Tango X wrote:Caught the first 15 minutes of it and then the last 20 or so. I thought it was okay. I think it's kind of hit its stride and it's gonna plateau for a little bit with standout episodes here and there. Ending was a little peculiar with the creepy guy in jail talking to the girl with the dress.
The guy who played Scorch. He had a really bad accent when he spoke Chinese. Like it was just awful. It bugged me whenever I heard it. Now I was born and raised in the US of A, but we spoke Chinese in our household all the time and man, that was like listening to a guy who just learned the language for the first time.
Especially when Melinda May and him were shouting to each other at the end. Melinda spoke it perfectly but he just butchered it. The Chinese dialog was also really bad and felt unnatural and a lot of words were mispronounced. I heard that something similar happened with the Korean actor James Kyson who they hired to play the Ando in Heroes who was Japanese and that his Japanese wasn't very good and people who spoke that language found it distracting. I can understand that after this experience.
S. Griffin wrote:Where is your family from, exactly? Louis Ozawa Changchien is half Japanese and Taiwanese. My buddy, whose parents are from Beijing and Shanghai married a girl from Taiwan and says that while she and his parents can have a conversation in Mandarin, Taiwanese Mandarin and proper Mandarin still sound pretty different.
Tango X wrote:S. Griffin wrote:Where is your family from, exactly? Louis Ozawa Changchien is half Japanese and Taiwanese. My buddy, whose parents are from Beijing and Shanghai married a girl from Taiwan and says that while she and his parents can have a conversation in Mandarin, Taiwanese Mandarin and proper Mandarin still sound pretty different.
Hi SG,
My dad's from Shanghai and my mom's from Hong Kong with roots from Guangzhou. My dad speaks Mandarin and Cantonese. My mom speaks Cantonese only. I only speak Cantonese and I have no idea what's going on when people speak Mandarin. Your friend is absolutely right. From my dad's explanation, Taiwanese and Mandarin have a lot of differences in tones but the words are fairly similar so you can tell what the other person is saying. It's like Aussie English and American English. Cantonese, not so much. Louis Ozawa Changchien might actually speak Taiwanese but I'm not sure.
He sounded like someone who was just learning the Cantonese language for the first time because him and Ming Na were both speaking it as it's the dominant Hong Kong language. Ming Na's sounded right even though the dialog was unnatural because that's not really how Cantonese speakers carry on a conversation. Cantonese and Mandarin are extremely different and most of the time sound like completely different languages altogether. I think it would've been better if they said that Scorch was an American citizen who went to Hong Kong to visit family or something because his English is actually perfect in real life and he just put on that accent for the character.
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