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Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Oct 11, 2024 7:59 pm

G'day and crikey! Big Foot with a pouch would be something.

Today's Monster of the Day takes us to back to West Virginia where strange things always seem afoot. I've been in the state several times now and there's so many mountains, caves, and wooded areas that I'm sure there could be lots of unknown creatures in that state. Like...


At 7:15 p.m., on September 12, 1952, two brothers, Edward and Fred May, and their friend Tommy Hyer, said that they saw a bright object cross the sky and land on the property of local farmer G. Bailey Fisher. The boys went to the home of Kathleen May, where they told their story. May, accompanied by the three boys, local children Neil Nunley and Ronnie Shaver, and West Virginia National Guardsman Eugene Lemon, went to the Fisher farm in an effort to locate whatever it was that the boys had said they had seen. The group reached the top of a hill, where Nunley said they saw a pulsing red light. Lemon said he aimed a flashlight in that direction and momentarily saw a tall "man-like figure with a round, red face surrounded by a pointed, hood-like shape".


Descriptions varied. UFO writer Gray Barker described the figure as approximately 10 feet (3 m) tall, with a round blood-red face, a large pointed "hood-like shape" around the face, eye-like shapes which emitted greenish-orange light, and a dark black or green body. May described the figure as having "small, claw-like hands", clothing-like folds,[4] and "a head that resembled the ace of spades". According to the story, when the figure made a hissing sound and "glided toward the group", Lemon screamed and dropped his flashlight, causing the group to run away. The group said they had smelled a "pungent mist" and some later said they were nauseated. The local sheriff and a deputy had been investigating reports of a crashed aircraft in the area. They searched the site of the reported monster but "saw, heard and smelled nothing". According to Barker's account, the next day, A. Lee Stewart Jr. of the Braxton Democrat claimed to have discovered "skid marks" in the field and an "odd, gummy deposit" which were subsequently attributed by UFO enthusiast groups as evidence of a "saucer" landing.

Officials in Flatwoods erected a welcome sign which designated the town as "Home of the Green Monster".[4] The town also commemorates the legend in its annual "Flatwoods Days" festival. Located in the town of Sutton, the Braxton County seat, is the Flatwoods Monster Museum, which is dedicated to the legend. The Braxton County Convention and Visitor's Bureau also built a series of five tall chairs in the shape of the monster to serve as landmarks and visitor attractions.


“Those people were the most scared people I’ve ever seen,” said local newspaper publisher A. Lee Stewart, in that 1952 news story. Stewart himself had marched up that hill with a shotgun after witnesses told what they saw. “People don’t make up that kind of story that quickly,” Stewart said then.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:56 am

Yes it would. Oh I'm very familiar with The Flatwoods Monster. I've known that story for well over a decade now and seen many documentaries of it. I truly believe this story. It's very cool seeing somebody actually posting about it however Packer :)

Today we're going to learn about the ABCs...


no not the Alphabet...Alien Big Cats....


no no no, not Alien as in the movie or Extraterrestrials...ABC - Alien Big Cats that has been haunting the U.K. & Great Britain for decades upon decades :shock: This is one of Cryptozology's biggest entries and mysteries. The U.K. doesn't have Big Cats like Africa & Asia and The Americas. I've known this for a very long time and I don't think it's escaped animals from Zoos or that were pets. There's something else going on here. Here's two recent sightings :o

Here's this Video :blbat:

So what is your thoughts about Britain's ABCs. Alien Big Cats :?: Are they escaped Big Cats, new species or something else entirely :?:
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:21 pm

I'm going to think they're probably smuggled in pets that were let loose for some reason. Seems the most plausible. Strange, though.

Today's Monster takes us way down south...


Over the past few years, rumors have circulated in Japan about the existence of arctic Humanoid Lifeforms inhabiting the icy waters of the Antarctic. Reportedly observed on multiple occasions by crew members of government-operated "whale research" ships, these so-called "Ningen (人間, "Ningen", meaning "human") are said to be completely white in color with an estimated length of 20 to 30 meters. Eyewitnesses describe them having a human-like shape, often with legs, arms, and even five-fingered hands. The only visible or identifiable facial features are the eyes and mouth.


MU magazine, a Japanese publication devoted to the study of paranormal phenomena, contained an article about the "Antarctic Humans" in a 2007 edition. The article speculated on the possibility of unidentified creatures inhabiting the southern seas, and it included a Google Earth screenshot showing what looks like a Ningen in the South Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Namibia. To date, no solid evidence has been presented to confirm the existence of the Ningen. The government is believed to have kept detailed records of the sightings, but they have released no information to the public and have reportedly instructed eyewitnesses to remain silent.


Ningen sightings seem to occur most frequently at night, making them all the more difficult to photograph. In still images, the sea cryptids mostly just look like ice, though it is said that their smooth, human-like skin can be seen when the photographs are enlarged. In any case, no convincing photographs have been made public either because they do not exist or because, as some argue, the government does not want to invite undue scrutiny and tarnish the scientific reputation of the whale research program.

It's said that so little evidence exists about the ningen because it would be expensive for a private expedition to search for them in the artic and that the Japanese government is openly suppressing any information about the creatures. So it's hard to say if there is truth to their eixtence or if it's really just a whale of a tale.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Oct 13, 2024 5:47 am

You could be right but you just never know PB. I knew very little of the Ningen until now :o Amazing from Africa. That whole region has a ton of Cryptids. It might be a hybrid or a species from a bygone era or even Hollow Earth. If their suppressing the info and won't comment on it then it sounds suspicious to Me :o This reminds Me of a Cryptid that I found about in 2010 called TRUNKO :!:


This mysterious whale-like creature was seen in 1925 battling two Ocras/Killer Whales that became a Globster :shock:


Here's this video as he tells all. After that I'll say what I thought it was :blbat:

So, what do I think this was :?: I think it was newly evolved specie. Whales & Elephants are cousins and not that distant so that explains the trunk. Narwhals are related bovines & equines too so that explain the fur and stuff so it's really not that had for Me to see how how Unicorns did or could exist since many of these animals have the same genes. Here's a chart of the superfamily of Cetartiodactyla what I mean :)


Wait until you see the one I have for tomorrow :o
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Oct 13, 2024 6:47 pm

They sound pretty similar. Could just be different reports of the same creature.

But no one would confuse either with today's Monster of the Day....


If you travel along the banks of the Musconetcong river in New Jersey, USA, at night, you might stumble across the Mantis Man. There have been three reported sightings of the Mantis Man near Hackettstown, New Jersey. Each witness reported seeing a creature that resembled a humanoid praying mantis, between six and seven feet tall, in the Musconetcong river. They described it as having mandibles and intense black eyes.


"I saw something strange a few weeks ago on the Musconetcong River near my home here in Hackettstown, New Jersey. I was driving home from the drug store on Newburgh Rd. As I drove near the bridge over the river, I noticed to my left something (I thought a fisherman) standing in the river just off the south bank. I slowed the car and looked closer. It wasn't a person and it was transparent-like with a weird shape. It moved slowly towards the bank and into the trees. I drove further so I could see it coming out of the trees. That's the last I saw of it. It was tall, 8 ft. or so and had long thin arms hanging off of it. The color was a pale brown, but I could see through it! The head was small compared to the body. It was sunny that day so I thought it may be glare from the water, but after I thought back I realized I wasn't seeing a mirage or glare. I checked the internet and didn't see anything about it. I mentioned it to a co-worker in my office at lunch on Wednesday. He gave me the strangest look. I thought 'uh-oh' he thinks I'm nuts. We went back to his computer and he brought up the Hackettstown forum with the mantis man witness."

There are three dominant theories for the existence of the Mantis Man. The first is that it is an undiscovered species, similar to Bigfoot. The main issue with this theory is that our atmosphere cannot sustain a praying mantis-like creature of this size. However, some sources indicate that it could be an aquatic or amphibian-like creature that only resembles a praying mantis. The second theory is that Mantis Man is the result of an experiment gone wrong. It could have been created from a mutation during a breeding program and those responsible could not control it, leading to its escape or release by the Musconetcong river. The third and final theory is that Mantis Man is an alien, which would explain the odd feelings witnesses experienced and its apparent camouflage abilities.

So be careful in New Jersey, not just because of the cryptids but because it's New Jersey and the people from New Jersey are, well, people from New Jersey.


But if you're in that awful state for some reason, and you find yourself face to mandible with the Mantis Man, it might just be you who are the one praying.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:22 am

That could be the case :o Oh boy The Mantis Man. Good entry PB :) He's either one of two things. A giant evolved insect like in the Mimic films or he's an Insectoid Mantid Extraterrestrial :blmm: Take your pick. You couldn't pay Me enough to go to New Jersey :!:

Okay, today's monster of the day is the Tuunbaq of Inuit Mythology :o


The Goddess Sedna created this spirit & flesh monstrosity :blww:


First, here is this video :shock:

Now, back to the Tuunbaq :!:


Now, I don't know if you watched the TV show or know about it called THE TERROR that aired on AMC in 2018 :?:


This is based on real events :o


This was a great TV show and was a big one that Me, My Grandma & Mom all anticipated watching. It was incredible. Here's this trailer :blbat:

Okay, now if you never seen this show, SPOILERS are ahead. Here's a great video telling you the origins.

Now, here is all of the scenes in 2018's The Terror of The Tuunbaq that is very gruesome :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:

That creature is so awesome. So, did you know this about The Tuunbaq or is this all new too you and do you believe something like this existed or could exist now :?:

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:59 pm

No, I can't say I'm familiar with the beast of that show. The title sounds vaguely familiar but I don't think I ever knew what it was about. It certainly was very violent in it's horror. It looked interesting to be sure.

Coincidentally, I was planning on leaving the country for today's Monster of the Day, but I was heading someplace a little warmer.


Dr. Ernest Bartels, who is the son of noted ornithologist M.E.G. Bartel was exploring the forests of Java, Indonesia in 1925. As he neared the slopes of a waterfall in Salak Mountain, he saw a giant unknown bat creature fly directly above his head. He didn't have an explanation as to what he saw until 2 years later. In 1927 Dr. Bartels returned to the forests of Java. At around 11:30 PM as he lay on his bed in his house near the Tijidjenkol River, he heard a sound that was different from any kind of bird he had ever heard. Directly over the roof of his hut, he heard a loud cry that seemed to utter the words “A HOOL” with which the monster was named after.


The Ahool is said to look like the mix of a giant bat and a chimpanzee with large dark eyes, red skinned wings, large claws on its forearms, with a giant wingspan of 18 to 28 feet. Said to prey on fish that live in the rivers inside the forest, it has occasionally been reported to attack larger prey and in some cases, even humans.

In addition to the rainforests, the Ahool is also said to inhabit caves in the mountainous regions of Indonesia. These caves provide the perfect habitat for the creature, as they offer protection from predators and a constant supply of food. Some reports suggest that the Ahool may even use the caves as a breeding ground, although this has yet to be confirmed. Overall, the geographic range of the Ahool is believed to be limited to the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. While there have been reports of similar creatures in other parts of the world, these have yet to be substantiated. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the legend of the Ahool continues to fascinate and intrigue people around the world.

I've no intention of ever traveling to Indonesia. But if I were and I heard "AHOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!", I'd be sure to get out of there like a...


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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 15, 2024 6:46 am

Oh yes it was a fantastic show. When shows are on like this, it's can't miss for Us. Whenever you have a chance to see it from beginning to end, I highly recommend it :) Oh I'm extremely familiar with the Ahool. It's truly a remarkable Cryptid and it may even be DC's inspiration for Man-Bat :blbat:

Okay, you know about Cryptozoology, well there's also Crytpobotamy as well which studies hidden Plants/Flora. Here's this video to show you a lot of the known ones :shock:

I will continue this in time with more Cryptic Killer Plants :batshock: :wwsmh: :smgasp:
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 15, 2024 9:36 pm

The only man-eating plant I know of was not of this world. And the old man sold it for $1.95!

I actually looked at a couple for possible Monsters of the Day, but today we're going to head down to Flair Country, to place where Kenny Omega calls home, to ....NORTH CAROOOOOOOOOOOLINA!


The story begins in Bladen County in the town of Clarkton. On December 29, 1953 a local woman heard her neighbors' dogs barking and whimpering. When she went out to investigate, she saw a large, cat-like creature skulk off into the darkness. That was the first sighting of The Beast of Bladenboro. Two days later, the creature would strike. On New Year's Eve, Bladenboro Police Chief Roy Fores was called out to the farm of Woody Storm. Two of Storm's dogs had been killed by something large and powerful. The poor dog's bodies had been completely drained of blood.


More reports started coming in. D.G. Pait said he watched from his service station as a dog was attacked by a large creature and dragged into the woods. Chief Fores was inundated with reports of dogs being attacked from across the county. People said they saw an animal "like a bear or a panther" that was "three feet long, twenty inches high, with a long tail and a cat's face."


Others reported hearing the creature's scream coming from the swamps near the town, saying it sounded "like a woman with a knife stuck in her back." On January 1, the bodies of two more dogs were discovered. These, too, had been drained of blood.

Then on January 5th the Beast sought larger game...


A group of hunters from Wilmington spent that night tracking the creature for three miles (4.8 km) around swampland. According to them, the tracks showed claws at least an inch long and indicated an 80-to-90-pound animal. The beast's circling movement suggested it might have had offspring or a mate nearby, the hunters said.

Many reported accounts describe the Beast of Bladenboro as feline, but do not agree on any one species. The animal has been described as "resembling either a bear or a panther."

What was the beast? What exactly it was that killed those dogs will never be known. But dogs disappearing or being killed in a rural community isn't all that rare of an occurrence. A fabulous story about a vampire killing dogs that thousands of people across the nation become engrossed with definitely happens much less often. But the events of 1954 have taken on a mythical slant for the small town which holds a Beast Fest to this day.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 16, 2024 4:02 am

Oh brother :roll: :roll: :batshock: :wwlol: :smlol:

I know a bit of the Beast of Bladenboro a bit but not everything that you posted. Another good one Packer. This reminds Me of the Beast of Bray Road :shock:


Linda S. Godfrey is the first one that broke the story of this and made it public with all of the sightings in Wisconsin of this Werewolf or Dogman many, many years ago.


The Dogman Cryptid is really getting a ton of attention online especially YT over the last few years. I have seen a ton of videos with so many sightings and many theories of what this beast/species is. There's gotta something out there as there is way too many sightings and it just isn't Wisconsin anymore, it's all over the States now. I do think there's a connection with all of the Dogmen with the Bray Road Beast, I think their all the same thing or maybe even cousin species. More on this later. Here's this video of The Beast of Bray Road :blaq:

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