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So what is going on??

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So what is going on??

Postby Ken Davis » Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:00 pm

With Marvel........what the heck are they doing??? I've been picking up, and following the Secret Wars book ( have read the latest 2 or so issues) but read of the outcome from the last issue.

My question revolves around the Fantastic Four.
I'm curious, because there's a vibration difference here that's been ringing since about........oh, 6 months ago.
Which would put things right about the time of the movie having come out. And bombing horribly.

There was so much cold-shouldering of the FF in products and almost the comics.....and now that seems to have.........changed. A bit.
The corporate attitude of the FF was far colder than Marvel editorial proper, but they followed the edicts because......well, corporate signs the cheques.

But now it feels almost like a veil has been lifted, if only partially. The FF and Doom seem to be central to not only the resolution of Secret Wars, but the whole event itself, and the spark that has laid the foundations of the Marvel Universe from this point on. That's a lot of weight laid upon the shoulders of something that Marvel corporate wants to keep distant.

And it gets me thinking..........I wonder OUT-LOUD if this is going to lead to re-unification of the FF from Fox back to Marvel.........because Fox has been quite quiet on the property. They are not going ahead with a sequel, the DVD/Blu-ray release had no advertising that I saw. I get a strong sense that Fox would divest themselves of the property if they could do so without losing any more money. And maybe an offer has been made to them by Disney...

And my feeling is they may have already done just that, but are waiting for the ink to dry to make the announcement.
Maybe I'm wrong......but when the goal is to make $$$, anything that moves a "thing" forward is good business. Hey, there's a pun in there.....
Ken Davis
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Re: So what is going on??

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:33 pm

I love the Fantastic Four, but they've always been in this weird sort of space where they should be more about exploration than straight superheroics but when they're removed too far from typical hero-villain storylines I kind of lose interest. They need the right writer to function well. Hickman's run of the book was amazing because it found the right balance. I know a lot of people didn't care for Secret Wars but I enjoyed it mostly, including the final showdown between Reed and Doom, and Doom's admission (that moment is going to stick with me like when Sinestro told Hal, "That's the tragedy of all this, Jordan. Hal. We'll always be friend," at the end of Geoff Johns' run).

I wish Marvel would get the movie rights back. The first 100 issues or so of FF are legendary and it boggles my mind that Hollywood has failed twice now to get it right with the FF. I haven't seen the new film, I suppose when it's on HBO or whatever I'll check it out like I finally did when Man of Steel hit the cable channels, but the FF shouldn't be that hard to do, should it? And yet, twice now. They have to tinker. Sue's adopted, or Doom is Gordon Gecko. WTH? STOP TRYING TO MODERNIZE BEYOND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES! It really shouldn't be that hard.

Then again, the FF would be so much better as an episodic TV show IMO. Why, the early Kirby-Lee run alone could get them through several brilliant seasons.
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Re: So what is going on??

Postby Ken Davis » Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:57 pm

John Byrne got the FF, arguably as good and Lee & Kirby did---even though he didn't innovate as much as replicate the tone and tenor of their stories.
He understood that what makes the FF work is they are the Challengers of the Unknown with superpowers.
Just ordinary conflicted people, relating to each other, with super-human powers, but finely balanced.

I'm not going to watch the new FF movie. In fact, I'll state right here that I'll NEVER watch it.......even if it comes to TV or whatever. I'll just avoid it, boycott it. Nothing about it intrigues me, I think it is a misfire on all levels.

But that said, I want the FF to come back to Marvel/Disney. I want Marvel to bring them into the MCU, and wipe the stain of the previous movie out of the public eye.
The properties needs scope, visual expanse an a positive vibe that sets it apart and in pleasant contrast from the rest of the MCU. Not without reason that the "BEST FF film" yet made is Pixar's Incredibles. They understood the dynamics, and the heroics, but also kept things light and positive. I want a film and heroes to cheer for. The FF could be it.
Ken Davis
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