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Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Oct 21, 2024 8:50 pm

Those always make me think of Beetlejuice.

Not like today's Monster of the Day which these days would probably fit right in on the streets of San Francisco and nobody would even bat an eye.


On Saturday, November 8, 1958, one Charles Wetzel was near Riverside, California when he encountered a strange bipedal, reptilian-like creature. He was driving on North Main Street and had arrived at the Santa Ana River which had overflowed its banks when his radio station suddenly went out. Then a six-foot-tall creature with scaly skin, no nose, no ears, florescent eyes, and a beak-like mouth emerged and attacked Wetzel’s car. Wetzel later described it as having a “round, scarecrow-ish head like something out of Halloween”.


It was further described as having scaley, leaf-like skin, two long spindly arms, and its legs grew out of its side instead of from underneath its torso. As the lanky cryptid clawed at his windshield and screeched, Wetzel reached for a .22 caliber pistol he kept under the seat. Quickly changing his mind about opening the window or shooting through the one thing that separated him from the monster, he floored it. The thing tumbled off the hood to the ground. Not caring what the thing was, or particularly concerned for its safety, Wetzel ran it over. He felt the scraping underneath and heard more screaming and gurgling from the creature. He hightailed it to the nearest Riverside Police station.

Police tests would reveal that something had indeed rubbed against the underside of his car, but police dogs later brought to the area found nothing. Although the next night, another motorist was frightened by something not far from the site of the attack and reported to the police that something dark had attacked him near the area. But the only real evidence of the creature’s existence was the clawed windshield of Charles Wetzel’s car. Since then, except for the 1970s discovery of Bigfoot tracks in the area, the location has been relatively quiet.


The case is even more bizarre when one considers that on July 28th of the same year, another Charles Wetzel encountered what appeared to be a six-foot-tall brown kangaroo in Nebraska. This Wetzel wasn’t the only one who saw such a creature in the area.

Recently, there have been reports of the hideous, scaley, horrifying creature reappearing but that turned out to just be Nancy Pelosi returning home while Congress was in recess, understandable mistake.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 22, 2024 10:24 am

Oh Pelosi :x I don't know if the Sandworms in Beetlejuice from Saturn & Limbo were an inspiration of The Mongolian Deathworms or not but I know the Graboids are. Since The Sandworms are basically aliens, that might explain something there perhaps a cryptic connection of sorts :shock:


Gosh another Reptilian/Lizard Man...awesome :!:

Okay, today's Monster of the Day is a double feature/2 in 1. First here's Cadborosaurus aka Caddy from Cadboro Bay in Greater Victoria, British Columbia :!:


Here's this video of the creature.

Here's a sighting of the lake from 2009, 15 years ago this year :shock:

Now, we're going to Slocan Lake in British Columbia...


Is the Slocanosaurus one in the same as Caddy, a cousin specie or something different :?:

As proof of unknown lake monsters, this boat Captain filmed this is North Carolina last year :o

So what is your thoughts about Caddy & Slocanosaurus? Are they same species and traveling around in two different lakes that is connected via cave systems :?: What was the creature in North Carolina as well :?:
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 22, 2024 9:08 pm

There's so many lake monsters that I've been avoiding them. Really with all these creatures, the locations may change but the similarities are hard to ignore. Like Big Foot, there's so many similar descriptions from various places it's hard to pick one.

Speaking of water monsters, let's go down the river for today's Monster of the Day!


****, also known as the Water Monster of the Missouri River, is a terrifying hairy beast that supposedly travels the Missouri River in central North Dakota. The **** is said to be 7-8 feet tall, has tough bison-like hide and fur, has a single eye and a single bison horn set above this eye (but it doesn't fly nor is it purple) but it'd sure look strange to me, elk-like hooves, human hands, and a jagged and spiny backbone.


The earliest known references to the **** in North Dakota culture come from tales predating even European settlements in North America, but the beast’s first appearance in actual media stems from a brief description of a Dakota plains myth written by author Melvin Randolph Gilmore, the former curator for the ND State Historical Society and a renowned cultural anthropologist. In 1921, Gilmore wrote this statement regarding the myth:

"It is said that in the long ago, there was a mysterious being within the stream of the Missouri River. It was seldom seen by human beings, and was most dreadful to see. It is said that sometimes it was seen within the water in the middle of the stream, causing a redness shining like the redness of fire as it passed up the stream against the current with a terrific roaring sound. And they say that if this dreadful being was seen by anyone in the daytime anyone who thus saw it soon after became crazy and continued restless and writhing as though in pain until he was relieved by death. And it is said that one time not a very great many years ago this frightful being was seen by a man, and he told how it appeared. He said that it was of strange form and covered all over with hair like a buffalo, but red in color; that it had only one eye in the middle of its forehead, and above that a single horn. Its backbone stood out notched and jagged like an enormous saw. As soon as the man beheld the awful sight everything became dark to him, he said. He was just able to reach home, but he lost his reason and soon after that he died."

Gilmore continued, "It is said this mysterious “****” (water monster) still lives in the Missouri River, and that in springtime, as it moves up-stream against the current it breaks up the ice of the river. This water monster was held in awe and dread by the people."


The **** is reportedly so horrific in itself that just looking at it will shatter anyone’s mind and darken one’s vision, rendering them blind and mad before dying an agonizing death — and according to some stories, looking in its eye is even worse, and will freeze you in perpetual fear for the remainder of your short, crazy existence. Even if you don’t look at it, you won’t escape an encounter unscathed: the bellow the creature supposedly lets out when surfacing would also deafen those nearby who happened to hear it. The man who encountered the beast and relayed its existence to the tribes, according to legend, barely made it home and described the beast before passing away. Despite all the intimidation, it does serve a purpose as well: in the springtime, the **** used its massive strength to shatter the ice across the Missouri River, leaving it once again open to fishing and travel. This led to the beast being both feared and surprisingly respected by the Dakota tribes.
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:05 am

Yes, there is a ton of them so that's means more to cover and that's why I was saying, are these the same species just in different areas :?: Okay, no Monster of the Day since you posted this. You know I'm a Missourian ;) First off, the Miniwash!tu is one of the many Cryptids of Missouri. We have a lot here. I've never come to a conclusion of what it is/was. As I explained earlier how it's very possible that Unicorns may have existed of because Cetartiodactyla Tree, it really wouldn't surprise Me if a Bison would have a single horn either. However, the Cyclops eye feature is more puzzling. If they existed, I believe they were only in Europe. Many creatures in media has been sported with only 1 eye so I cannot say for sure. It may have been injured or deformed but if there were many individuals seen like this then that is totally a different story :shock:

Now, as for The Missouri River, it's one of largest Rivers in the country and is connected to the Mississippi River that formed millions of years ago. This leads down to the Gulf of Mexico to up near Canada. Here's a picture of how beautiful the whole region is :)


Within these rivers many animals has been seen from down South that isn't supposed to be there such as Bull Shark and Great White Shark :o If any creature from the South that can adapt like them two big Sharks can then I don't see why Cryptids couldn't either. Now, those pictures & video is great but that doesn't allow anybody that isn't familiar with the great Missouri River to appreciate it. Here's this video, I've watched this many times for a few years now. These guys got really lucky and hooked something monstrous. Many people says it's just a big Sturgeon. Everybody always poo-poos that stuff away...I don't believe that for one second. You never see what the heck this...see what you think this is as you watch this :blaq:

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:47 pm

I wouldn't be surprised if, as some has theorized, that there are tunnels deep in waters we can't reach that link some of these places and the creatures are the same animal. It's not out of the realm of possibility. I don't know what that thing is underwater, but it's hard to believe it's a fish because I would expect it to take off at the first sign of man. But I don't know.

We're going to go across the pond for today's Monster of the Day.


The Black Shuck is a cryptid from English folklore. English lore describes the Black Shuck as a large, shaggy, fierce-looking black dog with glowing eyes. Some accounts portray it as a flesh-and-blood hound. Others suggest it is a ghostly apparition skulking in the dark at graveyards, churchyards, and other lonely or deserted places.


The mythical beast is considered native to East Anglia n the UK. Folktales, legends, and alleged sightings of the cryptid are historically associated with the East Anglian counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and Essex.
Written accounts about devil dogs go back to the 1100s. However, the earliest recorded incident of a Shuck allegedly terrorizing communities in East Anglia dates back to the 1500s. The most common portrayal of the Black Shuck is a black dog-like beast or a ghostly apparition that may reach the size of a horse.

One of the most notable reports of Black Shuck is of his appearance at the churches of Bungay and Blythburgh in Suffolk. On 4 August 1577, at Blythburgh, Black Shuck is said to have burst in through the doors of Holy Trinity Church to a clap of thunder. He ran up the nave, past a large congregation, killing a man and boy and causing the church steeple to collapse through the roof. As the dog left, he left scorch marks on the north door which can be seen at the church to this day. The encounter on the same day at St Mary's Church, Bungay was described in A Straunge and Terrible Wunder by Abraham Fleming in 1577


According to one description published in 1901 said:

“He takes the form of a huge black dog, and prowls along dark lanes and lonesome field footpaths, where, although his howling makes the hearer’s blood run cold, his footfalls make no sound… . But such an encounter might bring you the worst of luck: it is even said that to meet him is to be warned that your death will occur before the end of the year. So you will do well to shut your eyes if you hear him howling; shut them even if you are uncertain whether it is the dog fiend or the voice of the wind you hear.”


As for accounts of more recent Black Shuck sightings, one man in 1905 claimed that a black dog turned into a donkey and then vanished a few heartbeats later. One four-year-old girl during World War II encountered a large black dog that walked from her window, around her bed, made eye contact with those famous red eyes and then vanished before reaching the door. She didn’t sleep well that night.

News of a giant dog skeleton unearthed near an abbey in Leiston (south of Bungay in Suffolk) in 2013 gave the legend of the Black Shuck new life in the present day. The skeleton was reported to belong to a seven-foot, 200-pound male dog, per the Daily Mail. Nevertheless, experts believe it was simply a Great Dane, one of the largest dog breeds in the world.


But shucks, who's to say they're right?

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Oct 24, 2024 11:18 am

Yes, I believe there is tunnels and/or cave systems that connect I mean that's another reason why their hidden too. Yep, I think your you be correct t that's not a fish which begs the question once more...what was it :?:

Ah, The Black Shuck, I know that one. He's extremely scary :o Of course they poo-poo away about the Skeleton :roll: Good you posted that one Packer :)

Today's Monster of the Day is Sam Harris aka The Northfield Pig Man :o


He's been in Vermont with sightings since at least 1951.


Sam Harris is described being covered with white hair wearing the face of a Pig. Is the Pigman actually Sam Harris, perhaps the monster that ate Sam Harris or could this be some kind of cannibalistic Sasquatch :?: Here's this video :blaq:

So, is this a real-life Bebop or something else :?:


I may revisit him one day because he has a possible cousin out there :o
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Oct 24, 2024 8:40 pm

That's an odd story. There are actually a few Pigmen throughout the US and not all of them are in a political office! In fact, there's a local Pigman I was going to do sometime this year, and that time appears to be now. But this is a different kind of Pigman, and his story begins almost 100 years before he was said to haunt these woods of Angola, NY.


On the morning of December 18, 1867, the New York Express left Cleveland's Union Depot at 6:40 a.m. and was due to arrive in Buffalo, New York, at 1:30 p.m. John D. Rockefeller planned to make the journey, but arrived a few minutes late. His baggage made it onto the train; he did not. That day the train consisted of four baggage cars, one second-class car and three first-class cars. Each wooden passenger car had a pot-bellied stove at each end to provide heat, and kerosene lamps for light. The train lost time on the journey. By the time it passed Angola, it was running two hours and forty-five minutes late, traveling rapidly to try to make up lost time.


As the train neared the truss bridge over Big Sister Creek just east of Angola at 3:11, it ran over a frog (the crossing point of two rails). The front axle of the rear car was slightly bent, and the frog caused a wheel on the defective axle to jump off the track, derailing the rear car, which then swayed violently from side to side. The last car uncoupled from the train and plunged down into the icy gorge. The second-to-last car also derailed but made it to the other side of the gorge. Only one person was killed in this car while.the last car plunged 40 feet down the ice-covered slope to the gully bottom and came to a rest with a fearful crash. The passengers were thrown together at the end of the car onto the overturned stove. The stove from the other end of the car fell upon them and released hot coals. The carriage immediately caught fire, the fuel from the kerosene lamps fueling the flames. Only two people escaped alive from the carriage; some may have suffocated, but the majority were burned alive. Witnesses spoke of hearing the screams of those trapped inside lasting for five minutes.


The closest road to access the accident was Holland Road, but in more recent years its been called Pigman Road. Pigman Road, in Angola, New York is known locally as a place of tragedy and despair. Many claim that the spirits of those who died there still roam the area, especially the Pigman Road Bridge. Holland Road gained its nickname, Pigman Road, from the legend of a local butcher who would place the heads of pigs on stakes along the street in the 1950s and 1960s to frighten trespassers. Legend has it that the same butcher shot a man and killed him then hung his body on a meat hook in his shop. In another local story it is said that the Pigman captured and murdered five young boys, cut their heads off and placed them on stakes along the bridge. The story goes that the Pigman was busy one evening working on some pig carcasses when some schoolboys started hanging around in the bushes outside his home watching and giggling to themselves. This location was even featured in the first episode of Hometown Horror on the Travel Channel in 2019 though sadly nothing of that episode was on YouTube.


Pigman was enraged by the presence of the boys and killed them, placing their heads on stakes outside his property as a warning to anyone else who wanted to bother him. Locals believe the spirits of these victims still haunt the area surrounding Pigman road and their cries and screams of pain can still be heard on otherwise quiet evenings. And on some nights you can hear the squeals of the Pigman searching for his next victims.


One day, a student from a nearby town decided to visit the haunted site. He went with a girl friend, hoping to impress her with his bravery. When they reached the bridge with a graffiti painted warning reading “Pigman raped me here,” they got out of the car and started walking the train tracks. Suddenly, they heard squealing noises, like those of a hungry pig, and turned around to find the cause of the sound. Except there was no one there, but they could hear the squealing still, so they ran for their car and sped away as fast as possible.


“Pigman is more than just a ghost,” the student later said, “Pigman is real.”

Angola, NY is only about 15 minutes from me. We live just south of West Seneca on this map and Angola is the red star. I've driven through it many times on my way to the Seneca Nation gas stations just before Silver Creek where the fuel on their sovereign land is usually anywhere between $.30 to $1.00 cheaper because they do not have to charge state and county taxes, so it's often worth the drive to save money. Once at the height of covid, gas there was $.87 a gallon for a couple days! Today it's about $2.85 while local stations are closer to $3.30.


But I've never gone in search of Pigman Road. Perhaps someday.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Oct 25, 2024 11:57 am

Wow, it's so amazing about these Pigmen :shock: Okay, I wanna continue about Dogmen :shock:


This video is incredible as is tells that Dogmen & Sasquatch encounter each other :o

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Oct 25, 2024 8:04 pm

I think Dogmen are scarier than Bigfoot, though both would probably be terrifying to run across alone. If I'm going to meet a hairy creature, I'd rather it be something more like today's Monster of the Day!


In the first couple of weeks of April 1971, residents of the Mobile Alabama suburbs of Port City and Plateau had encounters with a strange and bizarre creature. The half wolf, half woman creature so frightened the citizens of Mobile that people began calling The Mobile Register to report the sightings.


Witnesses described the creature as “pretty and hairy,” and “the top half was a woman and the bottom was a wolf. After the initial report in the Mobile Register, the newspaper received over 50 calls of encounters and sightings over the following week. Citizens were chased by the creature, stalked, and saw it roaming in their backyards. Witnesses described it as having the upper body of a beautiful woman and the back quarters of a wolf, and that it ran on all fours, as a wolf would. Most of the sightings took place at night by terrified witnesses.

For 10 days, reports persisted of sighting of the Wolf Woman of Alabama, as she became known. And then just as quickly as she first appeared, she disappeared never to be seen again.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Oct 26, 2024 7:21 am

Don't forget I posted in My Cryptozoology Topic that I encountered one back on the First Day of Spring of 2009, it was an extremely memorable day for Me. It was 15 years ago this year :!:

Today's Monster is The Kinnula Humanoid :blsm:


Was this an extraterestrial in Finland from the 1970s :blmm:

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