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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 2!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:49 pm

Yikes, Play Doh doesn't age well, who knew, That's a neat Skiff, never knew about that but would've been cool to have back then.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 2!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:52 am

Indeed it does PB but it's such pure history to have ;) Yep, that is a cool Skiff, like I said, I used it many times and a very crucial display part for My Vintage Kenner Star Wars :) Thanks for the reply PB, Part 3 is coming up soon :batwink:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 3 & 4!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:53 am


So here we go with Part 3 of My Vintage Kenner Star Wars where this one is going to be filled with special comparisons & features that you may or may not expect. Are you ready :?: Here we go :)

First off last year was the...


Just not that but Close Encounters of the Third Kind in 1977 as well, to Me that is HUGE & IMPORTANT :batsmile: :wwshock: :smgasp:

Here is My beloved Avon E.T. with Nein Nunb. I have showcased him earlier on within this topic, in fact near the very beginning of it as well as My actual Star Wars Collection topic. My Mom got Me him and I have always associated him with SW ever since I was a wee little youngster. If your not knowing why it's rather simple, it's by Spielberg, he put Kenner's SW figures in the movie + a Yoda costume, as a thank you Lucas actually put the E.T. species, the Asogian in 99's Phantom Menace thus making SW & E.T. canon together and NOT ignoring EARTH :o Of course a huge factor was John Williams did all the scores which is arguably the biggest factor here because by listening to it all you can truly relate the excitement yet so many don't acknowledge any of this now since Disney has made this into Legends conditioning this & previous Generations but I'm not having that bum-steer, no siree bob :!:


Now the thing that really made E.T. & SW together in a special bondness for Me & I would think & hope for most fans was Elliot's bedroom filled with SW toys and many of those toys were Kenner's original SW action figures. Now when I first saw this all those years ago I was like that is so cool, I just love that seeing a kid on TV/in a movie playing with his SW figures a little like Me and showing them to a new found friend that is an alien. I was like gosh, My Grandma couldn't get Me them cause I was way too young but I was in time for Boba Fett so here is a picture of an inspiration that is reminiscent of that wonderful scene :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


As a bonus scene here is Kenner's Vintage SW Yoda with E.T. as an inspiration to the famously cute & yet surprising Halloween scene in the E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial and yes Master Yoda has his Pet Snake this time :batwink:


I had mentioned this is My first main showcase that Prune Face IMO had a similar concept & design like E.T.. I have never read anybody saying the same thing nor otherwise. His species is Dressellian where E.T. is Asogian. Could the Dressellians be an highly evolved & advanced Asogian relative specie like many species on seen planet Earth such as Dinosaurs & Birds and Oysters & Octopus are :?: I think there's a possibility there and I'm not paying attention to what Disney's legends wants us to be concerned & convinced by :!: These two characters, E.T. & Prune Face aka Orrimaarko are related in My Fan Fiction :batsmile:


If you saw My SW topic then you already know that I love Indiana Jones as well. Like E.T. I have grew up with the associated above with SW & E.T. and overall the three together. I mean how can you not, Speilberg made the films, Lucas wrote the stories, Harrison Ford is Indiana and John Williams composed all of the scores but the big key factor is there is many, many Easter Eggs of SW in'em. It was so fun growing up with these fantastic films. So here is Han Solo in the Temple of Doom which this photo that I made was so strange yet was so heck yeah apropos to make :batshock: :wwlol: :smgasp:


Here is a comparison of Nein Nunb compared to My previously seen Fisher-Price's Adventure & Tonka's Play People. These figures are so cool together and are in scale with each other really well and like I said before, Robot Clawtronis an ideal choice for an additional character in a vintage or even a modern SW display :batsmile:


Here is Luke Skywalker compared to My previously seen Kenner DC Super Powers' Superman. Now The Man of Steel met He-Man before but what an encounter this is :smwink:


Now as I said above with My SW associations with E.T. & Indiana Jones, I do have another which is 1988's Willow. If you saw how this topic actually started and elsewhere then you know how much I love the film & the figures by Tonka. I have said before that the story was written by Lucas and many of the characters seriously reminded Me of his SW ones just set on Earth in a medievel time of Myths & Legends. The music was on similar par by the late great James Horner. So here is Willow meets Wicket. I was so amazed that not only did Warwick Davis play both characters but Tonka made the Willow figures too :o :batsmile:


Now another thing I had about Willow was that how awesome the villains were, one of'em was General Kael :batsmile: As a youngster and really even at this moment he was like the Dark Lord of the Sith and here is General Kael as he meets Darth Vader himself :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:



So in My SW topic I have focused heavily on the 90s and how SW was rejuvenated with the games & especially with action figures that Kenner & Hasbro (yes, they were owned by those corporate locusts by this time come in 95/96 and would only be a company for a couple more years sadly :roll: made as the POTF 2 and so on. It's s great time period IMO that should never ever be ignored yet is because plebeians don't realize if this big event never took place SW would still be limbo like it was in the late 80s. So with that being said here is a special comparison of the past and what was once the present as we have Kenner's Vintage SW Boba Fett & Darth Vader together with Kenner's POTF 2 Boba Fett & Darth Vader :o Now you see there is clearly differences yet both kinds from three/two different decades both hold their hold their own and is such important parts of toy collecting history and most importantly when guys like Me were youngsters and we could actually go to a big TRU & Toy Chest, a K-B & K&K in a mall or a big department store like My beloved Venture & Woolworths and see huge shelves filled with'em on the pegs and when these times felt really, really special :batsmile: :wwwink: :smsmile:


The Force is Still Strong :!: :!: :!:

Now this is from My SW Topic, I strongly recommend you check it out if you love SW :batsmile:

Go here to check it all out --->

Now as said there in My Official & Fan Fiction Shadows of the Empire/SOTE, I recently completed My POTF 2 Bounty Hunters Guild and opted out at not getting the POTF 2 4-Lom because My Grandma Mimi already got Me him way back when I was a youngster and he still stood great on his own literally & figuratively thus helping Me come to the conclusion that Mine was good enough and it was unnecessary to get him. So here is the Vintage Kenner 4-Lom with Kenner & Hasbro's Dengar, IG-88, Boba Fett, Bossk & Zuckuss :shock: I displayed them as inspiration as to how they looked during the iconic ESB Executor Meeting...take a gander at that remarkable greatness and notice I have Vintage Boba's Blaster in IG-88's claw like he was originally depicted so there's that cool Vintage bonus that fits in so darn nicely, in fact when I got him I planned to let him "borrow" Fett's gun, oh gosh I love it :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Now here is arguably the most crucial part of this whole showcase :?

Last year for My B-Day which you can see the whole thing here ---> I got meself a whole bunch of Super7's ReAction figures because I knew about these for quite awhile but never got them then I I kept on think'in that I better get them while I could and NOT fall in the previous condition I once was like oh I gotta get this new figure instead of something I should've years ago like most people are. This series is a great one and the first ever one is quite crucial, in fact IMO it's one of the most imperative lines a collector could buy which is the 1979 Alien Series :o See, this was originally Kenner's series but it was cancelled due to it being too scary for kids and parents were even terrified thus because of that however over time I tend to believe this story to be a bit of bum-steer because if you saw the commercials that Me & PB have provided here within the topics, the kids weren't scared, they were having the time of their lives then come in the early to late 90s Kenner would get the licence to make Alien figures once more but if that wasn't enough they would make Predator & Terminator figures as well. If you have seen My Recent Acquirements and elsewhere then you already seen and know that I am a huge Alien, Predator & Terminator fan, sometimes I believe I'm bigger at it even more so than Star Wars at times. I was familiar with all three of'em when I was a youngster and there was nothing like being excited for these movies but many audiences seem to not be which makes Me even more of a prouder outlier :batsmile: My Grandpa was ok about it and he wasn't the bravest when it came to organs & stuff, My Mom & Grandma were a bit squeamish too but over time they got to really liking the franchises. Don't think I wasn't squeamish at times either cause I was and still am a bit but I was a horror kid, I just loved it all and collecting them in the 90s was such a great time cause Dark Horse Comics crossed them over with each other and it just was a blasting period of time to be a part of let Me tell ya. So Super7 made Predator & Terminator figures too as you can see them in My Recent Acquirements but the focus here is something that ANY collector and especially SW & Alien fans alike should want to see & to do for themselves which if that total rubbish of society being too terrified didn't come into play we wouldn't have been in the situation that became a reality of them never getting produced and having a display of Star Wars & Alien together :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: Thankfully a company that came out of nowhere basically called Super7 got into the Kenner & Hasbro ARCHIVE VAULT and was able to find and restore the original sculpts, molds and more of the 1979 Alien series that never saw the light of day in the early part of the 2010s which is really a small or big miracle depending on how you look at it and it all came into play quite nicely as a series of it's own even though it was already decades old but guys like Me that grew up with it and loved it would appreciate what finally came into our nostalgic hands of our childhood :batsmile: :wwsmile: :smsmile: So with all of that being known, I am completely satisfied with the outcome of this and all of the display possibilities as a whole because it matches up so darn well and it actually looks like it's over 40 years old here and not some recent figure of the modern market I mean it's absolutely incredible. Here is just a hint of what I was just talking about as we have here something very special which is Kenner's Vintage SW 4-Lom & Kenner's Alien Xenomorph brought back by Super7 :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


So that is all for this special Part 3 of Kenner Vintage Star Wars and I hope you liked it and maybe even were surprised a bit. Next up will be Part 4 which is going to be quite a special one that you may or may not expect. Until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 3 & 4!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:32 am


So here we go with Part 4 of My Vintage Kenner Star Wars presentation and if you really looked at the second update within the KSW Booklet, you may have thought do I have any of those others than the Play-Doh :?: Well if you did then your in for a surprise cause YES I do and it's the...


Oh yes, I have some of the Kenner Micro Star Wars collection which is some that I have been wanting to do and wait till I show what I have in store for this showcase :o

Now before we begin here I want to say I remember like it was yesterday, I was with My Grandma & Mom over at Toy Chest in South County. I distinctly recall seeing all of these SW Sets of the shelves wanting each one. I was running up & down the isle in joy cause I was so excited about it. I didn't get a lot but they got Me what they could cause I was real, real young, in fact I think I got these before the actual main figures I mean I'm just a toddler, a super-duper youngster if you will. Back in August of last year I made an absolutely huge showcase of Tonka & Bandai's Go-Bots & Rock Lords & other Robots and within that special I showcased Toy Chest and explained their history and everything else there on PAGE 27 :!:

Here is their Logo custom made by Me :)


Here is what their Price Stickers looked like :batwink:


And here is the building that they were once in in. Sadly they went out of business due to TRU moving across the street & KB around the corner in the once big mall. My last time there was in the great year of 1990 which was quite a crucial trip, again I explain everything on PAGE 27 and you don't want to miss it :batsmile:


So with that great history being revisited, I was just as excited for these Micro SW as much as the standard versions that you already saw in My three previous showcases. In fact sometimes depending on the property, I prefer smaller than bigger, I just like compactness and that it doesn't take a lot of space. Now a lot of this stuff looks beat up and I have misplaced a lot so expect this to be not complete. The bases are plastic but the figures are metal. So without further delay here we go :!:

Here is the Death Star Compactor from EP4. I have always loved this one :)


The door is spring loaded and the elevator operates via a lever which all still works fine :)


Here is the figures that came with it including Lord Vader & Storm Troopers and Obi-Wan Kenobi & Disguised Luke & Han :batsmile: Unfortunately I have misplaced My Princess Leia which I'm kickin' Myself about it, one day hopefully I can find her :roll: Now in the actual Compactor itself I usually stuck Cotton-balls in it for the trash scene, it works wonders :!:


Here is the battle I always loved doing when I was a youngster with Old Ben & Darth Vader, oh looking at this just brings joy back. If your a fan of the first film's iconic Lightsaber duel then check this :batwink:


Here is the Hoth Ion Cannon from ESB. This has always been a fun one to play with. The Cannon itself still works nicely and looks so good. Thank goodness I still have all the figures which include many Rebel Soldiers & Luke Skywalker. I love that Han Solo & his Tauntaun, it has always been a favorite of Mine :)


This was always fantastic to have battles here :)


Here is arguably My fave of them all, the Bespin Control Room :!: Look at that beauty :shock:


Here is Luke sneaking around and being confronted by Darth Vader :!:


The window opens up as a special feature to mimic how it was in the movie which is just so fun to do :!:



Here is the Kenner Copyrights, look at that 1982, that was over 40 years ago now. Like I said above, I was really a youngster then. Even though My eyes was set of stuff like this more instead of baby toys like building blocks & such My stuff was quite limited at the time. I always find it amazing when I find Copyrights on My figures, shame there's not many people out there that thinks that is fun & important but I always have and I always will :!:


Here's the detail of the wonderful sculpting of Stormtroopers + Disguise Luke & Han :batsmile:


Here is Obi-Wan Kenobi & the Luke Skywalker Variants :)


I have always loved these Darth Vader Variants especially the one on the far left :batsmile:


Here is the cool Hoth Soldiers (pun not intended there) :)


Here is Hoth Han Solo & his Tauntaun & Luke Skywalker, Luke looks good. It's really remarkable how great looking the Tauntaun is and how Han is with his binoculars :batwink:


Here is the Hoth Ion Cannon with regular size Wampa which really makes him a monster :o


OK so here we go with a Kenner SW Micro & Standard Size Comparison. They were truly smaller here but were they truly that "micro" or the smallest you could get :?:


Well back then in the early 80s heck yes however come in the late 80s to mid 90s, things would get even smaller if you can believe that :? Galoob went the extra mile competing against Mattel's Hot Wheels. I was so hooked on their Micro Machines and come 1994 they made SWMM and in 1995 I got a ton of'em, they were like My number one series to fact many regard how great Kenner's POTF 2 was and how it brought back SW to action figures, well that isn't the whole deal here, it was GALOOB that TRULY brought SW back to the toy isles with their absolutely superb Micro Machines and they were made differently too cause Kenner's was metal while Galoob's was plastic and they were way, way smaller than Kenner's Micro SW :batconfused: :wwsmh: :smhuh: Want proof :?: Well here is a great comparison of My Kenner Micro SW Han Solo on his Tauntaun vs. Galoob's Han Solo on his Tauntaun Micro Machines SW...take a gander at that size difference I mean it's completely unbelievable :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


I've said it before about Hasbro, after they acquired Tonka & Kenner locked in the rights make SW, they soon would takeover Galoob and own everything thing they made as well, make their own MM and count it all as their own as those corporate locusts love to do :x I can yell ya, the magic of Galoob's Star wars Micro Machines was gone, MM was never the same after that but I'm quite grateful that I experience that exciting period of time :)

So that will do it for this one and I hope you enjoyed it :) Don't forget to check out PART 3 if you haven't already, just scroll above but if your just now seeing this I seriously recommend that you stop now and get to Part 3 soon :shock: Next up will be quite a different one in My Vintage SW which will have stuff totally unexpected, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 3 & 4!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:19 pm

I vaguely remember those minifigs or seeing something similar later on. I can't say for sure if I ever owned them, though, they look like they would've been fun to play with.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 3 & 4!!

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:16 pm

Damn, those Star Wars mini playsets are so cool. I used to want those so much when I was a kid. They remind me of Mighty Max.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 3 & 4!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:47 am

PB - Really :?: Oh they were fun and still are. Well, the Galoob Star Wars Micro Machines were the closest to these but they were much smaller as you just saw the Han & his Tauntaun size comparison.

Acid - Shame you didn't get'em. Yeah, their kinda like them but in scale Galoob Star Wars Micro Machines is actually closer in size, that's how small they :shock:

Who knows, I may get to showcasing them GSWMM sooner that I originally thought :? If I do it will be in My main SW topic. Well see. SW Part 5 is coming soon, thanks guys :)
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 5!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:09 am

So here is My special Star Wars Part 5 :o Without further a do here is a SUPER SPECIAL GALLERY OF ENTRIES!!


I just found these totally awesome C-3P0 & R2-D2 figurines rather recently. They are Wilton Woodridge Cake Toppers, I really don't remember these guys much at all I mean the Copyright is Lucas Film 1980, I was't even born yet :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: I must have been a super young toddler from a year to four years old here :shock: If anybody had a doubt what I saying before about SW attracting Me despite how young I was in previous showcases, this here tops the cake and yes pun intended there :batlol: :wwlol: :smlol: This must have been My 2nd Birthday, I bet My Mom got Me a big Star Wars cake for Me over at Venture cause they had a wonderful bakery despite them being known as a superb department store (this is where My Mom met her boyfriend Jasper as he was a baker and he got her job there as one as well not too long after she left My Dad Buddy in about 86) however it is a possibility that My Grandparents got My B-Day Star Wars Cake at National cause they too had a terrific bakery as you know I have expressed about them a lot within this dear topic of Mine :) I am gunning for the latter on this one, who knows, I may have old pics of My with it in My old Photo albums, if i do I'll have too see if i can post it ;)


The sculpting of these Droids is fabuloso, they are of a thin plastic like most Cake Toppers (again I never understood why anybody would put such great looking figures on top of a cake :? I understand it's for great decorating making your cake look awesome but still it just seems wrong :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: and are of a cheaper material. These guys are actually in scale with the Vintage Kenner SW figures and in fact they would be great substitutes say you don't have the Kenner C-3PO & R2-D2 figures, just take a a gander at them to see for yourself how great they compare/coincide next to Kenner's Vintage SW Nein Nunb :batwink: :wwshock: :smgrin:


Now here is an extremely important entry here because it's a double one. I have talked about it countless times throughout on the board in My Odds & Ends as well as My Horror topic & even PB's topics. This is about the Kenrick 8 Cine Wehrenberg Theater close to Crestwood Plaza (see My Relic showcase in My Horror topic for more especially how the area is totally unrecognizable now being replaced by Walmart & BioLife). Here is what the building used to look where I had tons of fun times & memories at including seeing 1988's Willow 35 years ago this year that I begin saying on the very first page of this very topic :o


If you recall how I began this topic I spoke of a very special item...well this it :shock: Now why I am showing this is because I slightly recall seeing the ROTJ there among posters and the like. Now here we go again about My Dad but don't worry,this is a FANTASTIC STORY about him, I know I usually have bad stuff to say about him but not this time. He worked at the Kenrick 8 Cine Wehrenberg Theater as a Projectionist, it was truly a dream job but he threw it away sometime later (many times over the decades when I'd go to the show I'd look up at the projectionist window and think to Myself that's what My Dad used to do :roll: But before he got into big trouble he'd bring some goodies to Our home. He'd give Me many movie posters. One day He'd call Me son and give a special poster that I have always cherished. He knew I loved Star Wars and so he took this Poster from his work and gave it to Me :o :) I would like to think he was a kind man at heart and tried at least a little :) This totally cool SW ROTJ Poster IS STILL ON MY WALL as I speak, look at all of that Vintage Star Wars history :(


So in My first part of this wonderful Vintage [/b] showcase I said about My one Imperial Storm Trooper was actually found at Our local Kroger :shock:


Well, this is the area We found him. Again if you do not recall this most amazing find & moment of Mine/Our's, he was in an isle, I don't know which one but I know I saw him on the floor and My Grandma MiMi was like look Angel, look at what I found :( I was in baby seat of the shopping cart and she gave Me him and he was MINE :o I must have been 2, 3 or so years young, I have always found this to be such a milestone for Me :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: He must have been dropped by an unknowing child there from the K-Mart next door. His body is somewhat loose and he was stained and stuff so I have always pretended he is a Sand Trooper. Look in My first part to see him compare with with a newer Storm Trooper that I got when I was a bit older in the same line. Here is the back way to enter the plaza in recent times, (it's nothing now like it was back in the 80s or till it was all gone) I reminiscent this moment as much as I can when I look at the old Kroger & K-Mart area, it's one of My most cherished places of My childhood :)


Speaking of the K-Mart area, now I will show you were many of My Vintage SW figures & items among other great stuff (My Rancor & Micro Figures came from Toy Chest) I have showcased within this very topic :shock: Look at this picture, I have always loved the night time in general but especially when I'd go to K-Mart because of the lighting I mean look how cool that was with the Red & Blue all lit up during nocturnal suburban activities, see if there's any store that can even slightly match that :batsmile:


So here is the area you just saw with Kroger but this is the front entry way. It used to be so fun to go to back in the day. I mean We had Kroger & K-Mart till the former went out of business (they made a comeback sometime later in other states) and We'd also have Televideo & Radio Shack all in the same plaza and I believe the wonderful AquaWorld & the nice Resale Shop is still around the corner :) I have showcased the great Televideo in My stupendous Glory Days of Vdeo Rentals, I explain it all here --->


So this is the region as it looks recently. Since the P!amDemic had to happen, it wiped out Shop 'n Save(Schnucks) took them over like they did National so the building was torn down and replaced with a Super Aldi's and GameStop went out of business as well here so even went I got used to this newly redesigned area after the total demolition of Televideo, Radio Shack & K-Mart among other stores there (K-Mart was the last to go, I was quite sad about it in 2000 (My chase ToyBiz WCW B&W Scott Hall & OSTM ECW figures was the very last things is I ever got there :roll: :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: It wouldn't last as long as one would think cause now it really looks different :roll:


So here again is the back entry way. When We lived in Our old house I always loved to go this way so My Grandma would do it. the road was actually a "brick road" there. Of course now the brick road is gone, either they plucked'em out or tared over it to match these "modern" times. I really disliked this decision by the heads of the regions I mean that area is quite historical but again they don't care about history and they don't want to you either but if your like Me and you care about your past and you know wonderful it was in your old area and you loved it like I did then YOU CARE ABOUT THE HISTORY and WILL NOT LISTEN TO THIS NOR ACCEPT THIS BUM-STEER :x :!:


So again the back way was so fun to enter K-Mart, I loved this store as much as I did Venture, in fact I have just as much fond memories there as well. It was so amazing when My Grandma got Me the Dewback among other SW figures as well as My REMCO Defenders & My very first WWF Hasbro Figure which was none other than the Series 1 Hulk Hogan here. My Mom got Me My GUTS! I showcased a while back and My Dad Buddy got Me a ton of Battle Beasts (I regret not taking them with Me). Even though it was quite bitter sweet with him, I sure remember going there with him and him getting Me all those little guys :( So this K-Mart was sure one of THE ones to be at. They had tons of toys, movies, games and everything you could want. It was such a great time being a youngster in My area cause you had the wonders like Paramount Drugs, the super fun ones on Cherokee like Judy's, Woolworths & the Bazaar, greats like Ben Franklin's, GrandPa Pidgeons & K-B & K&K and then you had great big ones like Target and ultra cool Venture (all three locations) and then you had the outstandingly exciting K-Mart, I am so glad that I was a youngster during this time and that I was a part of all of this :)


Now here is the biggest one the of them all that I was waiting to do for so long. Remember when PB posted a Sears Wish Book filled with Star Wars and I said I have already done something of this but I was going to wait till things cooled down :?: Well, here it is. I made these just not for the history of it as a whole but also with a major purpose that be a very important entry. Just wait for it... :shock:

NOTE: I just showed K-Mart, in 2005 Sears purchased them...a coincidence here :?:

So in short the Sears Roebuck Wish Book was a book that was for Kids but there were times it was for Adults as well. This was many, many years before the big bang of the web and this digital age we're in now. It was a book of hope for children to see what they may want & receive for Christmas. I was always excited about it and whether or not I'd get what I wanted I kept the catalogs for research, fun among other things like history :!: I miss these days, with the web there really is no surprises and the majority of today's society doesn't care about it either however with the Sears Wish Book there was cause you never knew what they had until you looked at it and whether or not you got your "wish". I loved looking at them, feeling those great covers that had a similar smoothness like WWF Magazines and how heavy & thick they were :) Take a gander at all of this Kenner's Star Wars goodness and even Mattel's Clash of the Titans :batwink:

Sears Roebuck Wish Book & More: 1981 - The Year I was Born :!:


Sears Roebuck Wish Book & More with SW, Speak & Spell and MOTU :!:


So here is what the big entry is's My R2-D2 Toy Toter from the Sears Roebuck Wishbook Catalog :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Can you believe your seeing this :o Him & Me go way, way back. When I was going though My SW craze back when I was a wee youngster My Mom got Me My R2-D2 Toy Toter to put My toys in. I remember him so much in My nice bed room with My ROTJ Bed Sheets at her old house (I miss that old house too as much as My Grandparents' one I'd said about many times before) and Me hugging him, rolling him around. He is truly Classic Vintage Star Wars history and I am so thankful that I got him and still have him after all of these decades :( :)


He is made by American & Furniture Co. Inc. in Chicago Illinois whom I believe is out of business unfortunately. He's quite big about 3 feet or so. I remember I could get all of My figures & toys in there quite easily. He looks so accurate. I love that it says his name on his front and Star Wars on his back. He moves via wheels on his bottom which are kinda concealed underneath him which they need to be oiled just a bit as they squeak. His head is actually his lid to store your belongings within him. I recall one moment I was putting My MOTU in there watching Godzilla 1985 for the dozenth time :shock: R2 is located in My garage in storage. He needs a good bath but he still looks quite decent for being 40 years or older and there was some stuff still in him that I found recently and showcased not too long ago like My MEGO War Heroes from WWII & My Tonka Super Naturals Blister Cards :o Oh I love My R2 Toy Toter, like I said, he is just pure Vintage SW history and being next to him is a pleasure and I'm so grateful that My Mom got him for Me and that I have him at this very moment in time :)


So before I come to close up this presentation, I wanted to say that I finally got showcase My local K-Mart that I have loved sine I was a youngster and talked about many times here via commercials and so on. It has been My mission to post these stores I experience in My younger days. I may further talk and even post about more of My K-Mart experiences later on down the line in this topic as well as other cause there's plenty more that I have to mention ;)

So that is all for this part and I hope you liked it and were surprised at some of it. If your just now seeing this then you missed the whole thing, go back to the beginning as you don't want to miss a second of this and even yet if you haven't seen My other Parts 1 - 4, its all such great Vintage Star Wars goodness and I have a ton of other stuff as well within this very topic that is surely can't miss. Next will be the last & final installment of this huge Vintage Star Wars presentation which is Part 6, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 5!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:55 am

I miss K-Mart. They got kind of dingy and cheap toward the end, but growing up they were great. When my two oldest were young, the K-Mart near us still had a concession stand and we'd get Slushpuppies and a free popcorn just to walk around. They used to have the best Halloween decorations, too.

That toy toter looks familiar. I'm not sure if I had one, or if my cousin did, but I remember it being around.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: SW PART 5!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jan 24, 2023 6:38 am

Yes, K-Mart was so fun, Nice story you got there PB ;) I'm not sure but you probably seen it somewhere in a Wishbook perhaps like Me or perhaps another book or even TV. Thanks for the reply PB ;) The final part which is Part 6 is coming soon :batsmile:
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