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Wingnut's customs

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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby Tango X » Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:35 pm

I actually really like this Johnny Thunder! Good job!
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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby wingnut1969 » Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:59 am


Superwoman - Kristin Wells

I've had her in the works for quite some time. I started her and then either lost interest in customizing at the time or something went wrong or something else all together - I don't remember. Anyway, suffice it to say the old fires were stoked again and here she stands. From neck to knees she is a Power Girl. I smoothed out the peekaboo chest as best I could and filled in the rest. The lower legs are most likely from Raven. She's the most likely candidate because I probably had them lying around unused - hey, I had 3 cloaks so do the math :D - and I had to fill in the heel part to get a solid foot. The head and cape come from a GA/SA Catwoman from Batman Legacy - she has been quite versatile in my quest to add to my DCUC collection(Sapphire too) - I took the cat ears off the head and painted the skull and hair. The "S" was a real bear. I couldn't hand paint it so I had to stencil it in 2 parts - The red background and then the yellow S trimming. I used an old Supergirl figure - black S variant - that I had scrubbed for parts to create the stencils. It took a few tries and it may not be perfect because masking tape is not exactly seethru but it can be managed with enough patience - which I nearly ran out of - but I got it up to passing, I think. I couldn't do the "S" on the cape as it not exactly conducive for stencil work, imo, and would not have been able to do the black line work if I had. I went with her for a number of reasons: 1) I wanted to round out my Superman shelf a bit more, like I have been doing with Wonder Woman. I look at the differences between the number of Batman and Batman related figures they did and the disparity is staggering. 2) Except for the "S" she was pretty simple to do - if any of you has a better way to handle things like this I'm always open for suggestions and eager to learn. 3) I figured she may not have been done before so would be a unique addition - of course I'm not up every custom that's ever been done and not every customizer is on this page but still. . .
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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby Idiot Savant » Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:10 pm

She looks excellent; damn near store bought…you sure you made that? Haha awesome job!
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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby wingnut1969 » Fri Nov 26, 2021 9:24 pm


Dr. Will Magnus

So I was very excited when the inspiration for this one hit because I don't think he, like Superwoman, has had the luxury of being done before. Or at least not over done. He's mostly the Phantom Stranger I used when I took the head for Johnny Thunder. I say mostly because the left arm is from the Constantine figure I used when I did Flagg. Why you ask? Because when I opened him up I noticed a slight gap in the left bicep and when I was trying to pull the hands off I got a little bit more than I bargained for. I guess the hot water had also loosened up the bicep joint and it gave out before the hand so I had to change the arm out. The head is from a Clark Kent figure that had lost his glasses. I just slapped some paint on his hair. I tried to use a Hal Jordan head by removing the mask and sanding down the edges but it was too wobbly as apparently they are not all interchangeable. I really liked the Stranger for this because of the turtleneck he wears. And I also molded him a pipe - it's just too bad that the arms don't bend enough to actually put it close to his mouth but at least he has one. so now my Metal Men is closer to complete. If I could figure out how to do a Nameless I'd be perfect.

As an aside: If anyone has suggestions on how to do the plaid striping on his jacket I would love to hear them. My hand is not steady enough to do it freehand and though I haven't checked Michael's yet I don't know if there is something out there I could use to accomplish it.
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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby wingnut1969 » Sat Dec 04, 2021 4:10 pm


Bruce Wayne

This is the Clark Kent figure I used the head for on Doc Magnus and the head comes from the Bruce Wayne to Batman figure from the DC SUPER HEROES line.

I had to switch the legs on the CK figure as, from the thigh joint down, his right leg was his left leg and his left his right. I could tell something wasn't right from the picture the seller posted on the auction but I thought it was just the shins needed to be relocated but it turned out to be more than that. It would've been nice for the seller to include this little detail in the item description but as it was little more than inconvenience I didn't make a thing of it. I popped the head off of the BW-BM figure, removed the neck and hollowed out the head a bit, maybe not enough but it works. Plus, up side, since I only needed the head and the figure was one of those annoying spring-loaded head figures I still got to keep the Batman figure.
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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby wingnut1969 » Mon Jan 24, 2022 7:31 pm


Commissioner Gordon

This is just a repainted Movie Masters Gordon from the Dark Knight Trilogy figures - I'm not sure which one but then it doesn't really matter as they are probably all the same.

This is really one of the glaring omissions from DCUC/Unlimited/Signature/Multiverse. They rightfully did Alfred. Why not Gordon? I had thought about how to do Gordon - Constantine, Clark Kent(just paint his upper lip white) - never really thinking about using one of the MM figures until it finally hit me like a ton of bricks. I'd had the DCD Hush Gordon since it was released but I never really liked that figure - the face looked like someone punched him square in the nose and made his face implode a bit and the glasses were always loose and never liked to stay on, especially after the nose bridge piece broke, never snapped just broke, plus all of the pre-posing done in the design and sculpting(I'll decide how to pose the figures thank you very much).
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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby wingnut1969 » Mon Jan 24, 2022 7:40 pm


Dr. Destiny

This is Dr. Mid-Nite from the neck down and a Skeletor head.

I used the JL:TAS version of Dr. Destiny as I liked the look and Destiny has never been a favorite of mine as I never quite understood what he was about. I thought the crescent moons on Mid-Nite were nice style additions to the character since he's all about dreams and night time or maybe it's just me. Question though: The neck pin hole under the skull is too large to secure the head to the neck. I thought about using Sugru to fill it in and then either put it on and let it sit or maybe let it dry and try and hollow out a hole for the nub on the end of the pin to slide into and lock. Thoughts?
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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:39 am

Great stuff Wingut, love that Gordon and Dr. Destiny :o
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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby 1987olds442 » Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:56 am

wingnut1969 wrote:9594

Dr. Destiny

This is Dr. Mid-Nite from the neck down and a Skeletor head.

I used the JL:TAS version of Dr. Destiny as I liked the look and Destiny has never been a favorite of mine as I never quite understood what he was about. I thought the crescent moons on Mid-Nite were nice style additions to the character since he's all about dreams and night time or maybe it's just me. Question though: The neck pin hole under the skull is too large to secure the head to the neck. I thought about using Sugru to fill it in and then either put it on and let it sit or maybe let it dry and try and hollow out a hole for the nub on the end of the pin to slide into and lock. Thoughts?

Dr. Destiny looks great wingnut1969. It's a great use of that Revelation Skeletor head, and it looks perfectly scaled for a DCUC body.
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Re: Wingnut's customs

Postby wingnut1969 » Mon Sep 19, 2022 6:50 pm



This a combination of two MOTU figures - Beast Man Revelations - everything from the neck down - and Chief Carnivus Classics - the head. I'd had the idea for a little while but chose not to act on it because of one of my stupid rules about making DCUC customs in that they be made out of DCUC figures - a little outside help was fine as long as the base was DCUC. Obviously I chose to ignore my rule for a couple of reasons: 1) I wanted to expand my Hawkworld shelf and 2) I already had a Carnivus displayed with my Kamandi for years so I called it my grandfather clause.

I like it pretty good. I wanted BM for the body because the Rev figures are bulkier than the Classics - seriously, you should see a side-by-side picture - and the tufts of hair on arms, legs and neck I thought lent itself nicely to the figure. I was concerned about the head and neck as BM's neck comes out at an angle so the CC head didn't fit tightly. What I wound up doing was to cut a slit in the hair so it could fit around the hair on the back of the neck. It works well enough that I did not explore my second option which was to remove all of the hair on the back of the head to the base of the skull. I also liked the hand and feet as they look kinda liony. Then I painted it khaki because I thought that too looked liony - plus he couldn't have remained BM orange.

Hope you don't hate it.
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