I haven't seen this on the TV schedule yet, but I wanted to recommend checking out Quantum Leap season 3 episode 5 titled "The Boogieman". It's one of my favorite Halloween themed episodes of any show and I watch every year around this time. I didn't want to spoil any of the twists, and even if you've never seen Quantum Leap, you don't really need to know anything but the basics of the shows plot to enjoy it. It's a great, spooky episode. Here's the synopsis:
In this episode, Sam leaps into Joshua Ray, a horror novelist, on October 31, 1964. As he leaps in, strange things start to happen. And it gets worse and worse... until something unexpected happens.It's a terrific episode, with some great twists up until the last seconds of the show. Go out of your way to see it. If you have SyFy it should be on soon, probably on Halloween since they air episodes on Mondays. I'll post if I see it on the schedule.

"When I was growing up, Halloween was always one of my favorite holidays. "Trick or treat", we used to say. Of course, back then we always expected a treat, and if we did play a trick, it was always funny and harmless. But tonight there were no treats. There were no tricks. There was only death."
-Dr. Sam Beckett

Update: looks like it's free online here (you don't need roku):
https://therokuchannel.roku.com/watch/0 ... 0b58d26fd5