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Brandon's Journeys: I SAW ALIEN ROMULUS!!!

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Brandon's Journeys: I SAW ALIEN ROMULUS!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:41 am



Yes, this is a new Topic by Me that is an inspiration of Packer's that he originally called Time Travel or a Trip to Canada? (Bonus Drive-In Trip). It was a great thing that he did and it was really bittersweet the attention & appreciation it got. I thought it is a wonderful Topic and stuff that he did I mean there is so much more to be said about all of that stuff...He said anybody that had Drive-In experiences to post there...well I did and My experiences were pretty special to Me...I've always been the type of person that loves details and I still think the old saying "A Picture is worth a 1000 Words is still as valid now as it was when it was first said. Like My Showcases...his Topic is worth at least a second look and shouldn't be one & My own showcases, I've taken many ganders at it thus far. If you read My posts & showcases and I mean faithfully read & check them all out then you know I'm one of the very few old school people that does what I do. Long ago back in the old days on the web people used to be detailed with things and posting a lot of stuff...since 2011, the year that "I call the year of the tone-down" where so much in movies was CGI, most things had to be funny & PG and social media basically had it's big bang when so many people was doing shorthand which really that began when texting did :roll: I started noticing how people were becoming on the Matty Board in 2011 really lacking in posting stuff that people of year's past would have never cherry picked over then in 2013 it was pretty much a given the web's society was far different than it was in the 90s & 2000s and that's where we are today :roll: I've always been a person that thinks outside the box so even if your not interested in what whatever subject and/or it is that I'm posting about you should check it out anyway because you just never know what Easters Eggs I may show & talk about :shock: I've learned to do that a long while back because so many times I'd be like wow, I'm glad I checked that out :!: I really don't know about other people now but I love My own history and I try so hard to preserve it in words & in pictures. Like I said to Packer, I'm proud of him what he did/does and that he's teaching his son about stores. Just recently he told his son about an old Big K-Mart :) I've said so many times in My showcases I hope it's really stuck with people that I loved how My childhood was and all of the great people I met I along the way when i was with My Grandma such as Judy from her Spectrum SuperStore, Annie Burke's little shop and her daughter's Movie Mogul and Verna's Mr. T's Video Rental Outlet which she was so nice, she gave Me so much and went the extra mile for Me...she was truly the only person outside of My Family that knew I adored wrestling :) There's so many others that I spoke about & showcased in My great showcases because they were important to Me. Still I have never seen anybody online mention or acknowledge these great places & people :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Day in, day out I see people on YouTube, Twitter/X among other places of people talking about this & that which is distractions that plebeians will stop talking about the next day or even less instead of doing something that they really should be doing like talking & posting about their own personal history trying to preserve's so disappointing about that so many plebeians have the same frame of mind, I'm like does anybody care or did anybody ever about that :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Well, I'm not one of those people nor will I ever be :!: Like I said to Packer, it's so important what he's doing because we're not going to be around forever and if his kids don't know what he knows and his experiences when he was younger then as I always say during this limbolic age, it's all going to fall to Oblivion but with him and Me doing what we do it won't and that's such a wonderful thing :)


So, what to expect within this new Topic of Mine is to see places of My local area in St. Louis, Missouri that is still around as I type this that I've recently been too. As inspiration, I'm putting a Map of My home State here :)


As well as this ominous yet totally awesome picture of the Gateway Arch in Downtown St. Louis :blbat:


Since I've awoken about things a long while back I regret so much that I never taken pictures of the great places & people of My childhood and even later. Like I said before, if I had a Time Machine believe you Me, I would do this so much but that just isn't possible but what is possible is whenever I go out and have a chance I can take pictures of the current places among other stuff and that's what this topic is all about. I didn't want to intrude on Packer's great Topic I just mentioned a few short moments ago. So that will do it and I hope you got this down pat as now we're going onto My own Journeys with a lot of Bonus stuff :)

First up is My recent trip to...


Oh yes, I had just mentioned this a little while back in PB's Commercial Topic that I had gone to Jack in the's My quote ;)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:
Okay, last night Me & Mom went out to go get some Jack in the Box. It was so great. Oh man I love their Tacos :) I took some pics which I'm going to post as a special event with other stuff sometime soon. They have a promo of Deadpool & Wolverine. Here's a compilation of all the commercials together :)

So there's My quote from July 30th. Now get ready for My little journey ;) Me & My Mom don't go to Fast Food places as much as We used to because of the high prices and whatnot. I've always loved Fast Food and always indulged them as much as possible. Now price inflations are as high as a fancy restaurant used to be and now it's like a delicacy, so I really suggest that anybody eating any Fast Food to slowly eat it and savor every bite & sip & moment every-time you get it...this is what I do because it's just not food's really special now :!: Me & My Grandma used to go down the street on Bates & Grand to that Jack in the Box location but she always complained how small the parking lot is and how hard it was too pull away/out and My Mom didn't want to struggle with that location.


As a side note, the good Walgreens that I posted in My Marvel Topic is right across the street :)


Archco Video that I posted in My extraordinary Glory Days of Movie Rentals Showcase which is one of the most imperative Showcases I've ever done was right down the street, just yards away from Jack in the Box :)


Now there is a Jack in the Box on South Kingshighway & Chippewa in South Town which a place that is very memorable from My childhood & later years as I showcased & talked many times however, We never ordered from this location.


So recently We went to the one on was so good and Jack in the Box taste has not changed...they still have the same taste as I recall years ago. At this location I have many memories & times there with My Grandparents & Mom. Many times after Me & My Grandpa would leave Pro-Am Golfing Range on Union I'd want a Burger & Fries and go there for Me :) VERY sadly Pro-AM is completely gone, the building, the trees, everything has been leveled out for some darn little plaza...all of that history and fun times that We had together plus My friend Derek who worked there is no-more and I'm possibly the only person in My area that knows this...gosh I absolutely hate this fact and so many plebeians don't know or don't care in My region :x So here's the Jack in the Box on Bayless. Near here, there's a China Wok, Subway, St. Louis Pizza & Wings, Taco Bell, a very memorable McDonald's & Dairy Queen, Subway around here too :)


See, there's a 7-11 on the right and see that Laundromat next to it :?: I wanted to go there off & on because as late as 1997 they still had an old Super Mario Bros. Arcade Game there :o Yep, My Grandpa PoPo would give Me some quarters and let Me play for little while :)

Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Brandon's Journeys: Jack in the Box!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:43 am

So during that trip at the Bayless Jack in the Box location, this is when I saw they had promotional stuff of Deadpool & Wolverine. I was like gosh, I didn't bring My camera. Then about a week or so later We wanted Jack in the Box again so during a fun day when My Mom wanted to go to Dirt Cheap & Family Dollar (later on I will post about them too in time!) on Gravois. So after that instead of going to the Jack in the Box on Bayless Avenue, We ultimately decided to go to the one on Heege & Watson Road which is great that We went there instead because I haven't been up there in ages. Me & My Grandpa use to go up that all the time back in the day to go to Tower Tee & the Batting Cages which I've spoke about before. Tower Tee has existed in St. Louis before the Gateway Arch opened in 1965, before the Beatles played at Busch Stadium in 1966 and before Brock for Broglio in 1964 :o It's one of the last classic Golf places in the country. Unfortunately, everybody that Me & My Grandparents knew there is long gone but I hope the Battling Cage owner is still there. Him, Me & My Grandpa were really close and he really appreciated Our business, We went there like every week during Baseball Season and it was marvelous during the Postseason I mean it was a tremendously good feeling :!: Again, one of the good people We used to know and again something that so lacks with today's society that they never mention the people that they once knew was a part of their lives :roll: This picture comes from Instant Street view like the ones above, this is actually from 2007 which was one of the last times I went there with My Grandma & Auntie Wanda during some good times. They completely redesigned the Tower Tee building & area which is almost looks unrecognizable so here's an older look at it at how it once was back in 2007 :)


Now as I just mentioned that Tower Tee is almost unrecognizable as they redesigned the whole area. I took some pics of it during Our nocturnal trip. First here's the new playground there...


here's the new building & barricade...


here's the Tower Tee Logo on the front of the new building...


here's a long view of the building...


here's an extended view of their logo and to My surprise they have a large St. Louis Blues Logo there :shock:


Now the reason why this is called Tower Tee is because of the Red Antennae Towers. I've said before that I always teased My Grandpa about to look at them to look up their 1000 foot + height because he was afraid of heights. I know it wasn't really funny but during those days it was for Me. I know My pics are pretty dark but see those "red marks" in the background :?: That's two of them Red Antennae Towers right there.


Now these pics I took is pretty dark, but I wanted to get the Road & Factory across the way because I always loved looking at the urban lights and all of that cool stuff over there :)


So when We hit the street where Jack in the Box is I was astounded that there was a Courtesy Diner there across the street. They're one of the oldest restaurants & fast-food places in the Nation next to White Castle & Steak 'n Shake...the only one I knew about before was on the fun location on South Kingshighway that I've talked about & showcased so much about in South Town where so many of My childhood memories are from...My Grandparents always called this Courtesy...The Greasy-Spoon :) The three of Us has eaten there together so I've eaten there before but for many years especially now I think We should have went there way more often than We did but boy-o-boy they had great Steakburgers & Hash-browns :!: They had a cool Pinball Machine on the right where you'd walk in that was later replaced by a Vintage Jukebox and for fun I'd go to where the Pay Phone Booth, Yellow & White Pages is on the left (remember those :?: Here's a picture collage that I made of some of this history...


and here's this special one of their Building & Parking Lot plus you see a special Mario Mushroom Pancake as well as somebody wearing a Star Wars T-Shirt eating Breakfast and here's a look at their Menu. I so applaud whoever took these pictures in the 90s & 2000s...they were very smart for this because now all of the history is gone but with them doing so and Me making this a reality now preserved of the Courtesy that was once on South Kingshighway :)


So continuing My trip, as usual Me & Mom go out late at night. We always did ever since we started shopping together in the early 90s. I love it because there's hardly any people out and it's just so much funner during the later nocturnal hours. This is about 11:30 PM to around Midnight. The new joint looks completely different than the one on South Kingshighway as you saw above but man-o-man this is a great looking location. It says they have Breakfast all day so that is great. I've always said for years upon years, why would anybody go to McDonald's, Burger King or others that stop selling Breakfast when places like Jack in the Box sells their Breakfast food during all hours...if you have one in your location then it's an absolute no-brainer so it looks like Jack in the Box isn't the only one now :shock: Maybe We'll see about checking this one out in the future :)


Remember My great showcase of My King Kong Lives Cassette Tape & John Matrix from Commando that I posted a while back that I got them from/at Farmer's Market in General Grant's Plaza :?: Well, that great area is just blocks away on Watson right down there from this Courtesy, here's My picture that took of down the street of Watson :)


As We turn further to the right, here's the big looks completely different from years ago.


Now here is the Jack in the Box. There's their big Logo & Sign. Up the street is where the great Kenrick Wehrenberg Theater that I've posted & talked about many times as well as Grandpa Pidgeons used to be down there that was taken over by Value City as I just talked about in Packer's Commercial Topic :)


Here's a great look at the Jack in the Box facility. This location is Open 24 hours which is so great that their not milking the ridicules closing at 10:00 PM or 11:00 PM bum-steer that so many companies and society continues to milk since really irks Me about that non-sense :x


and here's a wide view of Jack in the Box's Parking Lot...


Now this was a huge factor for Me... I wanted to take pics of this...the Menu Board outside because it has the promotional stuff of Deadpool & Wolverine there :shock:


Here's a close up of it as you can see Wolverine & Deadpool pretty good here as well as many of their great Food Items on their great Menu...look at that :batsmile:


Now here's the other Menu Board where you order from...take a good gander at that especially at Wolverine & Deadpool :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Here's what the great location looks like during the diurnal hours on Instant Street View :)


Now I'm going the extra mile here as you're gonna see some of the food that We got to make this splendid journey a little more complete. So as usual, We get Large Fries to split on the way home...she took her half, now it's time to take Mine...oh man, these were so delicious, some of the most tastiest French Fries I've ever devoured :!:

Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Fri Aug 23, 2024 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brandon's Journeys: Jack in the Box!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:45 am

So now We're home, here's the nice big Bag with Handles they gave Us...


to hold three smaller Bags...We take advantage of the deals they have which their actually pretty cheap...


Here's a look at the Bags out of the larger one...


Here's My Jumbo Jack in it's nice Wrapper...


Here is this delicious Jumbo Jack Hamburger...


Now notice the Veggies on there, now this is something...I know Packer says he doesn't eat beef so that means no meat for him,..well I hated Vegetables and only wanted the beef..well now I eat the Veggies on Burgers, Pizza etc. after decades never eating food like that :o I told My Mom if We could go back in time and I could meet My younger-self and tell that younger Brandon that...he would think that the older Brandon was insane :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: So tastes change especially when your on a budget and realize how important food like this is :!:


Now My Mom wanted a plain Jumbo Jack to see how it was with no Veggies. Now this was very interesting because I shared this story with her. It was 25 years ago this year in day she picked Me up from GED School in South County then We went to Toys 'R' Us and I got a Jakks WWF Action Figure of The Rock in his street clothing. After that We went to the Jack in the Box a bit further on Lindbergh not too far away from where Ronnies Wehrenbeg Theater by the aforementioned Red Antenna Towers is at this now closed location of Jack in the Box due to the plandemic :x


This location is where I discovered their Jumbo Jacks...I didn't want the Veggies as I said earlier, I hated eating Veggies...I only wanted Mayo on it...well, this is when I discovered that Mayo tastes excellent on a Burger and ever since off & on I want My Burgers with Mayo on'em :) So here's a look at her plain Jumbo Jack with only a Pickle like she wanted :)


Now one major, I mean A MAJOR factor about Jack in the Box is their TACOS :!: They have the most absolute best Tacos, even better than Taco Bell :o Their meat, cheese, lettuce & hot sauce. Again, I always wanted no lettuce on them but now I'm different...


We got plenty of Jack in the Box SECRET SAUCE & TACO HOT SAUCE :!:


My Mom puts a lot of Hot Taco Sauce on her Tacos, I sometimes I do but I really prefer the original way without more as the Taco Sauce changes the taste of the Taco. I also put the Secret Sauce on My Jumbo Jack but My Mom is crazy about it.


She told Me a fantastic story that when she was pregnant with Me, she went to the Jack in the Box on Morgan Ford next to K-Mart Plaza which Kroger was still there...she had a craving for Jack in the Box's Secret Sauce...well, when she left she found out that they forgot to put her Secret Sauce on her Burger and she threw a huge fit and was extremely know how pregnant women get...I didn't know this story till very recently when she told Me :o Here's this pic from My wonderful My Journey to K-Mart Plaza showcase in My Vintage Action Figure Topic of that Jack in the Box that was once there many, many years ago :)


So, as a keepsake and for the Collector that I am, I kept a little bit here. I kept one of the really cool Deadpool Bags :batwink:


I also kept a Hash-brown Sleeve that featured Deadpool as well as one of the nice Taco Sleeves as well. I love that is says "Cravings, Meet Jack" and "If You're Hungry, We're Here" :)


So that is My first little Journey for this new Topic of Mine. I hope you liked this and we're a little thrilled about somebody else's trip and everything I put here. I appreciate what others do and I hope they do the same for Me. I like seeing other people's locations, what they have or once had in their area, again it's so important spreading that joy so none it falls to Oblivion. I plan on posting some others in the Enternians say...Good Journey ;)
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Re: Brandon's Journeys: Jack in the Box!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:45 pm

That's a lot of info. I see Jack in the Box commercials a lot but there aren't any remotely close to Buffalo. The only time we ever had food from there is when we honeymooned in San Diego where I made it a point to try places like that and Carl's Jr. because of all the commercials we'd see. Deadpool is right about Deadpool, though, lol. One of the most annoying things about Marvel comics back when I was still reading them was Deadpool and Wolverine being everywhere. In fact, I thought Wolverine was in way too many comics and then Deadpool got mega-popular and he seems even more overexposed (but at last I have his 1st appearance comic!)

I don't like heights either, I sometimes feel dizzy when I look up at something that's really tall. It's actually more of a fear of falling that I think was due to something traumatic that happened to me as a child. When I was younger, not sure of the exact age but it was single-digit years, but I remember being at Niagara Falls. It's hard to explain how amazing the Falls are even if I kind of take them for granted since I've grown up near them my whole life, but they are one of the true wonders of the world. Anyway, I remember leaning against the railings to look over wheich would've been three or four metal bars that ran the length or the edge as a barrier, and for some reason my jerk uncle came up and goosed me from behind, and me feet slipped off the lowest railing and I almost fell. Or at least that's how it felt to me and it was a horrible feeling. And ever since then I've had a terrible fear or heights and falling.

Funny enough I found an image from the 70s where you can see there were four bars on the fencing, and then a more recent photo where the fencing is much different. Now look at that picture from the 70s and imagine how easily a small child could slip under there. It's no wonder they changed it.



If you're wondering, the drop is 167 feet, approximately 17 stories high!

BTW, have you ever try Raising Cane's? I looked and they are in St. Louis. I'd never heard of them but my older son had seen them on TikTok or something so when we were in Cleveland earlier this year for a hockey tournament he wanted to try them and the chicken was really good. So good that he wanted to stop there again before we left and I promised him we would before we left that Monday. Unfortunately we didn't know until Monday that all their locations are closed for Martin Luthor King Day so we never got to go again (he later settled for Wingstop which was disappointing). We're leaving for Myrtle Beach in a few days and there's a Rasing Cane's in Pittsburgh we're going to stop at as a surprise (it's about a 3:30 drive from here but it's on the way). So that's where I'm looking forward to eating at next, and when we finally drive by the first Circle-K so I can say that strange things are afoot there, lol (there aren't any Circle-Ks around here either).

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Re: Brandon's Journeys: Jack in the Box!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:09 am

To quote Gordon Gekko from 1987's Wall Street...""The most valuable commodity I know of is information".

Oh, I knew you had an opportunity to go to a Jack in the Box in San Diego but I forgot is was for your Honeymoon :) That's good you have his debut issue :) Yes, stuff like that, that is so overly popular is one of the reasons why I so much prefer the obscure & rare things while everybody else is for and buying & doing so many things that's been done so much before. I got tired of that a long time ago :!:

That's rad that picture is from the 70s :o Yes, I can clearly see how a young child would be very scared after that and I see the railings :shock:

Cleavand, Ohio isn't really that far from St. Louis, in fact, a lot that state resembles Missouri :)

We have Circle-Ks kinda a bit a ways so I've never been to one. Yes, that be correct, there's a Raising Cane's here in St. Louis. I've never had them before. Like I said, We don't get take-out food as often as We used too. It's in Hampton Village, I've talked about & shown this area a ton in My Showcases and I hope you recall's been one of My fave areas since I was a youngster. If your sons like going to historical places with a ton of Fast Food joints and Stores then there is very few, and I mean very few places like Hampton :) I made these pictures via Instant Street View. Here's a very wide view from left to right...the big Target, the Chik-a-fil that took the place of Peaches/Sound Warehouse/Blockbuster Video Music/F.Y.E. (because of that, they had to tear the building down and now only people like Me know what a great place that once was :x McDonald's, Walgreens, the plaza where Johnnie Brock's was, Schnucks, the building where B. Dalton was, Bellacino's Pizza & Grinders and then of course Raising Cane's.


There's so many food places on Hampton and that's just what Bellacino's Pizza & Grinders needs is more competition :roll: I would absolutely hate it if they go under...It's bad enough they only have one location now since there's more competing :roll:


Okay, thanks for letting Me know your leaving for Myrtle Beach and that's good your going to surprise your son and thanks for checking this out + your reply PB, I plan on updating this Topic whenever the times arrives :)
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Re: Brandon's Journeys: Jack in the Box!!!

Postby AcidDragon » Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:50 pm

Wow, thanks for sharing your Jack in the Box experience, Brandon. We don't have that restaurant here but I used to see the commercials on TV all the time. It looks pretty good and I can totally relate to you with the tastes change thing. As a kid, I hated onions, mustard, relish, pickles, mushrooms, yams, garlic, dates, chestnuts, etc, etc. The list could go on and on. Now I love all those and more. For me, I kind of made myself eat those things for a while and I started to enjoy the unique things that they brought to my meals.

I wholeheartedly agree with Wolverine and Deadpool getting overexposed in comics. I had serious Wolverine fatigue in the 90s and it kind of happened all over again after the first X-Men movies came out. And before the Deadpool movies even came out, it was already Deadpool everything. The movies made it even worse. Deadpool is like the Harley Quinn of Marvel. I got Harley fatigue with DC, too.

I have yet to truly experience Niagara Falls but I would love to someday. It really does look magnificent.
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Re: Brandon's Journeys: Jack in the Box!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:53 am

Thanks for your reply Acid. Shame you don't have Jack in the Box restaurants in your location. Yes and I hope you could relate to the other things I said too. It's so important to preserve your own history. Well this is what I've been talking about for years now. How much do we really need of one character :? I've said so many times how many Batman & John Cena action figure variants must there be :?: This is causing such a lineup of character figure that was never made before never happen or finally be made years & years later :wwsmh: How many Batman reboots and reboots in general must there be :?: We don't need reboots like examples of Batman Begins & The Fog to explain a character's story for 2 hours when the originals told the story in minutes :batsmh: Those are great movies but the first ones are so much better. Same thing in wrestling, They explained Bob Backlund's holds in weeks and rebooted a similar story with Daniel Bryan and it lasted for months :x This Generation doesn't need it, they can just go back to the past, ignore that invisible rule that TPTP wants them to follow to ignore the past and never look back for what they missed because it's already there...this is one of the many, many reasons why I'm so concerned about the future...with this generation & kids today not knowing the past and many of them thinking & saying "does it really matter?" like they do in's not going to be a very bright future...seeing all of the stuff going on now should give anybody that is looking for the truth a clue what the agenda is. Niagara Falls looks awesome but there's plenty of places I'd rather go to first in My own State that I've never done before or haven't done in a very long time. Thanks again for your reply Acid :)
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Re: Brandon's Journeys: I SAW ALIEN ROMULUS!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:18 am

So it was August 20th, 2024 that I had a big night. Today is the One Week Anniversary of it already which seems like it was literately yesterday and I still can't believe that We did it that long ago, gosh time goes by so fast :o Something like this might be a usual little thing for most plebeians or might not mean much but it means a lot to Me. Me & My Mom went to Sonic Drive-In, QuickTrip and at the Marcus Theaters in My all-crucial Odds & Ends in some very special showcases and elsewhere on this board. Nobody's ever acknowledged this. When people don't say things I either think they don't know this or their just not reading all the info I provide or simply don't care :roll: Marcus was competing against Wehrenberg Theater who was the largest Theater Chain in the Nation. Here's a video of the classic itro that somebody filmed right there in the there at My local Theater that is now a Marcuswhich is at Ronnies 20 Cine Plaza. Boy these people were good & smart too. You'll see some great Vintage pictures of Missouri & hear the classic Wehrenberg Theme Song. This makes Me wanna cry because I knew this for most of My life then in 2017 it was all Marcus :( :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: If you experienced Wehrenberg then you would too but I'm grateful to say that I'm so glad that I experienced it more times than I can count :)

So Marcustook them over thus becoming the biggest theater company in the entire Country, bigger than AMC & Regal among others. Here's an older picture that I was able to get when Marcus took over Wehrenberg.


Here's this interesting United Way video of Greg Marcus which he's standing right next to the Poster of Alien as he's talking about Taglines :!:

These pictures come from Marcus' Official Web Page. This is what the Theater looks like in recent times with a newer paint job to fit the Marcus colors which the building was originally a great looking Blue.


Here's this really neat Belly Up For Baseball at the Sports Bar Picture.


Here's Deadpool & Wolverine which you might think this is what I saw but it wasn't :?


It was Alien Romulus :batshock:


So I made the plan with My Mom. Like Me, she's a major Alien fan. She saw the original 1979 Alien movie with her parents which is My Grandparents, MiMi & PoPo. She was scared & bothered by the film like she was with 1975's Jaws but over time she really like'em. She's loves Predator & Terminator too which I also became a huge fan of them. So I became a major Alien fan a very young age when My Grandpa introduced Me to the films. He recorded the first one on a local channel and then the premier of Aliens in 1986 and I wasn't scared, I thought they were amazing & awesome films. We watched them together in the dark a lot. I still recall how he'd say listen Brandon, that's Goldsmith when We'd watch Alien because Jerry Goldsmith was the first composer I knew when I danced to Po's First Blood Record and he'd also say when We'd watch Aliens that's Horner because the music was by James Horner. This was really when I noticed Horner. These moments are very special to Me. Still I have never met anyone that has had a similar childhood. I've only met four people online that I spoke too online and all of that was back in 2000 during the Napster, WinMX, Bear Share & FTP days. I talked about this in My Composer Topic and nobody acknowledged this era and by doing so it makes Me think people in this modern age either forgot about that very important time of the Internet or never knew about it...that's not good for the future...I cannot tell with no replies or people saying so little. There's so much to say about these great times yet people still continue to be so distant :roll: My Mom likes Movie scores. She said to Me recently when We were talking about movie scores how the first music she heard was when her Father, My PoPo played Jerry Goldsmith's The Blue Max and much she liked it which is strange that both of Our "firsts" were both by the legendary Jerry Goldsmith :shock: It just shows you who My Grandfather's fave was decades before I was a thought;) While she likes Movie music and points things out to Me when we watch movies & TV Shows sometimes, she never really kept up with it like I do. I'm still saying about the newer guys and she don't know them yet. So I'm still really the only person that I know that has a passion for movie music. I introduced her to the composer of the new Alien Romulus, Benjamin Wallfisch, I got the score digitally on it's day/morning of release which was August 16th. I listened to it many times from beginning to end and established every track, it's a very fun, very fast 57 minutes. I played her some of his great scores such as Blade Runner 2049, Stephen King's It: Part 1 & 2, Hellboy (2019) and of course his absolutely epic Shazam and then I played Goldsmith's Alien because Wallfisch was very brilliant incorporating Goldsmith's Alien Themes into his superbly fun score to Alien Romulus and she thought all of this was really good :) I said before that I love to listen to the scores to the movies before I see them at the show and I think I'm the only one that does it. I've never known nor read anyone that does that. It's such a fun & exciting thing to do as you when you establish every track and wonder what the heck is going on during these Cues and then when you see the film on the big screen then your like oh boy so that's what happens during when the track is on-going :shock: Again, it's such a wonderful fun thing to do :)


So, over the course of a few weeks I was keeping up with the showtimes on Marcus' Web page like I usually did when I used to go to the show every month. Here's a picture of the plot of Alien: Romulus and it's showtimes. It had three options of seating & viewing...#1 is Dream Lounger which is regular screens, #2. is SuperScreenDLX which is a very big screen with a luxurious room & heated seating and #3. is the IMAX which is a huge 50 foot tall, 500 foot wide screen which is My preferable choice and the one I ultimately chose which I love how huge it is, the wonderful picture it has and the incredible loudness that it has, it is truly THE way to see an action horror film :!:


So here's My E-Mail Confirmation & Receipt of what I chose. I chose the 10:30 PM showing because we love to do things late at night. Notice the picture of the Magical Movie Rewards...I've been a member since Marcus took over Wehrenberg which Wehrenberg had a similar Loyalty Program with their MVP Card. This is how I got the discount of the 2 Tickets for $18.20. I found it really nice that they included a picture of the Xenomorph in My E-Mail :blmm:


Now keep in mind this is the first time I've gone to the show since February 2020 when I saw DC's Birds of Prey. I didn't go again because of the plandemic and threats by TPTB among other issues. Also keep in mind that this year also marks the ALIEN'S 45TH ANNIVERSARY :blsm: :blmm: :blhal:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brandon's Journeys: I SAW ALIEN ROMULUS!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:22 am

So We were originally going to order Our food and eat at the show in their diner but once I saw their menu I couldn't believe that they wanted $14 + for a Smash-Burger and their other prices were insane. My Mom was really complaining so We skipped that and came up with Plan-B. She was like this is so nuts and I'm like yeah, people is actually buying a soda for $7 and a Burger & Fries for $14 and yeah, that's how Theaters make their's nuts :o So now were thinking of going to a Burger Joint. She's like shame that We gotta do this and get Our food somewhere else but I was telling her that I'm fine with the idea because it's old school. This is what Me & My Grandparents used to do all the time. many times We'd eat at Steak 'n' Shake before We'd go to the movies. I especially two special occasions that We did this and My friend Donnie was invited. Both times was at The Kenrick, the wonderful theater that I've talked about & shown many times and I hope you people recall that because it was a great place now replaced by a plaza with Walmart, Bio-life and who knows what else...the area is completely unrecognizable pathetic...the first time was in 1990 when We saw Dick Tracey and the second time was in 1992 when We saw Alien 3...however before We saw the films We ate at the great Burger King there and played on the Playground area. It was such fun times :) Now TPTP decided to get rid of it all :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: So, My Mom, didn't want Jack in the Box because We had them a few times already so the next cheap place was SONIC :!: So I said let's go there, I love Sonic plus it's in the old neighborhood :) So that's where We went to. So here I go with many pics I took of Sonic: America's Drive-In which there is no other place like this around in My Region. This location is on S. Kingshighway, the great historic street in South Town that I've known for all of My days that I've shown & talked about many times in My great showcases as well as elsewhere here on the forum :)


It's about 9:00 PM at night :batwink: Allow Me to show you around the area. First here's a bit of the Home Depot. See where the buildings are on the right...that's where My Mom's Burger Chef was that I posted last year for Halloween :blww: I even pointed that out her and she's like yep, that's where I worked :) There's a cool bridge there with a Rail-Road and a Passenger Train was on it too :!:


Here's this cool street :)


Okay, now if you saw & studied My previous Journey just recently, remember I showed you Courtesy on South Kingshighway :?: Well, here's a picture I took as they used to be right across the street of Sonic. Now the place is occupied by Chuck's Hot Chicken. I have no idea how they are but they moved their rather recently. I just hope there's people besides Me & My Mom that knows that history that was once there and ignores "the reset" :)


Here's this O'Reily Auto Parts. Behind that was a Deals, I got a ton of stuff there before, some I've already showcased. Unfortunately, they went of business and that whole Building is empty. Behind that is a huge factory, Me & My Grandpa used to walk all around there when We lived at Our Old House just blocks away because like I said, this is Our old neighborhood. I loved walking with him when I was a youngster :)


Now here's the front of SONIC :!: Look, you eat Outside and nobody's at the Patio Tables...just the way I like it :)


Here's a look at the inside of Sonic, it's a fairly small facility but it pretty much looks the same as it did from previous years :)


Here's their Menu Board...


and their very nice $1.99 menu, this is what We ordered :)


Here's these for the vehicles to park to dine there like Vintage Classical Times :)


So a nice Black Woman brought out Our Order in a Hot Bag...


Here's the Receipt, We got everything for $15.45...over at Marcus you only get 1 Burger & Fries for that price :wwsmh: :smgasp: So I think that's a pretty darn good deal if I say so Myself :batwink:


Here's what's Inside...


Here is all of the Goodies Outside the Bag on the Table. Note that Blueberry Lemonade is My Sparkling Water that I got at Schnucks on Gravois & Hampton a while back as you see the Label. My Mom also brought her own drink as well...We did that to save on moolah ;)


She ordered a Small Fries & Double Burger with no Cheese. She ordered Me a Medium Fries, Double Cheese Burger, Quarter Pound Burger & Southwest Queso Chicken Wrap and it was all so good, gosh I loved that :)

Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brandon's Journeys: I SAW ALIEN ROMULUS!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:38 am

So after We ate Our great Sonic Dinner, We left and My Mom is going toward Arsenal where My fave Schnucks is where she got My WWF LJN Iron Shiek from plus I have many more memories there. She turns right and surprised Me as she was driving in Our old neighborhood, I saw My Grandpa's A&M Bicycle Shop, the 7-11 & Our Old House, Tru-Buy, Rainbow Video/The Ringmaster, Imo's Pizza & My Father Buddy's House, the Rail-Road, both locations of Verna's Mr. T's and the Comic Shop next to her and more...I've showcased many of these great places & people that I once knew before and this is a very imperative thing I keep on talking about because it's extremely important to Me...if you truly read how I began this Topic then you know I think it's very crucial for plebeians to preserve their past but I'm not seeing much improvement with society but I hope that changes. This was really nice of My Mom to do that in the little time frame We had :) So next she needed gas and to get Soda so We stopped at QuickTrip. If you don't have them in your area, their one of the biggest Convenient Stores around, way bigger than a 7-11, I've known them since 1991 :)

So this location is very convenient because it's in South County just blocks away from the Theater :)


Here's a great look at this cool QuickTrip that We've been to before :)


Here's the Moon...I love watching the skies :blhal:


I made sure I took a picture of South County, I've known this area since I was a youngster...Toy Chest, Toys "R"Us, Showbiz Pizza/Chuck E. Cheese Pizza, Venture, K-Mart and more was down there including the defunct South County Plaza.


So here's My little Bottle of Coke, My Mom said it was almost five bucks for two of'em but We're getting these to save more mollah :)


Now We're leaving and going down Lindbergh...


I'm standing in Ronnies Plaza now...see that building that is vacant :?: That used to be a great Video Game Store but darn shame I don't recall the name of it :roll: We went there many times in the 90s. My Mom got Me some Sega Genesis 32X Games there. It was a very fun place and sadly I never thought they'd ever go under and I'm probably the only person that cared or even knew about them however I pointed that out and My Mom recalled them which is very good :)


So here's Ronnies Plaza Entrance Sign as you see TGI Fridays there in the background.


So here's the Marcus Theater...look at that :!:


Sometimes I'd eat at the Subway that was on the left of the Plaza, to My unfortunate Suprise, their no longer there as the plandemic took them away :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Here's a closer look at the Theater's Building :)


Here's the side of the wall with Posters :)


Here's the Sesame :!:


Now We're Inside...holy cow We made it :o Now your gonna see how big this marvelous Theater is. Remember the stuff I posted in PB's Drive-In Topic :?: Well here's the tiny portion of what's left of that Drive-In of Wehrenberg's. I used to sit there, eat, watch the St. Louis Cardinals Games & more for years before the 2020 crap happen. Take a good gander at this because you can also see the Diner as well :)


Here's this cute spooky table as their having a special of Goonies & Top Gun :lol:


There's the Diner as well as a Electronic Movie Poster of Deadpool & Wolverine :batsmile: :smsmile:


Here's this cute table with Fall/Autumn Themed Items here as you see The Arcade in the background :!:


Now here's the Arcade Room, while it doesn't beat what Wehrenberg had with their Bowling Alley and more of the classic times, this is one great fun area of the Theater. Look above as you see Alien Romulus :blsm: Please note that the following is just to show the room, I didn't have enough time nor doe to play any games.


So now I'm inside of the Arcade...holy toledo would you look at this :o


While they removed the Space Invaders & TMNT Arcade Video Games, they replaced them. Look at this Fast & Furious Game :!:


Here's these Prize Machines...


Now here's My fave of all. These DC Comics Coin Machines with the DC Super Powers Artwork :o Oh man, I've seen these for many years now and I just love going to the Arcade just to look at them especially Wonder Woman, Cheetah, Batman, The Joker & Superman. Since this is a DC Message Board you should be very glad that there is somebody here that went out of his way and took pictures of this :batsmile: :wwgrin: :smwink:


So I'm going further into the room as there is more stuff around.


Here's this Jurassic Park & Walking Dead Arcade Cabinets :!:


So going around here's this Prize Machine...


I saw these Baseball Erasers that looked pretty sweet :)


Here's the cool Halo Fireteam Raven Arcade Cabinet :blsm: Like many of these games here, it's by Raw Thrills :!:


Now I'm leaving as it's close to Showtime as you see The Fast & Furious Arcade Video Game one more time.


Here's a close-up of the Alien Romulus Banner above The Arcade :blmm:


So moving on, here's this of Twisters, shame how this has no to little impact on plebians compared to the original epic in 1996, gosh how things have changed :roll:


I saw this Beetlejuice 2 Poster on the wall :blbat: :blww:


I saw this which was weird they have Wizard of Oz & Gone with the Wind...Me and Packer was just talking about this really we go with coincidences again :? :batconfused: :wwhuh: :smhuh:


Okay now We're heading to where the IMAX Room is. On the left there's Twisters and on the right is Beetlejuice 2 :)


Here's the screen of the showroom's seats...


Now this was serendipitous, while I'm taking the above picture, a worker, a nice black man says here's a better picture better you better hurry because it'd electronic and it will change so I hurried to take the pic and thanked him and this was fantastic :)


Now, I was able to take one one picture of the actual IMAX Screen and which you can see how massive it is by 50 x 50 :o The previews were the reboot The Crow (must they do this when this year is the 30th Anniversary of the movie that literally killed Brandon Lee, boy they must want him erased :x, We saw the preview of Hear No Evil, Marvel's Captain America & Kraven, Gladiator 2 which Gladiator 2 looks to be totally dynamic :!: Seeing those preview was pretty nifty, as I said earlier, it is truly THE way to see an action & horror films :batwink: :blww:


If you've been to a theater that doesn't have an IMAX screen, here's the absolute epic intro before every movie starts :!:

So here's this radical Alien Romulus trailer...I adore how this one is before it features the original and this new movie continues right after the first one left off and it was done so well. Think of this trailer as the little big preview of this great film :blsm:

So the Alien Romulus film is over and as always We stayed till the end credits was done because of the superb musical score. So We're leaving, here's the dark, empty and very scary hallway :blbat: :blww: :blsm: :blmm: :blhal: :blbaf: :blaq:


As We leave here's this good IMAX Alien Romulus Poster :)


So it's about 1:15 AM, We basically closed the place. Here's one more look at the Marcus Theater as the Concession Stands is closed and down the way is the SuperScreenDLX area plus the next hall of Showrooms :)


So this adds another Alien film that I was fortunate to see at the show. I first saw 92's Alien 3 & 97's Alien Resurrection with My Grandparents. Then My Mom took Me to see 2007's Aliens vs. Predator 2: Requiem for My Birthday which was totally awesome then We saw 2010's Predators, 2012's Prometheus & 2017's Alien Covenant. I saw 2018's The Predator at the show by by Myself and I'm grateful for all of this :)

Here's these important quotes from Me originally from Packer's Movie Trailer Topic pertaining to this great subject & Journey of Mine :)

packerbacker180 wrote:

BrandonDaCollector wrote:There's the new movie Trap and ALIEN ROMULUS :!: I hope to see that new Alien film at the show when it comes out...fingers crossed :)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Well, I'm quoting that because a several weeks ago I made a plan with My Mom to go to the show to see Alien Romulus and last night on the 20th We went and it was a good night :) We've seen many of the Alien & Predator films at the show because she is also a very big fan of them too and she's like okay, let's see it, that will be special :) So, I wanted to see it on the IMAX screen because that's a superb way to see a movie of this nature & stature. We saw Prometheus & Alien: Covenant on the IMAX screen before and that was awesome. So I'm not going to say much about it right now except these few things. #1. I was very pleased with the movie. I know I said about Godzilla x Kong being the film to see but this was a must because I got into Alien around the same time I did Kaijus so it's a very important franchise to Me plus this year marks Alien's 45th Anniversary from 1979 :o #2. This IS NOT a reboot, it takes place in-between Alien & Aliens and while I have been complaining for years about the gap between Alien Covenant & Alien...this was a very necessary movie because it serves as a sequel and a prequel that explains and has a lot of stuff I wasn't expecting :o #3 The Xenomorphs are used greatly here :blmm: It was a lot of fun plus it filled-in some missing pieces that I needed :)

IMPORTANT NOTE ---> I'm goin' to have an enormous showcase of this and My whole day of what we did. I took pics of My local Marcus Theater, it's Arcade and so much more...wait till you see what I have in store, I look to finish it up within a week's time but I'm not rushing it as I want it to be as good as possible :) Here's this short but great IMAX Teaser of Alien: Romulus :blbat:

Now one and I mean one major factor that I was concerned about was the music. It was by Benjamin Wallfisch. I've known him for many years now and I know his great sound & composing but I really didn't know how clever he is though. Well, last week I was able to get a copy of the score on it's release day. When I initially heard the first track I was really astounded because right away it sounds like the first Alien which was by the legendary Jerry Goldsmith. This was absolutely paramount because I've known his wonderful theme & music from the film since My Grandpa PoPo introduced Me to it when I was a youngster and that's a long time ago and I'm proud of it :) There's a lot of Goldsmith's music here, also inspirations that sounds like it plus a lot of original material as well that is fantastic that I can tell that it's Wallfisch. I've listen to the score from beginning to end many times since I was able to get it so I could get every Cue down pat which as I've said before, this is what I do when I get ready to see a big movie at the show to see what the movie sounds like and what kind of personalty it has. I'll say right now, if Wallfisch ignored Goldsmith's theme & sound I would have have been very disgusted about that but that isn't the case here and I'm so glad of it. Now I'm only going to provide 1 Cue, this was a very important one, it's called XX121, this was such a surprise in the it is :)

In the near future, I'm going to revamp My Alien, Predator & Terminator Topic and it will be similar to My Horror & classic Kaiju Topics :blww: :blsm: :blhal: :blbaf: :blaq:

packerbacker180 wrote:I haven't followed the Alien franchise closely after the first 3, but I do want to see this eventually.

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Okay, well if you ever get involved with them it's best to watch them in order story-wise and not random because you just won't get everything especially since the new film has major, major elements from the prequels which was a big surprise for Me :blsm: You gotta to see Prometheus (2012) and Alien Covenant (2017) first then Alien (1979). There's special cut scenes of the 2014 Video Game, Alien: Isolation on YT that is official that you can watch like a movie. This takes place a bit after the first film then the new movie that I just saw Alien: Romulus takes place five years after that :!: Then you see Aliens (1986), then Alien 3 (1992) and then Alien Resurrection (1997). If you put the Predator films as canon then you watch them first before Prometheus...that goes as Prey (2022), Predator (1987), Predator 2 (1990), Alien vs. Predator (2004), Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007), The Predator (2018) & Predators (2010). The msuci for every single one I've mentioned is phenomenal. Like I said, I'm a huge AVP fan, I'm as big of it as much as Star Wars & Star Trek, in fact a lot times I feel much closer to it than any other franchise :blmm: You may want to bookmark this or copy & paste as an important note Packer ;)

Okay, 1983's Something Wicked This Way Comes is a really good movie. My Grandma loved it. It's a deep story. Johnathan Pryce is really something else in it. The music score is wonderfully done by the late great James Horner (he did 1986's Aliens by the way in a marvelous & dynamic score). Here's the Main Title, if you look at the picture of the man in the upper left corner, that's James Horner, a man who brought so much joy in the 80s :)

packerbacker180 wrote:I've heard you mention him a few times. I remember seeing that movie probably in the 80s. The I never saw AvP. I did see Prometheus but not being a knowledgeable fan of the franchise it probably didn't mean as much to me.

BrandonDaCollector wrote:I see, well I seriously recommended you watch Prometheus first and gradually get through the story, you'll get the movie & story more then :) Like I said before, their's still a huge gap between Alien Covenant & Alien but Alien: Romulus does continue that a bit which was a huge plus for Me :) it will be I never seen Billy Bathgate but boy I sure recall the previews. It was one of the many movies of a fantastic film lineup of 1991 :)

Yes, I have, James Horner was a household fave of Our's especially My Grandpa. Surely that Cue of Something Wicked This Way Comes was great to you I mean that was one of Horner's first big ones :!: He's from around the same time as Alan Silvestri & Danny Elfman in the great 80s. I knew all three shortly after I knew Jerry Goldmsith & John Williams as a youngster. I recall it like last week when I found out that he got killed in a plane crash and that was in 2016 already :roll: Horner was only 61 :roll: Composers are as special as actors, comedians, wrestlers or any other talent. Since he tragically passed I read so little of people acknowledging him and talking about his history, his great sound and such wonderful music & times that he made :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: I've read some people on YT but there should be a ton more than that :roll: I posted two parts of Horner in My Composer Topic, part 1 was his great themes of the 80s and part 2 was his great stuff in the 90s all on the 5th page. Soon I'll be doing a part 3 of what he did in the 2000s :)

Well that will do it for this Journey of Mine and I hope you were thrilled. If your just now seeing this then stop what your doing because you don't want to skip how My Journey to Marcus Theater started and My preview of Wehrenberg Theater plus before that I posted My great journey to Jack in the Box. Soon I will post more. I'm going to be working hard on My showcases in the mean while, until the next good Journey, I'll see you around :batgrin:
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