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DC Multiverse

Mattel got its feet wet in the 3.75" market with Infinite Heroes initially with figures inspired by the Crisis on Infinite Earths cross-over, later adding figures from Public Enemies, modern Teen Titans and more. Fast forward to 2013, they're going to try their hand at 3.75" again. This time promising a much higher quality product in the DC Multiverse Toyline!

Re: DC Multiverse

Postby Webslinger » Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:41 am

Really what the hell is the deal with the 5 PoA?!!! did we suddenly get swept back in time to the early 80's?!?! Marvel Universe can make fully posable figures for 9.99 but Mattel can't? Even with the horrible articulation I am forced buy the Burton Batman, Catwoman and Penguin figures as well as the Reeve Superman and Stamp Zod just because it's them and that's the only reason. I can easily pass on the video game crap.
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Re: DC Multiverse

Postby Barbecue17 » Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:39 am

If anyone wants a more in-depth look at one of these guys, I reviewed Mr. Freeze here:

I really like him. I saw the rest of these guys at TRU yesterday, but couldn't bring myself to pick up Batman, Bane, and Deadshot. They were only 8.99 though, which is less than most other places.

Webslinger wrote:Really what the hell is the deal with the 5 PoA?!!! did we suddenly get swept back in time to the early 80's?!?! Marvel Universe can make fully posable figures for 9.99 but Mattel can't? Even with the horrible articulation I am forced buy the Burton Batman, Catwoman and Penguin figures as well as the Reeve Superman and Stamp Zod just because it's them and that's the only reason. I can easily pass on the video game crap.

These guys do not have 5 POA. Mr. Freeze might be the least articulated of any of them and he still has hinged knees, swivel thighs, h-hinged hips, a swivel torso, swivel/hinge shoulders, hinged elbows, and swivel wrists. He's not a G.I. Joe, but he's probably as well articulated as some DC Collectibles stuff.
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Re: DC Multiverse

Postby Avalon » Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:49 pm

Some of the POA is just well concealed. Definitely decent POA for what it is. Not quite MU articulation but definitely up there with DCD/DCC average. :mogrin:
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Re: DC Multiverse

Postby Princess_Amethyst » Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:53 pm

Looks like I'm going to have to order these. I haven't seen any at my local stores yet at all. As usual, we'll probably be the last to get anything.
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Re: DC Multiverse

Postby Anarky » Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:18 am

Princess_Amethyst wrote:Looks like I'm going to have to order these. I haven't seen any at my local stores yet at all. As usual, we'll probably be the last to get anything.

If you're talking about the Arkham ones, I got them in but I'm waiting for what I see at toyfair before I open them.
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Re: DC Multiverse

Postby SubsonicJoint » Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:01 am

I picked up all of them cause I'll regret it like I did with DC Infinite series, That said, I hate the Video game design of Batman and I know everyone seemed to say he (other than maybe Deadshot) was the worst of the bunch; so I switched out the Dc Infinite Heroes Batman head with his and it looks better though not that much better at least a little more comic accurate.
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Re: DC Multiverse

Postby Skullmaster » Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:12 am

SubsonicJoint wrote:I picked up all of them cause I'll regret it like I did with DC Infinite series, That said, I hate the Video game design of Batman and I know everyone seemed to say he (other than maybe Deadshot) was the worst of the bunch; so I switched out the Dc Infinite Heroes Batman head with his and it looks better though not that much better at least a little more comic accurate.

Hey SSJ, got a pic of that? I'm interested in seeing what that looks like. :batgrin:
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Re: DC Multiverse

Postby Barbecue17 » Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:47 am

I picked up the Penguin recently and reviewed him over at my site:

I'm not the biggest fan of this line as a whole but I can gladly say that the Penguin came out almost perfectly. He really is a very amazing sculpt with excellent paintwork. Kudos to Mattel!
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Re: DC Multiverse

Postby Tango X » Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:44 pm

Thanks for reviewing this BBQ. I agree that Penguin looks really cool. I have a lot of the DCIH guys and Penguin and Riddler were omitted so I'm probably going to use it as a stand in if it scales ok. Still getting it either way.
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Re: DC Multiverse

Postby Idiot Savant » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:42 pm

Finally found the Penguin, Supes, Catwoman and Keaton-faced Bats....

The Penguin is by far the best figure in these 2 lines hands down! Such quality in all areas that it hurts to stand him next to the rest of them...I mean they even have sculpting details on his hat; unreal.

Aaaaand then there's the rest of them....Supes is decent overall with a good Chris Reeve likeness, but the "S" is too large and his entire pelvis is too big and I really wish they went with a fabric cape like Bats. Also wish they would've given him better articulation but oh well..also wish Supes would've come with a Kryptonite accessory or something

Selina Kyle is pretty good as well and the one I bought has better paint apps than the other Kmart had, the details are good and she comes with a whip

As for the mask less Keaton...(sigh) could've been so much better. I only bought it cuz it's the only time I've seen him and as far as I've seen with available pictures, this is one of the better looking ones in regards to paint apps and not-so-cross-eyed ridiculous face...otherwise it's the same as the masked bat
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