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Wingnut's collection

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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby wingnut1969 » Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:40 am


So I pulled the grandstand or whatever you want to call it out of "mothballs" to see if it would give any added value to my Wonder Woman shelf and I have to admit I'm conflicted. It seems somewhat cumbersome and ill fitting but I also love the new poses for my Wonder Girls - it looks kind of pin-upy to me. I don't know. What do you guys think?
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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby Idiot Savant » Sat Oct 23, 2021 10:51 pm

Nah…I’ve always liked that DCD display; I’d keep it or add more foreground and background to help
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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby wingnut1969 » Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:25 pm


After getting the Superman Robot and Beppo the Super Monkey I got all fired up to get Hoppy the Marvel Bunny - Oh, and Billy. I'd had the other Billy but I thought he looked too cartoony with the other figures. Not that cartoony is a bad thing, just out of place. This Billy though is too big for the microphone stand though. Oh the sacrifices I make. :D
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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby wingnut1969 » Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:26 pm


I got Alex Luthor and Harbinger recently - actually I've had Harbinger or at least most of her - long story - and got the Monitor about 2 years ago and the Superboy is from the Sb/Sg SA 2pk - but except for the head sculpt looks to be the EXACT same figure released in the COIE line. Problem is I don't have anywhere to put them right now unless I take something down - most likely, though most begrudgingly, it would be Young Justice for what I think is obvious reasons. I've had the Monitor on my COIE shelf where they could all stay except that it has always been my homage to #9's cover with all of the bad guys - all in their pre-Crisis looks except for Despero and I guess Kobra. I've been needing to get another shelf unit and have had ideas on how to utilize the space(s) I've just been waiting for the time when I needed it. I guess that time is now. But, should I go ahead and ditch YJ until then?
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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby Idiot Savant » Thu Nov 04, 2021 8:08 pm

I tried to post a reply, but somehow it didn’t go…

Is there any way to individually add them to different shelves then make the best of both scenarios? Or find some risers when adding them (and possibly more figures) to existing shelves? Just a thought

I’ve always liked that Harbinger figure, but for some reason I always pass her when I see her…someday she’ll be mine!
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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby wingnut1969 » Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:14 pm


New JSA look with Johnny Thunder and T-bolt

New LOSH with Emerald Empress and Eye

New Superman with Superwoman

And the new home for the CRISIS gang. Eagle eye observers may notice a difference in the colors of Harbinger from the two pics and that's because it is a whole new figure. OK, long story time. Years ago when DCD did the COIE figures you may remember that they did a recall on the first wave of figures as the QC was not up to snuff - and boy does my Supergirl and Robin show it! - so they issued a recall and told LCS owners to pop off the heads of any figures and send them back for credit, dispose of the bodies however they saw fit. My LCS gave me a Harbinger figure sans head so it lay around for a VERY long time until recently when I decided she was too hard to make on my own - due to too many unique pieces and my severe inexperience and lack of talent in that area. All I needed was a head right? So I bought one with a broken arm just for the head. I figured save some money and complete the figure all at the same time. I bought the figure, it arrived I swapped the head and WHAMMO! Harbinger. Took the pic. Decided I wanted to change her pose and went to move the arm and IT BROKE OFF! After having this thing for years, fiddling with it here and there and NEVER having this problem, it decides to break :cry: . So I had to buy another one but this one was on of the second wave of first releases thus the color change. I hadn't planned on buying two but I did. Guess who isn't fiddling with the arms this time around?
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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby wingnut1969 » Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:17 pm

Oh yeah. Savant: I found some extra cube units I had forgotten about and cleaned them up as they had been in the garage and slid them into the corner for extra display room. Now I just need to fill them up! :D
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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby wingnut1969 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:57 pm


So this became a thing. I've had these Batman figures laying around for a while now. Four of them since the original BATMAN figure line predating DC SUPER HEROES - BOY they have come a looooong way. And then the black Batman from wave 10(?) - I never cared for this figure. I mean it's not exactly a movie figure - [i]maybe[i] Batman Returns - as the Bat emblem is wrong. It just always seemed to me to be a throw away figure because what sells like Batman, right? Anywho, I wanted to pull the old figures out of storage and make kind of a Batsuit display.
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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby Idiot Savant » Mon Nov 29, 2021 7:38 pm

I was so very thankful to Mattel to build the DCUC line…not only did they improve on the design and articulation, they excelled in building a wider DC Universe.

It’s nice to have a reference for what came before DCUC and I still have a couple just because of that thought. Though I never got into the whole Bat-variety suits schtick…just wanted the one defining look for me.

Love your collection you have
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Re: Wingnut's collection

Postby wingnut1969 » Tue Nov 30, 2021 5:33 pm

Honestly Savant I never really did either. I always hated variants just for the sake of variants - and DC has gone - what's worse than overboard? - with all of the variant covers. I never liked the figures because they weren't comics accurate. I wouldn't have most of these if not for the fact that they were 2pks. One came with Superman, one came with Nightwing and it stands to reason the snow suit one came with Mr. Freeze but I don't know immediately and don't care enough to look it up. And the one is the Bruce Wayne to Batman figure. So, ordinarily I wouldn't have these either.
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