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My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: JRNY to K-Mart Plaza!!!

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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: TF: G1 - P2!!

Postby OneNineSix » Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:33 pm

Hey isn't Runamuck a mailaway figure or am I thinking something else?
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: TF: G1 - P2!!

Postby AcidDragon » Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:36 pm

ONS, I think you're confusing him with Camshaft and Downshift. They do look similar in robot form.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: TF: G1 - P2!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Apr 08, 2022 5:56 am

Wow, thanks guy for the replies :) Gosh, I actually didn't know that Warpath was that common :?

PB - Shame you didn't get Blitzkrieg but hopefully I surprised you a bit here ;)

Acid - Cool about them Triple Changers :batsmile:

ONS - Acid is right on there, they were mail-aways ;)

Thanks again guys, I hope you liked it and were a bit surprised here even though Warpath seemed like he was everywhere :roll: :lol: My Part 3 of vintage Transformers will be soon so look for that, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: TF: G1 - P2!!

Postby AcidDragon » Tue Apr 12, 2022 6:12 pm

Not necessarily a bad thing about Warpath. It was kind of cool that every kid had that guy. lol.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: TF: G1 - P2!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Apr 13, 2022 1:13 am

OK Acid, I just never knew that as My friends never had much TFs :? :)
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: TF - G1 INSECTICONS

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:53 am


So here we go with part 3 and the final installment of My massive Transformers: G1 showcase :o Now this is going to be really different though it may run into the same lines as the first part and when you see the beginning to the climax you'll see what I mean. So all of these will mostly be Decepticons. I beleive My Mom got Me all of these possibly at Venture but really I do not recall getting these guys, somehow that time is escaping My databanks :?

Anway, as usual, nothing is complete but most is intact so here we go :!:


Brawl Bruticus: Look at him, this cool tank robot-dude is nobody to mess with! Unfortunetly I misoplaced his pressure sticker emblem but oh well :roll:


Here is his wonderful Copyright, 1986 baby :batsmile:


The Insecticons :!:


CLICK HERE for their Fandom Page!

Yep, The Insecticons are basiclly the theme here in this showcase because they were a major but very brief group of Decepticons. I have always loved them much like I love bugs in real life. Here is Bombshell, Kickback and Shrapnel :o We have a Rhino Beetle/Babutron, Cricket/Battas and Stag Beetle/Kuwagatrer :shock: Bombshell still has his gun but unfortunetly Kickback lost his left anntennae in battle :roll: Here they are in their ancient animal formations and also in the actual forms :batsmile:


The Chest Feature: I missplaced their little gadgets within their torso compartments but look what was crypticly concealed in there besides an empty space...


it reveals a great Copyright :!: Oh yes, I loved that hidden touch, 80 & 83 :batsmile:


Group Shot with Brawl Bruticus :!:


Size Comparison: Here is Shrapnel compared with all previously seen greats like TFs' Sludge & Warpath, Ancient Animal's Grimmlok's Clone & Mattel's MOTU Prince Adam :!:

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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: TF - G1 INSECTICONS

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:54 am



Oh now what we have here is a very special bonus, a Marvel Book that may have been My first ever :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


That's it's name, Insecticons Attack Book, I got this around the same time as the figures. Unlike My other book showcases, I am showing you this in it's ENTIRETY so your lucky about this ;) Amazing how the story is and how the reading is. The art is fairly nice too and you can tell whom everybody is. Try finding a child's book of this nature that is the polite, calm, nice and classic in this forced, rushed day and age that seems like an alternate reality :roll: :smheat: :batsmh: :wwsmh:


Take a gander at the Copyright & Price, so good :smgrin:


Special pic of Insecticons Attack with THEM!

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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: TF - G1 INSECTICONS

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:54 am

Here is the Insecticons tv commercial, it's great :)

Transformers Cartoon Intro & Outro: Oh this is My favorite one ever of the whole series! You'll see a lot of the guys that I have showcased in all 3 parts including My newly seen Insecticons :!: It's really hard to beat this believe you Me :smgrin:

Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: TF - G1 INSECTICONS

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:55 am



So along with them I have a special bootleg/knockoff that is arguably even better than the official ones. I only have one and it is from Dah Yang Industrial Co. Ltd. They were a chinese company of yesteryear. Their items are pretty rare and can be quite expensive especially MIB/MOC. They are quite plastic but they are good :) It's possible My Grandma MiMi got him for Me @ Judy's Superstar :o

Packaging Example: This example is from a seller on the bay.


Dah Yang Kinsman: He is of a inspiration of Nissan Fairlady! He is in ok shape though his front tire is missing. I really loved their robot logo, very Asian :batsmile: Here he is in car form :!:


And here he is transformed!


Size Comparisons: Here is The Kinsman compared to all previously seen Ancient Animal's Prontosaurus & TFs Warpath!


and here he is with all the new guys I just showed within the showcase of Brawl Bruticus and The Insecticons: Bombshell, Kickback and Shrapnel :o


Copyright: Oh man, their's is great looking, you can clearly see 1985 and their name and really cool emblem logo :smsmile: :wwsmile: :batsmile:


So there it is, I am finished with My big, Transformers, 3-part showcase! I hope you liked it and were surprsied. If your just now seeing this then STOP what your do'in and go to the beginning, it starts with Brawl Bruticus, you don't wanna miss it :smsmh: :wwsmh: :batsmh: I have more Transformers but they will have to wait till I get to the 90s which hopefully it won't be that long cause I still have much to show from the 80s but I do have a Transformers comic that I may present sometime in the near future so we'll see about that ;) So, what's next for My great topic :?: THE VISIONNARIES will be next and it has a been long time come'in for them that I finally showcase them and it's going to be a HUGE one, possibly one of the biggest ones EVER as I have the whole collection and it's gonna be filled with special features as well and you ain't gonna want to miss a second of it let Me tell ya, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: INSECTICONS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Apr 15, 2022 9:35 am

Hey cool! I remember those Marvel books. Haven't seen or thought about them in ages. I had the Inseticons, too. They all look pretty familiar in toy form, so maybe I had them all.
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