs & Music Videos of Yesteryear!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue May 10, 2022 6:54 am

Next up is....

Metallica: The Unforgiven - This was truly one of the best songs of the whole Black Album and one of the most memorable songs of the whole decade :batsmile:

Color Me Badd: Heartbreaker - (Another one I talked about in the word game topic that is now in a proper section!) This is one of their finest ones and one of their most underrated & underused ones as well.

Ugly Kid Joe: Neighbor - When I first saw and heard this one on MTV I thought it was so funny and sounded so cool! I bought their cool America's Least Wanted album @ the defunct Sound Warehouse but I really never got much into them after that when it came to anything new but this is one of the most well known of their songs!

That's all for now, more coming soon :)
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