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Behold--HE's here!

Postby Ken Davis » Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:45 pm

Say hello to SPIDER-MAN!!

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Re: Behold--HE's here!

Postby Doctor Fate » Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:41 pm


Thanks for posting that video and I can stay this Marvel Films are much better than DC Films and I will be seeing this movie for sure!
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Re: Behold--HE's here!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:36 pm

I agree. Marvel films just look more appealing/fun/interesting even in the previews. I have no idea why DC would "launch" their cinematic universe with an old Batman and an angry Superman. Not really happy with the small changes to Spidey's costume, but it's no worse than anything else they've modified.
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Re: Behold--HE's here!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:34 pm

"Underroos!" :splol: :splol: :splol:
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Re: Behold--HE's here!

Postby Ken Davis » Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:50 pm

I've been mulling over this for a long time now and it's a question that some have asked openly: what's the difference between the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Cinematic Universe??

I've distilled it down to an answer I'm satisfied with. Marvel--and by extension, Disney--seem to understand the core essence of superheroes. DC, and by extension, Warner Bros. just misses the mark, but only just. What is the difference?
It's not that superheroes are good, because both field good guys. it is not because the heroes are noble--again, both have that.
The difference is in having heroes to cheer for. Marvel seems to be edging out just a bit more ahead on that.
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Re: Behold--HE's here!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:15 pm

I don't know how DC is supposed to know what kind of Superman and Wonder Woman they want on screen when they can't even boil it down in their comics. To some degree it's the characters themselves. How do you make a movie about someone who's nigh indestructible? I don't know but Superman and Superman II did a decent enough job. But the muted colors and dark tone of BvS don't help. It just doesn't look fun. And everytime I see Jessie Eisenwhatever as Luthor I just cringe. I really think people want comic book movies that are fun, otherwise Watchmen would be the highest grossing comic movie of all time. DC just seems intent on going thye dark, 90's, gritty Frank Miller route and in doing so are alienating a decent chunk of audience IMO. It wasn't so much if I thought it was appropriate for my young kids to see Man of Steel, hell, I didn't even want to sit through it. I had to stop the film three times before I could actually get through it. It was dull. Boring. Maybe I'll be surprised by BvS, but I'm probably not seeing in the theatre. But I'll definitely do my best to see Civil War when it comes out.

Old Batman. An angry Superman who kills. Homeless looking Aquaman. What kind of way is that to launch a universe?
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Re: Behold--HE's here!

Postby Ken Davis » Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:52 pm

Homeless Aquaman. With a shopping cart fulla fish. Gawd, that needs to be an accessory for the figure. If not, someone should make it. They'd bank. BANK!!!!!
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Re: Behold--HE's here!

Postby Idiot Savant » Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:11 pm

I agree on all aspects of DC "screwing the super-pooch"...I understand trying to reflect the current comics to movies and vice versa, but the reason DC's pantheon of heroes works so well together is the fact that they all individually and collectively stand for something: Superman = Hope; Batman = Justice; Wonder Woman = Love; Lantern = willpower; Aquaman = joke....

I really am hoping this BvS gamble pays off as I really want to see my beloved characters have their day I think the sun; sorry AC, you only have a couple hours out of the pool...

DC/WB is merely playing catch-up as fast and furiously as they can...even in how they have no clue whether or not to have PG-13 in the cinemas and R on DVD...right hand, thumb up the butthole...

As for the Marvel spot, I think the reason why they're killing it is because they've taken the time to set up each character with solid interacting storylines that give the audience a connecting point, so they can grow with the heroes, thereby having a vested interest which makes this whole MCU a true joy to watch
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Re: Behold--HE's here!

Postby Idiot Savant » Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:16 pm

On a side note; overall I do like the new Spidey outfit, and I truly dig the camera lense-type eyes, I just have one glaring problem...

IT'S ANIMATED!!!!! JEEZUZ, didn't ANYbody learn ANYthing from the GL movie? During his awkward interview from that gurnee, Wade Wilson even said the same thing..
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Re: Behold--HE's here!

Postby Ken Davis » Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:03 am

DC/WB is merely playing catch-up as fast and furiously as they can...even in how they have no clue whether or not to have PG-13 in the cinemas and R on DVD...right hand, thumb up the butthole...

They have no clue.
They literally have no clue.

I've a buddy who is an effects supervisor on BvS and early on in story meetings there were screaming matches with Warner Bros execs who constantly made incredibly outlandish assinine proposals for the movie. They were told to their faces that they "didn't get it".
All they saw was chasing money. That is it.
The stuff is product to them first and always. Craft is a buzzword that follows faaaaar behind the money. Yes, there are people that love the characters and comics working on the film, but they are not always decision-makers, nor are they listened to. The DC characters are this gold-mine that they are trying to pan for the gold.....but they keep trying to equate superheroes with other kinds of things. They DON'T UNDERSTAND superheroes, they do understand other kinds of movies so they try to shoe-horn the characters into those kinds of movies and themes.
Warner Bros execs were told by the lower-downs to tap into the guys who do the animated DC movies. The Paul Dinis, the Bruce Timms.
They blew them off because "live-action guys don't need animation guys to tell them how to make a movie".

The bitter thing about this is that the execs play games. An idea may be suggested in January, and dismissed for whatever reason. Then in May, one of the execs will stride into the conference room and announce the SAME idea as solving the problem. Only the exec takes credit for it.
This is where a lot of the people working on stuff like this choke on things because the level of frustration is incredibly high.
And it shows in the films.

Marvel, and by extension, Disney, have a creed: story is king. All their successful films are built off of solid stories. Time and again every blockbuster they have produced came from that foundation. Characters you care about, situations that challenge them, moments that are memorable. The three main ingredients in any successful story.
It's not plug&play kind of thing, it is organic and synergistic to whatever the demands are of the particular story and theme they are telling.
Heck, that is why Pixar has never had a film bomb.
Warner Bros has people that know story, they've made some exceptional and successful movies. But the people handling the DC properties in live-action seem to think that superheroes are kid-stuff and they need to make them grow-up. And grown-up stuff is sombre, morose, "serious" etc.
Irreverence is lost on them now.
The irony of all this is that the granddaddy of all modern superhero movies--Superman, the movie--is still lauded as a quintessential example of the genre because of it's sincerity with the lead character. And it's a Warner Bros movie!!!
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