secondwhiteline wrote:I guess I've always considered stuff in the Joy Division/Siouxsie/Stiv realm post-punk more than New Wave. If it has a harsher, more guitar-driven sound I generally put it in post-punk, but if it's synthier I think of it as New Wave. Cure kinda straddles the line for me. I love love love Siouxsie, and Cure can be hit or miss but Disintegration is legitimately one of the best albums in rock history. I'm a huge Motels fan, too.
Post-punk wise, I love The Raincoats, Marine Girls, Slits, Au Pairs.
Well I class Stiv, Sioux, Warsaw and some of Joy Division Punk, but the critics go around slamming strange styles on almost everything nowadays, for some reason they think One Direction is Pop Punk.
But Post-Punk did adapt from New Wave and Punk combinding both genres to form one, it's easier just to call it either Punk or New Wave, as Post-Punk people think the Cure is post-punk.
I only liked like one song from the raincoats the rest isn't my taste but Neo-boys from Portland is a good Punk band (Post-Punk) but back in the whole Portland punk scene people wore PJ's to the concerts and the Neo-Boys were classed Punk as they were one of the only 2 biggish bands to come out of Portland the other being The Wipers, there were a few others but they were manly bands who had one or 2 songs on comps by K Records.
Never got into the Slits.