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Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - UPDATE!!!

The toy line from a galaxy far far away! The section for fans of the movies, comics, vintage and modern toylines (Kenner, Hasbro Star Wars Black, etc), the Clone Saga, the WOTC miniatures game and more!

Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - DARK FORCES 1!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:02 am

I see but sometimes I just can't tell without further reasoning & feedback. I saw all of the MCU & X-Men sequel/reboot movies at the show but the last one I saw was Spider-Man: Far from Home. I got sick of the the symbalism in there and other stuff and of course My last DC and last movie I saw at the show was DC's Bird of Prey (check out My Odds & Ends for the reasoning if ya don't already know) :x Yes, this was the beginning of Kyle Katarn and he really shines in the second game which I plan on making the showcase pretty big cause I don't know if you read it or not but Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight is one of the best SW video games they ever made IMO and My favorite of all but it's really tied with SOTE. I plan on doing that near before I get to the prequels because it was the last big game they made before TPM :!: Thanks PB ;)
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - DARK FORCES 1!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:13 am

Looking forward to it. Like I said, never played these games so I know of them, but not much about them. And in recent years I just don't play games like I did when I was younger.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - DARK FORCES 1!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:41 am

Well I'm glad of that PB :) I know you don't play games much anymore. It is very cool your getting into the older SW stuff which is good that your doing that ;) I try My best to showcase My stuff. More coming soon :batsmile:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - DARK FORCES 1!

Postby AcidDragon » Tue Jun 14, 2022 9:48 pm

I've played a small handful of those Star Wars games back in the day. I wasn't a big Star Wars guy but a lot of the guys at school were so I played some of the 3D games. I was more into the 2D ones on the SNES as I was a lot more into Star Wars during my early years. Not to the level of Packer and Brandon's interest, clearly, but I was quite fond of the original trilogy and even the Ewoks and the various spin-offs until around the early 90s. It kind of fell off my radar until high school but even then, I have to admit I was a pretty casual fan. Still really cool to see all this content. Thanks for sharing, Brandon!
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - DARK FORCES 1!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:22 am

Thanks for the reply Acid :) Yep, I'm a pretty big SW fan. I was never a a casual fan of it. However, when Disney took over it was changing for Me :roll: You already saw My great SNES Super Star Wars Oroginal Trilogy showcase and I also did a great Ewoks one as well. Cool you played them PC games ;) Keep looking, more great stuff coming soon :batsmile:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - SW INSIDER 96!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jul 18, 2022 9:01 am


So here we go with My next Star Wars showcase and this one is of a special Star Wars Insider. I didn't collect them often but when I saw this particular issue in 1996 I had to get it. I believe I got it over at Schnucks in Loughborough Commons over a decade before they decided to tear it down, destroy the neighborhood (yes people's homes to make room), rebuilt the store and made it into a big plaza with Lowes, Burger King, Panera Bread, Little Caesar's, China King, Qdoba, Starbucks, Great Clips and so forth. Its cool that way but most of the classic region and feel of the original area was gone, it's always been quite bittersweet for Me :roll:

So, Schnucks had a pretty good newsstand back in the day, I got many wrestling & movie magazines there in the 90s & early 2000s. This issue caught My attention because of Chewbacca and a special look at Shadows of the Empire. Now like I have pointed out times before, 96 was some year, everything was changing in wresting, movies & TV shows, video games and especially for Star Wars because it was COMING BACK IN FULL FORCE :batsmile: Here is the cover. Inside we have a special insert of Tomart's Figure Guide, gosh I loved them and the contents within the magazine itself :)


Here is a close up of the news of the Special Edition OT, Price and also the headliner of a special interview with Peter Mayhew plus a special look at Shadows of the Empire :!:


Here is a special look at the contents plus the info of the magazine, notice it's 1996 :batsmile: It mentions about how much a subscription is and so on.


It also mentioned about the Lucasfilm Fan Club...remember when there was fan clubs you could join for things such as the WWF among other stuff :?: Well, Star Wars still had a fan club, I never joined it however. It lasted till the early part of the 2000s before the net, digital age & SM took full affect and made things feel less meaningful :roll: It would become the Hyperspace Club when it suddenly merged with the subscriber feature of and was completely discontinued after the Disney takeover :roll:


Here is a special article of the upcoming Special Edition Trilogy that would be out in 1997 plus a write up concerning Anthony Daniels aka C-3PO!


Here is The Jawa Trader card game and the DarkStyder Campaign which was a supplement RPG. I never got these but the characters looked so cool :batsmile:


As a bonus here is a closer look at the ad for DarkStyder Campaign. Notice Doctor Cornelius Evazan has his bionic arm, this is actually one of his first appearances since Episode 4: A New Hope...gosh the EU was great!

If you wanna know more then go here to the Wookiepedia page --->


Here is a brief look at the SW Catalog...HOTH :!:


Here is the special interview with Peter Mayhew who played the The Mighty" Chewbacca in most of the movies in a unique behind the scenes look :batsmile:


Here be a look into the DIG Game that I have previously showed within the topic. Oh man, look at that...the Sci-Fi Hotline, it was $2.99 a minute :o I never called it, too darn expensive but gosh, old school stuff like that seemed really fun compared to this digital age we're in now :roll: Also there be some Fan interactions as well. I really liked it when fans like Myself would write in a magazine that I liked such as this, video game, wrestling etc. and share their thoughts, opinions and ask questions. IMO, today's generation & SM makes it so monotonous sometimes where there is no surprise, thrills & joys and nonsense you just don't wanna be interested in :roll:


Oh now here is what I was waiting for and one of the major points of Me getting this book to begin with is the notable feature of Shadows of the Empire. Now if you have read & seen My showcases throughout the board in My topics you'll know I am an absolute huge mark for SOTE. I have followed the beginnings of it way back in early 96, THIS Magazine obviously and among other books, TV & commercials and eventually the web when it came to be within My grasp. Here is a look at that aspect presentation :batsmile:


It talks about the novels that it is truly based from. You gotta have the comics :!: Of course the games for the N64 & PC because this was arguably the biggest part of the whole multi-media project and yes, this was one of the first of it's kind which it was truly revolutionary at the time yet it really irks Me how most people tend to either ignore this wonderful feat or how they just listen to Disney and pretend it doesn't exist since they ditched most of the EU and made it into legends... SW fans like Me who grew up with it back in the 80s and was so euphoric during these days on the 90s knows how great SW was really was compared to the Disney debacle :x So another major, possibly the most imperative factor of the whole thing is the action figures by Kenner Oh yes, the original company that made the original series back in the 80s. Even though Kenner was now owned by Hasbro since 91 along with Tonka, they brought back the line over a decade's absence with the POTF 2 and it wasn't a disappointment at all IMO. I loved just about everything about it and one big sweet bonus is that they made SOTE figures to go along with'em. It was a special sub-series but gosh it was one of the best ever made IMO. There's Dash, Luke & Chewie in disguise and the Swoop Biker! Galoob would make SW Micro Machines starting in 94 and how apropos that they too join the bandwagon of making SOTE in their own take! Coincidentally Hasbro would own them too in 98 :x I always wanted them Galoob SW SOTE Micro Machines but I never was able to get them but thank goodness I do have the figures by Kenner :)


Holy Mynok...STAR TREK :o Star Trek in a Star Wars book...are you kidding Me :batshock: :wwshock: Oh when I first saw that I was like that was boldly going where no man has gone before :batsmile: The folks over at Paramount was quite ballsy to put an ad for their ST Club in a SW Book :shock: Notice it says 95/96 on the order form :batsmile: And here is the back cover as it shows many games that I have already either showcased and/or mentioned. These were such great times of not only SW & Lucas but also in gaming as well, there is very few times before or after this than can even match it IMO :!:


So there you have it for this SW showcase and I hope you liked it ;) Next I'm gonna do something a bit different that will focus majorly on POT2 & SOTE. It's going to be awesome once I get to it hopefully soon, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - SW INSIDER 96!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Jul 18, 2022 11:03 am

What a weird coincidence, I was just trying to find an online copy of Star Wars Insider 125 last night to check out a Vestara Khai short story, lol. I never saw any of these as I've said before I sadly didn't really pay SW much attention from about 1984 until at least the 2000s. I remember the big hullabaloo about Shadows of the Empire when it came out and I actually did pick up the Darkhorse Comics when they came out, but I didn't really get in to them. I was too you back in the 1980s to really know much about the characters beyond the big main ones, and even though the books had them, it didn't really grip me like superhero comics did and I'm not even sure if I completed the series or not. Now I'm totally the opposite.

That's something about a Star Trek ad. Kind of like when Mego was making both DC and Marvel figures. You'd never see that today so it still blows my mind.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - SW INSIDER 96!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jul 20, 2022 7:44 am

Thanks for your reply PB :) Hah, how about that, here we go again :? Oh yes, SOTE was huge back then in 96, it's still like that with Me as I write this now :batsmile: Oh yeah, that's good, the Dark Horse comic is awesome! DH is My fave actually, I mean they had it all, Star Wras, Aliens, Predator, Terminator, The Thing, Tarzan, Judge Dredd, Age of Reptiles, they even crossed over with DC on many occasions...the 90s and early 2000s were the absolute best in comics IMO. One day I might delve more into this :o Oh yeah, I get it, when your a youngster its different. Well you should be glad its the opposite, SW is so great especially the classic era. Oh yes, its insane about the Star Trek ad and yes, its is about as equal with Mego too and don't forget about ToyBiz doing a great DC series along with Marvel as well back in 89 which one day I hope to showcase :)

Well, I would seriously see about getting into SOTE. Like I said, I'm gonna have a couple updates soon about POT2 & SOTE and then a really special one your not gonna wanna miss :shock: Until then :batsmile:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - SW INSIDER 96!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Jul 20, 2022 9:20 am

Yeah, I might give the comic another go now that I'm older and know more ancillary Star Wars stuff.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - SW INSIDER 96!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:11 am

OK, sounds good PB ;)
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