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Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - UPDATE!!!

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Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - UPDATE!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:37 am


So here is a topic I have been longing to make for a long while now. Many, many months, actually about a half of a year or so but there is so much else for Me to showcase as well. Within this topic will be all kinds of Star Wars items that I have received and collected over the course of nearly 4 decades :shock: It will consist of never before seen posted by Myself plus occasional reposts to reminiscent upon or just in-case anybody had missed them previously. Also, there will be moments of SW that are precious & crucial to Me that may just be commentaries along with videos too and the like. I will try to be update often as much as I can :)

So to start this off and to introduce My love for Star Wars, I had explained it My great Video Game & Vintage Action Figure topics. Please visit them to read further about it in more detail. It all really began when I was only about 4 or so years old when I played the original Star Wars Arcade cabinet @ Showbiz Pizza playing this, it sparked My awakening of loving SW and sci-fi in general. I loved the original trilogy and I wanted My Mom & Grandma to get all of the Kenner SW figures that was available in various stores (I will showcase My entire collection of them in time & much more) and the rest is history. As time went on as I matured, SW was fading out but there was always a new SW item here and there over the years till the ultimate relaunch in 1996 with Shadows of the Empire and the classic Power of the Force 2 by Kenner/Hasbro. I loved the Expanded Universe, in fact them stories in comics, novels, action figures and video games were arguably My fave part of the whole saga (in-case you didn't know, SOTE is My fave! and SW would remain golden even with the criticized prequel trilogy until the Disney takeover. They would remove countless EU stories that major fans like Myself adored and placed them into legends thus making them non-canon :x I wanted to give them a chance even after TFA but after TLJ I really had mixed emotions about the franchise. I sometimes ignore the facts of the matter but sometimes its quite difficult to. So like so much in life as of present time that has been ruined by so much nonsense, I tend to visit the past as it always seems so much better than these androgynous & hypocritical times of this pathetic day and age. So with all of that said, I do have a lot of Sequel trilogy items but the majority of My showcases will be of the OT, PT and EU and other classic times for the time being.

So with all of that being known let My new topic henceforth :!:

As you may have seen elsewhere within the board including My Ginormous Halloween topic, I hinted at My own created character that I named Darth Hyde. I wrote a cool fan fiction bio about him. Since E.T. was actually canon with SW till Disney fixed that up :roll: :x

My short story was that Darth Hyde was an immortal Sith Lord that existed millennia before the days of the republic, one of the most powerful ones never known. He was exiled because he found the way how to cheat death long before Darth Sidious was born but was banished by the Sith council for the selfishness treachery and was thrown and fell to a planet called Earth. There he became a trouble-making nomad secretly in caves and abandoned areas causing havoc that many people didn't know what caused so many disasters. He waited for centuries until modern times into the 21st Century to make himself known to the world!

Well there you have it, there's My short bio. So I was gonna post it earlier because last year in 2021 was My 10th anniversary of this Halloween gimmick of Mine from 2011 but I did briefly post him earlier for in My Halloween topic so it was in time in a certain way! This was My hardest Halloween gimmick because the clothing was really hard on Me as I started at 4:00 PM with a kickoff show walking up and down the street with My act towards the cars. I was a success however as babes in convertibles were waving and honking their horns at Me :shock: When the actual scare-time came it was fun and I scared a lot of people and then it was all over by 9:00 PM. It was exhausting and I retired it that year so and went back to being My Jason Voorhees the following year and retired from being the talk of the town by scaring everybody in 2013. I did this for 15 long or short years for Halloween. That was the first, last and only time I became that character Darth Hyde but I never disregarded it however. It took a lot of moolah to get. Here is the pics of Me and notice I am a double lightsaber wielder too!

NOTE: The red car you see in the background was My Grandmas' Garfield express - Hyundai Accent (she had tons of Garfield items in it), in 2017 some drunk @$$ totaled it and also killed a large poor healthy tree in the process :roll: Got nothing for it, it was third car we had that got totaled by stupid drunks :x Onward with My Darth Hyde Character!


Here is My very first SW book: Return of the Jedi storybook. My Mom got it for Me from somewhere, maybe it was the classic defunct book store B Dalton, possibly K-Mart. I already knew how to read a bit about this book when she got it for Me back then. I have tons of SW books but this is My most cherished of them all :D


Notice the bite marks on the cover, this is from our little bunny wabbit we had at the time, her name was Mittens. She was solid black but had solid white paws. She was one of the finest pets we ever had :( Also, look at the stamp, My Mom would stamp all of My books when I was a youngster...these were the times :)


My special Star Wars VHS Box Set! This is one of My most cherished of all of My SW items. My Grandma got this special set over at Walgreens in the summer of 1995 for Me! Gosh I loved this time :!: It was the first re-release of the SWOT to use the THX sound feature. It was also visually remastered. On each tape, it also included a three-part interview of George Lucas himself by Leonard Maltin discussing how he created SW, the choices he made and the upcoming prequels! This would be the last OT set before the special edition with new & altered scenes that would be released in 97. This is My fave version of the OT and this is really one of the only ways one can watch the originals as they were meant to be seen. Look at the color of the boxes, the way their designed, the color & shine of them. This was still during when times were great and getting physical media meant something :!:


My super special Star Wars Deluxe Soundtrack Collection Box Set! Oh man, this is one of My prized SW items of all-time too! My Mom got it for My 15th Birthday in 1996 (that was one of My most memorable ones ever!) and I was really, really surprised she got it for Me because I had no idea it existed back then (this was before the time of the web in general). She may have gotten it at Sound Warehouse Records (It was Peaches before that---gosh that place was awesome!) but I think she got it at some cool store at Crestwood Plaza Mall. Anyway, if you read My commentary in My Video Game topic then you know I love movie music, My Grandpa did too, he taught Me how to respect & love it. He had the SWOT on vinyl records and we played the heck outta of them. We upgraded to CD sometime later. Anyway this special set has four discs, 3 from the OT and one bonus CD with alternatives and never before released material which this was a big deal then till they released the special edition OT complete movie scores some years later. This also included a large and thick but fantastic booklet of art, pics of John Williams and so forth. This was when SW was so fun!


That's all for now, I hope you have enjoyed this new topic :) Until the next update, I'll see you around :scbat:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Tue May 07, 2024 6:58 am, edited 32 times in total.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Intro & More!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:04 pm

Holy crap, I haven't thought of B.Dalton's in ages. I used to get comics there as a kid all the time in the local malls. Looking forward to seeing your Star Wars goodies, I had so much random stuff when I was a kid that has been lost to time. You're lucky you can probably still watch the OT without all the dumb Lucas updates. I cringe every time that awful Han/Jabba scene comes on during A New Hope.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Intro & More!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:41 pm

Oh yeah, i you have noticed PB, I have mentioned many old stores of the past because of My good times going there over the years back in the day within My topics but this is the first time I have mentioned B. Dalton however. Yep, I got a lot there too :) Sometimes I'd like to go there just to look around cause it was such a smaller book store without a big crowd, it was actually quite pleasant at times to be honest. My location went out of business like 20 years ago which is hard to believe its been that darn long already :roll:

Yep, this VHS of the OT was last update before the SE. As I mentioned, the only things that were changed were the picture quality & sound...everything else was the same.

Yeah, that Han/Jabba scene was always a bit so-so to Me, I never wanted to bad mouth it however cause I knew Lucas tried to do it good.

I'm glad your looking for ward to it, not sure when updates will roll, I will try to them as often as possible cause I work on my other stuff too plus catching up with wrestling and so forth. The updates might be small like with just 1 item, well see. Thanks PB ;)
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Intro & More!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:44 pm

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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Intro & More!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:14 am

First off back to My ROTJ ST, I cannot be totally 100% sure, it may have been Me that bitten on My look :roll: :lol: I did chew on things especially My figures when I was very young, thank goodness I stopped doing that so My little bunny may not have been the blame. I should have noted that before and sorry to you too Mittens wherever you may be :( However, if she was indeed the one, by her chewing on it makes Me remember her so I'm actually glad that little fart did it :D

So here we go with a small update entry in My new SW topic. This is My AVON Exclusive Metallica Tin of SW Jedi Knights! It was a trading card game made by Metallic Impressions in 1997 but they were a special release for 1998. I saw them in a Avon catalog of My Mom's (she worked for them for a very brief time) and I asked her if she could pick them up for Me and she did. I loved how they were. I was like, man-o-man, if only all trading cards were like this, I mean for Me as a teenager these things ruled! The only thing of recent times that resembled this was Magna-Saurs back in the late 2000s with their metallic cards/display stands (I have the entire collection, I look to showcase them in My Dinosaur Figure Topic in the future...they were fantastic!). Back to SW, there are 5 of them in total and the Wampa Ice Monster was the super exclusive card to this set :o For a long time I always thought this was a stand alone collection but I found out sometime later that... nope, they developed it into an actual series :roll: Unfortunately I never collected anymore as I never saw them at comic shops nor toy stores and I just never bothered to get the rest on the secondary markets years later. So ever since I have just been happy with this as they originally were and accepted that and left it alone as it has become My special Avon SW Set!

Now these are inspiration of the Original & Special Edition Trilogy that was released in 77, 80, 83 and 97. Now the SEOT has its' ups and downs for sure but one thing I've always liked yet loathed was the additional updated scene of the Wampa because it was so visually awesome yet so gruesome :o

Here is the tin, thank goodness I took good care of it. Look @ the front and back as well as the inside :!:


So like I said, it includes five cards, it has Jedi Knights Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda & Anakin Skywalker (Redemption & Force Ghost) and Avon Exclusive Wampa Ice Creature. Look at them, these beauties are metallic as stated. I love to hold them and feel them as the names & words are raised, just so cool :batsmile: They don't make'em like this anymore :!:


I never got into the game, studied it or anything, I just wanted them for memorabilia and because I loved their appearance. I don't know if the Wampa was a true chase or if you could get it in other sets or what not. These are still relatively easy to obtain on eBay as I speak if one wants to get back into this classic SW game!

Well, I hope you liked this :) That's all for now, more great SW items coming soon :!: Until then I'll see you around :scbat:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Jedi Knights Ca

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:14 pm

Woah, that's not Hayden Christensen! The Mouse demands you destroy those now!

Never seen those before. Kind of reminds me of these old baseball cards from the late 80s that looked metallic and had raised images and letters. They weren't metal though. Can't for the life of me remember the brand name.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Jedi Knights Ca

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:54 am

Search Me which ones they are, doesn't sound familiar but sounds cool though :) Glad you like these. I have a old Ewok book too but darn it, I'm having probs locating it, if I find it I'll be sure to post it. I gotta lot of books coming up soon so stay tooned ;)
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - Scholastic Book

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:10 pm

So here we go with My next update, is My SW OT Scrapbook! Oh man when I saw this I had to get it, it's by Scholastic and this might be one of the only SW books I have by them...not sure though. I loved the awesome raised cover. It has a lot of pics too as well as a bit of info too. This is actually one of My most underrated SW books in My entire collection, It is inspired by the SEOT in some areas. Take a gander at this one's beauty!


That's all for now, I have many SW books and I will be presenting the OT before I get to the PT. I hope you enjoyed this update, more coming soon, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - OT Scrapbook!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:28 pm

Ah, I could look at Star Wars visual books all day. I have some from recent years, but nothing older. Oh, those old cards I was talking about, after asking around my Twitter friends, I figured out they were called Action Packed. I was a little off on the years('92-'93), which may explain why I couldn't find them.
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Re: Star Wars: My Miscellaneous Collection - OT Scrapbook!

Postby Idiot Savant » Tue Jan 18, 2022 7:45 pm

Haha I just found a full 1990 Action set in a bin in the basement hahha
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