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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: My NES Collecti

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Mar 14, 2022 6:55 pm

Great story PB :) I see, spinoff a console topic too, I didn't realize there would be so much video game interest here :?:
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: My NES Collecti

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:12 pm

I think we're all old school nerds here!

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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: My NES Collecti

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:15 pm

AEWSOME :batsmile:
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Game Boy Specia

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:21 am


So finally here is My Nintendo Game Boy showcase. Its been a long time coming. I was already a big Nintendo gamer already for a few years then I got My Nintendo Game Boy in 1990 from My Grandparents possibly from Venture, K-Mart or Target and they & My Mom would get Me games throughout the next few years. This era that the Game Boy is from was just so much fun back then. It wasn't like this complicated digital era that we're in now. You got your system, you put the game in and you played it :) It was such a great counterpart to the NES yet it was completely different. While I do not have a huge collection, I do have a lot here so let's get to it :batsmile:

Game Boy Case: They got Me this in 1991. So if your traveling around the house and busy here and there how are you gonna carry your Game Boy :?: Simple, get a very cool Game Boy Case by A.L.S :batsmile: It's design looks like one and is very sturdy and holds many games in tact so it does it's job rather well!


So inside is MY REVEAL! I have organized My collection like this for over 30 years :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: So this is what is about to be seen momentary :batsmile:


Here A.L.S. Industries logo and more!


Instructions: Oh yes, I kept the instructions to this special case too :batwink: :smlol: :wwshock: :!:


Inside: Oh here we go to the fun part now. I briefly removed them to see what it's all about :)

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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Game Boy Specia

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:21 am

The Games: Now one thing I loved about the games is how small & compact they were and their little protective case as well. Here is Super Mario Land, Metroid 2 & Tetris! All three of these games are so superb. SML is just a fun one.


Here is Heiankyo Alien that I didn't play very often & Revenge of the Gator which is an excellent pinball game that I played very often!


Oh man, here is George Foreman's KO Boxing, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Contra The Alien Wars & Hyper Lode Runner!


Ah, here is My most prized Game Boy games and they are My WWF games :!: Here is WWF Superstars 1 & 2, King of the Ring & Raw :o I am so fortunate to have all four of'em. Superstars 1 was such a fun entry, there's very few games that has this type of magical fun here but Raw is arguably the best of the lot because it actually has the finishers including Yokozuna's Banzai Drop with an actual pin count :o The pics on the games are really cool too, I have always loved them.


The Booklets: Now I don't know about other gamers or kids from My era but booklets was a pretty important part of My gaming back in the day whether it was regardless of system because not only they tell you how to play and what the game is about but they have detailed pictures, bios, info and stats within of characters, wrestlers, monsters, weapons, items, stages, and more. I kept'em safe inside the case so here is a brief look at My great Game Boy Booklets :!:

Here is the Booklets to the Game Boy itself!


Super Mario Land, Tetris & Metroid II!


Contra & Hyper Lode Runner.


Revenge of the Gator & Heiankyo Alien.


George Foreman's KO Boxing & Terminator 2: Judgement Day!


WWF Superstars 1 & 2. Oh I have always loved the covers, so great looking :batsmile:


The back of them are sweet as well with My previously seen NES's WWF Wrestlemainia Challenge & Steel Cage Challenge!


WWF King of the Ring & Raw. Another great set of covers :batsmile:


On the back of'em is Mortal Kombat & Monster Truck Wars. Such great classic back covers to the Booklets especially Mortal Kombat :batsmile:

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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Game Boy Specia

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:22 am

Game Boy: So here it is, the piece this whole showcase is about :o I played this countless times in the early 90s, I sopped playing it after that and really never did much...I guess I ran My self outta steam on it...I don't know. I kinda regret it. It's the only Game Boy version that I got. I thought the versions in the future looked really cool and all had graphics & capabilities similar like the SNES but I just didn't get'em :roll: There's the back of it with no cartridge.


Here is the cool Customer Service Hotline Sticker with Super Mario himself on there when the days of CS was really good.


Here is when the cartridge area has a game put in it. Notice My WWF Superstars is the one I chose, that's because it's My favorite of all :batsmile:


Here is the SCREEN ON with WWF Superstars. Notice the green LED graphics & red light. Thank goodness My Gameboy still works as well as back in the day :)


Here is the back of the system. It has the Company info & Copyright 1989 :!:


Here is the Nuby Magnifier. While it doesn't lite up it does the job well.


Here is an example of the Gameboy Cartridges in & out of their Protective Case!


Here an example of inside the Gameboy Case with the contents out & about. The Battery Pack is also present there as well.


Here is a closeup of the Games and see what's first :batsmile:


NES compared to Game Boy: I chose A Boy and His Blob and Revenge of the Gator for examples here. So not only is the size difference a factor here but the overall design & shape of NES & Gameboy Cartridges are completely different entirely :shock:


Super Game Boy: Oh now here is arguably the most important aspect of the days of the original Game Boy. Nintendo made a SNES peripheral cartridge that you can insert your Game Boy games into thus making it possible to play your Game Boy games on your SNES onto your TV :o As I had mentioned before in the My spinoff game topic, Sega made a similar cartridge with "Lock On" Technology for their awesomely fun Sonic the Hedgehog games. Sega's ideas were superb but they really didn't utilize on this much as they could have while Nintendo's idea provided nearly countless games to play, even in color was an option for some :batsmile:


I put My WWF Raw in the Super Game Boy because it was the one I usually played on it because it's the most realistic one with actual finishers.


So that concludes My Game Boy showcase that I finally got to. I hope you enjoyed it. If your just now reading this then you missed the whole thing, make sure you get to the very beginning where I introduce My Game Boy Carrying Case and all of My Games!. I may post commercials that pertains to most of this in the other topics later on. Next up will be another special one plus a whole lot more, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Game Boy Specia

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:27 pm

Cool that you still have these. I wish I still had my NES but I've no idea where it went, if my parents donated it or tossed a box out that it was in. I just haven't seen it in very long time. I never played a Gameboy. The idea of something with lesser quality graphics, even if it was portable, just wasn't appealing to me. If I had to choose what my parents spend money on it would've been a regular NES game. The covers to those wrestling games are neat. I would've never guess that the Mountie made it on the cover, lol.
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Game Boy Specia

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:45 am

Shame they didn't confirm if you wanted it or not or thought of collectilbility :roll: Oh now see, I wanted more Nintendo/NES stuff. The Tiger Games were great but I was foolish and wanted to return My Double Dragon and I regret that still to this day :x However, the Game Boy was like a new alternate NES for Me. Shame you have never played a GB, it would give you a lot of fun & joy. Oh yes, the wrestling games are superb and super fun. Yep, I have always loved the covers of them as with all the GBG and their bookletsand yes, The Mountie is on the Superstars 2 cover, it's always been a treat for Me :) Thanks for your reply PB, I appreciate that very much :)
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Game Boy Specia

Postby AcidDragon » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:59 pm

That Superstars 2 game was actually pretty good. Kind of wished it had finishing moves but it was otherwise a decent game and based more off of the Acclaim/LJN games on the NES and SNES like Steel Cage Challenge for the NES and Super Wrestlemania for the SNES.

Superstars (1) was more like a watered down version of the arcade game Wrestlefest and had good arcade style gameplay.

King of the Ring, despite being newer than both, had weird glitchy animations and the gameplay felt off somehow. RAW was decent and a step back in the right direction but again had no finishing moves. I feel like most kids would be OK with a smaller roster if they could just give the wrestlers their signature finishers but oh well.

You've got a great library of games there, Brandon. Thanks for sharing and I never even knew about that Gameboy carry case (or at least I forgot it existed). Very cool. I actually still have my original Gameboy as well (somewhere). I sold my original NES and SNES at some point.
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Game Boy Specia

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:48 am

Oh but these are still classics. Oh yes, the Game Boy Case is a very, very crucial part of My Game Boy collection. Glad you got surprised by it. Glad you still got it. Thanks for your reply Acid :)
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