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2016: The Year of the Legion

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2016: The Year of the Legion

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:06 pm

Sorry, no new customs today (but maybe a couple soon). Been looking for some sort of theme to focus my customs on, a goal of some sort, per se. I've had some good fortune with some eBay sales since Christmas, so I've decided I should finally pull the trigger sometime this year and get the DCUC Legion 12-pack since I didn't before. Honestly, the Legion was never high on my reading list, and the $180 bill was a tough spill to swallow back then, but I've regretted not getting it. But 12 figures does not a Legion make. So I've decided that starting very soon I'm going to turn my focus to filling out a Legion shelf. By my count I'd like to knock off 29 figures . Will I complete them all this year? Dunno. But part of the appeal is many of the characters don't have intricate costumes that will require sculpting or part swaps so I can probably knock a lot of character off without a lot of hours spent. Will I stray? Probably as my mind is usually formulating 100 customs while I work on one. But ideally I think these are who I'd need to make, if anyone wants to add someone I've missed, please feel free. But for my liking I'm focusing only on pre-Zero Hour. I figure I'd keep this thread separate from my custom thread so I can more easily reference it and check of finished characters. If anyone want discuss particular costumes here as well I think that could be fun. Here's the list in no particular order...

Duo Damsel
Bouncing Boy--DONE
Phantom Girl
Invisible Kid II--DONE
Shrinking Violet
Element Lad--DONE
Lightning Lass--DONE
Dream Girl--DONE
Ferro Lad
Princess Projectra--DONE
Shadow Lass
Chemical King--DONE
Polar Boy
Sun Boy--DONE
Insect Queen
White Witch
Shvaughn Erin--DONE

And some villains...
Nemesis Kid
Emerald Empress
The Persuader
Cosmic King
Lightning Lord
Saturn Queen--DONE

Completed 10/30

Phew, that's a lot of characters, lol. But at least I have Mon-el and Krypto already...

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Re: 2016: The Year of the Legion

Postby Ken Davis » Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:16 pm

Good project!
I thought about that Legion set for about 2 seconds, because it's a big injection of DC lore into DCUC, but the cost ( at the time) held me back. Still, the roster in the set is a good start.
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Re: 2016: The Year of the Legion

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:57 pm

Yeah, I figured it'll be a fun journey since I can research the Legion as I build the ranks. I haven't had a focus like this since I completed the Secret Six. I've done a few members of a team here and there, but haven't set down a clear path for one team. Just hope I can accumulate enough female figures and different male heads to complete the group.
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Re: 2016: The Year of the Legion

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:35 am

Finished up my last non-Legion custom I had on the work station, so started a couple LoSH members tonight. My wife asked me a week or so ago why I was making so many female customs, like it was some kind of fetish, lol. Had to explain to her that girl figures have cooties so toy companies don't make as many. But just to prove a point I started my Legion project with two male members.

Let's see where I am on my list on 2/9/17!
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Re: 2016: The Year of the Legion

Postby HectorHall » Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:36 pm

That is a very complete list, hard to add much. In fact you gave me some food for thought with Saturn Queen, Lightning Lord, and Cosmic King. The only ones I've been kicking around that I did not see are Pulsar Stargrave, Grimbor, and Charma.
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Re: 2016: The Year of the Legion

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:44 pm

Yeah, I'm thinking maybe Dr. Regulus too since he'd get one of many Iron Men out of the fodder bin. The hardest part is trying to figure out what heads to use while trying not to re-use the same ones.
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Re: 2016: The Year of the Legion

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri May 13, 2016 5:28 pm

Well, after three months I've finished 7 out of the 29, so I'm close to on pace. Fortunately a lot of the remaining characters are mostly repaints outside of Dawnstar they shouldn't be huge undertakings.
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Re: 2016: The Year of the Legion

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:24 pm

Well, I'm going to fall way short on my target. Obligations, holidays, and commissions slowed my progress, and the last month or so I felt like doing a couple different characters rather than more Legion members. I still intend to finish most of this list, it's just going to take a lot longer than a year. Hoping I might finish one more before the month is over, though.

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Re: 2016: The Year of the Legion

Postby AcidDragon » Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:20 pm

Still, a great effort, man!!! That Legion looks damn legit!
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