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Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - UPDATE!!!

The toy line from a galaxy far far away! The section for fans of the movies, comics, vintage and modern toylines (Kenner, Hasbro Star Wars Black, etc), the Clone Saga, the WOTC miniatures game and more!

Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - OT Scrapbook!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jan 20, 2022 7:53 am

Hah, I see PB. I am not familiar with those at all but they looked great! Well, at least you have friends on elsewhere, other than this place and the 12" figure board I spoke about before (they are so flaky & fickle there and I absolutely hate people like that!) I have no others...and even less in person :roll: but enough about that.

I'm glad you could look at visual SW books all day...funny you would say "visual" because VISUAL Books was part of My next update that I had planned, in fact it should be done within the hour so look for that soon :)
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Visual Dictiona

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:47 am

So here is My next update of some of My most favorite kind of Star Wars books and really books in general and that is Visual Dictionaries by Dorling Kindersley aka DK! I have a ton of SW books by DK as well as others that I may present within other topics so keep your eye on for that :shock:

So like any book I present will only be samples of what's inside. First off is My first one, the SW Visual Dictionary! It was My first one. My Mom got it for Me for Christmas. I missed the original copy but this was the slightly updated version when the Special Edition of the Original Trilogy that was released in 1997! There is so much in it and includes a ton of info and has most of everything a major fan like Me would want. Sure, not everything single thing in the OT is there but it was and still is most impressive to this very day as I speak :!:


Here My first and only DK: Incredible Cross-Sections: I bought this book at My local Deals for $1...brand new! I do kinda regret not getting the other ones later on but oh well :roll: I was always more into the characters, monsters and creatures than the transports. This really is a great one and has many of the iconic vehicles from the OT! I was actually pretty disappointed that it DID NOT INCLUDE the The Executor Star Destroyer Dreadnought Flagship. It's My fave ship ever in SW and I was quite bummed at the time and really, it still kinda leaves Me in question as to why they didn't include it but other than that this is a really cool book because you can see so much inside the vehicles and star ships that is present in the ICS :!:


Well, that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed this update:) I have most of DK's other Visual Dictionaries for the PT &amp; ST among many others and I will get to them in time. Next will be a very special update which you may not expect what's in-store and it will be a while till I get to it as I gotta tweak some things up but it's gonna be fun when it's all said and done ;) Until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Visual Dictiona

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:09 am

I've always been drawn to the character encyclopedias. I love reading the history, especially EU stuff I may've missed, and I like them for custom reference pics and ideas. I have a couple Star Wars ones as well as DC, Marvel, cartoons. Just like to flip through them every now and then, plus they're good bathroom reading material!
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Visual Dictiona

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:30 am

I thought you'd like them Me too, I love the visuals and info. I do have other DK books that isn't SW like DC, Dinosaurs, cryptozoology & aliens and even WWE...their all awesome :!:

No way do I get these great book even near a bathroom :? :smlol: :batlol: :wwsmh:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - VINTAGE SPECIAL

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:44 am

Oh man, this update took a bit longer than I thought. Plan A didn't come through for Me as for one I still haven't been able to locate My cool vintage Ewoks book however, plan B did and really, I think it's better than My first idea. So within this special showcase/update will be a lot of Vintage goodness that is "connected" with Star Wars one way or another in the 80s and I will explain each one in detail. Most of this is how I looked it at when I was a youngster which was a super special time never to be repeated again and really I still do at this very moment that I am writing this. So get ready for a classic journey down a road of long ago :bounce:

E.T. Movie Book & Avon Figure: Ah, here is My great E.T. movie story book and My Avon Bubble Bath figurine that My Mom Me got not to long after the film came out in 1983 :shock: Amazing I was only about 2 1/2 - 3 years old when she got these for Me. I have taken good care of them. The book is a wonderful sight indeed and E.T.'s sculpting is tremendous! They have been quite crucial to My collection nearly as long as I have been on this Earth :!:


E.T. VHS: Oh boy, this is somethin' else. My Grandma got this for Me back in 1990 at a local-defunct movie rental store called Televideo in what was once our great K-Mart plaza but more on that in a bit.


Take a gander of the VHS itself, I have a very large VHS collection but out of all of them, this is the only one I have ever seen that was green in this style. It was rather odd and also, look at the beautiful Universal Studios hologram, oh I loved that and it still looks good :!:


Here is My E.T. Bubble Bath figurine and the VHS tape together :!:


SPECIAL NOTE: So as you know, I have been off and on trying to bring back old stores of My time in My local areas of what once was anyway I can within My topics. For a long time I have been thinking of Televideo so please allow Me to reminisce of this great video store from a cool time. So I believed they opened in 1990, cannot be for sure. They were in out great and convenient K-Mart plaza that I have talked a lot about in My topics because I had so many good times there and got so many important items from there. Televideo was a huge place for a video outlet, I mean it was nearly the half the size of K-Mart! It was owned by an Asian fella, he was nice but seemed like he was grumpy on busy days. He had a lot of stuff and exclusives that many other of our great video rental stores didn't have such as Mr T's, Movie King & Star Video (I also must mention Movie Mogul & Rainbow Video here because their were special too). I have briefly mentioned some of these in the past and plan to more in great detail in the future. I mean he had tons of movies, his store was in the similar CALIBER of the likes of Blockbuster & Hollywood Video that would soon reign, it was fun times. I remember back in 92, wow 30 years ago this year when we searched all over town to rent the WWF Survivor Series 92 and nobody had it...oh but Televideo did! I was so thrilled about that day, it was incredible! Also, in My great Beetlejuice showcase I posted for Halloween last year in My Vintage Acton Figure topic, the VHS of that also came from Televideo. So what happen was things were changing and getting really bad in the neighborhood not to long after this. The plaza was dying and sadly he went out of business as did Radio Shack among other stores there. K-Mart lasted until about 2000 and that once awesome & fun plaza was gone forever. It was completely changed in the early to mid 2000s and today it is completely unrecognizable only to be forgotten by so many and anybody that's young in that area knows nothing of it's history. I am very thankful I once knew and experienced it. Here is a couple of pics of the Televideo label on My E.T. VHS tape. It's worn and it was kinda hard to take pics of it but I had to do it. You can still read it in it's entirety :!:


E.T. connection to Star Wars: Well besides it all was together in the same period of time for Me with merchandise, figures and just epic fun movies, I found them similar in many ways. For example in ROTJ, Endor strongly resembles California with it's gorgeous forests this is seen in the movie, in My book and I have always loved that and not to mention John Williams composed the scores for all of them and if anyone ignores that aspect I don't see how anybody could because how can you NOT be moved by's arguably the the most imperative factor of the whole point :!:

Star Wars was actually in E.T. in at least 2 scenes in the film.

Here is Elliott talking to E.T. about his great Kenner Vintage Star Wars figures! (NOTE out of all them figures he mentions, I only have Boba Fett!

and here is master Yoda on Halloween! Yep, this shows you how cool Halloween was then :!:

The alien E.T. species was briefly seen Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace :shock: Spielberg put Star Wars in E.T. so Lucas told him whenever he can he will put E.T. in a SW movie and that came to be in 1999. In the Expanded Universe our planet Earth has been discussed more than once and E.T. was actually canon in the SW lore and SW was canon in E.T. meaning SW is REAL in Earth's realty! This is was My inspiration for My previously seen in the beginning of this great topic of My Darth Hyde character that I was for Halloween of 2011 because he was exiled to Earth from the Sith temple! Unfortunately since Disney took over SW, they have made E.T. legends meaning it ISN'T canon anymore :x Thank you so much Disney :roll: So anyway, the excellent clip/video CLEARLY shows the E.T. species in The Phantom Menace!

Here is a SPECIAL BONUS that was in 2019. Xfinity did a very good E.T. commercial that acted as if it was a long awaited's excellent :!:

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Movie Book: My Mom got Me this too. I was only about three and half or so, I just loved Indiana Jones also. I just instantly saw the connection with it since Harrison Ford played both Han Solo & Indiana Jones and that IJ story was written by Lucas as well! Also John Williams composed the scores for all 4 IJ movies too!

Look at the beauty of this book, I took really good care of it!


I love the wallpaper they chose for the inside of the covers, it makes a great background too (hint, hint)!


Oh would you look at that...CLUB OBI WAN!


Great pictures!


Indiana Jones VHS Collection: My Mom also got Me this (she got Me a lot too!), I believe for Christmas of 1996. It's so cool the way it's put together, the designs and they overall look of the set in general. I watched these many times back in the day, I still feel VHS is the true and classic way to watch movies. It's very similar to My previously seen Star Wars VHS set. Companies were so creative then. The IJ set includes all three of the original films from 1981, 1984 and 1989. Notice even though Temple of Doom is the prequel, I still put them in release order.


There's a look at the VHS tapes themselves plus the cool Paramount sticker I love looking at!


Indiana Jones and Star Wars connection: Here's brief video at the connection!

Spaceballs The Movie: WHAT :shock: Spaceballs :?: Yep, I wanted to include it as well as it is a huge classic comedy parody of Star Wars and other movies including Alien and the original Planet of the Apes! It was the last actual SW inspiration till the ginormous Shadows the Empire would arrive in multimedia form in 1996 :shock: Oh I remember when I got this, Me and My Mom went to Best Buy on a very cold and snowy night in early 1996 and I bought it. I first saw the film when we rented it at Movie Mogul when it first came out in 1987 (35 years ago this year) then saw the movie many times on TV years later but it was always cut and I wanted the "real" version of. It was such a great classic with a cool soundtracks and score, when comedy movies were at their best :!: Here is a couple pics I took of it!


Here is the hilarious trailer!

Willow VHS: I had shown this previously long ago in My great Willow action figures by Tonka showcase in My Vintage Action figure topic and I explain so much nostalgia there :shock: Not too long after Me and My Grandparents went to the show and saw it in 1988 (one of My most cherished movie going times ever), My Grandma got it for Me right away when it first came out :o I have always loved this movie but WHY do I feel it's connected with SW? Willow has become a very underrated and nearly forgotten film which in My Mind is beyond extremely pathetic and I have no clue as to how that came to be :roll: For one it was written by George Lucas and I have always felt that the characters are very much like the ones SW just only in a medieval setting on Earth! The film is directed by Ron Howard and his style in this film such as cutting and scrolling to the next scene is nearly identical as to watching the Star War Original Trilogy! The special effects is by Industrial Light & Magic (Lucas's company). General Kael is like Darth Vader, Queen Bavmorda is like Emperor Palpatine, Madmartigan is like Han Solo and so on. Oh and Pat Roach who played General Kael, he was a great British former pro wrestler and he was a tremendous villain actor, I loved him and his voice. He was in all 3 Indiana Jones films as different characters! The music was by the late great James Horner, it was as grand and epic as any Williams score heard before! Maybe one day I will go in-depth more on Willow but for now here is the great pics I took of My Willow VHS :!:


Here is 3 different trailers of the wonderful movie plus James Horner's score is heard them :!:

Special Group Shot:

Here is all three of My great vintage books by Random House!


And here they are with their counterparts in VHS form :!:



So here is a special bonus, My E.T. Avon figurine along with the previously seen "now" go-to guy Nien Nunb by Kenner and of course My great General Kael on Steed by Tonka! Unfortunately I was too young to get the Kenner Indiana Jones figures (notice I still have the IJ background present however) but at least I wasn't with the their vintage SW that I will showcase in time :)


Well that'll do it for this update/showcase. I hope you liked it and were a bit surprised and excited about it. I have a ton more in store, I will have at least one more Original Star Wars showcase to present and maybe even archive/repost a bit from earlier as well before I get to the Prequel Trilogy cause there's a lot I got there, until the next one I'll see you around :batgrin:

Oh and by the way, before I move on to the next update shortly, here is a very important fact of the matter to this great stuff in My topic...

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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - NEWS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Mar 01, 2022 6:35 am

Again, as a reminder, one of the big points of why I stared this topic is because of this :shock:...


It sure is and stuff like this is special to Me :!:

Now, for the news, just yesterday, I found My Ewok book along with a couple Bonuses when I was looking in storage. Oh man I was very excited when I found'em and so this be My next showcase for this topic very soon. Until then I'll see you around 8)

By the way, don't forget to check out My previous showcase, it was a superb and crucial one that I made :)
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - NEWS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:41 am

I always liked Wiilow. Haven't seen it in ages. Have the vaguest recollection of the toys.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - NEWS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:10 am

Finally, somebody else who likes Willow :o I have really never talked to anybody outside of My family who likes Willow or even yet even KNOW THAT WILLOW IS if you can believe that :? I'm like how in the heck doesn't anybody know who or what Willow is :shock:

I don't know if you have seen it or not or followed My Vintage Action figure topic when it first started but I featured My ENTIRE COLLECTION of Willow there and in fact I started My topic with it because I am a huge Willow fan. If you haven't seen My showcase, it's a big one, you can see every figure the series in detail with My stories and such and I even have the Eborsisk Dragon who goes for nearly $1000 sometimes on eBay and it's one heck of an unreal story as to how I got him :? :o :shock: :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: I have an amazing collection that I cherish and thankful that I have and it might bring back the memorizes for you so if you want got check it out Click HERE for My WILLOW COLLECTION - its on page # 2 as well as a special bit on page #3 that don't wanna miss!
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - NEWS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:13 am

Oh, I used to watch Willow all the time on HBO when I was a kid. I remember having the Marvel comic series, too, though I don't anymore. I actually knew a guy at work that was a huge Willow fan. The DVD used to be super expensive because it was out of circulation. I'm sure it'll be rereleased when the new series comes out.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - NEWS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:48 am

All sounds great there. I'm not counting on much with the new series, in this day and age, there is no way in Sam'freggin'Hain it will match the classic movie, I just don't have the confidence it this anymore :roll:
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