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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:51 am

But did you color in them?

I'm not sure what the exact reason for me becoming interested in these topics, might just be as simple as they became more societally acceptable topics and even tv shows about them (both fiictional and documnetary) became more prevalent.

With the idea of aliens, when I was a kid I loved the miniseries V. But when it aired in 1983 I was also only five, and I still remember catching news reports about "illegal aliens" and being freaked out because of it, lol. I also couldn't play with my MOTU Whiplash as much because of V. But the miniseresses and the TV show were so good. I got the miniseries on DVD probably 20 years ago. Might be near the time to watch it again.

Yeah, this sudden "UAP" nonsense bothers me. It's just another way to try and obfuscate the truth.
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:03 pm

Actually yes, I did color in them. Yep, to watch let Me tell ya :!: Yeah, you are correct about UAP indeed :roll:
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:55 pm

OK, I just took a few pics of them since I took it that you were interested in seeing a bit of it. I didn't color inside them as much I thought I did or at least that one would think. Anyway here is just examples of that and of course samples of what the drawings look like inside. Please note I colored these when I was very young.





I hope you liked it packer :)
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:24 pm

Nice coloring, I don't think I'd show quite so much restraint. It's pretty wild there was an actual kids coloring book about real world monsters, like, "Mommy, look how nice I colored the Bell Witch!"

I recall going into Woolworths a few times as a kid downtown because they were on the corner of where my mom worked, the store, not my mom. My mom didn't work the corner (though she did always have lots of singles...things that make you go hmmmm?). I remember buying those Woolworth baseball card sets that were like for the 20/20 Club (20 HRs, 20 SBs--congratulations, Howard Johnson!), but I don't remember the inside of the store that well. We're talking circa 1988 or so.
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:26 am

Thanks a lot packer :) Ya know, I featured My old T-Rex Crayon Case with My old crayons still in it (from the 80s when I was a kid) seen in My Dino figure topic earlier (if you wanna see the origins of it then please check that out in the general toy section), if I'm up to it and all, I might use them and color a bit in the books :idea: Ya never know ;)


Yep, they made them then, that is wild and ain't that somethin' :? Cool, thanks for sharing that about your Mom. Oh I remember how the Woolworths looked inside thank goodness. I reminiscent a lot. Yes, Mine was circa... I say 86 - 88.

Ah, Baseball cards, I wasn't a BB card collector till the late 90s and early 2000s, I have 2 huge sets with the special chase cards that I collected that cost Me a lot back then but after I completed those I retired from that, it just was too hard and costly. I have been thinkin' about showcasing them in a special topic, I may do that one day :idea: :D

OK, let's get back to Cryptozoology & Ufology and all of that. Since Acid hasn't posted his experiences yet, let's go-ahead and go with Mine for a bit if I may.What did you think about My little reveal :?: Did any of it surprise you? There is some other stuff that I haven't mentioned yet as well. Do you wanna know the details of one of them :?: I'd like to get to them but one by one at a time.
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:40 pm

Honest question, you ever throw anything away? Jeezalou, I can't find stuff I bought last week, lol!

I'd love to hear more details about your UFO and sasquatch run-ins. We don't get many sasquatch sightings over in my area, but I did see one once. He was standing next to JohnLithgow at the time.

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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:33 pm

Haha this is great stuff. I'm kind of like Brandon, I have a lot of my stuff from my childhood in boxes at my parent's place because my grandma (who kind of raised me the most) never threw it out. When I visit them, it's like a treasure trove of memories. Old coloring books, kids story books, the odd toy packaging that somehow survived.
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:24 am

packerbacker180 wrote:Honest question, you ever throw anything away? Jeezalou, I can't find stuff I bought last week, lol!

I'd love to hear more details about your UFO and sasquatch run-ins. We don't get many sasquatch sightings over in my area, but I did see one once. He was standing next to JohnLithgow at the time.


Honest answer. If its special to Me regardless of what it is, magazines or figure packaging then usually no :o Sometimes I do regret throwing certain things away so there's that. I just keep it in storage to look at it later plus you never know if something'll come up well...such as this :o I'm very glad that I did't throw away My Crayon case, I got some fond memories of that.

:lol: about Lithgow :lol:

AcidDragon wrote:Haha this is great stuff. I'm kind of like Brandon, I have a lot of my stuff from my childhood in boxes at my parent's place because my grandma (who kind of raised me the most) never threw it out. When I visit them, it's like a treasure trove of memories. Old coloring books, kids story books, the odd toy packaging that somehow survived.

OK thanks AcidDragon, glad I'm not alone here :lol: ;)


Let's move on. Since you said UFOs Packer, I will talk about that first. I will be writing it up and making sure I get it all straight.... :?

OK, I haven't seen them super up close like you may have seen in documentaries and YT clips. Their pretty high up and resemble planets. In other words they look like spheres but they move and fly across the sky in all directions. These ARE not planes, choppers, satellites nor anything like the ordinary but more on that later. You really don't see much of these kind that I have seen on media. I have only seen a handful of shows that has similar sightings like Mine. Some were very different than others. I really can't say most of the years because I have seen through the past two decades. I will number them here including My precursor so here we go. There's A LOT to get through :batshock: Now follow Me here...READY :?:

1. Late 90s probably 1998. Me and My Grandpa was going to the Pro-Am golf driving range like we loved to do. We were going down the road like usual, I just leaned down a bit in the car and looking through the windshield. I'm like oh that's a planet...looks like Jupiter. Keep in mind that this road isn't curved and there's not a single cloud in the sky as it's very clear. A real short time like literally less than a minute I look up and it's gone. I was like, what? Where did the planet go? I really didn't think much of it then and I didn't mention it to My Grandpa, I just didn't think it was important or anything at all then and we just kept on going.

2. This is when it all truly began, In 2001 in the early summer, 20 years ago THIS YEAR! I was on the front porch with My Grandparents, those was a time I liked to go outside and getting air. I noticed a weird cluster of stars in the sky. I called them outside and they saw it too. A huge cluster of small objects flowing across the night sky North-East. Sometimes you see a constellation of globular clusters in the sky that is stationary but this cluster was moving forward!

2.1. Still in 2001, I don't know if this as to what I said above has anything has to do with this but it may have been just a coincidence. On a day I was file sharing with My friend Wasabi in Japan on WinMX, we traded a lot of movie scores. I got the 87 Predator bootleg from him and made it into My own copy via CD-R. Not too long after that, My Grandpa called Me from outside, there we found a bunch of all of these dead birds on the ground in our yard, the neighbor's yard and all the way up the alley. These poor birds were Starlings and Blue Jays. My Grandparents wasn't sure what to make of it but I sure did. All of these birds had different things done to them. The Starlings were missing their eyes, their spines, chunks of their bodies etc. while the other parts of their bodies were intact! I know what it's like when a cat get's them, this was no cat! The Blue Jays up the alley had their wings removed with their spine still attached without the skull. All of it looked like they were all surgically removed...there was no blood whatsoever, like you see with the cattle mutilations. This wasn't settling well with Me but at the same time I was quite astounded by what had happen and realizing that we "may have something here"! So, we tried to pick all of the carcasses and body parts that we could and buried them. I get in the house and recover from that and play My new Predator CD-R in the stereo CD player and I listened to the music and I'm like wow, great sound and quality here then it clicked, I'm like oh no, could we have something like that? Is that really possible? I was looking on through the window on My neighbor's roof thinking to Myself could "it be there"? I've never forgotten that feeling. We never knew what did this and from time to time to this day talk about this incident and just call this the "Bird Mutilation by It".

3. Throughout the years in the 2000s I would go out front and stargaze and get some fresh air. I would see these star sized yet planet-like objects up there as I had said previously. All of them behave in different manners. Here is a list of their ways I have encountered multiple times.

A. Flying really slow and PULSATING in and out,in and out :!:

B.Flying really fast, I'm talkin' at least fighter jet fast going North-East to South-West then a few minutes later going back to North-East :o

C. There was one I was disappointed in because by this time I was really getting used to seeing them and getting spoiled. I was like ah darn it, it's just a plane but something was like don't turn away from it, keep watchin' it. Next I see it flying above Me and then from a normal looking night airplane it TRANSFORMED in into a big glowing orb that is like a planet and it just keeps on moving North to South and it stayed taht way till I lost sight of it...I couldn't believe that at all :shock:

D. Oh boy, here is this one, I believe it was either 2008 or 2009, I ordered Pizza Hut, I was waiting for the dude to arrive out front. In the mean time I then I saw one going South-East with a strange blinking light but this one went into WARP SPEED :!: :? :shock: When it did that I was like OMG, did that really happen :?: I mean it booked like a bat outta hell like you see in Star Wars or Star Trek. It left a bit of a vapor trail too and it was red, I think it left some space dust or something as well?

E. I had also seen one follow a shooting star!

F. I noticed they like to use the clouds for covering but some seem really bold and seemed like they knew I was on to them and they played like a sick game of peekaboo :?

G. I also noticed them cloaking, their flying and then you don't see them and then you see them again :!:

4. It was when I was at the batting cages. I was taking a breather cause it was very hot in the summer in about 2007/2008. I believe the direction was West to East. It was getting dusk. It was a large orb one like the size of Jupiter and really bright and staying that way, no blinking or anything whatsoever. I'm like I see you. I'm looking at everybody else there but nobody is paying attention or looking up like always :roll: That is so disappointing :batsmh: After about a minute or so it was gone passed the building and lost track of it.

5. This one was so incredible, I had just gotten out of the shower late at night in 2012, I went outside to cool off a bit really not thinking of much. There was no traffic so I went in the street to walk around. A while later I look up and there they are! I saw a huge one, like the size of Jupiter. It was moving very slow but for the first time ever there was a squadron of smaller vessels like 3 or 4 of them with this huge one. I always thought it was a mother-ship and it was equivalent to our Air Force One and the fighter jets that protect it. This was an amazing sight to behold indeed!

6. OK, here We go, this is the Grandaddy of them all! It was in 2014. I had just recovered from My bad leg injury. I wanted to go stargazing during this dusky or twilight day in the early Autumn. I see the stars are coming out. I see a planet showing itself as well. Then the strangest thing happen. After looking at the planet for a while, I couldn't grasp what just happen. After being stationary for a long while it all of a sudden moved and went in perfectly round circle in 360 motion and after it completed this cycle it went back in to the same exact spot where it originally was :!: :!: :!: I hurried up and got My binocs but I really couldn't see no detail. I stayed out there all night watching it just stay stationary and I'm talking to it saying I saw what you did, I know what your are! I could stay out there any longer as it was getting late. But after that I saw we were orbiting and supposedly moved along with Earth, a few hours later in was getting to be morning and it was gone.

In fact I talked a lot to them, I'm always saying who are, where did you come from and where are you going? Are you getting maintenance? Of course there's never any answer. Another thing when I'm outside, I'm always alone at night and nobody ever, I mean EVER is out there witnessing these things :roll: There was times I got really frustrated with this situation so I called NASA, according to them, there was never anything extraordinary on their radars in My area :roll: I called S.E.T.I. and the same thing, nothing strange :roll: So last thing to do was to post on MUFON's board. I got absolute bupkis there but I thought well, I got one last, final chance, I will contact them Myself. So I did and gave them My various sightings. I'm in MO so the Missouri State director Debbie Ziegelmeyer (you may have seen her in some docus) contacted Me and wanted all of the info and I was telling all of it. After days of waiting for help she finally contacted Me and said: "Brandon, I'm sorry we have a lot of cases to work on and your's is very minor. Thanks for contacting Mufon". She was so much help to put it very mildly, I was so displeased with her effort and thinking My cases was nothing :x I sure didn't think they were "nothing". I mean I saw them often for years all over the sky and above My house, whether their alien or man made or reverse-engineered ships flown by aliens or humans, their aware of what's below and I think it was quite imperative to know what in the SAMHAIN is going on here!

So after 2014, I don't see them as much, I really have only seen a couple since then for some unknown reason :? :?: I did see a bright orange one a couple months in the alley taht was quite different that ones I have seen in the past. It was going West to East.

So that is My experiences. I know it was a lot to take in and I hope you guys believe Me. What are your thoughts :batconfused:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:01 am

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Re: Cryptozoology, Ufos, Dinos, Mythology, Animals discussio

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:18 pm

Packer, your image looks corrupted, I can't see what you said/did :?: :roll: Repost please :)
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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