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Alien, Predator & Terminator Movie Talk!

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Alien, Predator & Terminator Movie Talk!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:47 am

Well, first of all, let Me say I am a huge fan of the Predator series much like I am of the Alien Franchise. I was an Alien fan first but I instantly loved Predator for many reasons. It was awesome seeing Predator 2 then after all those years seeing Alien vs. Predator 1 & 2 then the great Predators movie. I'm a huge movie score fan and these scores with the franchise are some of the best ever heard IMO. Most of the time I place Predator and Alien in the same canon and even Terminator sometimes in My mind, fan stuff and things like that. DO YOU consider Predator canon with Alien? Do you consider the AVP films to be a part of the Predator & Alien movies or just one of them or perhaps neither and that they are just for fun? What about Terminator (the comics got Me started with this then the small tease in the TV show made Me have stories even further)? Or perhaps you are only a Predator fan and only consider them movies to be canon? Maybe your just an Xenomorph fan? Talk about WHY you are a Alien & Predator fan, what you liked/disliked about the movies, which is your favorite, who is your favorite characters, what is your favorite scenes etc.

Allow Me to briefly commentate of the Predator movies to show My love for the films, there is so much I could talk about but I will save that for later!

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Re: The Alien & Predator Movie Fanchises

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:48 am


These are the ones that made alien movies in general pop IMO. Seeing Arnold against an alien being was something never seen before. The Predators' are some of the most awesome and neatest looking alien beings in the history of cinema IMO, there is countless things that makes them great. The movies that they are a part of some of are the coolest and while the original is a true classic, its sequels are also quite fun to watch and can make you cringe at times.


When I was a little guy I loved horror and action movies. One of My childhood heroes of the 80s was Arnold, seeing him in a movie against an alien was so far different then Commando and the Runningman. Another hero of Mine, Jesse "The Body" Ventura was also a treat to see in the movie. Carl Weathers was really good and I liked him a lot too. I wasn't crazy of the character deaths and still cringe about some of them to this day. Of course seeing The Predator was just fantastic, an alien that large with that tech, wow! Alan Silvestri's score made it so great!

Favorite Character(s): Dutch, Blaine and Dillon and The Predator.

Favorite Scene(s): The entire beginning credits, the fire fight, and the fight between the Predator and Dutch.

Scene that made Me cringe: The death of Blaine and especially the destruction of Dillon :shock:


Predator 2

At first I found this one more gory than the first but got use to it. I completely accepted it as Predator's sequel. The characters were so unique than the previous ones but gosh, Danny Glover, Gary Busy, Bill Paxton, Adam Baldwin were sure good. I thought it was cool that it took place in the city and that the Pred looked different. The ending opened up so much for the future, I loved that! Silvestri's score once again provided even more brilliance for the film. At the moment with Me, Predator 2 is tied with Predators as being My favorite of the series.

Favorite Character(s): The Predator, Harrigan, Keyes, Jerry and Garber.

Favorite Scene(s): The entire penthouse scene, the subway and ship scenes!

Scene that made Me cringe: The destruction of Keyes!

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Re: The Alien & Predator Movie Fanchises

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:49 am

Alien vs. Predator

It was about time they made it, I had to get use to the characters but they were cool. I thought the Preds & Xenomorphs were really great and that the Alien Queen finally got justice because IMO the Queen was poorly used in A:R. Gosh what an ending and story! I really liked Harald Kloser's music, it was dandy. A PG-13 rating? You gotta be kidding Me but it was good though.

Favorite Character(s): Weyland, Verheiden, and the Alien Queen!

Favorite Scene(s): The Alien fight and the emerging return of the Queen!

Scene that made Me cringe: None.


Alien vs. Predator 2: Requiem

As I was able to see this at the show on My Birthday:) Wow, I loved this one. the story was good and I did like the characters and the action was great. I digged the PredAlien, she was so neat. I thought the ship scenes in the beginning was da bomb but I loved the siren scene with the National Guard, that rocked! The new Pred called The Wolf, I thought he was a new thing that needed to be seen in the series. I thought the gore parts were actually awesome. I thought it was funny about the Papa John's scene. Brian Tyler's score was so epic indeed:)

Favorite Character(s): Kelly, the Wolf and the Predalien!

Favorite Scene(s): The beginning, the National Guard and the battle in the sewer!

Scene that made Me cringe: The hunters demise and fight between The Wolf and the Predalien (the end).



In the year of Danny Trejo, the first time I saw it I had mixed emotions about it but after seeing it again I really liked it and thought it was really fun. Brody was actually really good and he is not one of My favs. I digged how nuts Fishbourne was. All of the other characters were really good. The Hanzo scene I thought was so needed because P1 lacked that. I loved Mr. Black, he is arguably the most extraordinary Predator ever seen! The Hounds scene actually scared Me a bit, the first time I saw it I just was not expecting it at all (I didn't read any spoilers then). I loved John Debney's score, I was amazed how well he adapted to Silvestri's + making it his own. Thank goodness I was able to go to the theater to see it and I am really hoping for a sequel really soon!

Favorite Character(s): Nolan and Mr. Black

Favorite Scene(s): Not of this Earth, the Hound attack and the huge Predator battle near the end.

Scene that made Me cringe: The fights' finish of the Predators.

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Re: The Alien & Predator Movie Fanchises

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:49 am


By watching horror movies at a very young age, Alien was a spook-fest for Me but I loved it, something with Aliens! So ever since I saw them together right after Aliens came out with My Grandpa, we watched the countless times back to back in the dark on the old VHS, I loved that so much :( I had loved them movie ever since! The whole franchise is just a superb one, I became a huge fan! However, after waiting over 25 years for Prometheus to come out, I had such mixed emotions of the movie and the franchise as a whole. I still question it among other things even after a year and a half of seeing it on the IMAX screen.


It holds up to tremendous horror and sci-fi standards whether it is the regular version or the Director's cut IMO. Though it was the first I saw of the franchise of course but it is not My favorite. While it was amazing seeing Sigourney Weaver in this film after seeing her as Dana Barrett in Ghostbusters (another one of My all-time fav movies/franchises), I thought it was cool how she was in Alien. I liked the other guys as well. Everything about the movie was great especially Jerry Goldsmith's musical score. The Alien itself was of course frightening at the first time but I began to really like him as an horror icon.

Favorite Character: Ripley

Favorite Scene(s): The scenes when they land of the planet and go into the derelict and they see the Space Jockey and all of those eggs!

Scene that made Me cringe: The Chestburster scene!



This was an amazing sequel and pure greatness to Alien! It had fantastic special effects, story, and characters. The first time I saw it there was so much mystery for My young self. I thought Bill Paxton was so hilarious, his Hudson character is without a doubt one of the most entertaining characters ever! The first time I saw The Queen, I was in awe at how awesome she was, never in a movie previously did I see such a great creature like her :!: James Horner's score was such a treat and perfect for the film. Aliens is arguably the best of the franchise IMO!

Favorite Character: Hudson

Favorite Scene(s): The Alien Queen's first appearance!

Scene that made Me cringe: None.

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Re: The Alien & Predator Movie Fanchises

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:50 am

Alien 3

Oh this is without My favorite of the whole franchise, I just loved it! It was the first Alien film I saw at the show in the tremendous year of 1992. It was so similar yet so far different at the same time as the previous movies. Weaver was again at top of her game. It has cool characters and the Xenomorph was quite different. It was a very emotional movie at times and was just really fascinating and entertaining to watch. Elliot Goldenthal's score was undoubtedly superb and was like the score of the entire decade!

Favorite Characters(s): Ripley, Andrews, Clemens, and Golic.

Favorite Scene(s): The Beginning/Introduction.

Scene that made Me cringe: The birth of the Xenomorph.


Alien Resurrection

This was the one that I thought was going to be such a great movie back in the day but really I was disappointed the first time I saw it. With later viewings it got kinda better. I still can't believe how Michael Wincott's character was so poorly used. I loved the Alien Queen from Aliens and she became one of My most favorite monsters of horror but when I saw what happen to her for the first time in A:R I just cried, literally because she meant that much to Me! Though it seems silly yes but as a big Alien fan who takes the movies seriously I was so disappointed and the scene with the New Born was just so horrible to watch. Sure, A:R had its moments but really was kinda of a bummer. John Frizzel's score however was dandy!

Favorite Character: Ripley, Frank Elgyn and Dr, Gediman.

Favorite Scene(s): The Underwater battle and the spaceship scenes.

Scene that made Me cringe: The scene with the Queen and New Born, the end scene with the New Born, and the scene of General Perez.

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Re: The Alien & Predator Movie Fanchises

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:51 am


This is the one that I had been waiting for over 25 years to see and I finally got the chance to see it on the IMAX screen! While it was clearly "an Alien" movie, it was quite different. It was so radical but the whole who made us thing got Me. As a person whom worships God and believes in Jesus Christ, it was an emotional ride. Still today have I mixed emotions about the movie. All of the characters were and special effects were fine and the score by Marc Streitenfeld was a great one and matched the film and what it was about on spot. However, there is so many questions unanswered and so many codes within codes of so many things to be decoded it seems like a very nerve racking puzzle that is nearly impossible to put together. The overall thought of the future and Weyland (if you are in as deep in the story and franchise as I am) is depressing. The Engineers were impressive and as a person who studies Ufology and believes in most of it I clearly saw where they were going with the plot twists. I am 50/50 with the movie, half I love it and half I just don't know. There is so much more to be done. I wish they wouldn't have developed it to be forced into a possible new trilogy and just made it longer and tied in with Alien. There must be a sequel to Prometheus, there absolutely must be!

Favorite Character(s): Vickers, Last Engineer and Adult Trilobite.

Favorite Scene(s): The Saucer scene (beginning), the awakening of the Last Engineer and battle of Giants!

Scene that made Me cringe: The Hammerpede and the Cesarian scenes.

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Re: The Alien & Predator Movie Fanchises

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:51 am

The Fan Films!

Over the years, there have been a number of fan created movies that can be seen on YouTube. While many have their opinions and emotions of these, I think these are great and I put these in My "Expanded Universe" of Alien & Predator. Here is My favorite ones :!:

Predator: WWII (Untitled Predator Fan Film)

I have dubbed this as Predator: WWII. This is tied with another Predator fan movie (see below) for My TOP My favorite #1 spot. It was nearly perfect and paid a huge homage to the original. The use of Alan Silvestri's score was so spot on! I got excited about this as much I did the first movie, like I was a kid again :shock: Very entertaining indeed!

Favorite Character(s): Monday, Yeager, Allegro.

Favorite Scene(s): The beginning and the shootout!

Scene that made Me cringe: None really.

You can view it -----> HERE

Pic made Me :)

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Re: The Alien & Predator Movie Fanchises

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:52 am

Batman: Dead End

This along with Predator: WWII is tied as My TOP favorite Predator and Alien movie. Though just not an Alien and Predator movie, this has the most excellent and true "live action" Batman ever IMO and it also has the most superb Joker as well. This was such a great ride, Elliot Goldenthal's score was used perfectly here. This is My favorite Batman film of all-time!

Favorite Character(s): Batman, The Joker, and The Predator.

Favorite Scene(s): The beginning, the Predator leap off the roof, the end.

Scene that made Me cringe: None.

You can watch it -----> HERE

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Re: The Alien & Predator Movie Fanchises

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:53 am

My other favorites!

Wolverine vs. Predator: By Bat in the Sun, Super Power Beat Down takes another great gander here! The Best Wolverine on screen! I thought this is what they should have done in Hollywood for the X-Men Wolverine franchise! The Predator is just great as well, I love his vocal effects! Before the actual movie starts watch for the Arnold impersonator and oh especially Kelly Hu @ SDCC 13, she is hilarious!

You can watch it ----->


Predator in Sweden: Though it might not be the greatest, I love the chase scene with Silvestri's score and I just find this one hilarious!

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Re: The Alien & Predator Movie Fanchises

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:53 am

You can watch it here ----->

Alien vs. Predator: Redemption: This is a superb movie, every second of it is dandy!


You can watch it here ----->

Aliens Epilogue: Just a great one!


You can view it -----> HERE

Predator: Hunting Season: This one is OK but it does have its moments!


You can watch it here ----->
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