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So Secret Six is coming back!

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So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:01 pm

Gail Simone is leaving Batgirl. Nicola Scott is leaving Earth-2. And Gail recently tweeted...

GUYS. The new book is so SECRET that it's totally SECRET how SECRET this SECRET is about this new book full of SECRET SECRETS. #hint

That's "secret" six times. I would actually be forced to go to a comic shop for the first time since January if this is true. Can't wait to hear more news hopefully at SDCC. Had I know my customs would inspire this I would've done them sooner!
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Re: So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby secondwhiteline » Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:08 pm

Hah! Well played to Gail. I wonder what the lineup's gonna be.
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Re: So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby HectorHall » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:14 pm

I am a little hesitant at this news. I was excited for the Suicide Squad, but ended up dropping it. The Six needs Deadshot, but I want Floyd from the old universe. Would it be too much to ask if he could come back and shoot the Nu52 version in the head. It's what he would do.
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Re: So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:44 pm

I'm hoping they go the Hawkman Justice League America route and just pretend everything up until now never happened.

Damn, Skrulls!
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Re: So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby S. Griffin » Sat Jul 26, 2014 5:20 pm

Fortunately Gail Simone should be writing Floyd they way he's supposed to be written. Here's hoping she brings Scandal back as well as King Shark and that Nicola Scott, who will apparently be drawing this book again, puts his eyes back in his head where they belong.
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Re: So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:33 pm

Been rereading basically the entire S6 saga as I work on customs of the team, and, man, what a difference in Floyd from what I vaguely remember from the first few issues of the Ew52 Suicide Squad. What a **** mess that book was. Hopefully they'll let her use Bane too. New 52 Bane became a one-dimensional roided Arkham Asylum caricature. His run in Secret Six was the only time I found him vaguely interesting.
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Re: So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby S. Griffin » Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:54 pm

Same here.
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Re: So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby S. Griffin » Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:46 pm

New 52 Secret Six hits the racks December 3
So far the only members of the new Six revealed are Catman and Black Alice. Things could certainly change, but it seems Thomas Blake is the only member of the Core Four who's going to be part of the team in the new book; Deadshot's still firmly on the Suicide Squad as far as I know (I can't imagine Sean Ryan and Dan Didio would be okay with him changing teams, especially since there's just been a bit of a shakeup), but Ragdoll's just made his New 52 debut, and there's still absolutely no word about Scandal Savage. Secret Six is Gail Simone's book and I trust her implicitly, but I just can't imagine the Six without Doll and Scandal. Here's hoping they show up.
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Re: So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby Skullmaster » Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:06 pm

TY for that article, Griff. Also glad that Gail is taking the helm with this thing...

So guys I haven't read a damn thing since the #0 issues... but with Secret Six coming back and being a total pre-New 52 Secret Six fanboy, I might give it another go. Question. Is there anything I should read to prep me for the launch to give me some context? Are Thomas Blake and Black Alice already prominently featured in anything else or should I just dive right into this? I know it's hard to tell before Secret Six hits the racks but just curious if anyone has any suggestions. Been thinking of NEW Suicide Squad as well. I feel pretty out of the loop with the new stuff and don't even know where to begin...
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Re: So Secret Six is coming back!

Postby S. Griffin » Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:12 pm

From what I've read, I am 99% sure that Secret Six is [READ: will be] the first appearance of both Catman and Black Alice first appearance(s) in the NUniverse.
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