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My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: JRNY to K-Mart Plaza!!!

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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: BONUS UPDATE!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:13 am

So, before we get to My MOTU & Warrior Beasts by Mattel & REMCO, there is some important things that I found recently that I thought was necessary to show as bonus entries of figures that was previously seen in My topic because one will make a cameo appearance within the special gallery of My next big showcase. OK, here we go with this bonus update :!:

Sgt. Slaughter MICRO-FIGURE: I believe I got this figure at a yard sale. He was a must have believe you Me!


The Super Naturals: I recently found Lionheart's awesome shield and Burnheart's chest armor. Little by little I am finding their missing accessories and the like ;)


Lord Dread the Evil Mastermind from Captain Power: Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future: I just recently found his nice cloth purple cape that was in a storage bin that one of My most prized collections that I will showcase here in the future and I'll let you think of what this mystery is. So SPOILER ALERT, Lord Dread will make a special appearance in My MOTU & Warrior Beasts in a special pic and because of him that is why I made this special small bonus update in the first place :!:


Now, My MOTU & Warrior Beasts showcase will be upon us soon. I recently found some others that I will put within the spectacle as well. I also found a ton of other great stuff that I will present in the near future is is all going to be so far out :o I hope you enjoyed this :) Until next time I'll you around :batgrin:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: MOTU vs. DCWB!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:08 am

So here we go, the big Masters of the Universe by Mattel and REMCO's DC Warrior Beasts :shock: Now, Like I had said previously, I didn't take care of My MOTU at all. I was young and didn't realize things till later on. As you know I am a huge MOTU, probably one of the biggest fans you'll ever meet and you already know how I am about Mattel :roll: MOTU over the years has been handled so poorly by them its beyond pathetic and if they would have been better they could have made so much dough off of it and I'm talkin' as much as "the Marvel obsession" has made for the MCU! I truly believe that because there's more than plenty of material and I always thought they could make an ultimate trilogy timeline similar like in Lord of the Rings style but no, of course not, their MATTEL :x So with that in mind, that is one of the most extremely wretched reasons why My beloved MOTU is always on midcard status and not one of the most top and celebrated franchises of ever of just makes Me wanna :cry: in sadness as well as anger :x

OK, with that much needed ranted over, when MOTU was on top and really the champion of the mid 80s, there was a craze for action mixed in with sword & sorcery/magic in movies & animation throughout the whole decade and MOTU (She-Ra as well) had it all! Great heroes, awesome villains, beautiful women, scary monsters and settings, great music, interesting stories, wonderful morals (something that is so missing today IMO) and so much more! It even was in the same timeline as modern day earth which played a big factor there which that was so far out for Me :shock: It was all you could want in a TV show by the great company Filmation IMO :bounce:  Other companies had ideas of their own and wanted to join the party and take their own shot. All really failed but there is one that truly came close, at least in My view and that was by a company called REMCO :!: Yes the same one that I just a little while ago! REMCO was an older toy company that went out of business many years ago unfortunately. They produced many toys & items for toddlers as well as their own brands of action figures in the army, sci-fi and fantasy genres in the 80s that were very reminiscent of other popular & more famous toy lines such as MOTU & G.I. Joe. They did however have actual licenses like AWA Wrestling, DC and Marvel, Sgt. Rock, Universal Monsters, Lost in Space, Star Trek, Arachnophobia among others. They went bankrupt and then sometime later they were purchased by Jakks Pacific whom as also took-over another great company (arguably My favorite of all-time) and they were called Trendmasters which sadly also had a similar fate like REMCO did. I honestly thought they were a very good company that held their own. As you had seen in My last big update, I featured REMCO's US Forces: Defenders of Peace, S.I.T. (Strategic Intelligence Team, and Villains! which if you saw and read that you'll know I like them arguably more than the "actual" G.I. Joes. Well, REMCO made a very cool series named DC Warrior Beasts and I have always loved these characters and their overall designs but I will get to that and all the info in time. Oh and there will be some sweet bonuses too :batsmile:

MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: So here we go with only a small selection of them. Over the majority of My collection My Grandparents got Me them. When I was young I was horrible playing with them, chewing on them, play very rough and not storing them properly and so on. Over time their rubber bands in their legs dry-rotted and are unusable. Thankfully a handful of some of My favorites were intact but as usual they are worn and missing accessories. These guys were released from 81 to 87. So without further ado, here they are!

Prince Adam: You've seen him make cameos here and there in My topics and now here he is in all of his glory :batwink: I have always loved this design of him. His smooth velvet vest and black belt has always been a nice feature that is one of the most memorable clothing aspects of any action figure ever released!


Battle Armor He-Man: This was always one of My faves. You would press his chest and the armor via a mechanism would change and mimic like it was damaged!


Battle Armor Skeletor: Same as He-Man and I love his color scheme!


Faker: One of My most prized action figures of any collection and one of My most favorite characters of all within the MOTU! In fact, with certain version inspections of his origins, I like him even more than He-Man himself :o I have always loved his color scheme. This version is a cyborg created by Skeletor but I prefer the Faker story from another dimencion Myself. I am so glad I wasn't dumb and I actually took care of him. His robotic sticker is still on his chest and yes I was able to find his sword!


Tyrantisaurus Rex! He was mostly in the MOTU comics and not in the cartoons. I misplaced his back cover & belly weapon but he still looks good. With that being said, he was never made into the MOTUC/Classics line like he should have been (Mattel missed out on so many opportunities with their frugal budget mentality) but with exceptions he could still could fit within that said series! I just love the inside of his mouth and his teeth! Here he is with some pics and size comparison with vintage MOTU Prince Adam! :!:





BA He-Man vs. BA Skeletor


He-Man vs. Faker:  NOTE: I placed regular He-Man's power harness on to BA He-Man, its something I used to do when I was little.


BA Skeletor and Faker


MOTU BA He-Man meets DC Super Powers Superman (previously featured!) :!:




All Mattel: See the reason for My small update the other day was because of a personal purpose. I retook the pic after I was pleasantly surprised that I found Lord Dread the Evil Mastermind's cool purple cape. Unfortunately I still haven'y located Tex Hex the Terrible's hat however :roll: Still, its wonderful going down memory lane and seeing all of this fun history :wwgrin:

Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: MOTU vs. DCWB!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:13 am

DC WARRIOR BEASTS: This is arguably the most sought after series that most collectors of MOTU and fantasy action figures alike desire to have more than any other! These figures were available in 1983 - 1984 and originally less than $3 each back when they were on the shelves and as I speak they go more than triple than that on the secondary & third marketplaces! Despite their insane value, these figures still might be considered "obscure" by many. Anybody whom was around and collected MOTU in the 80s would know of these supposed knockoffs/bootlegs. I beg the differ that these aren't actually knockoffs, in fact they really have their own personalty and overall near original design about them. They surely are not made like the Masters as they are made of a different plastic and they don't have the rubber-band hips as they have ball-jointed hips. They have neck, shoulder and waist cuts sure but once you hold a MOTU figure and then you hold a DC Warrior Beast then you'll know there is clearly a difference much like the same when you compare G.I. Joes and US Forces. Another huge factor is that they were a very short licence by DC Comics :shock: The DC Warrior Beasts are sometimes thought to be the villains for the Lost World of the Warlord line by REMCO (no, I do not have any of these figures) thus bringing about a radical crossover line which was a work by DC comic icon Mike Grell! So see, IMO are these guys are in no shape or form bootlegs :o But you gotta keep in mind their was some other original characters in the series that came out of the imagination of REMCO! The sculpting is quite good and quite frankly purely fantastic! The paint is also good but more on that in a bit. I really like the color schemes as well. Like My Masters, Used to have more of these guys that I broke :roll: I have misplaced their accessories and they are worn from play & age. Off to the showcase :batwink:

CRAVEN: Part of the DC Comics side, Craven is a anthropomorphic avian-reptilian humanoid. He is one of the most hardest figures to find & one of the most expensive characters of the whole series and try finding one in decent shape!

NOTE: I always thought his color scheme made him look a Robin, the everyday bird you see outside :lol:  


HYDRAZ: Like many of these characters, I believe that they were inspirations for some MOTU, TMNT among other lines of the future. Hydraz is like a humanoid Hyrdra Draconian and I believe he/they may have given rise to Mattel an idea or two to make their great Two-Badd character from MOTU :shock:


SNAKEMAN: Yep, possibly another inspiration for Mattel with their Snake Men because they didn't arrive till about a year later after his release in 83? Then again it just could be that it seems like every major toy series or franchise has to have a snake character or element thrown in there one way or another...I mean let's face it, snakes and reptilians are everywhere you look...what an obsession! Unfortunately his tail broke but I think he still looks good. Sometime his name is also spelled Snake Man.


SKULLMAN: He had two variants, one with the hood and one without it. The hooded one's name was originally Skull Face but since collectors & fans of Skeletor said that he is a rip-off of the old bone head, REMCO changed his name to Skullman or Skull Man plus changing his head sculpt entirely. Honestly I think MOTU's Scare Glow was an inspiration of this version of this character without being glow in the dark mind you. Mine has a mark on his head, I don't recall how it got there but I cannot remove it. Now, many collectors think that Skull Man is THE Holy Grail of action figures of this kind and is truly one of the most difficult figures ever to obtain not to mention in good condition :shock:

NOTE: He wasn't really easy to find in My storage so I worked rather hard to showcase him here because he is so special :!:


Bonus REMCO Entry!

Crossbones of Pirates of The Galaxseas: The Legend of Tresure Island: I only got one figure from the series and that was Crossbones. I can picture it right now when My Grandma took Me to that great Woolworth that I always talk about and them figures on their big display shelf :bounce: Why I only wanted him I have no clue, just foolishness I guess :roll: So he is from just out of the minds of REMCO and he is pretty much in scale with his DC Warrior Beasts counter parts. His head sculpt resemble's Skull Man's slightly but his body is completely a new sculpt and seriously reminds Me of them red/skinned skeletons in the awesome Castlevania video games that would come out years later. His attire is of a cloth-vinyl and his gun is really good...yes I got his gun :!: I have always loved this character!


SUPER BONUS ENTRY #1! Weaponsmaster from the Defender of the Planets by Sparkle Toy Inc. in 1985! I had no clue about him nor his series back in the day till I found him at a yard sale in the early 90s! He clearly looks very MOTU inspired but his quality is quite unique compared to them as his more plastic feeling. He is a great figure to have in any collection of fantasy!



Battle Rhino: Yes, this animal is called Battle Rhino and he is made by Imperial-DorMei in 1984. This creature is hard rubber AND is one of My most favorite beast figures. I usually display him with the Warrior Beasts :!:

NOTE: I featured some other great monsters earlier on made by Imperial so if you haven't seen them then please check them out in previous entries or even if you have you could do it again :)





DC Comic Warrior Beasts blister card: This was not My original pic, I just edited it for this special showcase!


Kenner's DC Super Powers Superman (previously featured with REMCO's DC Warrior Beasts!


BA Skeletor and Skull Man


Beast Warriors group shot with Battle Rhino!


Weaponsmaster meets the MOTU!


Mattel vs. REMCO vs. Sparkle Toy vs. SOMA: See what I was talking about when I previously featured the Monsters by SOMA? The Avian-Man fits in just right!


Official vs. Unofficial: AKA Mattel and Hasbro vs. REMCO :!:


WOW there it is...finally :shock: Now one more thing, over the years especially during the time when Matty Collector existed there was some demand for Mattel to get the rights and make classics versions of the DC Warrior Beasts and even Olmec's Sun-Man (no I never got him or his series...would love to though). I had spoke to many of the forum members (that I have lost contact with since then) and there was plenty of support back then but unfortunately Mattel never made any effort about the fan demand whatsoever and woefully these lines still remain to be remastered due to their darn frustrating frugalness and unreasonably questionable decisions :x However, there has been some nice customs over the past decade or so that are truly OOAK of the DC Warrior Beasts, Weaponsmaster and even Sun-Man by some really skilled customizers and even Zoloworld has taken on their take of replicating the figures in their original design & scale plus some newer additions from their own creations :batshock:

So, I hope you guys have enjoyed this really big (actually it became much larger than I had originally planned) showcase of Masters of the Universe by Mattel and REMCO's DC Warrior Beasts :!: I have more great 80s greatness to showcase here soon (but man I must say I cannot wait to get to the 90s) and we shall see what I plan on presenting next! I am saying this because very recently I have found a ton of great stuff(some that I didn't expect) that I am going to showcase that consist from very well known franchises to super rarities that many has either been forgotten about or have never seen before :shock: Now it is possible that some of these figures that you have just witness may make cameo appearances with future entries plus there maybe a MOTU bonus section if things work out or they just may have a "guest" showcase. As always if you are just now checking this section out now please scroll back or go back to the previous pages and check out everything that you may have missed because I have featured some great, rare and obscure 80s goodness :) Until the next update/showcase, I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: MOTU vs. DCWB!

Postby Idiot Savant » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:27 pm

I don’t recall seeing those Warrior Beasts anywhere…those are really cool to see. Funny though, I did get Warlord but I thought the card art was different

Sweet set there to go with MOTU
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: MOTU vs. DCWB!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:40 pm

That Craven looks vaguely familiar. I may've owned back in the day. Off brand toys were so cool back then. Do you have the Mighty Crusaders line? I loved those things.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: MOTU vs. DCWB!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Aug 14, 2021 1:20 pm

Idiot Savant wrote:I don’t recall seeing those Warrior Beasts anywhere…those are really cool to see. Funny though, I did get Warlord but I thought the card art was different

Sweet set there to go with MOTU

Long time no see Idiot :) That's cool! Warlord may have had a different card because REMCO prepackaged these guys and indeed it is! Thanks IS!

packerbacker180 wrote:That Craven looks vaguely familiar. I may've owned back in the day. Off brand toys were so cool back then. Do you have the Mighty Crusaders line? I loved those things.

Maybe you did PB :?: ;) Yes they were, they were arguably better and funner than the licensed ones. Nope, I don't, what you see is all what I have except like I said near the end of My showcase with more Masters possibly showing up later on in My showcases if thing work out. Thanks a lot PB :D
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: MOTU vs. DCWB!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Aug 14, 2021 2:24 pm

Yeah, those Remco guys definitely look familiar. I would've never even remembered them had you not shared this, so thanks. Man, there were so many cool toys in the 80s. So many lines (I'm not talking about line sniffing yuppies, but there was a lot of those too allegedly, lol). I may still have my Mighty Crusaders somewhere in my parents house. The only stuff I didn't sell years ago were my Secret Wars/SuperPowers stuff, though no idea what shape they'd be in.
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: MOTU vs. DCWB!

Postby Idiot Savant » Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:38 pm

This is SUCH a huge amount of work…nearing collection book level here
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: MOTU vs. DCWB!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:36 pm

PB - I'm glad that I brought them back to your attention ;) Yes, the 80s had so much action figures lines that were so cool which was such a great time being a kid and that is one of the reasons why I am showcasing that decade first before the 90s but I will mix it up from time to time with certain exceptions in both eras. Well cool that you may still have them!

Idiot - Yes it is a lot of work but fun and needed at the same time. However, as much as I have showcased from the start of this great topic of Mine, I haven't even covered the surface another words, you haven't seen nothin' yet so there's way much more to come soon!

Thanks very much guys for your replies, I appreciate that a lot :D
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Re: My VINTAGE Action Figure Collection: Bonus + update!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:40 am

SPECIAL NOTE: So before I reveal what's My next update is gonna be I wanted archive My Larami Dinosaur Set in a special brief edited segment because it was previously seen in My great Dinosaur figure topic so if you wanna see it in it's entirely then you know where to find it!


Here we go, one of the ones that I wanted to showcase the most all is My Larami Dinosaur set! It is one of My most prized & cherished dinosaur collections that I have (I will present a very special bonus at the end of this one so stay tuned for that)! So, yes, it is THAT SAME Larami of the awesome Super Soaker water guns that would be later owned by Hasbro (who bought out many great companies of the past such as Tonka/Kenner and Galoob which IMO were fine before all of that!) under the NERF brand.

So, it was Christmas 1988 when My Grandparents surprised Me with a box of Dinosaurs that was actually a set and I was so stoked! I don't recall if I asked for it which was arguably even better because it totally unexpected! This is when I was really beginning to study dinosaurs and prehistoric life via books that My Grandparents & Mom got Me through My younger years.

Now, this set is indeed a special one as it represented (at the time) a very impressive lineup of well known animals of the Mesozoic era but would also "start" to depict them more accurately (I love the classic & old school depictions too) as more specimens were being found as opposed to the classical age depictions of years prior. The Sauropods IMO are ones that are being designed with more accuracy than the others within the series and to My knowledge this was one of the first sets ever to depict them in a more correct manner. The sculpting is decent for the time and on their bellies is a sculpted logo of the company Larami and the name of the creature that it represents. Thank goodness I took good care of them. Here is some pictures of the entire set :D  

The Set/Group: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Diplodicus, Parasaurolopus, Iguanodon, Styrachosaurus, Pterandon and Plesiosaurus. Look how great they are next to each other :!:



During these times of 1986-1990, My Grandma was a customer of a really awesome toy catalog called Troll! They had tons of science stuff including figures & books of Prehistoria. She got Me a lot from that store (I believe that they went out of business some time in the early 90s but they were around a time when things were special and dinosaurs was such a priority, I loved that store and I have missed it for decades) and I thought that it would be apropos to show off these two unique figures as I have always put them with the Larami set and they are made by/for the British Museum of Natural History and here they are!

Ichthyosaurus: Yes, the "Fish-Lizard" has no paint and I never wanted to paint him because if did he would lose all of his value and original appearance. He is about 7" long. The sculpting is IMO still dandy to this day. There is a great sculpting info on his belly as well.


Blue Whale: Now, of course he isn't a marine reptile or even prehistoric, it's just that he was sold in a small set of 2 so I got him as well. Like his counterpart, he too isn't painted  but the sculpting is top notch and he also has info sculpted on his underside.



Super Comparison! Yep, here they are with a couple selections of My Larami set!



Here is couple, never before pics of the Larami T-Rex and BMNH Icthyosaurus with the previously seen Captain Power's Blastarr Ground Guardian & Lord Dread because My Grandparents got Me them during the same Christmas they got Me My Larami Dinosaur Set!



So what I plan on next to showcase is gonna be a special one and one that is quite dear to Myself: The LJN showcase that will consist of WWF Wrestling Superstars and ThunderCats!! I hope your excited for that, until then I see you around :batgrin:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Mon Oct 04, 2021 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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