packerbacker180 wrote:And a season of plots seems more appropriate to battle something like Cobra, otherwise you get an asinine plot and explosion for the sake of explosions movie that nobody likes.
That's one of the reasons I harp on the idea that you've got to sell G.I. Joe to a totally different generation for a movie to work. Like, every Marvel movie has a perspective to it. Guardians has quirky snark and dysfunctional communication issues. Cap has idealism in the face of corruption. Black Panther is about unity and the black experience. Wonder Woman...I think there were women somewhere in there? Hell, even the Fast and the Furious series is about family loyalty and multicultural bonding over having awesome cars and giant muscles. We can joke about SJW movies, but U.S. audiences don't go to explosion-for-the-sake-of-explosions movies anymore. (China does, but mostly if there's robots. They love their robots.) They go to movies with a unique worldview. It's kind of interesting where pop culture has gone. People need their action films to have some social value to them.