Late to the party and new to these. . . I have to say, so far in my growing collection of them, I don't really think they suck. Yeah sure some of them have very poor articulation (the females especially, gotta really feel bad for them and their extremely limited arm movement) but otherwise, considering they're only 3.75" they're pretty nice, from what I've known so far. I'm, to be honest, building up a collection of the Infinite Heroes dudes and fingers crossed, won't end up with issues like unintentional dismemberment.
As for the sculpting on females, I only have Wonder Woman so far (expecting more gals on the way) and am actually pretty impressed with her sculpting job.
Paint job too. For that little face, they did a darn good job of not messing up the lines. And yeah, sure, her articulation is pretty poor but I still think that Infinite Heroes in general did a spectacular job at offering a wide diversity of characters that not even the 6" DCUC figures offer. (I wish they did!)
Also, even though Wonder Woman, Black Canary, etc are lacking - The later figures were definitely not lacking. I'm actually socked, for their size, what some of them can do. Booster Gold her has knees that swivel along with all the other standard good movements (shoulders that move and spread, wrists rotate, feet mode, body moves both at chest and at waist, etc)
Anyway, before I carry on too much blabber about my opinion in articulation, I think there needs to be more photos of Infinite Heroes figures, so, here's the OMAC Attack set.
To me, Lord Maxwell looks kind of innocent in the face but otherwise has a nice body. Legs are lacking in the movement department but I'm not really complaining. Superman for me has red eyes and huge hulk hands and that's all I could possibly gripe about, no serious biggie though. Infinite Heroes has other Superman variants I want to get my hands on that were vastly improved. I just can't get over Booster Gold though. And he's not the only one who's, in my opinion, pretty amazing for a tiny figure. There's plenty more, I just don't have photos of them yet, haha!
Also, Lord Maxwell for context / reference.
He looks like he never did anything wrong. Just look at those eyes.