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Top 5 Updates for modern line?

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Top 5 Updates for modern line?

Postby Crazy Jetty » Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:20 pm

Inspired by Bo-rilla's thread for the classics line, and something a friend posted on another forum... what are the top five classic characters you want to see brought into the new series, and how would you make them fit?

My choices:

Ninjara- Wouldn't be any different than the original, aside from being portayed as a bit more youthful. Maybe not as serious, as well.

Mona Lisa- I'd make her younger, and give her sort of a loli-rave girl makeover. Make her a good counterpart for Mikey.

Miyamoto Usagi- No changes from the comic. he's awesome just the way he is.

Armaggon- An experament by the Kraang, to combine mutants with Kraang technology. One of the biggest baddies in the series.

Chromedome (I think that's his name?)- As part of the alliance between the Foot, and the Kraang, Chromedome is the Kraang's attempt to create a Shredder-like android soldier drone that's much more suited to fighting the turtles than their standard drone.
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Re: Top 5 Updates for modern line?

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:10 pm

1. Armaggon. I would do it just like the Future Shark Trilogy. Nice 3 part episode. It would be amazing.

2. Pizza Face. I think it would be a cool one shot episode. they would probably make him even grooser than he originally was. Huge fight in a pizza parlor in the end (the puns would be ridiculous)

3. Ace duck. I see him as a reality tv star. The most famous mutant. He would be a real coward at first, but then ends up redeeming himself. Kinda like Captain Qwark from the Ratchet and Clank series.

4. Ray Fillet. You could have him be a real tragic figure. I had a story of him when I was a kid, and it told his origin. It would work perfect for him in the new show, he is a marine biologist, gets ruffed up by some foot, and gets left for dead. Thanfully there is mutagen EVERYWHERE!!!! But I remember him being really not happy being in his new form, something they could play with on the show.

5. Wingut and screwloose. Definitely could change it so they were like Intergalactic bounty hunters. Maybe chase a rogue Ticeraton onto earth, classic miss understanding between them and the turtles, fight together, and then that could introduce the triceratons, which would culminate into a invasion storyline, and result in Wingnut, Screwloose, Leatherhead, and Ray Fillet as the new Mutanimals!!!!
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Re: Top 5 Updates for modern line?

Postby Crazy Jetty » Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:19 pm

Nice ideas, and I like them all.
But I particularly like your Ace Duck idea. As much as I loved the Archie comics, I wasn't overly fond of their version of him. His toy was just too neat.
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Re: Top 5 Updates for modern line?

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:38 am

The Archie books were a lot of fun. The art was sometimes blah, but I always enjoyed them. Idk if anyone reads the new IDW book, but I give it tremendous praise. It started off a little slow, but once they found they're footing, Its been awesome.
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Re: Top 5 Updates for modern line?

Postby AcidDragon » Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:13 am

1. Ace Duck - I'd love to see a Nick style Ace Duck but with a similar design but just updated clothes like a more modern stylish leather jacket would be pretty nice and maybe some flight goggles.

2. Ray Fillet - I'm just thinking about all the little lobster guy pack-ins they could include with him. LOL. Also, it'd be sweet if he still did the colour change effect but with a new look or maybe he can change to a blue colour in water like ocean camo and then a different colour when he's dry/warm? I don't know.

3. Antrax - This figure just looks crazy cool.. I think they could easily integrate a character like that into the new toyline.

4. Usagi Yojimbo - I just really want more figures of this guy. I have the vintage Usagi, the Space Usagi, the updated Miyamoto from the 2002 line and I've got my eye on the Roku Toys polystone statues from a few years ago.

5. Wyrm - I really enjoyed the classic Wyrm because he was so freaky but he looked nothing like a planarian flatworm so something closer to that would be interesting, I think.
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Re: Top 5 Updates for modern line?

Postby Crazy Jetty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:06 pm

Dude, you just gave me an idea for an update for Ace Duck.

He was a cropduster slash mechanic, who had a love for old style aviation, and all things that flew. When he got mutated into a duck, he didn't get wings, which honestly upset him more than being mutated. So with some Kraang tech, he buulds himself wings and a rocketpack, in oldschool style.
Basically, Steampunk Ace Duck.
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