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Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

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Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Princess_Amethyst » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:22 pm


Does anyone here watch the Walking Dead TV show? I just got through Season 3. All I can say is... Andrea!!! Why!!! :wwshock:
Last edited by Tom Turbine on Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Caleb » Fri Sep 20, 2013 3:39 pm

Poor Andrea. Honestly, I was more pissed about Dale in S2, but that show really gave Andrea a bum deal.

I love it that they're doing their own thing with the show. It's still similar, but they have a bunch of little differences that I think actually make the show better. Okay, The Governor should have died, and I'm annoyed that he'll be back in S4, but the comics, Rick loses his freakin' hand! Talk about writing yourself into a corner.

My only gripes are that AMC is burning through showrunners on this thing, and sometimes I feel like they're making an effort to kill people just to keep the body count up. Overall, though, it's still better than 95% of basic cable.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:04 pm

One of the best series on TV. And oddly enough, I was just talking about it to someone before I hit this board today. Saying that the writing is so good for the humanity of the characters they even made me feel for irrideemably rotten biggoted redneck Meryl.
And that's something.

But... as long as Daryl, Glenn, and Hershel keep surviving, I'll be good. Love those three.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby beastovjudgement » Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:14 pm

I liked the show a lot, but the second half of season three annoyed me. The changes in creative were very noticeable. I much preferred Daryl as a surly tough guy to the sensitive pretty boy he's become, for example. The finish with the Governor seemed very rushed and forced. I do like Michonne a lot, though. Herschel went from irritating in his introduction, to my favorite character by the end if season two, to a background nobody these days. I will give the show another shot when it starts up again, but I hope the audience pandering is reined in considerably.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Caleb » Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:16 pm

Herschel's awesome. You're right he's been relegated to the background these days, but Scott Wilson does a lot with a little. He's like Dee Bradley Baker on American Dad. You kind of wonder when he's going to have something more important to do, but what the show gives him, he plays the hell out of.

You're right about Daryl, Beast. It feels like once AMC figured out how much the ladies love Reedus, they forced changes in the way his character was being written. And I do agree that this show really does cater to its fans like no other. Not that shows shouldn't, but there's a line that TWD is dangerously close to at times.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Princess_Amethyst » Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:32 pm

I know right? There's a visible change in character personality, roles and screen time from the beginning of the series run to now. I'm happy to see good character development but some of the transitions have been a bit in your face. I'm worried they're phasing Herschel out, then bringing him back in again and then killing him off. Which would suck royally. Hope I'm wrong. :mksad:

For the record, I'm not pleased with the direction they went with Daryl. His lone wolf tough guy attitude made him more intriguing to me, although not necessarily more likable, I found myself cheering for him when he tortured Randall though. Lol. :wwlol:
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:18 pm

There any characters killed off that anyone here is glad is gone, and any you wish kept on going?

For me, I'm pretty glad they finally got rid of Lori and Shane. Everything they did with those two just annoyed the crap out of me.

On the flipside, Dale was my favorite character, and I miss him every single episode. Never cared for Andrea at all until season three, which really turned me around on her. There weren't anyone I was rooting for more than her and Michonne last season, and I was really wanting to see her reintigrated back into the group.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Caleb » Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:59 pm

Okay, to piggyback in on Jetty's question - I was SO GLAD when Lori bit the bullet. I liked her in the first season, but Season 2 turned the character into such a remorseless bitch - she basically suggests that Rick kill Shane, and when he actually DOES, she gets upset - I was glad to see her go. Plus I was getting really tired of her babying Carl. I know, I know, it's a mother's duty, but come on...zombie apocalypse, and you won't let your kid have a gun? I mean, sure, it'd help if she knew someone with experience, maybe a father figure, who could teach Carl how to shoot...oh, wait. That's right.

Also, Milton. God, how I hated this character. The Governor is so CLEARLY psychotic, and Milton - like his Office Space namesake - spends the better half of S3 wandering around with his lips firmly planted on The Governor's ass. I was ready for him to go the second he showed up, and I hate that it took 10 episodes to off him.

A character I wish stuck around? Axel. The convict who they start developing, only to have The Governor shoot him in the head (while he's aiming with his eyepatch-ed eye, no less). I thought the actor - Lew Temple - was doing a pretty good job with the character, and he started coming off as a replacement for Dale. Then boom, dead. I mean, I wouldn't have complained if Dale stuck around either, and offing him really made me hate Carl.

On the other side of that coin, is there anyone who's stuck around on TWD that you guys just wish would die already?

Okay, I'm sure I'll take some flak for this, but I REALLY wish they had killed The Governor off. Such an irritating character; his motivations make no sense and he's kind of an idiot. He threatens Michonne, she escapes, he sends people to kill her...uh, okay. Why? Obviously if his guys fail, she'll come back to get him - so why on Earth does he decide to send someone to capture her? In the comics, everything happens differently, and it makes sense. In the show, it just makes The Governor seem like the dumbest guy to survive the zombie apocalypse. And when he just randomly executes the Woodbury citizens for running away on the road to the prison? What exactly was the point? "He's just a psycho!" Uh, okay. That's not very interesting, IMO.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby Caleb » Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:09 pm

Finally got around to watching the Season 4 premiere. Some random thoughts: SPOILERS

-Hershel is a vet. He reminds us that he's just a vet several times in the second season, and again in the third season with Lori's pregnancy. Sick pig. Hershel the vet could give a ****.

-Hershel's daughter is mad hard-up for Darryl. Also, her boyfriend was that irritating kid from the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. I'm glad he's dead. Although I'll admit, the moment with he and Darryl chatting outside of the grocery store was really well written; probably the best writing this show has had since the first half of season 2.

-Did anyone NOT see the Irish chick with the rotten skin turning out to be crazy? I don't exactly get what the point of including her was in the first place, besides giving Rick something to do. The second she showed up, though, I told my wife "She's going to turn out to be crazy". I kind of wish I was wrong, but I've seen enough apocalyptic movies to know that the lone wandering weirdo is either a super badass (Michonne) or crazy (Irish Stabby Gal).

-Anyone else feel like this is kind of getting to be a routine show? Rick mopes, Hershel gives him a fatherly lecture, Carl acts creepy, and Darryl kills stuff? Maybe it's just because I marathon-watched Season 3 to lead into 4, but it kind of seems like they've found a comfy groove, an the only time the writers get creative is when people need to kill zombies.

-The relationship between Michonne and Carl is a nice touch. I really hope they don't cave to the fans and have Michonne and Rick hook up, though.

-The new evolution of the zombie plague - it can turn people who haven't been bitten - is pretty cool. I assume they'll explain it away as people who are terminally ill or something like that, but it's a nice development to a show where even the 13 Year Old kid can handle a hallway full of Walkers all by his lonesome.
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Re: Walking Dead TV Series (May Contain Spoilers)

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Oct 16, 2013 8:19 pm

Yeah, I thought for a moment maybe the crazy chick was going to be one of the hunters from the comic (ish 60-64 or so). That may've been more interesting. The whole thing seemed poitless. All those zombies were walking on that roof for how long and it just happens to collapse while they are there?
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