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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: PRIMAL RAGE!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:24 am

AcidDragon wrote:Wow. I love these Primal Rage figures. Coincidentally I just started playing it again on my SNES. Great game.

Thanks dude :D Man, that is a coincidence :? Yes it is :!:

Stay tuned for more great game stuff from Me :batgrin:
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: MORTAL KOMBAT!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:34 am

Ah, here we are with a short but very sweet section. This section will be My small collection of Mortal Kombat action figures by Jazwares Inc. Yes, the same Jazwares that currently makes them cool AEW figures today (no, I do not have any of them, they are too expensive for My liking in this day & age) and I believe they are a top company but back then when they made the MK series they were a relativity new company. They started making some top products in 1997 but when 2005/2006 arrived and they came out with Mortal Kombat figures I was in awe because of how they looked. If you have seen how I started My topic, earlier on you'll see that I am a huge Mortal Kombat fan. So, like I said, I have a small collection of these guys, I regret no collecting them faithfully due to collecting other figures. I got all of these guys at Big Lots! As you know through My other topics, I have found many great figures at Big Lots! These guys were fairly cheap at only $5.99 a pop which as I speak they go triple that on the secondary & third marketplaces which is insane to be honest. It was a very cool time back then in 05-06 and the rest of the later parts of the 2000s going to Big Lots!, very fun indeed. That original price point seems so attractive to Me right now and beats any current product IMO because these prices right now are just so darn ridicules. I also regret not getting those exclusives that were at the BBTS but oh well. Jazwares made many figures from all kinds properties but I never collected any of them. It would have been cool to collect their short lived Street Fighter series to crossover with these MK figures. There is two issues that held Me back about this MK series: #1 is that they didn't go all out making every character and #2 is the whole line lacked female characters! I mean MK has some of the greatest & hottest female characters ever and this line didn't even include Sonya Blade :x :roll: I mean could you imagine how a version of Mileena from Mortal Kombat: Deception would have been :shock: What a severely missed opportunity that was :x So in short having no females was a complete bummer and a major turnoff for Me :batrage:

OK, these versions of these Mortal Kombat characters are from the video game Mortal Kombat: Deception. It was a very cool game and one of the most unique entries of the entire franchise. Their sculpting and paint apps are tremendous with so much rad wash on them. They are about in the 6" scale but they are kinda deceiving though. Their quality is ok but at times it is questionable. Their heads & shoulders tend to pop off easily which I am not a fan of when I try to pose My figures. They have many POA with ball-jointed heads & shoulders, double-jointed elbows & knees, wrist and waist cuts and hinged hips. They do miss some critical joints which so search Me why they skipped those :?: Now back to the quality, I must say they were a bit better than SOTA's Street Fighter because their quality sucked and they came out around the same time as this MK series! So off to the Mortal Kombat showcase!





Lord Raiden: Black eyes variant.




Group Shot!


Scale Comparison: Back in the day I used to display these MK figures with various lines and My faves to do so was Mattel's DCUC, ToyBiz' Marvel Legends, and SOTA's Street Fighter. In the pic is Doomsday, Wolverine & Sagat with Scorpion.


So there you go. As you have seen there's a taste of things to come with SOTA's Street Fighter! I have every character in that one but like I said the quality just sucks so I will not present it the way I originally intended but I will showcase it in time because there is much more to be seen and yes, its other Street Fighter figures by other companies but also some others from some other video game properties as well as some bonus game stuff! I hope you enjoyed this. Until next time, I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Small Bonus!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Aug 30, 2021 6:48 am

Little bonus till I get things together for My next update which will be soon. Here be a classic ad of Ultra Games (Konami) for the NES from 1989 that I recently found in storage. Look at all that wonderful game history especially for TMNT & Metal Gear! Gosh those were the days to be a kid and gamer, nothin' beats that :!:

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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Special Set!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:19 am

So it was in the great year of 1989, matter of fact one of the last great years period I got a special Strategy set that consist of a classic VHS tape & a cool guide for the original Nintendo Entertainment System or NES :!: My Grandma got them for Me when I was at school via their nice Scholastic catalog (I got some really good things then so school wasn't as bad as it could've been, actually come to think of, there was actually some fun times to be honest.

OK, now this was during a time when video games were video games, no cinematic theatrics & easy button configurations, you actually played them with no cheating or looking up on the web cause there WAS NO WEB until sometime later! Sure, you could ask your friends about how to beat a game if their into the same ones as you if your lucky or you could get that awesome & fun Game Genie by Codemasters, Camerica & Galoob and pop your game into that device for those easy missions or you could just use that password if your title allowed it... in other words, the player would have to be skilled and actually play the game to defeat it! So, having these wonderful video game essentials was really cool back then and really beats looking the info up on the net like has been over the past two decades and and a half already.

I still have My NES and play not as often I should. During the year of 1989 and the entire existence of the NES was one of the absolute best times to be a kid not to mention being a gamer, unfortunately today's generation has clue how great it was then but I feel very fortunate to have experienced it first hand :)

So with all of that being said, this might be one of the most obscure NES items presentation you may find on the web and sadly there isn't many people that talk about this sort of thing anymore or at least on forums which is one of the reasons why I wanted to showcase this special set of Mine ;)

FRONT COVERS: Look at that coolness, designs and the game selections!


A look at the VHS Covers in Detail: This was made by Kodak of all companies :o It was huge for Me with Simon's Quest & Double Dragon but wow Andre the Giant vs. the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibase in WWF did the Mega Bucks explode too :?: This was a great looking tape and amazing selections! And no I haven't got a VCR hooked up to play this, I haven't watch this in years!


More Strategies by The Consumer Guide: Here is most of the pages in detail, look at all of that old school glory! I will commentate through each entry :)

Yep, great contents! Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest was such a huge game for Me because I loved the first Castlevania and I loved that new music and that concept of night & day time. Oh and Double Dragon, arguably the greatest beat'em up of all-time, so classic!


Guerrilla War was a true classic by SNK, I beat that game fair & square countless times! I never played Gyruss but I believe I played Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II or at least the first entry and I never really gave it the light of day like I should have.


I don't recall playing Iron Tank but I played the heck out of Mega Man II! I played it a bit back then but truth is I didn't get into playing the Ninja Gaiden franchise till the 2010s, it's a great one though!


I only played Q*Bert a bit, I found it frustrating. I never did play Sky Shark & Stealth ATF to My knowledge.


Super Mario Bros. 2 My all-time fave Mario game! Gosh I loved that time. I played it countless times for the NES, SNES & the Wii U! The Three Stooges was a great game, it was one of the best ever and never had a virtual console edition, remastered of remake treat, that is so pathetic if you ask Me :roll: Zelda II: the Adventure of Link was good but I was never a big Zelda fan. I remember one of My best friends back then sure was though, even when Zelda got bigger in graphics for future systems, I still wasn't big on the franchise.


The last page and insert as to where an 8 year old Brandon colored in it as he was doing a lot of that back then :lol:


Well there you have it, with My Classic NES Set of How to Score More Points and More Strategies Guide from 1989! More great Video Game themed merch to be showcased soon. I hope you liked this and were surprised or it was a blast from the past for you. Until next update which will be soon, I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Special NES Set

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:24 am

OK, here is My next entry which it really is such a sweet bonus! It's My Super Mario Bros. Super Show!: Mario Meets Koopzilla on VHS! Once again, My Grandma got it for Me when I was at school via their nice Scholastic catalog (I got some really good things then so school wasn't as bad as it could've been, actually come to think of, there was actually some fun times to be honest and really that is no joke) in 1990! It's so pathetic the show only ran 1 season, I mean get outta here & get real, I loved that Capt. Lou Albano was Mario. This VHS is one of My most prized in My entire VHS collection and this Koopzilla episode is My favorite of the whole series! Here a couple special pics I took of it :batsmile:


As a treat, here is the entire episode from YouTube!

As a special bonus that has nothing to do with this particular episode, here is WWF/WWE Hall of Famer, the late great "Rowdy" Roddy Piper :o I loved the reunion he had with Albano...gosh he was great then and I miss him a lot :roll:

So there it is, I hope you enjoyed this classic goodness :) Some more cool & fun stuff headin' your way soon :batgrin:
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Godzilla & Pred

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:46 am

So, continuing My video game merch showcase, I have been thinkin' of My vintage video games and while I have a massive collection for many systems,  there is really only a handful that is on My mind to talk about and these 2 are Super Godzilla for SNES and Predator 2 for the Sega Genesis :!: I loved both systems back in the day and there will never ever be another time like it when they were in their prime. Today's competition of Playstation & XBOX is good but IMO it doesn't even come close to be near as fun as it was back then! I always had a debacle who was better but really Sega was My fave most of the time ;)

So My Grandma got Me these classic games way back from our favorite local video store called Star Video. She rented so many games for Me from them and We always asked them if they were gonna put them out for sale and sometimes they would just sell them for a price then sometimes We would have to wait. Sadly like so many stores & companies from yesteryears, they went out of business in the late 90s due to the video store competition of Blockbuster & Hollywood Video which the latter took the place literally of Star Video :roll: Today's generation basically only knows all of this digital stuff and not how it was back them.

Super Godzilla for SNES: Back in the day, like I had previously said about Godzilla in My great Vintage Action Figure topic, it was hard to obtain Godzilla items because of the importations. Same thing with games but us Americans were lucky at that category in some ways however in the early 90s it was very difficult to keep up with the new Godzilla movies in the Heisei era till the middle/later 90s when the web was in full force and it was exciting looking at these new kaijus and not really seeing them in action nor knowing anything about them. You were lucky if video stores had imported the new movies at the time. This game was great and the boss was Bagan, an awesome character that was supposed to be in Godzilla 1985 but ultimately he was scrapped but he wasn't totally ignored as he made it into this game, that's one of the many fun beauties of video games that I love :bounce: This has one of My fave instruction booklets and look at the Godzilla stamp on the box, remember, if a Godzilla item doesn't have it then it's not official :o


Here is the complete gameplay of it :shock:

Predator 2 for the Sega Genesis: This was really a surprise when I first played it. I loved the film so playing a game inspired of it was a treat to behold! If you read My in-depth write up of LJN & Acclaim in My Vintage Action figure topic then you'll know I am a big fan of Arena and company! This great rail shooter came out in 1990  :shock: Yeah, while Nintendo was still doing 8-bit and only in the early days of the SNES, Sega was already established as a true competitor with their 16-bit Genesis :!: One thing was Sega's booklets were always good but in black & white as opposed to SNES' colored booklets, this was kinda an issue for Me back in the day but I got used to it and it was all good and fun :)


Here is the full gameplay!

So that's all for now, lot's of great stuff coming soon, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Palisades R.E.!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:53 am


OK, here we go, one of the ones I was waiting to showcase since the beginning of this great topic of Mine! If you thought it then you got it right, I saved it for Halloween time :o It is none other than Capcom's Resident Evil by Palisades!

So, they originally came out in 2001 (20 years ago this year!) but I got these guys in 2002 from the BBTS and among other web stores. I was and still am a big Resident Evil-ite and the company that are made them is by PALISADES! They were such an up and coming company. I recently &amp; greatly showcased My 12" Reservoir Dogs made by them so go check that out within the forum. They also made many terrific lines such as their great Muppets, 12" Final Fantasy movie figures (I never did collect The Muppets nor FF). They were competing against the likes of McFarlane &amp; NECA and due to that, constant quality issues among financial debacles, they went out of business in around 2006. :roll:

So I was a teeny bit late on getting the line as series 1 was already out and series 2 was hitting the shelves yet series 3 and the final one was up for pre-order so I was like, I love these guys but if I'm gonna collect them then I gotta get'em all! So I searched and searched and for a good deal on the first 2 series' and pre-ordered the third one from the BBTS. Oh these were so fun and I remember My anticipation of waiting for them to arrive on My porch. They came and they were here. As mentioned previously, Palisades sculpted their figures superbly but like so many companies during this era, their quality was very poor. I had many issues with them but I fixed it up with the BBTS and the rest is history!

Now, I do not have every variant and not every thing is shown here including accessories. Here we go with these grotesquely great looking Resident Evil figures in somewhat random order as I see fit...oh and I never ever count characters that are considered accessories as they are always considered extra characters to Me!

Leon S. Kennedy: My fave hero of the franchise!


Claire Redfield: Look at her cute yet hot beauty!


Chris Redfield: Yep 2 variants of him!


Albert Wesker: Ah, one of My most favorite villains of all-time!


The Nemesis: I have been astounded by how this type of zombie/super being design (head-wise) has spread and become like "the one" that many companies' in games &amp; movies alike have used over the past of a generation  :?:  :shock:


Mr. X: Just such a blank bio-weapon by Umbrella


The Tyrant: Oh when I first saw this figure of him he excited Me so much as to his colors were so good and how big he is, I mean he is a very tall figure!


Nosferatu: the father of Alexia, look at that gore!


Alexia Ashford: I loved her design more than her father's. I find her her strangely hot. I always felt she was Capcom's answer to DC's Poison Ivy hence their relationship with Marvel in many games.


William G4: Like The Tyrant, I was very excited about him as well. He is such a large &amp; massive figure. I love his shark-like head and all those teeth!


Zombie Cop: Never could find the blue version back then so I just skipped it, the white was unique to Me so I just went with him!


Zombie Soldier &amp; Zombie Dog: Such a cool duo and a must for any RE collection!


The Licker: Gosh he looks accurate!


The Hunters: Got 2 of them reptilian gremlinoids due to a faulty Wesker, oh well, got an extra one and it worked out!



The Blister Cards/Background: I always loved these with the bios and designs!


Display Stand &amp; Copyrights!


The Accessories!


Size Comparison: An ultimate Capcom showdown with Palisades RE - Leon S. Kennedy, SOTA's Street Fighter - M. Bison and ToyBiz' Marvel's Wolverine!


Super Group Shots!


WOW that was fun work. Overall I love the RE series by Palisades. Shame they only made a 11" vinyl statue of Jill Valentine but NECA would pick up the series and continue with their own versions of many new characters including Jill that I will showcase sometime down the road plus I have lots of other tremendous RE figures and stuff to present in time. Well, that's all for now, I hope you enjoyed this :)  Until next time I'll see you around :batgrin:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Sat Nov 13, 2021 1:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Inside ID-4!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:54 am

OK, now this is gonna be a different one and may seem a bit off topic but the climax of this very special update will be indeed video game/media related :)


So, I've been thinkin' about this most of the year, the 25th Anniversary of Independence Day aka ID-4 from 1996, one of My most fave movies of all-time and one of the greatest films ever! Here is My special showcase!

After Me & My Family actually saw it on the Fourth/4th of July at the theatre of 1996, I got ID-4 VHS from Star Video several months after :!:


in 2016, I got the very special version of ID-4 on DVD along with the sequel ID-4: Resurgence on Blu-Ray! Its the 5th anniversary of that one and I remember seeing it on the IMAX screen 3 times at the show back then as I had waited 20 years to see it after the first one and I just couldn't wait :o


As recently seen in My ginormous Halloween topic, here is My Trendmasters' Independence Day/ID-4: Alien Shocktrooper & Bio-Containment Chamber! I regret not getting the rest of this series, and Trendmasters was one of My most favorite companies in the 90s and overall. If I had the chance, oh believe you Me I would get them especially them mini sets :!: By the way, the background there is from My rare ID-4 Scrapbook!


OK, here is what you've been waiting for. Here is My Inside Independence Day CD-Rom for Windows 95 :shock: Yep, My Mom got Me this when the movie was flaming hot at Best Buy during the good ole days when it was fun going to an electronic store and seeing all of them classic video games for consoles & PCs & movies :!:  This IMO is one of the rarest & obscure movie media related items to date as nobody ever talks about it and seems like most have forgotten about this fun gem except for those who are selling it on on eBay :roll: I had played this countless times especially after I saw the film trying to relive and continue them great moments over and over again. This special interactive video disc features clips, interviews, bios & much more about the movie as well as bonus material. It was so exciting playing it and I had such enjoyment playing it back in the day :batsmile:


So there is My special showcase of the 25th Anniversary of ID-4! That's it for now, more special video game related stuff coming soon, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Sat Nov 13, 2021 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Inside ID-4!

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Nov 12, 2021 3:07 pm

Wow, I didn't even know that Resident Evil's toyline was so comprehensive. Are you still much of a gamer these days?
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Re: My Video Game Figures & Strategy Guides: Inside ID-4!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Nov 12, 2021 11:23 pm

Thanks Acid, oh RE has many figures and I'm not done with RE by a long shot as I have several more series' to showcase in the near future so keep a look out for more plus more great video game stuff. Oh yes, I am a big gamer, more classic then modern like most of the stuff I'm into but I do like the newer stuff as well. In fact for a while now I was thinkin' about starting a gamer topic in the general section. Maybe I will, we'll see. Thanks again Acid :)
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