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Countdown to Christmas III: Now 10% More Ho Ho Ho!

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Dec 14, 2022 8:21 am

Dang, 13 days huh :?


I was never an avid fan of Lucy but overall it was a quite a decent show and that segment was pretty darn good. Christmas Sandman :lol:


I never knew Facts of Life nor Benny Hill but thems were good too. those guys acted kinda excited for her when she first walked in ;)

Oh that Bugs Bunny one with Taz was great. Clyde was a good character an done that you never see nor hear much about. During this era of Looney Tunes IMO was the absolute best.

Ah, when had safety tips for Halloween nor Christmas :shock: That's really cool they did that. Yeah, nor more Go-Bots :roll: Look at that Snake Mountain and still more talk about the CPK :o

Great stuff PB :scbat:

Here's this :schal: :scmm:

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:10 am

Holy Partridge in a Pear Tree, Batman! Twelve Days til Christmas!

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Dec 15, 2022 6:04 am

Now I think it's is an apropos time for this...


till everybody's SURPRISES :scbat: :scww: :scsm: :schal: :scbaf: :scmm: :scaq:


Ah Fraggle Rock, My fave of the 3 (Sesame Street & Muppets), that was great :scbat:

Oh boy that ELR was really a cool compilation :) That beginning was something. Its gonna sound awkward Me saying this then again I don't's nice to see something from an older time that a man's woman makes him feel that way whether she's hot or not :batshock: :wwwink: :smgasp: I can't say much about that now in this current androgynous era :roll: Again something his giant play-brother was Hogan & Krang's voice :) I always loved how Boyle & Roberts was the parents, such a great couple for something like this :schal:

I never saw that Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood before that was classic, truly during Murphy's heyday. We have MORE CPK...LITERALLY :batconfused: :wwlol: :smsmh:

Ah Who's The Boss. That was a good one. My Grandpa liked Tony Danza :)

That was an all-star SNL one there, that was a really one of the last good ones too :)

Oh boy, MTV :batsmile: :wwgrin: :smgrin: That was a really cool Christmas card bit there and that Beavis and Butthead rocked. They were so cool & funny. During this time was such a doozy to be a part of I mean it was good :batsmile:

NOTE: For everybody else that NEVER participated in My Classic Songs & Music Video topic, Me & PB have expressed our love for the original MTV stuff, it was great talking about it and how we got into it via our origins. Go there soon and be a part of it :scbat: :scww: :scsm:

Gosh, those Christmas Archives was really great. Look at those classic Star makes Me recall how it was at My local Toy Chest I showcased earlier in My Rock Lords presentation and wanting EVERY SW THEY HAD :!:

All of this was great PB :schal:

Holy Humbug, Jim Carey just REPRISED his Grinch role in THIS SPECIAL :batconfused: :wwshock: :smgasp:

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:19 am


Two Turtle Doves, only 11 Days til Christmas!!!!

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:08 am

Now that that's what I'm talking about ;)

Those were pretty good. I didn't expect Shatner to be there. Finally, a what "not" to get for Christmas one. I really disagree with that girl saying about Family Reunions...I always wanted a big Family get together like you see in movies but so patheticaly nothing ever worked out :( :roll: :x
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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:55 pm

Three French Hens....there's only 10 Days (well, 9 and 1/2 now) til Christmas!!!!!

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Dec 17, 2022 8:28 am


All of that was amazing especially the history one. Oh yes, SW was the one. Like the CPK I recall the craze for TME as well. Oh there is more that Walmart sells that is way more extreme than that Cactus that a lot of people don't know about. Greet stuff PB :scbat: :scww: :scsm:

Here is this one. The 30th Anniversary of it coming next year. If I had the opportunity to be with Yokozuna as Santa and sit on his lap or just be with Yoko as himself back then in 93 I would have been the happiest (or at least one of'em) kid there or anywhere :scbat: :scww: :scsm:

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:52 am

In hindsight I probably should've counted down backwards on these, but...

Four Calling Birds...9 Days til Christmas!!!!!!!


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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:51 am

Well if it's big to you PB you can do that next year ;)

Those are pretty good. Ah, another good Danza. Oh boy the Cigarette Smoking Man, I miss the days of classic X-Files and looking forward to'em I every week :blww: :blbat: Wow, I never got into Pogs, I only have a few from Long John Silver (Planets) & Taco Bell/Pizza Hut/KFC when they were promoting SW: EP1 back in 99. I'll showcase them in time. It was so fun & simple for kids back then. I'd like to see what today's kids think of that if they'd be interested or not with Pogs.

CHECK THIS little girl shopping at TRU in 1991 :shock: This is UNBELIEVABLE that she filmed her experienced. It's something how she says this is for boys & this is for girls. That's a Tonka Wrestling Buddy LOD hawk there :o It's bittersweet in parts because there's a lot of WWF & WCW stuff @ 14:07 and she goes right by it and says nothing :roll: There's TMNT & X-Men and so much more in this. She was a bit right about TMNT from 91, like I recently said, 90 was a great year for TMNT and 91 is about the year i started collecting Mavel :batconfused: :wwshock: :smgasp: I bet she looks back on this thinks that she should have done more here I mean if I knew how things would become with this day & age and all of My fave stores going under I would have FILMED EVERYTHING believe you Me :!: Watch the entire vid, It's really good and she talks about the Sega Game Gear & SNES...the uploader of the vid says and I
She's right about the SNES, that is what EVERY kid wanted!
Yeah, I wanted Mine, I didn't get Mine till 92 which was 30 years ago this year. Again, watch this vid from beginning to end, its good :scww: :scbat: :scsm:

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 2:54 pm

Pretty cool

Five Golden Rings...and one to rule them all...8 days til Christmas if you're counting today!

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