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Who is the best Megatron?

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Who is the best Megatron?

G1/G2 (Sunbow, Marvel, IDW, Dreamwave, please specify)
Beast Era
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Shattered Glass
Total votes : 8

Re: Who is the best Megatron?

Postby Crazy Jetty » Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:20 pm

Megs was a gun in the "ations" storylines.
And I agree. That is the best G1 version.
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Re: Who is the best Megatron?

Postby 1987olds442 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:19 pm

Furman's "ations" storyline was awesome. He was really building full universe with interconnecting story arcs, but the people in charge of IDW decided to dumb it down and do a reboot with All Hail Megatron and pretty much throw out everything Furman did to that point. Which caused me to drop all my TF books. Later on after the editor responsible for the screw up left they soft rebooted back and brought back lot of what Furman wrote into the current continuity starting with Last Stand of the Wreckers.
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Re: Who is the best Megatron?

Postby Crazy Jetty » Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:15 pm

Yeah, I don't particularly like what they're doing now. One is boring, and the other feels like they're being rediculously silly to be rediculously silly.
it's better than AHM, but then so's a kick in the teeth. It's also better than the Costa stuff. But it's still only a fraction as good as what was. Plus, Beast era characters do not belong in a G1/G2 setting.
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Re: Who is the best Megatron?

Postby 1987olds442 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:21 pm

Yeah the Costa stuff was really bad plus the art style during his run really bad as well. It was like a mix of movie aesthetics and G1 designs. One of the first things that they did after Costa left was to bring back Iron Hide whom he killed at the first of his run.
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Re: Who is the best Megatron?

Postby beastovjudgement » Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:17 am

The art in some of the IDW books, especially Roche (especially him) and Figueroa, is some of the worst in comics this side of Liefeld. I cannot argue that one. I do really like Ramondelli's art, though. I think I just dislike human supporting characters in TF fiction so strongly I am impressed more than is warranted by the current human-free stuff. This is a big factor in why Beast Wars was of such appeal to me. I especially liked the one where Megatron attempted to eradicate the pre-human hominids - I was surprised and impressed a toy-based cartoon would dare to have such themes. For those readers who prefer human interaction with Transformers, I can definitely see how the current direction would not be to their tastes. I have always liked Megatron's characterization in IDW, from Furman on up. Hasbro has IDW on a very short leash these days as far as the design and, sometimes, inclusion in the books, of characters. The last round of exceptionally pointless Spotlight issues testified to that.
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