by secondwhiteline » Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:14 am
Seriously, wouldn't a more appropriate end to the line be a wave or pack with some of the missing figures? Naked Cheetah, all-gold Dr. Fate, modern Red Tornado...Maybe even a hard-to-find exclusive like Lightray thrown in, an easy retool like a Scarecrow based on the Wave 17 one, and a classic, light blue Superman to round it out.
Is there anyone who really wants Hal Jordler? Or gold Superman? If they really wanted an unmade Super Powers Superman, why not that boss one with the Kryptonite chains? It's cool that they're doing proper Super Powers versions of Supes, Wonder Woman, and Batman, but it seems like those would've been nice to anchor some DCUC waves when the line was still going. The line was already surprisingly sparse on SuperBat characters, thanks to many of them getting made in DCSH. Really could've used the star power when the line was at its peak, and taking chances on anchoring waves with Alan Scott and Mary Marvel.