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New Year's Resolutions for 2014

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New Year's Resolutions for 2014

Postby Tango X » Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:26 pm

Not sure if this section is the place for it but I thought it might be fun if we shared some of our New Year's Resolution plans. I know it's still a couple of months away, but sometimes the time it takes for me to think of what I want to glue myself to doing the following year takes some serious thought. Here are a couple of mine:

  1. Learn more about my heritage. I've pretty much grown up pretty westernized and my parents are, also, so there wasn't a whole lot of encouragement to embrace my Chinese background. I mean I speak Cantonese fluently, but other than that, I can't read it, I don't know much about my people or what kind of traditions there are. We had a family reunion earlier this year and it was actually the first I had attended. The stories I heard and the cool cultural festivities that took place really opened my eyes to all the stuff I've been missing. I think I'll try to take a trip out to China in the later half of 2014 or sometime in 2015, but I'm going to make it a point to embrace and learn more about that part of my heritage.

  2. Focus on fewer toy franchises. My place is becoming a cluttered mess and I don't even like some of the things I've acquired. I'm going to have to cut back for sure. I've decided that I'm going to try to round off my DC collection, get the rest of the figures that are coming out next year and just focus on DCC. Basically anything DC, anything Rockman and anything TMNT. Everything else I'll probably trade or donate.

  3. Try foods outside of my comfort zone. I've recognized that I'm actually more or less a meat and potatoes kind of guy but when I went to my family reunion, I tried a lot of new stuff. Now I can't say that I liked all of it, but surprisingly I did like/love most of it. Every quarter of 2014, I'm going to try a completely new restaurant that serves food that is totally different from what I'm used to. I'm thinking Persian, Greek, Indian and Jamaican.
Well that's me! How about you guys?? :halgrin:
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Re: New Year's Resolutions for 2014

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:46 pm

Great thread, Tango!! I'll bite.

Very interesting shares. I'm a food nut so I really encourage you to try lots and lots of new things.

This year, I decided to take time out and actually start reading a lot more. I lead a pretty busy life and sometimes that doesn't allow for a lot of time for me to think about the simple pleasures.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions for 2014

Postby Idiot Savant » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:22 pm

I've already reached the pinnacle of perfection....{SMACK!...and now brought back to reality}

1) I think the biggest thing I need to work on is not being so demanding of my kids. I'm not expecting perfection from them, merely how they go about doing day-to-day things and thinking ahead. I was brought up this way and based on my wife's comments, most kids aren't expected to be clean I've gotta work on that; but at least I realize it, so I'm already a step in the right direction.

2) I need to downsize (and cancel a bunch of current titles) in my comic collection.

That's all I can think of for the moment....
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Re: New Year's Resolutions for 2014

Postby Avalon » Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:06 pm

New years resolutions... Earlier this year, I could really stand to shed a few pounds and I really want to accomplish this in 2014. This year, I decided to take myself on a journey of self-improvement and part of that involved my body. I started eating right and doing regular exercise. I've got myself to a super healthy weight but lost a large chunk of my muscle, too, I think. Now I want to repack on some muscle. It's not the best time for me to do this as when you consider the birthday meals that I already had and the Christmas dinners that will be coming up, I'm better off starting in 2014 on a clean slate. So come this 2014, I'm going to maintain my healthy lifestyle but I'm also going to try to pack on some solid muscle over the span of the year. :batgrin:

I guess I need to stop hoarding. I still held onto a few crates of old school stuff and other junk because my parents packratted all of it in their attic and then a few years after I moved out, they dropped off a few boxes of surprises in my garage and I did intend to junk them all but after I saw a few sheets here and there, the old memory bank started jogging up and suddenly I was on my way down memory lane. Sad but yes in 2014, that stuff needs to go. Also other stuff I don't need needs to get thrown out or recycled or donated if of any value.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions for 2014

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:07 am

New years resolutions: Try having more patience in life. Also, think before I buy.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions for 2014

Postby beastovjudgement » Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:24 am

Let's see...
1. I need to stop being complacent and really stick to finding a new job. Preferably, I would like to do this before the new year. I have taken the first step of updating my résumé and references already, but I need to lose the mentality of "this is good enough for now".

2. I have already cut back significantly on my purchases, but I have to commit to not picking up new crap. I am determined to not start any new or additional toy lines, and plan on selling off a lot of the stuff that no longer interests me. I ask need to use the library more often, rather than buying so many books. My other major vices are CDs and band t-shirts; I can likely cut back on the number of shirts, but I am not making any guarantees on discs.

3. I really want to get back to my writing. I have put it off for a long time now, basically out of laziness rationalized as not having the time. I think I may post some character outlines here, to get going again and to help with motivation.
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