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Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Apr 21, 2022 5:29 am

So here is the first part of the Mario showcase, this will be in 4 parts, I will do each one individually in order to sync in the great Nintendo/Mario goodness since we are already done with the great Sega/Sonic sections. Here we go :)


Super Mario Bros. - This was the first Nintendo game I ever played as it came with the NES system in 1985. Like I said before when the topic started I got My NES for Christmas from My Parents. I played this so much! This isn't the first time I played a game with Mario in it however as My Mom got Me Donkey Kong for her Commodore 64 system a while before that and no, it WASN'T a disk, it was a CARTRIDGE :o Anyway I just love the classic scenery, underground and night time maps!



Duck Hunt - Not a Mario game but was a duel cartridge with SMB. My big Cousin Brian (who was never really fun and really a jerk to put it mildly) when he played it he always wanted to shoot the dog :? I don't like hunting and never will but as a kid I thought the game was fun, you could also shoot clay pigeons as well.



Super Mario Bros. 2 - Ah, superb in 1988. This is one of My favorite Mario titles of all, in fact it comes extremely close to tying My fave which I will get to in the next segment. I loved how different it was and IMO it just had a great feeling and coolness to it. I love everything about it, so classic and IMO it's just not one of the greatest Mario games but games in general ever made :)


Super Mario Bros. 3 - Oh here it is from 1990, this is more like the original and we were talking about The Wizard movie and in My original topic, this was huge to Me and I couldn't wait till the release of the game itself! I loved the idea of Bowser's kids & the Boo ghosts too!


Dr. Mario - Loved this and the music, Me & My Grandma MiMi played this a lot!


Punch-Out!! - Not a Mario game. I played the original one with Mike Tyson but wasn't in time to own it but My Mom got Me updated version with Mr. Dream for Me for Christmas in 1990. I am entering this because Mario is actually the REFEREE and he shows up in EVERY BOUT so I never considered this to "just a cameo" despite he is hardly credited with the this grand boxing game :o




Super Mario Land - This came with My game Boy in 1989, I was amazed how similar it was like the NES version yet so different. It is really fun an din fact just as fun as the console games :)



Now I have some others that I have but they are for Virtual Console for the Wii U and I will mention them in time ;)

So there's the Mario NES games I have played and own which you have already seen briefly in My great NES showcase last month in My original topic + a BIG hint of My upcomin' Game Boy showcase to come soon too :o Browse thru and watch them vids and get that classic Mario feeling goin' and all that because next I will talk about and show the ones for SNES, until then :batsmile:
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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:55 am

Cool, I had all those NES games as well (my Punch Out had Tyson cuz I'm old). I played the heck out of those games when I was a kid and when we got the NES Mini my kids were surprised how many secret entrances, I remembered in the first Super Mario Bros. but that game was like muscle memory to me. Never owned a Gameboy, though.
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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:50 am

OK cool. Oh stop it with that old stuff, I said I played the Tyson one too, I rented it probably from Movie Mogul or Mr. t's but no stores had it in stock in My area to buy. Yeah, it must really be different for kids of today to play the classics, far different from when we were kids let Me tell ya with our experiences & times and Game Boy is great :)

Ok, so here is all of the Mario games that I have for the Super Nintendo/SNES and one we go :!:

Super Mario World - Oh here it is, I couldn't believe how great this one was when I first played it. It originally came out in 1991, this was IT when My Grandma MiMi rented Me the SNES & Super Mario World for Easter of 92 from Schnucks on Iron Street which was 30 years ago THIS YEAR :o :cry: I was so used to the NES, I was amazed how the backgrounds moved, the sound, the 3D and all of that and that you could actually save your game via built-in memory :shock: IMO this is still one of the greatest Mario games ever made and if your a Mario fan and never played it, man you gotta, it still holds up today in so many ways. By the way, in My original game topic I showcased My great guide to the game which was one of the very first items I ever showed in that topic, I love that book :batsmile:


Super Mario Kart - In 1992, I remember renting this from Movie King and keeping it for a week for the first time, yeah you could rent well known & rare stuff for a week, just great times indeed :) Oh it's another great one and this is the original one too, so fun, it was in the style of F-Zero which I also loved. We played this together a lot as well!


Mario Paint - One of the most unusual games of the era in 92, it was fun with the included mouse.


Super Mario All-Stars - Now here is one of the best Mario compilations of all and was one of the first ever made in 93. However, this just wasn't re-released games of Mario 1,2 & 3 from/for the NES, all of the games were COMPLETELY REDESIGNED and it was ALL NEW ALL OVER AGAIN, it was so fun plus it had Mario: The Lost levels too which was only in Japan at the time. As a trend, this had built in memory too! More about this in the upcoming Wii U segment!


Wow, what a hit toward SEGA! Gosh I loved the competition then :batsmile: We had Nintendo vs. Sega, WWF vs. WCW, Hasbro vs. Playmates, Ford vs. Chevy, McDonalds vs. Burger King, I could go on and on :batsmile: Now it's just blah & whatever to this current day & ages' society :roll: :x

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Oh this is My fave Mario game of ever, all-time, it was released in 1995 :) The game had morph-motion tech and was really fun. It's a prequel to the first one. I really loved playing this during Autumn & Halloween time, This was never released on the Wii U Virtual console but they released the ones of Nintendo DS and other ones which were nearly identical so I guess that's why but still, why :?


Oh this commercial is one of My favorites of all-time, it's so disgusting yet so hilarious :? :lol:

Tetris Attack - We played this probably the most out of any 2-player Mario game, in fact it was one of our most played games of all! It was just so fun and despite it's name, it's actually a Yoshi game.


Super Mario RPG: Legend of The Seven Stars - Now this one I have on My Wii U via Virtual Console. I had rented it before in 1996. This is the one I said about when I posted Sonic 3D Blast as both had very similar style & graphics, were in competition with each other and were two of the last games ever released for the main 16-Bit systems as they were going higher which Sega was going for the 32-Bit Saturn and Nintendo was going for the 64-Bit N64! Shame this era came to an end :roll: 96 was great but darn, things were changing so much and the classic days were just slowly ending :wwsmh: :batsmh: :smsmh: As you know, I'm not a fan of RPGs but in all honesty this was one of the only ones I ever liked and could get into but I liked the Sonic 3D Blast more as you could get right into the action without delay! SMRPG is regarded as one of the best Mario games of all by critics!


So there is the Mario SNES games that i own & have played, I hope you liked it. Browse thru the vids like before for a few moments. Next up is the ones for the Nintendo 64/N64 which began a new era, until then, see ya later ;)
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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:00 am


So before I get to the Mario N64, here is a bonus section. While it doesn't delve into Mario except one game, do you remember the VIRTUAL BOY :?: I had to mention this because I have this but I have no clue where it is. My Grandparents got it and some games for Me when it first came out in 1995. I didn't like it all. Now I kinda regret it and should have just kept it for a collector's piece or for nostalgia but nope, didn't do that :roll:

It was horrible for most people :o


Here is a good video explaining the whole history, this is kinda why I didn't like it then. Watch the entire thing, the guy puts all the details in it!

Amazing how the Nintendo Virtual Boy was back then but PS VR is the thing now and all of this metaverse is the craze :? :roll:

OK, so there's Nintendo's Virutal Boy. So whether you new all of that or not, your thoughts about it? Next will be the N64 Mario games :)
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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:44 am


So the system came out in 1996, the year when so much was changing everywhere from gaming to movies to wrestling. I got a promo VHS in the mail that I have been looking for a long time now that was really cool, I hope to find it soon and showcase it! I remember how it was, I wanted to get the Sega Genesis 32X & Sega CD before they and their games went out of stock at stores since they were getting clearanced out at TRU among other places. Playstation looked cool but Sega Saturn interested Me much more. I'd play them over at Best Buy now and then but during this time till ultimately when I would get it, the N64 would always be the new console I'd want because of the graphics, the awesome & exclusive titles, the odd controller and more!

Before we begin with Mario, here is a couple N64 videos that I thought I'd add :)

Here is a compilation of N64 commercials!

Here is a news broadcast of when the N64 was sold-out!

Now we begin the great Mario games for N64!

Super Mario 64 - So when I got My N64 in 1998 for Christmas from My Grandparents, I got a lot of games to with it and for My B-Day but My new system didn't actually come with Mario 64, My Mom got for Me at FuncoLand used. In My main video game topic I showcased the great guide to it like I did Super Mario World for the SNES on the first page. This game was so different compared to every Mario game I have played previously. It would have the trending 3D & 360 platform that the N64 was known for. This was actually one of my most played Mario games believe it or not which I would play games that was similar like Rare's Banjo & Kazooie & Donkey Kong 64, I got involved with them much more as I thought they were so much funner. Mario 64 is a great game none the less. I have this on the Wii U Virtual Console!


Mario Kart 64 - Now this I loved, Me & Grandma MiMi played this all the time late at night and it was just one of our favorites. I loved playing as Wario and the maps were designed just like they were in Mario 64. It was far different than the original for the SNES but it arguably even better and more exciting to play! I have this on the Wii U Virtual Console as well :) In fact it was one of the last big titles before they moved to Switch :roll:


Dr. Mario 64 - Another great game we played countless times together. It has many new characters that was only in The Wario series. It was so fun getting the spooky bosses Mad Scienstein & Rudy the Clown. It was really cool becoming Metal Mario & Vampire Wario :blbat: This has never been on the Wii U Virtual Console and it pains Me as to why they didn't re-release it :x


Yoshi's Story - I never played this originally for the N64 however I got in on the Wii U's Virtual Console. It's a really good game similar yet different then SM2: Yoshi's Island. How this game is would become the standard for Yoshi for years to come!


Well, there it is, the Mario games I have & played for the N64. It's not a lot this time but still really good! So next wll be the next segmenta nd tat will be for the Wii U, I will have a special double topic about it because its such a wonderful system plus a rant toward Nintendo. That will be up soon :)
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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:15 pm

I never owned an N64 or SNES, or anything Marion beyond Super Mario Bros 3. Never realized how many games there were but by then I'd moved on to Sega systems. My son has a couple Mario Karts for the Switch, though, but most everything else is foreign to me. Cool to see, though. Funny what VR then vs now is, lol.
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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:50 am

I see PB. Oh yes, there is a lot of Mario games, even more so then what I have posted, just as much as Sonic. Cool your son has a Switch and Mario Kart! I have a big issue about Switch that I'll get into a bit later here.

I had discovered Nintendo's new system in early 2015 and I had contemplated to see if I wanted to get it. I had to do a lot of research and all of that. So I ultimately decided to get it a while later cause it looked so great and I really digged the game titles. When I got My Wii U I was so stoked. I just didn't see a lot of games for the system but I also found out that the system has backwards compatibility with the Wii :o So since I never had a Wii I had to see what games were to My liking and all of that and there was a lot :batsmile:

So before I get to the big details about My Wii U, here is a few Mario games that are actually for the Wii that I got for it and remember, it's backward compatible meaning it can play games from previous systems which is a HUGE bonus in My book. You can go to the special menu to play them older games, its really cool to do it :!:


Super Mario All-Stars - This is the 25th Anniversary of Mario edition. It was very expensive but I had to have it, it's one of My most prized Mario games in My collection. It has the case & game CD and the special stuff including a thick & very special book and even a soundtrack :o Now it's basically the same as the SNES version that I showed earlier when it comes to gameplay but hey, I love Mario and it's a major piece of history to have :!:


Here is the gameplay.

Here in this vid is somebody as euphoric as Me, just browse thru if ya want, he tells & shows all the details about how special this set is!

Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 - Now these are really cool and has such amazing ways of play! I remember for years My huge local Wehrenberg theater (now Marcus after they took them over in late 2016 after being in business for over 100 years:() a vending machine with video games in it that you could win and they had these in it :o


Just browse thru the gameplays to get the idea.

Now if you not familiar with the Wii U here's 2 special vids to get you up date. These 2 vids are a portion of the issue I'll get to in a minute.

WII U Special!

Here is IGN's short look into the system.

Now this might be a crucial video by this game guy, he just got it last year when it was already retired for a long time already. Listen closely & carefully to what he says as he has a few important moments!

Here is some bonus stuff to see and know about.

Wii Remote & Nunchuck - This was one of the major factors of the differences of the system is the way you control & play your games. I had to get used to it for a while, it still sometimes is a hassle :roll:

Wii Steering Wheel - I love this when I play Mario Kart 8! Look at how you do it!

Wii Boxing Gloves - Oh now this is just so awesome when I play the new Punch-Out!! Here is how they work!

Wii controller - I chose the Luigi version because I have always liked his color scheme more than Mario and this controller is excellent because you can plug your remote & nunchuck into it!


Amiibo Commercial - Now here is a cool feature. They made action figures called Amiibos, You can put them on your controller via a NFC (Near Field Communication) chip and they can give you certain things like new powers, looks or even new characters! The chip is inside them and that's how they work. I only got a few of them because they were the only ones that would give Me special power-ups and stuff which was Fox & Falco from Star Fox, Wolf Link was included from Zelda: Twilight Princess & Yoshi with Yoshi's Wolly World. They are sculpted and excellently detailed. Here is a commercial of the Amiibos!

I hope you liked that. Now, since you have seen and know all of that (If you didn't see it an djust now seeing this then stop now an dget to teh beginning). Here is My issue with Nintendo. I was huge on Nintendo even though I chose My Xbox first. I was really excited about the system and everything about it then in 2016 they announced the Switch and that they will be discontinuing the Wii U system because of supposed bad sales, lack of titles and how 3rd party companies weren't interested in making games for them anymore among other things :x I know people were complaining about this and that but as always, it's people :batrage: As you saw in the IGN vid, I loved how you can organize all of your games on your controller, the small size of the console itself, the way the cases were designed and all of that! This is such a wonderful system in so many ways. Because Nintendo basically abandoned the Wii U I got really mad at them and didn't play it or do anything about Nintendo for a very long while :batrage: From everything I've seen of the Switch, it looks cool and all of that but lacks classic feel and features that the Wii u has not to mention it's NOT backwards compatible which to Me is such a major drag. I have mixed emotions about the size of the games, convenient for storage but just not a true game style IMO. So long story shot that is the issue I have had with Nintendo but it's kinda different now.

NOTE: I don't know if you know this but the Wii remote & Nunchuck & Amiibos are compatible with the Switch :o

So that's all for now, next will be the Mario games from the Wii U!
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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:53 am

Wii U

So here is the Mario games I have for the Wii U and they are great and are really fun and see how great all of this looks :batsmile:

NES Remix Pack - This game is one is one of My favorites of all for the console! It has the main classic Super Mario NES games plus many other ones from the vintage system! However, this is not a regular compilation as it is selected levels, stages and maps with alternate & new scenarios that has never been seen before. It's put together really nice and its best to get this version rather than get both games separately digitally! This is a must for any NES lover!


Cool video to show you how it is!

Super Mario 3D Worlds - Now this game was included within the system digitally. It's really cool and was the first new Mario game that ever I played for the new Wii U. It has amazing graphics and while much of the Mario is similar of prior games, there is a whole lot of differences and new characters and stages to make it a brand new Mario experience!


Just browse thru it!

New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U - This one is My favorite of the two new games. It's the standard 2D side-scroller with a ton of great stuff and wonderful great graphics! Now there was a catch when i got this game, there is 2 versions of it, 1 with just the Mario game and 2 with it + the new Luigi U game! The thing is the former can cost higher than the latter so I had to make sure I got the bonus edition!


Super Mario Maker - So this was one of My most anticipated games for the system next to Star Fox Zero & Yoshi's Wooly World. This game is a tremendous one as you can make your own levels and with new characters and people can upload them too and you can download others' creations! It's super fun to play! My only little gripe is that Super Mario Bros. 2 isn't an option here officially but you can make alternates and make it like the first one however which can be really odd yet seems right. The sequel has been released on The Nintendo Switch!


I remember seeing the trailer one day I was watching either Raw or Smackdown because you never see Nintendo commercials anymore or at least not then. Here is the trailer!

Mario Kart 8 - Now this was really cool waiting for the DLC to get the Shy Guys and some others. It's really fun and has such great graphics & mechanics. While it isn't as classic as the original SNES & especially Mario Kart 64, its a darn good game. It rivals both previously mentioned Sonic All-Star Racing titles which you can get for this system too but I think the Sonic ones are just a bit better but then again its really hard to beat the up close racing of this one! To My understanding the game has been released for the Switch with all of the features plus the bonuses so players of that can experience this great game!


A video!

Mario Tennis Ultra Smash - Now I'm not a Tennis fan by any means but I gave this game a shot and I wasn't disappointed at all with the fast paced action and super serves! I loved all of the really good amount of characters as well. I actually played this game more then the main Mario games for the system, I mean I was hooked!


The trailer!

Yoshi's Wooly World - Oh i couldn't wait to get this cute fun game. I got the one with the bonus Yoshi Amiibo that adds more features to the game. Like I had talked about with the other Yoshi games, this is similar like them but features a lot of new material. Its really a great fun game to play!


A trailer!

Dr. Luigi - I was actually surprised that they made a exclusive eshop spinoff game of Dr. Mario. Amazing, after all of this time Luigi has his version :o Its similar like the previous ones and has a lot of different modes. It quite fun to play indeed :)


A trailer!

Now there is various games I have that I got from the Wii U Virtual Console from the classic systems that I haven't mentioned like NES Open Tournament Golf featuring many of the Mario characters, many games for the Game Boy Advance including all 4 Mario Advance games and a great Mario Kart and couple good ones for DS. I never had GBA & DS so this was kinda refreshing to have have not to mention the other non-Mario games for the Virtual Console!

Well, that will conclude My look in the Mario games I have for the Wii U. If you haven't check it out already then make sure you see My post about how great the Wii U is, it's such a great underrated system. I hope you enjoyed all of what I have done over the last several days posting about Mario & Sonic :) Thoughts about these and more :?:
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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:24 pm

Let's get back to Baseball for a moment! I totally forgot to add these baseball games earlier!

Baseball for the NES, never had the original but I got this for the Virtual Console for the Wii U!


Sports Talk Baseball for the Sega Genesis. Its very good!


Super Bases Loaded for the SNES. It's also very good!


I had mentioned the Sega Genesis version but I didn't mentioned that I also have Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball for the SNES as well!


That's all for now from Me :)
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Re: Video Game Consoles: You Have The Power!!

Postby AcidDragon » Sat Apr 30, 2022 6:01 am

Man, I loved NES Baseball, I still play it a lot to this day. It's pretty basic but that's what made it so approachable.
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