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Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby Tango X » Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:19 pm

I actually like scarves on my heroes. Protoman, anyone? But that Rogue costume doesn't do anything for me. I think the X over the cleavage thing looks silly. In fact, that's just too many Xs on her costume in general. I think a white line horizontally across or nothing at all would have been an improvement.
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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby beastovjudgement » Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:21 pm

I am a clear minority here, but I really hate the X-Men's 1990's costumes. Jackets over superhero costumes always look stupid and contrived to me. Actually, whenever the topic of terrible 1990's designs comes up, the very first ones I point out are Gambit and Jim Lee Cyclops. I thought the Marvel Select Cyclops was the best version of the character. Jim Lee Cyclops has literally every single lousy design choice I oppose: half-cowl with hair sticking out the top, pointless buckles, useless pouches in random places, a bandolier for no reason which could only get in the way, and the optional leather jacket over it all. Aside from the artists of the time tending to give her the face of a middle-aged harridan, I prefer Rogue's 1980's look above all others. Also, to further alienate the majority of X-Men enthusiasts, I genuinely liked the cat Beast. Morrison's New X-Men was the only X-title I enjoyed since 1986 or so, and I haven't been interested in anything since, either.
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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:58 pm

Haha Beast, you had me all the way until you supported Lion Beast.

Ah, the pre 90s X-Men vs 90s is a tough thing to decide on what is better. The 70s and 80s are what made them sell. The 90s was the pay off and the first exposure many had before the comics, all thanks to the cartoon. I was full swing into comics by the Jim Lee era, it's basically when I started. Heck my first x-men issue had his cover art with Wolverine vs Mandarin. That being said, I do not look kindly upon the 90s outfits. I liked them at the time, do not now.
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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:01 pm

Caleb wrote:Nope, 90's Cyke hasn't been released yet. Just the good ol' hooded version (Spermclops) with an X-Factor variant. So, basically the exact thing that was released by Toy Biz, only with a Danger Room base. He's still a nice figure, and he's not as squat as the ML version was. For some reason, they haven't done much of the 90's X-Men in this line - although if Rogue pops up, she'll likely be in the togs Lee gave her.

Modern Rogue is this look. She's got a big ol' X on her cleavage. I mean, the scarf just doesn't make any sense for a superhero look at all. I know Rogue hasn't been a frontline X'er regularly, but it's still a dumb look.


Not as bad as Catbeast, though.

Hmm, the scarf doesn't bother me. I think it looks nice and could be argued to some how protect her flesh from making contact in cases of emergency. Course, that would work if she was fully covered (like she used to be). But heck, for all I know she has control over her touch power now.

I do prefer the 70s Cyclops. He even looks more like his namesake with his hair covered because it draws attention to his eye (for me anyway).
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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby Avalon » Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:07 pm

I've tried and I've tried, but I can't get myself to like Catbeast. :smlol: What's your guys favorite look for Rogue? I'm guessing it's not her modern look. I do like the Jim Lee Rogue but it depends on how big they made her hair because sometimes it just looks too wild for my liking. I also really liked her original costume where she looked like a Dungeons and Dragons rogue with the hood lol. And I thought her look just after that was cute also.

Congrats on Sidekick, Havok. :bbgrin:
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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby Caleb » Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:25 pm

If we're talking preferred costumes for Rogue, I always liked the era where she was trying out a bunch of different costumes. One of 'em (a full-body cloak) was pretty goofy, but the others all looked pretty cool. But as one of the X-Men who struggled to find her place on the team / in the world, thanks to her powers, the revolving door of costumes really fit the character. Plus her hair wasn't all crazy.

If we're gonna get one Rogue, though? Eh, her Iconic look (that she sported for all of the 90's) is definitely the way to go. You're right, the occasional artist (usually Lee himself) went gonzo with the hair and slinky waist. But when she was in more capable hands, it was a pretty cool look.
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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:39 pm

Well, the Rogue look break down according to me:

1) First Appearance/joins X-Men: The one with the hood. It's ok, very similar to what she has now and she even went back to it in the early 2000s. The issue I have with it is that it's pretty much a hold over from when she was a villain.

2) Mid 80s sort of punk rock look. She is in like a black outfit with a green tanktop or something. It's her Mutant Massacre look. I don't mind it, but it doesn't seem to have much . . . character to me. You know?

3) Australia outfit. This is my personal favorite, but it's so era specific that it doesn't really work.

4) 90s Rogue, the safest choice to go with. But it too is very era specific. The Colossus they made would probably work with this era, so at least they have a foot in the door? But, the Storm & Cyclops they made are older looks, so I don't think 90s is an immediate concern for them. If we see a Japanese Psylocke, ok then this Rogue could happen. Same goes for if we see 90s Storm & Cyclops.

Anything after that is a look I don't know about or forgot.

Personally, I'd hope for option 2, but it is not a great look, just fits the era well. Heck, the photo I am using isn't even a true match up. It's like they really couldn't figure out a good look for her but always figured green would be part of it.

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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby Skullmaster » Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:55 pm

I find her Jim Lee look and the punk rocker look with the green tank top minus the jacket to be her most visually appealing looks. You guys make very valid points!!!
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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:47 pm

I forgot that Gambit has been made. If he can happen, 90s Rogue is very likely.
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Re: Marvel Select X-Men Wishlist

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:55 pm

You know, I look at it like this. The color or costume doesn't matter so much as they tap on the fact that Rogue should be a rough looking girl. A tom boy. You know? I hate Gambit and it took me a long time to realize why. I always figured it was cause he was "after I started reading" or cause he was Cajun or wore pink or something. I know the answer, the answer is that he essentially killed Rogue. Rogue was awesome until he showed up and he killed her because she become some love struck wuss.

The same era had her develop some sort of daddy issue with Magneto. All things that just made a tom boy character real suck. The Rogues since, especially after the movies, just aren't the same. Ultimate X-Men actually back tracked and got her right again for a while.

Until Gambit, Rogue was tough. I think she also suffered from the "she became a leader and now we can't demote her" situation which I had worried about with Nightcrawler and Colossus.

Am I alone? Does anyone agree or disagree?
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