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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: GAME GENIES!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:50 am


This is part 3 and the final part of a long classic game showcase that I started earlier on in the year with My NES & Nintendo Game Boy and this conclusion will deal with the almighty Game Genie made possible by Codemasters & Galoob, yes THE GALOOB :o One of the most iconic toy companies ever. So I will be showcasing My Game Genies for the SNES & Sega Genesis. Back in the day of the early 90s it was a remarkable period of time that you could get an big cartridge and connect your NES games and use your included code book for your desired game. You would then enter a code on the TV screen like you would a password. Doing so would get you unlimited power ups, countless continues and even infinite lives and so much more abilities that you thought was never possible :shock: I believe I first rented it with the help of My Grandma MiMi from either Movie T's or Movie King (see My grand Glory Days of Video Rentals for them and so much more in My Odds & Ends as that topic has become one of My most important of all) which she always called it My/Your Game Cheatie :lol: :wwshock: :smgasp: :wwlol: I was astounded by it when I first played it. My friend Donnie whom I have talked about before loved it and We played all the time together for years until things changed for Us which I really miss him :roll: I regret not appreciating him more :roll: I remember playing Konami's Super C/Contra II tons of times with this remarkable devise. I never owned the Game Genie version for the NES because of reasons unknown but I sure recall it like it was last week. It was huge news and a major trend back then in 1990 and so on. If you never had the opportunity to play a Game Genie then you missed some incredible stuff to do back in the days when video games were so rad and I guaran-dangtee you this generation has no clue how darn fun this stuff was back then. It was a beautiful silverish gold plastic enhancement piece. In honor of it's greatness here is a Game Genie ad for the NES :batsmile:


And so here is Game Genie ads for SNES, Game Boy & Genesis (I do not have the one for Game Boy).


and here is a Game Genie ad for the Sega Game Gear & All Systems (I do not have it for Sega Game Gear).

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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: GAME GENIES!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:51 am

OK, so here is the part you've been waiting for as I reveal My Game Genies for SNES & Genesis :batsmile:


Here is the Game Genie Books for SNES :!:


Here is the Game Genie Red Book for SNES and look at all of them codes, symbols and everything else here :o


Here is the back cover. LOOK at that Copyright info and Galoob :o


Now the version I got was a later edition that included a special bonus Game Genie B&W Book for SNES with tons of additional codes to enter for even more great video game fun :!:


Here is the back cover & ad.


Here is a very special Game Genie Insert that is full of meaningful advise :!:


Now here is My Game Genie for SNES. Now look at how cool it is :batsmile:


My Game Genie for SNES Info & Inside Connectors to make your cheats I mean enhancements possible :!:


Now here is My Game Genie for SNES with Contra III connected. I chose that because Contra III is one of My all-time fave games and one the best. I was so excited about it when I first played it in 1992 and I have played it countless times since plus if your ever wanted to beat the game on hard your Game Genie can really come in handy. This year 2022 marks its's 30th anniversary...happy anniversary to Contra III: The Alien Wars :!:

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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: GAME GENIES!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:52 am

As Macho Man would say, now we're switching is My My Game Genie for Sega Genesis, look at the beauty. I love how much smaller and compact it is along with it's contents :batsmile:


Here is My Game Genie for Sega Genesis - Front, Connector & Back. Ah man that is so sweet :)


Here is My Game Genie for Sega Genesis Book. I took extra shots of this as it was really apropos to show so much major detail here :)


Now like My SNES Game Genie that I connected Konami's Contra III in, My Game Genie for Sega Genesis with Konami's Castlevania Bloodlines Connected. The came can be extremely hard and you'll need the aid for your Sega Genesis Game Genie to pull off a lot of stuff on hard levels & difficulty options.

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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: GAME GENIES!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:52 am

Oh boy, here is a video game fanatics's dream as I have My Game Genie for SNES & Sega Genesis in a special Group Shot! It all looks so gorgeous when you have such video game history like this together :batsmile:


Here is My Game Genie for SNES Box Info!


Here is My Game Genie for Sega Genesis Box Info, oh I love that SILVER :batsmile:

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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: GAME GENIES!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:53 am

So where did I get these wonderful pieces of video game history :?: Well, I was quite late to the party as they say so I didn't get them when they came out in the early 90s. It was one day in the mid 2000s I was out and about with My Grandma MiMi going shopping on Hampton like usual as I have discussed this historic area in many of topics & showcases especially just recently in My Odds & Ends. Next to House of Phideau Pet Shop (they moved down the street later on and changed a lot) there was a grand opening of a little video game shop that I don't recall it's name so I'm just calling it Video Game Shop on Hampton. I was very excited about it yet quite curious about it. I said to her let's go check it out. So We did and it was a very large store despite the appearance of how it looked outside. It was owned by a big guy that looked like a biker from a biker gang, something from 91's Stone Cold or FX's Sons of Anarchy. He had long bushy curly hair and I think he had glasses too. He was the solo employee there and despite his appearance, he was a gamer, he knew all what I knew and then some but he was also a businessman as well. He wasn't well organized yet as he had just tables you see like at a wrestling event with all kinds of games on them for sale in a somewhat dimmed lighted room. It wasn't scary or anything but it was a rather strange setup but none the less it was a legit store and he was cheap too. He was almost as cheap as the great Almost Everything Sports Store further down on Hampton (I showcased them greatly in My Odds & Ends, you gotta check out that superbly fantastic time I had with them!). He really only had Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis. I do not recall him having TurboGrafx-16, Atari Jaguar and/or Sega Saturn items cause if he did I would have been extremely tempted to get them systems cause I have always wanted them. I think I recall him actually having some SG 32X games but I already had them. So I saw only a handful of things that I wanted from him and that was SG's Tazmania for $7 and My foreseen SNES & SG Game Genies. He wanted $19.99 for the SNES version but only $5 for the SG one and all of this was brand spanking new :o There was a major price difference there and I don't think I ever asked him why but hey, sometimes you just don't :batsmile:

Here is his old school Price Stickers :!:

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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: GAME GENIES!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:55 am

Oh but as a sweet bonus, here is Tazmania :o Remember we talked about this game a while back :?: One thing as I have noted before is how Sega was always ahead of Nintendo when it came to protective cases. Look at that absolute game beauty :batsmile:


Here is the Contents Inside :!:


Here is the info of the Game, Sega and the Copyright but this one is special cause it was 1992 which this marks it's 30th Anniversary and look, it's actually MADE IN JAPAN and NOT China :o


A sneak peak at the Booklet and the video game cartridge itself :)


Here is the classic old school Price Sticker...I only paid $7...oh see how cheap that was...oh it was so good then :batsmile:


We're All together Now: Here is My SNES & SG Game Genies & SG Tazmania together :!:

Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: GAME GENIES!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:55 am

So here is the arguably the most imperative section of the whole showcase and one of My biggest parts of My mission is showing the old locations of My area's past :!: So here is the Video Game Shop on Hampton. Now I had already posted much of the info above, if you need a recap just scroll up. There was a major moment I had with the Owner I mean We got into a big discussion and possible business deal. I was looking for one game in particular and that was Konami's 1995 SNES Dracula X. I couldn't get it before years prior. When it was close to Christmas time & My Birthday Sears had sold out on it already and then it became one of the most sought after games in history thus becoming one of the most expensive video games ever before the digital age and Nintendo's Virtual Console. There I was asking him if he could get it in and he's like yeah, it'll be hard but I think I can. We talked about it for a while. I was so excited about I'm like I might be able to have it next week. I check in with him the following week or so and he's like I haven't been able to get it yet but I'll try again. A while later I was checking up on the status of My possible prize...much to My surprise or rather very disappointment is that he WAS GONE...I MEAN OUT OF BUSINESS GONE....FOLDED GONE :? :o I didn't know what to think and neither did My Grandma. His shop was empty like he had never been there :wwsmh: :smsmh:. I was so disgusted. I have no clue what happen there and it's going on 20 years and I still have the foggiest of what happen. I don't know if he wasn't getting enough business or what I mean there was only 1 place on Hampton that sold games and that was Target. I believe Blockbuster Video/Music was out of business already, Hollywood Video was much further away, Almost Everything was no competition because it was a sports store and Schnucks had a very small Video Club I mean he was basically a vintage video game guy cause Nintendo Game Cube, Playstation & XBOX was already a big thing. In fact he was one of the first places I had seen in person that made you sadly realize that all of your gaming experiences of the past WAS the past and it all was collectibles and soon to be nearly forgotten by a future generation :roll: Thinking of this debacle really makes Me depressed and this is one of the reasons why I went into such a long hiatus and doing PC gaming like I did years before until I wanted get back in the game in 2014 by getting My XBOX 360 and eventually get My Nintendo Wii U & Playstation 4 in 2015. So much had changed since then but the new era would offer a lot of new & exciting games that's really fun and there is still classics to be played there too plus great multiplayer games such as EA's Star Wars Battlefront & Battlefield. So with all that being said and despite how questionable the Video Game Shop on Hampton was or what happen to it, I never forgot him nor do I ever so here is where he once was where you see the open sign at :)


Galoob Special Comparison: Oh here is one of the sections I wanted to do for a very long time. Galoob was always known for toys and action figures, not video games. So I have showcased just about everything I have of Galoob (go check out My Vintage Action figure & Wrestling Topics for some great stuff!) except for My Micro Machines which I plan on doing it in time and once I do it will be a massive showcase because I just don't have regular vehicles, I have Star Wars & Star Trek too :o So here be (as My Grandpa PoPo would say) here is Blackstar's Neptul, WCW's Lex Luger (he was My first ever I got at K-Mart, and here is a bit of an offering of Micro Machines as I chose a Sports Car and some of the most detailed Star Wars & Star Trek toys ever made which these are some of My absolute favorites which is a Star Destroyer Executor-class Star Dreadnought, X-Ray AT-AT and Star Trek's Starship Enterprise. It's so fun crossing these over with each other. Look at all of that wonderful Galoob goodness with My SNES & Sega Genesis Game Genies!


Ah man that was a lot but gosh was that fun. I hope your enjoyed it and was a bit thrilled. If your just now seeing this the you missed a lot, go back to the beginning as you don't want to miss a second of it :) Now I will be posting some Halloween & Spooky themed showcases within the topic and elsewhere too so keep a look about that out soon, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: GAME GENIES!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:23 pm

I knew of these, but I never knew anyone that owned them. Never used them. To me they always seemed like they'd take the fun/challenge out of games but having never used them, I don't know. I mean, I used cheat codes all the time when we found out about them in video game mags and stuff, so I guess I shouldn't be so puritanical, but even those were things you had to know about to use. I don't know, I just always assumed these overtly took the fun out of gameplay and discovery. Cool to see them after all these years.
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: GAME GENIES!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:53 am

Huh, how about that, Well I Know exactly what you mean about the fun and the surprise (how many times have you read Me complaining about thumbnails on YT such as AEW and this counts as other stuff too?) I mean its the same difference when you enter a code and go on the last stage of whatever game without playing the other levels ever whether it would be from a Game Genie or a video game magazine. Sure, you cannot know about the codes unless you saw them in the first place. Some games like Resident Evil & Doom 3 will give you hints but nothing concrete. Like I said earlier in My showcase, it can be quite frustrating when you play a game like Contra III: The Alien Wars and you want to beat it on hard but it's like impossible to do. I had only got to the "REAL" final stage honestly/without cheating a handful of times the entire time I've played this game which has been about 30 years or so. It is was so amazing however when the big boss Emperor Demon Gava comes back as his Brain Organism Searle in his armor after you thought you killed him during such difficulty but with the Game Genie it is quite possible as I've done it many times and really it DOES NOT take the fun out of it :)

Gosh it was fun Me & Donny playing Contra III, he just loved it all of them years ago. I think he would have loved the SNES Game Genie. I'm sure the same with the Sega Genesis Game Genie too but unfortunately We didn't get that far in Our friendship to play Sega as things just changed for the both of Us :roll:

Thanks for your reply PB, I appreciate that. Some spooky games & figures are coming soon to this very topic of Mine :batsmile:
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: C64 SPECIAL!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:56 am


So here here we go with an extremely special showcase, something that I have been thinking about for a long time and longing to do just the same. It's spooky season and Halloween time so what what an apropos moment to present these :blhal: First, if you recall in My special Ghostbusters showcase in My Vintage Action Figure Topic, I had a bonus entry of the game for Commodore 64 as well as a G.I. Joe game for the computer system. There I had explained how it was My first video games that I ever played. It was My Mom's computer which she knew everything about it, she studied hard and became a wiz. She taught how Me to play it and got Me a lot of games for it. Games back then were super expensive too. I was a gamer at such an early age, I mean Nintendo was really just becoming on the scene by this point. The 80s had such great stuff and now I am going to present three of My all-time favorite video games for the Commodore 64 that is all made by Electronic Arts/EA and those games are none other than...

Mail Order Monsters, Realm of Impossibility & Archon :!: Notice how all three are in sleeves similar like a vinyl record. While some companies did have their packing in smaller and big boxes, this is the way EA and some others made their packaging then as it looked really stylish and I really liked these types of cases.


So before the days of the Pokemon craze and downright obsessiveness of the plebeians there was Mail Order Monsters :!: You can read the info here ---> Like other stuff like I just talked about in Go-Bots & Rock Lords, they were before Transformers yet the people all liked them more. Well everywhere since 96 it's Pokemon this, Pokemon that but do you ever read, hear or see anything about Mail Order Monsters :? Well of course you don't. Its the same old thing with people but it never helped that EA never did anything more with this truly great Kaiju game or even remade it which absolutely sucks so darn hard and because of that it has fallen so for to oblivion it has escaped most people knowledge know of it's existence which I really hate :x My Mom knew I was liking Godzilla cause she really liked'em too when she was a little girl so this caught her eye at one of Our great stores possibly Venture, Target or even K-Mart. I'm leaning toward Venture cause she worked there at the location that was closest to Us which was the one next to Frank's Nursery and Crafts & Office Depot that I showcased in My Odds & Ends recently. She thought that I would really like it cause look, who wouldn't think that this monster resembles the Lizard King and gosh was she was correct. I really did right from the get-go and it was arguably My fave game of all :blhal:

So you open up the side of the great looking Sleeve, there's the large instruction booklet.


Here is a sample of what it looks like from within.


So here a partial section the Back Cover with pictures of the game. It shows you how this action & strategy game is and how you can build and make your ultimate creature/monster/kaiju with upgraded parts & attributes. Amazing how primeval this is as it predates Pokemon by over a decade :o


Here is a gander at the inside of the Game case Itself with a great look at some Weapons. Oh there's the Floppy Disk that makes this game work :!:


Here is a better look at the Floppy Disk. Look at that, those are the three game designers & engineers that made this awesome game possible. EA has always been different but back in them days you didn't a whole building full of designers to make a great game. I always thought that the blonde guy looked like Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend & House's William Katt :!:


Here is a great fun thing I have always loved is the Front Cover's Stamp that reads Transylvania - FRI 13 - 12 AM :batsmile: Also EA's Bio :!:


Mail Order Monsters Copyrights: Oh that beautiful Blue. Would look at that, it's 1984, that was so long ago and not too long after that I began playing this like crazy :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:

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