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Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:12 am

That was cheesy. I vaguely recall that episode. I didn't watch regularly but I remember thinking they looked like aliens.

Today's Monster of the Day is sure to terrify you with the horse he rode in on. Strangely enough, I first heard of this skinless scare-jocky a few days ago while watching, of all things, Halloween Bake Wars on the Food Network. It gives you some real food for thought. Behold the dreaded Nuckalavee!


The nuckalavee is a horse-like demon from Orcadian folklore that combines equine and human elements. The nuckelavee's breath was thought to wilt crops and sicken livestock, and the creature was held responsible for droughts and epidemics on land despite being predominantly a sea-dweller.


A graphic description of the nuckelavee as it appears on land was given by an islander who claimed to have had a confrontation with it, but accounts describing the details of the creature's appearance are inconsistent. In common with many other sea-monsters, it is unable to tolerate fresh water, therefore, those it is pursuing have only to cross a river or stream to be rid of it. The nuckelavee is kept in confinement during the summer months by the Mither o' the Sea, an ancient Orcadian spirit, and the only one able to control it.


The nuckelavee is a mythical sea-creature that appears as a horse-like demon when it ventures onto land. A unique and solitary creature possessing extensive evil powers, its malevolent behavior can influence events throughout the islands. Islanders were terrified of the monster and would not speak its name without immediately saying a prayer. It was often found in the vicinity of a beach but would never come ashore if it was raining.


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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:34 am

Ok, I see and that's great that you thought that PB :) Gosh, I never knew about the Nuckalavee but I do know them people up there in Europe and those countries have weird tales and even fetishes of skinless creatures :o

Okay, no Monster of the Day today but this...See that huge bird :?: That's a model of an Argentavis, a prehistoric Vulture that ruled the South long ago. I believe it still exists today and that it is known as The Thunderbird :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Oct 03, 2024 11:13 am

Ah yes, the thunderbirds are legend.

Today's monsters of the day take us to California for the Los Vigilantes Oscuros, otherwise known as the Dark Watchers.

The Dark Watchers are described as tall, sometimes giant-sized featureless dark silhouettes often adorned with brimmed hats or walking sticks. They are most often reported to be seen in the hours around twilight and dawn when the veil between worlds is said to be the weakest. They are said to motionlessly watch travelers from the horizon along the Santa Lucia Mountain Range. According to legend, no one has seen one up close and if someone were to approach them, they disappear


The Dark Watchers are most famously given a brief mention in John Steinbeck's "Flight", included in the 1938 collection of his short stories The Long Valley:

"Pepé looked suspiciously back every minute or so, and his eyes sought the tops of the ridges ahead. Once, on a white barren spur, he saw a black figure for a moment; but he looked quickly away, for it was one of the dark watchers. No one knew who the watchers were, nor where they lived, but it was better to ignore them and never to show interest in them. They did not bother one who stayed on the trail and minded his own business."


"Qui vigiles obscuros observat?"


So if you're ever in the Santa Lucia mountains be careful if you look up too long into the darkness for you might just find, the darkness looking back.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Oct 04, 2024 9:05 am

Yes, The Thunderbird is. UFOs isn't the only reason why I watch the skies :!: I don't really recall the Dark Watchers...those beings are something else :o

Okay, now this one is a bit different. I've always liked Ohio, a lot of it looks like St. Louis and the Cincinatti Red's stadium looks like the original Bush Stadium. Tonka & Kenner made their home there too. I don't know if you noticed of how much has been going on with Ohio over the last few years. The state's motto is "The Heart of it All". Last year we talked about The Loveland Frog. Well, here's this Top 10 video of Ohio's Monsters & Crypids :blaq:

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Oct 04, 2024 10:25 pm

Today's Monster of the Day takes us back up north, and trust me, she's a lot scarier than her name would lead you to believe...


The Gougou, also known as the Kuku, is one of the oldest Mi'kmaq legends in Canadian folklore. It is said to be a giant ogress that lives on Miscou Island, located in northeast New Brunswick in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It was mentioned by Samuel de Champlain when writing about his exploration to the area in 1603.

The Gougou is a kind of man-eating giant, usually (but not always) described as female. Gougou is so huge that she carries the people she catches in a bag over her shoulder the way human hunters carry rabbits. The Mi'kmaq name Kuku may derive from their word for "earthquake," kiwkw, since she is so large her footsteps shake the earth. According to some legends, Gougou is a sea monster covered in scales who preys mostly on people paddling canoes or walking along the beach. In other legends, Gougou lives in the mountains and is often mistaken for a boulder until it is too late.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Oct 05, 2024 5:12 am

I knew very little about the GouGou/the Kuku. That would be something to encounter a female being that large :o Good description there :)

Okay, to continue The Thunderbird here's this...


and this :blbat:

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Oct 05, 2024 9:51 am

Birds are dinosaurs, so it's plausible something like that could exist for so long.

Today's Monster of the Day takes us to a bridge in the hills of Kentucky where lurks the goatman known as the Pope Lick Monster...


Oh no, Pope Lick is the name of the road and creek on which the trestle bridge stands, a place where terror awaits those who goat, er go there...


Numerous urban legends exist about the creature's origins and the methods it employs to claim its victims. According to some accounts, the creature uses either hypnosis or voice mimicry to lure trespassers onto the trestle to meet their death before an oncoming train.[4] Other stories claim the monster jumps down from the trestle onto the roofs of cars passing beneath it. Yet other legends tell that it attacks its victims with a blood-stained axe and that the very sight of the creature is so unsettling that those who see it while walking across the high trestle are driven to leap off.


Other legends hold that the monster is a human-goat hybrid, and that it was a circus freak who vowed revenge after being mistreated. In one version, it is said the monster escaped after a train derailed on the trestle. Another version commonly told by locals of the area claims that the monster is really the twisted reincarnated form of a farmer who sacrificed goats in exchange for Satanic powers.


Legend or not, death seems to befall many who tempt the bridge. So be careful, for the results you seek just might be baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Oct 06, 2024 7:42 am

Oh yes, I've that before and I'm you think the same. In the 2000s when i was heavily studying Dinosaurs it took Me forever to convince My Grandma MiMi, My Mom & Auntie Wanda that Birds are modern Dinosaurs. I saw that are I mean their so similar in so many ways.

Oh yes, The Pope Lick Monster, I'm very familiar with that one :) Another version of The Goatman perhaps because The Goatman is originally in Maryland :shock:

Okay, here's this one...The Orang-Pendek :!:


Is The Orang-Pendekis a little/pygmy Sasquatch, a new ape, a real Hobbit or something else :?: This video goes deep, he even shows the video of Debbie Matyr who I've known for a long time as she is the one that truly made this story known :!:

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Oct 06, 2024 6:44 pm

I remember Destination X did an episode on tat creature several years ago.

For today's Monster of the Day we'll need to get high.


No, we ain't talking about the Devil's Lettuce, Snoop. We're talking high up into the Rockies where if you're not too careful, you might just find your death bolting down towards you.


The Slide-Rock Bolter is said to have caused great uneasiness amongst tourists visiting the mountains of Colorado. This fearsome animal uses the grab-hooks on its divided tail to latch onto the crest of a mountain or ridge. It will often remain motionless for days at a time, watching the gulch below for tourists or any other hapless creatures. Once it spots its prey it will lift its tail to release its hold on the crest. As gravity sends it barreling downhill, it drools grease from the corners of its mouth to increase the speed of its huge body. The Bolter scoops its victims into its mouth as it slides down. The accumulated speed will carry the Bolter up the next slope, where it will once again grasp the ridge with its tail and wait.


The Slide-Rock Bolter (Macrostoma saxiperrumptus) is a bizarre creature recounted by the lumberjacks of North America during the 19th and early 20th centuries. It is believed to live in the mountains of Colorado, but only on mountains where the slope is at an angle greater than 45 degrees. It has an immense head, small eyes, and a large mouth which is similar to a sculpin. Its tail ends in a fluke like a dolphin, with enormous grab-hooks.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it an avalanche? If you're in the Colorado Rockies, it's best to keep your head on a swivel, or you might just fall victim to this downhill demon bomber of the slopes.

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Oct 07, 2024 8:57 am

Okay, that is good. I actually really didn't know much of The Slide-Rock Bolter. That is an incredible Cryptid to say the least :shock:

No actual monster of the day because I just found this a mangy Canid, Coy-Dog or a new species :?:

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