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Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - UPDATE!!!

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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Willow & Indian

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:37 am

Oh Indiana Jones is a great franchise and so fun. However I haven't seen the new one yet, Dial of Destiny, I've got mixed emotions about the newer stuff. I think maybe they should have left The Crystal Skull to be the last one. Dang, 30 years :shock: That's too long to not watch an epic classic like Willow IMO but I know, the time goes by so fast now. Both are in the same vein as Star Wars, that's one of the things I have always liked about them since I was a youngster. Thanks for your reply PB :)
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - 2004 OT Scores!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:03 am

Here we go with My final Original Trilogy showcase before I begin the highly anticipated Prequels so here is My set of the 2004 OT Movies Soundtracks/Scores that has their 20th Anniversary this year :o


These are remastered and has every note that John Williams wrote for the entire trilogy compared to the totally awesome 1993 SW Fox Anthology Set I showcased last year. This is because this is based from the 97 Special Edition so many new tracks has been included for the first time ever and if your a Movie Score buff like Me then you know how important & fun that can be. However many cues has been altered and changed for those new additional scenes & material. Now when I bought these about 2 decades ago already I didn't get the same feeling about it as I did for My special Fox Anthology 93 Set. Was it because it was it part of the Special Editions because much had changed or times were just changing in general and in My life which I hate change (if your a Capricorn you know how you despise it!!!) but really I think it was a little bit of all the above. Now you just saw My grand showcase of My 2008 Indiana Jones Score Set. While Concord went all out for that special yet Nation-wide regular release, Sony Classical went pretty far too and keep in mind that this came out 4 years prior. So all three Scores has a Holographic Cover which is actually a Sticker that is placed on the front of the Jewel Case but still has an actual booklet. They all sport 2 Compact Discs each that is interactive with PCs and the Booklets becoming Fold-Out Posters. Here we go with My Showcase :batsmile:

Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope. You see that this has a cool great looking Holographic Cover.


Here's the great looking CDs with Luke Skywalker & Lord Darth Vader. Both Discs are close to an hour.


Here's the Booklets/Posters.


Here's a close up of all of the tracks.


Here's the Orchestra credits. Notice the recording dates of 1977 & 1996. Like I said in My very special showcase of My Watch the Skies Compilation Soundtrack.Score in My all-crucial Odds & Ends that I love it when they give info like that. Also notice that Lionel Newman is the Score Supervisor which he is Alfred's brother, he composed the theme/fanfare for the 20th Century Fox Logo which this was huge back in the day :o


Here's the back Cover of the Jewel Case :)


Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back You see that this has a cool Holographic Cover and this is arguably the coolest of them all just like the movie score and the film themselves :batwink:


The inside is superb looking. Any SW should want this and if they don't I don't know why :!:


Both CDs are magnificent with Boba Fett & Darth Vader on them. Both are slightly over an hour which goes by so fast :)


Here's the Booklet/Poster along with the Cue list :)


Again I love that they have the dates of the recording on here and Lionel Newman is the Supervisor once again :)


Here's the back Cover of the Jewel Case which looks very good with them AT-AT Walkers on Hoth :)


Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. Gosh this looks so cool. ROTJ always looked good :)


The inside of the Jewel Case is decent with pictures of Luka & Leia & Emperor Palpatine on the CDs ;)


Each of these CDs is well over an hour in length at being 73 minutes & 74 minutes plus which is great :!:


Here's the super Booklet fold-out Poster and this one is really neat plus the Track List :batwink:


Here's the credits list along with those important recording dates and once more Lionel Newman is the Scoring Supervisor which again this was quite big during this time. You know how legendary John Williams is now :?: Well Newman had his own legacy back then so it was an honor for a younger composer to work with him :batwink:


Here's the back of the Jewel Case which is pretty good :)


Here's the LucasFilm & Sony Classical 2004 Copyright cause like I always say, those are important and oh...George Lucas produced all three of these wonderful versions :)



Here they are together with My Shadows of the Empire Score that I showcased before a while back here within this very fine Topic of Mine. I did this because it was still canon in 2004 and would be until the very bittersweet Disney-Takeover which while many plebeians are going gaga over Disney's SW era and not thinking of how great SW was before, SOTE was such a great event being the first ever multi-media project ever of it's kind and nothing has been like it since yest there's so much little about it besides such a few amount of people like Myself which again you can see much of it within My Topic...still this is arguably the greatest SW Score ever IMO :!:


Now here's My three SW Soundtracks with SOTE and My special 1993 SW Fox Anthology together. Still IMO the 93 Fox Edition is My favorite and I recommend it to anyone who loves classic SW and appreciates exciting soundtracks/scores. I mean this was the first time ever they were released SW on Compact Disc and each CD runs 73 minutes + which was quite impressive for that time during the 90s and that fourth Bonus Disc is still the funnest SW feature IMO. I put the 1993,1996 & 2004 Copyrights on My picture because as I always say it's very imperative to check out those Copyrights to check when & who made it and this goes for ALL collectibles which I've doing this since I was a youngster yet so few people heed this, even the experts don't even say how important this is :!: This is such an exciting display and I'm proud (not the way this w0ke generation says & thinks of the word) & thankful to have it :)


Wow, I hope you liked that special showcase of My 20th Anniversary of My 2004 Star Wars Original Trilogy Scores. Next I will have a unique bonus that nobody will expect. It's not Star Wars but it is Lucas and yes it's something that hardly anybody ever talks about anymore which I really dislike as I'm trying make things not fall in further limbo in this modern age. Until that presentation arrives, I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Pipe Dream!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:20 am

So here we go with My special entry for My great Star Wars Topic. This is not an actual Star Wars entry but it is Lucas. It's a video game during the early days before the times of LucasArts when they were known as LucasFilmGames...


These were really great fun times. It was so cool when the LucasFilm~Games Company Store was open. Here's a brief look at one of their Catalogs from the early 90s as you see even though Indiana Jones was taking a hiatus, the property was still there plus they have Star Wars because they were preparing for it's major return coming in hot. Also there you see some of LucasFilmGames' earlier works of Monkey Island, Loom, Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders and Maniac Mansion. Gosh I love this Lucas history :)


So this video game I'm about to present was one of the big hyped up puzzle games of the 80s that nobody talks about anymore...I recall the exciting time when the game was quite's none other than Pipe Dream :o


Before you see My actual Video Game I wanted to post some of the Advertisements and explain a bit about it. It came out in 1988 which last year marked it's 35th Anniversary :o It was competition for Tetris back in the good ol' days. Like it's opponent, over the decades there was many games that was inspired by it and considered to be clones by the critics. It landed on a ton of computer & video game systems. Really it was nearly an original type of game because there was a ton of stuff that it had that the competitors didn't. keep in mind that when it made it to the NES in 1990, Sega had made their first Columns game so there was even more competition going on there which was really as there was more options of games you could choose from. Here's an original Cover as well at the first NES & Game Boy Ads.


Here's the Covers for the NES. The game was co-made by Bullet-Proof Software in the great year of 1990 :batwink:


Here is the Japanese SNES Famicom Ads. By this time in around 1992 it was also known as Pipe Mania which seemed to cat on much more than than it's original title...quite frankly it didn't with Me :batwink:


OK, so with that being seen & known. It's now time to see My Pipe Dream for My NES. My Mom got it for Me along with a ton of cheap games for Christmas 97 at FuncoLand whom was a sister company with EB Games then merged with Babbages' and this formed GameStop and FuncloLand was gone :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: I introduced them over at My other great topic, My Video Game Collection here ---> and I will continue to do so as nobody talks about them anymore and I never want them to fall to Oblivion like so many things have already and with such a few amount of people out there like Myself, we're not letting that happen :) So here's My Pipe Dream in it's FuncoLand Protective Case/Sleeve :) It's such a decent looking one too I mean just as cool at the official Nintendo versions :batwink:


Here it is out of the FuncoLand Case/Sleeve. I just love the look of Game Cartridges. Today's younger gamers really haven't a clue how darn fun it was being a kid in the 80s & 90s but I'm very grateful to know that experience :)


Here's the Nintendo Seal of Quality, this is something that I always loved to look at. Now by time LucasFilm Games was changed to LucasArts which IMO is more fitting because it can fit within many genres. Look at that 1990 LucasArts Copyright :) Like I say in all of My showcases...always, ALWAYS check your collectible's Copyrights in order to see WHO made it them and when. I've been doing this since I was a youngster being curious and wanting to know things. Not even the experts tell you to check that imperative info and they should because by doing that it really make noobs miss-out on something really exciting but I'm telling you so heed this and you'll be like, wow, this came out that certain year and gosh, this is made by them :shock: That's the way it's been with Me and always will be :)


As special bonus here's three different kinds of FuncoLand Protective Game Case/Sleeves with the first being for the NES of Pipe Dream, second is for SNES with the granddaddy of all FPS Wolfenstein 3D and last being Sega Genesis of Terminator 2: Judgement Day The Arcade Game and this is the first time I'm showing these and I will showcase them further in time. That is really cool :)


Whoa, that was LucasFilmGames/LucasArts Pipe Dream, I hope you liked that and were surprised a bit cause I always try to sunrise somebody one way or another. My next showcase will finally start with the Star Wars Prequels. I'm going to go slow with them as I have a lot of them but I want it to last. I'm not sure when I will begin it. You can check all of the stuff that you may have missed as I'm sure there's a lot or you could just look through My stuff again as My showcases are always worth more than one viewing and don't forget about My other Topics too, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - EP1 - Part 1!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat May 04, 2024 9:07 am


Brief Prologue: Before this showcase begins I want to quote Myself from earlier. These are pretty important as they pertain to this upcoming showcase as well as future ones to soon follow. The first is from My Game Informer Magazine and THEIR anticipation of the Star Wars Episode 1 movie then the hidden Naboo Starfighter in the superbly done & wonderfully fun N64 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Make sure to click the pictures in a new tab to see the details :)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Here's their review of the game, they actually praised it giving it a 8.75 which is a superb score. Look at the pic I took, you can read how their talking about the anticipation of Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace which this was also such an experience to wait for. I recall most of this like it was last week, it was one of the most foreseeing times of ever of all-time seeing the Pizza Hut commercials, the Cups from 7-11 and the Action Figures at Sears and so much more :)


Gameplay Special Hidden Ships!!! I absolutely love the gameplay. LucasArts & Factor 5 sure knew how to make such great games. There's a ton of camera angles when you fly your ships...I love EA's modern 2015 Battlefront[/b] series but as good as they are, they lack so many angles & views that is in this game. As a really nice bonus, you can enter the code "Farmboy" and you can unlock and play as the Naboo Starfighter that would be a hint of one of the new ships in the upcoming prequel Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Oh it was something else waiting to see the film and this would be so cool back in the day when you could enter codes and do this today have no idea how it was unless they really want to do what their elders did which would be a very smart & good decision but I'm sure glad that I know and that I experienced arguably the best era in gaming history :)


You can check out My entire Star Wars: Rogue Squadron N64 Showcase on Page 10. I just loved how it was back in 99 how there was such anticipation for Episode 1. It was really cool when I got that Game Informer Magazine and reading their own anticipation as you saw & read above. Well that was for the film back 25 years ago this the waiting for Me to present My Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace is over as I will begin it NOW :o


IMPORTANT NOTE: This is how I'm working this out as I'm going to do this differently. I'm going to showcase most of My Episode 1 merchandise in at least a few parts. After The Phantom Menace is finished then I'm going to move to Episode 2 Attack of the Clones & Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. When those are finished I will then have unique combination showcases with some special items. I'm doing it this way because this year marks the 25th Anniversary of Episode 1 which is a huge anniversary that so many people should be talking about :!: Now remember this so you don't wonder why I'm not doing the other episodes within this showcase :) Also you'll notice that these showcases will be smaller then previous entries but they will be as stunningly visual as ever however ;) First up is truly the one that must be first because it was My first item I saw at a store of EP1 so I begin with Topps :shock:


This is My Topps Official Movie Souvenir Magazine. I got this over at My local Holly Hills Walgreens. This is a wonderful Magazine. If your a Star Wars fan then one of the first things you do before the movie comes out is get the Books. I love them and I always want to know as much as I can about what I want to know of what I like. I mean there was no better way of time to check out new Star Wars. Here's the front & back Covers :)


Here the inside of the Magazine. How about that, there's an Advertisement for Dorling Kindersley with several books of the Original Trilogy as well as Episode 1. Two of them I already showcased earlier on within this great topic of Mine ;) Here's the credits of the Book as well as an introduction.


There's a ton of great stuff in this. I recall how it was when I came home and looked at this for the first time, I was so in awe :) Here's a special look at some of the fantastic landscapes. I was like holy cow, look at that sea monster, he's looks great. The Sando aqua monster is still one of the largest creatures in Star Wars. It was something seeing the man who played Emperor Palpatine being shown here...I was like wow, that's what he looks like for real :shock: There's Frank Oz as Master Yoda. It's always great to see the person's face behind such great characters. I was really surprised that Terence Stamp was playing Supreme Chancellor Valorum. In fact I recall when I was looking at & checking this great book out I said to My Grandpa PoPo about that and he's like "well I'll darned" because he was a big fan of his especially from Superman II :) I never knew Hugh Quarshie but I'm like his Captain Panaka looks like an interesting character.


Now here's the article that I was most interested of is about the Soundtrack as it features John Williams :o I was pretty stoked about it when I first saw it 25 years ago this year in 1999 :) Not every SW Book features him and if your lucky, I mean really lucky, there's a very slim chance of any movie book of any franchise regardless of genre will talk about the music much less feature anything about whom wrote it :roll: I've never understood that, it's My fave part of a film and arguably the most important yet it's the least mentioned in books :roll: With that being said, there's a nice picture of him with George Lucas and another good picture of him as well. It has the track listing of the Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Score. I thought that was cool. I got the Score not to much longer after this and I was astounded cause I hadn't heard a new SW Score since Joel McKneely's truly epic Shadows of the Empire which that still remains My all-time fave SW Score which one day I will showcase along with the other two prequels :) How can anybody not be in awe after they listen to Duel of the Fates, it's still one of the all-time greatest pieces of music ever and after 25 years it still sounds just as epic with that amazing choir :)


Also here's some great items that was upcoming for the time including Hasbro's Action Figures & Micro Machines, Topps Trading Cards plus Books, Games, T-Shirts & more :!:


Here's the 1999 Topps & LucasFilm Copyrights. Like I always say, it doesn't matter what they are, check your collectibles for Copyrights because they tell you who made them & when. I've doing that since I was a youngster and I always will do it :!: Nobody' ever acknowledges about this but I assure it's very crucial. Not even the "supposed experts" on YT tell you to do it. That's because they don't think outside the box and go the extra mile on things like they should. Believe Me, start doing it and you'll be glad that you listened to Me ;)


Here's these great Episode 1 Topps Poster Magazines. My Grandma MiMi picked these up for Me over at the old Schnucks on Loughborough ;) Here's two of them and it's quite clever how Topps did this. First is the Heroes. I love that picture of Qui-Gon Jinn, he looked so good, kind and overall neat :)


Here's the Villains. It has fantastic pictures of Darth Maul and the Duel of the Fates. I absolutely love the picture of Darth Sidious. In fact this has always been My favorite pictorial of Palpatine :)


Here's the 1999 Copyrights of both of 'em, again always check those Copyrights & Trademarks :!:


So now I'm moving on too...


Yes, Random House, they've done Star Wars Books since the early days of the Original Trilogy. You can see My great books of E.T.: the Extra Terrestrial, Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi & Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom that My Mom got Me when I was a wee-youngster near the beginning of this fine topic of Mine because I've been a fan of the Lucas & Spielberg combination at a very early age and it still continues as I speak :) So first is the great Story Book. The front Cover is superb with it's raised graphics which I adore them kind. This book is far more advanced that My other Random House Books as times & tech has changed in the long gap of between the mid 80s & late 90s :shock: The back Cover is decent. They did good with the iconic scene of Anakin leaving his mother Shmi :)


Here's the Episode 1 Scrapbook. I always love and prefer the Scrapbooks over a Storybook. This is an excellent one. The front Cover has raised graphics like it's Counterpart which both front & back look great :)


It's really fun to look at & read. Here's the section the Sith :)


Speaking of the Sith, I was totally amazed that Random House made a book completely about the Sith Lords called the Secrets of the Sith :o Like the previous two books, it's graphics are wonderful and raised as well. These were done so darn cool which these times is when companies still made things special. Here's the front & back Covers :)


It shows a lot a great stuff including one of the first Lords of the Sith, Darth Bane :!:


Here's a look at Darth Vader from Episode 1 to what we know of him already from the Original Trilogy :!:


Secrets of the Sith & Pull-Out Posters :!:


Here's the 1999 Lucas Books & Random House Copyrights of the Story Book & Scrap Book. Notice how they have Emblems of Darth Sidious & Darth Maul and that their Numbered 1 & 2, I have always thought that was a really nice touch there ;)


Now the Secrets of the Sith Book actually came out a year later as here's the 2000 Lucas Books & Random House Copyright with Darth Maul's Lightsaber Emblem :)


Now here's My Mighty Chronicles SWE1: TPM Storybook.


I got this at Deals on Kingshighway for only a buck. Unfortunately they closed down many, many years ago...they were near the factory that Me & My Grandpa used to walk by all the time back in the day of Our old neighborhood when I was a youngster :) The book is hardcover and very compactly small that is black & white.


Here's the 1999 Copyright :!:


We're getting to the nitty-gritty of My Episode 1 Books. Now these are arguably My favorite type of Star Wars Books and if your a big fan of SW then you gotta have them as their the most ultimate ones to look at & research. This is by...


Yes, DK aka Dorling Kindersley :!: This is My Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Visual Dictionary. My Mom got Me this as a special gift ;) As you saw in the very beginning of this very fine Topic of Mine I started it out with the DK Visual Dictionary of the Original Trilogy that she got Me for Christmas so she knew I loved that book so it was a no-brainer by time this came out :) Here's the front & back Covers. They may not be as stunning at the ones above but they are still quite attractive and besides, their "visual Dictionaries" so it's all about the up-close pictures :)


My most fave type of SW Books is the Visual Dictionaries. I say if you would ever get one type of SW book, get the DK Visual Dictionaries. Here's just a sample with the debut of the new Sith Lord Darth Maul :!:


The Jedi Council including the Grey Alien-like Yarael Poof and Adi Galia whom I had a small crush on :)


It was great to see Chancellor Valorum and his Blue Royal Guard :!:


Here's the 1999 Lucas Books & DK SW EP1 Copyright :!:



Here's all three of My SW Random House Books together.


Here's all three of My SW Topps Magazines together.


Now I mentioned that it is's it's size compared to My Topps Official Movie Souvenir Magazine :shock:


Here's My original SW Trilogy DK Visual Dictionary with My SW Ep1 DK Visual Dictionary.


Here's the TPM Book Size Comparison :!:


Well, I hope you liked this special on this Star Wars Day and were surprised :) I wanted to make sure that I posted this today :batwink: Part 2 will arrive soon. May the 4th be with You or rather The Force be with You :batsmile:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - EP1 - Part 1!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat May 04, 2024 11:07 am

Those are cool. I've loved character encyclopedias ever since I started buying DC Who's Who and the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe in the 80s. What else is in that Secrets of the Sith book? I've never seen that one before.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - EP1 - Part 1!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun May 05, 2024 5:25 am

Yes, their really the funnest types of books to have.Well, would you want Me to take a few bonus pictures for you to find out what else is in it :?:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - EP1 - Part 1!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun May 05, 2024 11:37 am

Sure, I'd love more images. Especially if there's a table of contents.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - EP1 - Part 1!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon May 06, 2024 6:07 am

OK, I'll see what I can do :)
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - UPDATE!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue May 07, 2024 6:56 am

Okay, first off. My style had evolved over time and I began to realize things. Back in the day people used to request additional pics and stuff and I was like gosh, I should do better than this. Well I've done far better now than I have years ago as I try to show all of the possible details of everything I do and also great write-ups and much more. So I shorted this showcase because I have many parts to go and I wanted to do it as fast as possible but still have it very visual as possible. So with any of these showcases that I'm about to do here or any of My topics, ask to see if there's something additional to see that I didn't cover in that showcase ;) I'm one of the very last people that does what I do which is a shame cause people used to do stuff like this a lot years & years ago but times & people have changed and I'm trying to keep it going especially not letting precious things go into Oblivion of just My own personal & local history but other stuff. For instance, I mean how many people of this generation is going to be talking about any of these books that I've showcased thus far in this EP1 showcase in a decade or longer :? How many people My age and and your age is going to say how they felt when they saw The Phantom Menace on the big screen in 99 for the first time :?: So many people don't think of that stuff as often as they should with all of these distractions one after another, people don't think of the things that defined them what was cool nor the good people they once knew in their past. See what I'm saying, 99 maybe wasn't the best year ever but it was the last of classic times and it was huge for Me being a major SW fan and I still have that feeling as I type this and that's something special not to let go and anybody that has a similar feeling about it or anything for that matter I would imagine that they feel the same way :)

Now with that being said, here is what I was able to do :) There's a lot to see so look closely and open the pics up in a new tab to see the maximum details and I hope this satisfies your inquire PB ;)

So this is how the Secrets of the Sith Book begins.


Here's the 2000 Copyright. I always say to pay attention and look for those Copyrights & Trademarks on your collectibles no matter what they are. It will will help you to determine who made them & when. I have always thought this was very important. I've been doing it since I was a youngster. the supposed experts on YT among other places never say about doing it nor says anything about Copyrights. Believe Me, once you do it you'll be like wow, look at, I didn't know this was made by so & so and it was made during that year and I'm glad that I listened to Brandon :)


Here's the Sith Timeline :!: This was big then cause this was one if not THE first time(s) this was ever seen in a publication :shock:


Here's the Table of Continents as you requested PB :)


Here's the introduction of the Light Side & Dark Side :batsmile: :blww:


Here's the Sith Wars :!:


When I got this book, this was the first time that I saw the Sith brothers Ulic & Cay Qel-Droma whom turned to the Darkside. That picture there is still of the most emotional SW scenes to date IMO :shock: It really caught My eye when I first glanced at it :)


Here's the origins of Darth Maul, such a great close-up of him & his master Lord Darth Sidious :)


Here's a look at Darth Maul's Training. Such a great picture of him holding his double-bladed lightsaber and I believe this was one of the very first glimpses of Maul's Tattooed Body without his robe on as well :!:


Now the next two parts is arguably the most most engaging part of the whole book. The final battle of Darth Vader :!:


Here's the Sith Redemption. It's such a great looking section with the original Anakin Skywalker :)


So that's how My Book ends. It's kind of odd because during that time in 2000 when this good book was published by Random House, we hadn't even seen Anikan as a teenager yet but yet we're seeing him as a big veteran of the Force in the Original Trilogy :shock:

Okay PB, I hope you liked that big bonus that I posted and I hope it pleased you :)
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - UPDATE!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue May 07, 2024 10:31 pm

That's a cool book. I love when comic art is included because I haven't seen a lot of the Darkhorse era books like that. Thanks for sharing.
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